The dates the 12th today. Of August. 2007. My last post was on the 31st of July. 2007. Thats 12 days. This post i'll list all my possessions. The things I own. I quite like owning things. I intend to own more things. What do you call a list of everything you own?
Computer with the following specs.....
AMD Sempron 2500+, 512mb ram, 256mb ram AGP 8x ATI video card, 560GB HDD Total Space consisting of 1x80GB, 1x160GB and 1x320GB HDD's, Asus DVD Writer and separate Gigabyte CD Writer, ATX case, DLink ADSL Modem, 17" Viewsonic Monitor E70f, Webcam. Cost to purchase: $1200 NZ Dollars.

Phillips FWm779 Mini System - 250W RMS x2 with WOOX and USB for computer. I can flick through songs and movies on playlists and also flick through different playlists, everything on the computer with the remote from this stereo and the titles of your mp3's display on the stereo also. Also. Neat. Cost to purchase: $430 NZ Dollars.
Ok thats 2 things so far that I own. This is a list of everything that I own. If you want me to own more stuff click the Paypal Donate button and give me money. I haven't received any donations yet. The dates the 12th today. Of August. 2007.
Domain names and both pointing to this website. Cost to purchase: $66 NZ Dollars. GameNZ Due for renewal Nov 07 and Moviez due March 08.
Fisher and Paykel Kelvinator Washing Machine. Bought 2nd Hand never used so far while owned by me. Reconditioned. Don't know model. Cost to purchase: $400 NZ Dollars.
Shacklock Fridge Freezer. Don't know model. Cost to purhcase: $400 NZ Dollars.
Kyocera KE 414 Cell phone PH: 64 27 2400 295. Cost to purchase: $100 NZ Dollars.
Phillips AJ1310 Digital Clock Radio. An Alarmclock. Cost to purhcase: Free.
1.5M by 1.5M Table\Computer desk. Cost to purhcase: Free.
5 Chairs - 3 foam ones and two fold out deck chairs. Cost to purhcase: Free.
2 x 2 seater Couches. Not very good. Cost to purhcase: Free.
A single bed. Cost to purhcase: Free.
A telemate 2.4ghz cordless landline phone. The battery goes flat after 30 mins of being off the charger. Cost to purhcase: $50 NZ Dollars.
5 Fin Oil Column Electric heater. Cost to purchase: Free.
30L Chilli Bin. Cost to purchase: Free.
Floor Standing 30cm Electric fan. Cost to purchase: Free.
Blankets, towels, sheets etc. Cost to purchase: Free.
6 Pairs of jeans. 3 x Levis. 1 x Lee. Few tops and shirts etc. 2 pairs of shoes. Cost to purhcase: $500 NZ Dollars.
Small coffee table. Cost to purhcase: Free.
2 x School bags - 1 backpack one and one big square carry one. Cost to purhcase: Free.
Cascade brand jug, Breville brand toaster and Ronson brand Toasted Sandwich maker. Cost to purhcase: Free.
Complete dinner set. 4x4 plates. Few glass glasses and my coffee mug. Cost to purhcase: Free.
Thats everything I own everything else is disposable really. Small stuff. Last though I also have...

Dick Smith Electronics Brand 21" TV which is small and you should now see why you need to instantly donate to me via the paypal button on this site and your creditcard. Incidentally the batteries in the remote went flat. A tv without a remotei is like why even have electricity. Cost to purhcase: $200 NZ Dollars.
Digitor Single Tray DVD Player. With Remote. Batteries work. Cost to purhcase: $100 NZ Dollars.
6 Head Hifi Stereo Magnavox Longplay video recorder. Working batteries remote. Cost to purhcase: $130 NZ Dollars.
Wobbly cabinet tv sits on with dvd and video below. Cost to purhcase: Free.
Also owned by me - Osama Bin Laden. All Your Terrorists Are Belong To Us. Cost to purhcase: Ring talkback radio station and yell war 2 days before September 11 attacks in America after having trained for a few years and predicting that you would do so. Free.
That is everything I own. Everything. Yup. Donate Today. Total cost for me to purchase everything listed above $3500 NZ Dollars. Current Value if I was to sell everything about $1500 NZ Dollars. I rent a house paying $85 dollars a wekk. It's noisy and sucks. Thats everything I own. Buy Me A House. The dates the 12th today.
Thanks for your time.
From Darcy.