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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Osama Bin Laden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Osama Bin Laden. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Rawkfist Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foot Krutch.
Rawkfist - Thousand Foot Krutch.

I've added a couple other songs of TFK before. This is yet another. I'm liking this band. Again this is one of my songs that my words feature in. Check it out. Rawkfist.

Darcy Lee

Monday, October 15, 2012

A letter from Kerre Woodham to Darcy Lee.

This is something that Kerre Woodham said in an email on the 30th of the September 2010 while ago. Kerre was the host of the talkback radio show I made my phone call to where I said "They don't think" 3 times, then yelled "WAR" as loud as I could over the phone as an alert and general warning, then finishing by saying "The Thing" "The Thing" then saying "arrrrggggghhhhhh suffering" predicting suffering.

This was all just 2 days before September 11th 2001 all live on radio talkback air.

The first email from Kerre reads:

Darcy, if you don't start taking your pills, I'm going to send the doctors round again. You're not well. No organisation keeps records for more than a year so even if you think you made the call, there will be no record of it. It's vanished into the ether. Google it, and you'll find out that's correct.

There is no record of any imagined call. Now take your pills and leave me alone or I'll get an outside agency to help you do so.

That was the first email.

The second email from Kerre reads

Right. That's it. You are now spam so I will never receive your emails again and I'm sending the doctors round. They'll be there in the morning.

This is evil

Not only do my phone calls exist somewhere for they are the base of many modern rock songs by such artists as RHCP, Linkin Park, Greenday, Eminem and that's just not something you delete but also she is denying the phone call outright.

Such fun i'm having living in poverty when I could be capitalising.  I really would like to see my original phone call on You Tube.  It does exist somewhere I know it.  I need a lawyer.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Probably not.  So I guess it's the end for me.  Dun Dun.


Darcy Lee

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Forum Post of the Truth.

I posted this post on but didn't get many replies.  I'll post it here on this webpage as it tells of the current struggle I am undergoing.  I'll post everything I wrote and also any replies I got.  You can find the original thread here it will probably make more sense to visit the link and read the thread.  Here is my original post:

Post Begins:

I was wondering if Ats could make a list on how to get the truth out. What to do. Like say you know something that's highly unbelievable but it's still the truth but because of it's nature no one believes you.

It's a fight.

Or say your fighting the government who want to cover up something. What should you do. How do you go about educating people about what the truth is and getting the truth out. Say your telling the truth without a lie. But yet no one believes you. What do you do then.

Say the government will actively oppose and hunt you and what you represent. I want people to post ideas about how to get people to believe the truth. If any are suitable I will attempt them. Suspend disbelief. The truth must be set free. (The truth will set you free). This is your mission.

Last night and the night before I tried ringing Newstalk ZB a NZ nationwide talkback show. The host off air asked me what I wanted to speak about and I said September 11th and myself. The hosts name was Bruce Russel. I read the first two sentences of the following letter I will post and he cut me off. I rang back the next night and as a joke for the host I guess I spent 45 minutes on hold only to be disconnected after being passed over many times. He had asked me off air my name again and what I wanted to speak about. I said the same thing I said the night before.... September 11th 2001 and myself.

So after being cut off for the second time I sent him this letter:

Letter begins:

The problem I have is belief. Not a soul believes me. This is the letter I was going to read out on your show last night. You obviously don’t want me on your show. You should save this letter. Many years might pass but it will be worth something as with anything I touch.

I’m a rockstar. I am huge. Not many people know it but you have probably been listening to and enjoying my songs. There was a flood of songs. From 2001 to 2009 I can name at least 15 songs by famous musicians with at least a minimum of 30% ranging to 100% of lyrics I created cameod in their songs just as I asked. Read this letter. It is 100% truth. I am not delusional. I am not lying. I am not making this up. I am a rockstar. I am bigger than any olympic athlete and any other NZer you can name past and present. I will be world famous. Some people have spent a lot of money on me. I am news. I am a celebrity. Treat me as you will.

Suspend disbelief, pretend for a second that what I have written here is the truth. When the truth comes out people will be rabid wolves to get an interview and my name will be a household fixture around the world. You have missed the opportunity of a lifetime to accept my call to your show. I must fight for the truth and make a stand. Every word I speak about being a Rockstar is the truth.

But alas you probably won’t even read this and like so many others will fail to believe. At the moment the system is failing me. No one is willing to accept the truth. Not even a lawyer will represent me. So where do I go. Again pretend that i’m telling the truth and that i’m not delusional. Again i’m telling the truth.

I’m sorry that i’m from the future and that I tell the truth without lie, falsehood or delusion. I am going to give my life for this truth. I’m sorry that you don’t believe and that you will be hurt when you learn the facts.

Here is the letter I was going to read on your show:

i wrote this about a month ago and im just going to read it out. It will take about 1min
to 1 min and a half. If I could just read it out and take questions afterwards if any. (This is where i got cut off).

Hi my name is (Not allowed to post name). You can find me at (My domain is my name), or just search in Google for ........ There's 8 letters in the spelling.

Over 10 years ago now, I made a phone call to Newstalk ZB. It was during Prime time talking to Kerre Woodham. As for my part of the phone conversation, some of the things I said included "they don't think" three times followed by yelling "WAR" and then commanding whoever was listening to stand up and be ready for war and fight. I laid my life on the line. I said in the phone call at the end "I lay my life on the line" for my beliefs and what I had just spoken.

2 days later planes hit the Twin Towers and Pentagon in America.

This might not seem amazing just telling you but to really understand you need to hear a copy
of the original phone call I made. Copies of this phone call exist. They are secret. You need to hear.

Are you interested in hearing more. See the thing is probably not. That's been basically
the reply I have gotten so far. You want proof. Proof being a copy of the phone call for
people to listen to.

Here’s where it gets really amazing. I really want people to come to the truth and believe.
I guess the importance of my original phone call has in someway been eclipsed.

After the planes hit the buildings I rang back Newstalk and in further phone calls I asked
for a reward. The reward was this:

That famous musicians, Rockstars, make songs out of things I said over air on Newstalk ZB.

And they did. What i'm saying is that the lyrics of songs by Eminem, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit,
Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Outkast, Sugababes, Greenday, and others are word for word things I
said over Newstalk ZB air just as I asked. Sometimes the whole song is me speaking, every
single lyric, others it's just the chorus and a couple of lines elsewhere in the song.

There are witnesses to the phone calls via the people who were listening to Newstalk when I
made them. One person rang up and said "O my God what a reward". Also I am positive that every
single phone call I made exists on a government hard drive somewhere. With your help we can
obtain these phone calls. I'm talking Freedom of Speech.

The thing is not one person believes me. The phone calls I made are being kept from me
and the secret still remains.

But like I said there were witnesses and even after 10 years they should still remember.

Now I hope this doesn’t cause any offense but I dedicated the original phone call to Ben Smart
and Olivia Hope don't know why but that murder affected me.

One of either Ben Smart or Olivia Hopes father rang up. I had mentioned telepathy in my
phone calls and he said that he had tried it on my advice.

I want to tell him that it's not biological, it's a machine the government possesses.

You want even more unbelief well here's goes. The government have the ability to insert
and extract images, thoughts, moving video pretty much anything you can see on a screen or
thats also been invented, into your mind head brain.

They can read your mind. I guess the father was looking for some closure trying telepathy on my word but with this machine he could find out if Scott Watson was actually guilty and could get images of the murder extracted from Scott Watsons head. This tech is going to change things.

This tech is also something no one believes but if I can prove the rockstar business people will then believe about this technology and I can prove this machine.

Before I could post the continuation as I had run out of characters someone called Destinyone posted here is that post:

Interesting story. You have my attention. Since you can't give your name, surely you can give the name of one of in you wrote and performed, songs. That I think would be legal.


Here is the continuation of my original post:

Letter continues:

They want to keep the rockstar issue undercover because I went nuts at them saying things
like America sucks and swearing at them lots when they showed me the machine and what it
can do to manipulate and control people who are totally unawares and how long I and others,
had been under it's power. This tech is ancient it's not new.

The government of America and NZ keep me underfoot.

But totally that is nothing. I want people to hear my phone call. The original where i
Yelled war. So they will believe. I want to post it on You Tube. ON the internet.

It deserves it's place on You Tube on the internet where it will garner many hits and people
from therein will believe my tale. Not to mention freedom and also freedom of speech and
what is the censorship of my phone calls.

All the pieces will fall into place one day and I shall be exalted but with the time frame
that the government is working on I shall be dead.

The government torture me because of these truths.

This is the truth the whole truth and not a lie. I am not delusional.

So how do I prove all this. There is more to the story of course. But probably more than
you can bare without proof.

Proof. Well copies of my phone calls exist. People who work or worked at Newstalk ZB
have some knowledge of events. Leyton smith. Kerre Woodham. I talked to them both.
Marcus lush. There were many people who rung up and responded to my calls. And there
had to be heaps of people listening.

Ultimately what I want from all this is simply original copies of my phone calls.
Mainly the original one where I yelled war to post on you tube to garner criticism and

I'm talking Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech and ultimately Freedom full stop.

People will be interested. People like proof.

I want my phone calls to put on You Tube. I predict millions of views and much controversy
and conspiracy.

My name is ........

Letter ends.

This letter tells the truth of what i'm trying to get out.

Please view this without insult and pretend to help me by giving me suggestions. Go for it with i'm telling the truth 100% and have not lied am not delusional and i'm not pretending. Every word is truth.

What would you do? I guess I will get no answer to the question as the truth is so easily trodden on beaten and ignored and passed over as false.

I'm just a whack job.... But i'm not lying. I'm telling the truth. I'm not delusional. I'm tortured yes and captive.

But i'm standing in the truth. Will I win. I can not change my story I will be a liar. I am fighting lies. Lies that cover, warp, hide and disguise the truth. What do I get for wording the truth. Do I have the higher ground? Am I stronger than those who lie and deceive?

Can and will the truth prevail and how long will it take? How much will I suffer and be persecuted and insulted?

Does truth beat lies? Or can lies beat truth anyday?

What are your beliefs?

Let me know and I will respond


That was the end of my post.  The next post from is from someone called Ophiuchus 13... Here is the post:

You await patiently for your PRAYERS telepathically sent to be answered by those who CAN DO SOMETHING here on EA*RTH who ARE the GOD(s) of this sphere. IN TURN THEY WILL COME  no need to go thru all the past fearing and sneak information sharing just PRAY, you never know how close they ARE to you/ALL of this sphere.


The next post in the thread was from me replying to Destinyone.  I embedded a couple of videos of the song Hey Ya by Outkast the original and one by Obidiah Parker a cover of Hey Ya.  Here is the post:

I would post the lyrics of exactly what I said but that would probably be frowned upon. I say about 80-90% of the lyrics in this song were first performed by me.

Some were just spoken sentences some were me singing but they chopped up everything I said over various phone calls and created songs like parrots.

The two different versions represent how things can be changed and converted.

Shake It Like A Polaroid Picture.......


The next post is by someone called Harryhaller here is the post:

Beauty will save the world

And so perhaps that old trinity of Truth and Good and Beauty is not just the formal outworn formula it used to seem to us during our heady, materialistic youth. If the crests of these three trees join together, as the investigators and explorers used to affirm, and if the too obvious, too straight branches of Truth and Good are crushed or amputated and cannot reach the light—yet perhaps the whimsical, unpredictable, unexpected branches of Beauty will make their way through and soar up to that very place and in this way perform the work of all three.

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

So make some more music, beautiful music.

The next post comes from someone called Aloysius the Gaul.  Here is the post:

Perhaps you could explain the sequence by which a couple of black guys from the US South managed to steal your lyrics from the obscurity of New Zealand?

The next post is me Replying to Aloysius the Gaul.  Here is the Post:

They didn't steal them. They were paid to include them. Somebody/people spent a whole tonne of money.

I had the USA Military ring up Newstalk ZB the radio station in regard to my phone call. In terms of obscurity my phone call garnered a reasonable amount of attention from around the world.

I simply asked over air and it was done. That's the sequence. I don't know much about the machinations behind the scenes which gave the final results. All I know is I remember what I said over air, and I can now look up the lyrics to songs and find myself through them.


The next post is from Aloysius the Gaul again.  Here is the post:

well someone must have "stolen" the words - do you have any theory WHY someone would PAY people to include your work, or why the US military is interested in song lyrics??  

and are you taking legal action for plagiarism????

The next post is from me again.  Post follows:

One possible theory of why someone would pay people to include things I said is to make money. I guess you could say that my original phone call 2 days b4 September 11th 2001 has been stolen. Also because no one is acknowledging the truth I guess you could say that my words have also been stolen. 

In saying that, some of my phone calls were quite BEAST. 

Another theory about why someone would pay people to include my words in songs is that my first phone call was pretty powerful and timed perfectly. It is weaponized from the beginning through and through. But again I think the main motivation was money. Weapons go with money. 

Maybe a bit of mercy on my part?? 

I have sent a letter to about 20 different lawyers explaining things and haven't gotten a reply. I'm running out of addresses to send emails to to get a lawyer. 

Saying that I need to use credit to get a lawyer like tick a whole lot of money and who does that? The thing is though I am prepared now to do just that. What an evil thing to have to do just to get my property. I will spent as much money as I can to see this through. I so desperately want a copy of the phone call where I yelled war as I know it will be huge on You Tube. Financially I live on a government benefit in a rented flat by myself. So financially the phone calls will be huge for me as well. But it means I don't have any money for a lawyer. 

The artists musicians initially have also used and given a lot of generosity in providing their talents, skills and personalities. 

The US MIlitary aren't interested in lyrics as such er I have trouble understanding what you mean could you please elaborate a little. I don't think the military had anything to do with creating the songs but they may have I don't know. The military were interested in my phone call where I yelled war. The lyrics were all my idea. 

I had the idea to get songs created from my childhood from my imaginations if I was ever to be around a terrorist attack in fashion. 

Eminem was the first song I saw of mine. I asked for Eminem by name over Newstalk ZB Air. That started the ball rolling. I can't remember how long it took for the first song to come out. 

I hope i have answered your questions. I'm not an eloquent speaker and i'm not to bright. Still it's all theories really. 

Please ask more questions. It's kind of a hassle but it must be done. I just want to get to the end where I have my property and the money. 

Im going to post a link to my alternative website. From there you can navigate to my main website if you so desire. I hope this doesn't break the terms of ATS and a mod can remove the link if so desired. 

PETROCKS This site will be developed into a Rock and Roll Site oneday far into the future.

And the final post in the thread is from me again complaining of why noone has taken any interest in the truth.  Here is the post:

So again the truth fails. I tell of an amazing story of WTC, Music and Virtual Reality all 100% real. I am not lying, I am not delusional. But this story no matter how amazing and how true doesn't get anywhere. Simply because it's to amazing and people are to primitive to even begin comprehension. 

Meanwhile stories that are fabricated and outright lies get acknowledged and get all the attention. 

I don't know how the songs were created and who is behind it but I know that they were. Someone spent some money to make it happen. 

Look here's an invite. You are invited to a Rock Concert. All you have to do is believe. The truth will set you free. This rock concert ties so many different musicians together. They are all related in the fact they use my words as lyrics. This all from September 11th 2001. 

You can be first and support me as the truth. You can acknowledge the facts. Or you can believe the lie. 

I know that what i'm saying is right up there with unbelievable but not really. Why. Because i'm telling the truth. The truth should expounded to be believed. I will be working hard in the back ground presenting this story to as many people as possible as it is the truth. People deserve the truth. 

I am blessed when people call me Skitzophrenic and delusional or a liar. I am blessed because I tell the truth. 

When I was at college there was a math problem in a book. Now i managed to work out the answer myself. Also in the back of the book was the answers. I worked it out by myself before looking at the answers and then confirmed it. The next day I told the answer to someone. They didn't believe that I had worked it out by myself. Also they had an older version of the book. Their book didn't have the answers in it. So not only did she not believe that I had worked it out but she also didn't believe that I had the answers in the back of my book and had confirmed it. I hadn't brought my book that day. See the thing is I had told the truth and she didn't believe any of it. It was a slap to the face. 

Anyone who will persist in the truth will find much opposition. But you are blessed. For although they mock you and call you all sorts of names you are yet correct. It is proper to suffer for what is right and vindication will be swift though death might first persist. I must endure to the end. Not deviating from the path, removing all obstacles as the power of the truth so enables. I stand not ashamed of the truth. 

So here I am again. Answering to the truth. Not maths this time. But a story of the truth that no one believes even though its true. If one has such a difficult time believing about a maths problem then how much more difficult to believe my story of Music 911 and VR. 

Now in regards to the copyrights of songs. If they're mine or proportionality mine then they will probably goto charity. This really is the only option. So I won't make much money off of the copyrights. The charity will have something to do with Immortality, Medicine and Virtual Reality. I can't really make money off them as it was 911 that set them up for me so it would be wrong I feel to make a few million dollars in that way. 

Saying that, I expect payment from the American government or the United Nations. Promptly asap. 

I have earned it. 

I tell the truth of a story of Music, Virtual Reality and September 11. People will remember 911 again when the truth about the songs gets accepted, when people hear my original phone call and that is finally known. 

So for now I am shopping for a lawyer. Though I am vs the govt so I don't think even a lawyer will help that much except to make me poor. 

I hope this is not soliciting but I have set up a site explaining my story and accepting donations towards a lawyer. I don't expect any donations though. Here is the LINK FOR YOU Mods please remove the link if it offends. 

But this is just another avenue to get to the end. I saw the link site on a post here at ATS. They had raised like 700k for a Nikola Tesla Museum. I hope to raise $20 bucks. 

My story just doesn't have that attraction. For a second imagine everything I say is real. How fantastical. How amazing. Beyond your average human to accept. Are you beyond average? 

I'm telling the truth. I am not lying. I am not deceived regarding this. 

Explain to me why the truth is not accepted. Explain to me why telling the truth gets you insulted and looked at as delusional. Explain to me this. 

Look the truth. But you don't want it. You can't handle it. You might be looking but your blind. If you don't believe me then you will never believe higher truth than this. 

Anyway thanks for your time I have 249 characters left. 



The truth will set you free. I am telling the truth. That is all. 

That was the last post in the thread before it died.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Moving House.

So I just found out today from the landlord that he's relocating this house off of the section to somewhere else. Basically this means I have to move house and have about 3 months to find some where else to live.

So yep the stress is already beginning. If but one thing I have had very cheap rent living where I have been living. I'm going to have to borrow bond and a few weeks rent in advance from WINZ (winz is people you deal with to get the dole) and i'll have to pay that back at $10 dollars a week, so that along with higher rent i'll have about $50-60 dollars less a week in disposable income.

Looks like hard times are about to set in. A whole raft of changes and new things. I totally wish I wasn't so poor. It makes things a million times harder. See if I was rich I could just buy a house and well with my current health retire.

So basically i'm left looking for the cheapest 1 bedroom house to rent in my town that I can find competing with everybody else who are also looking for the cheapest one bedroom house.

I'm guessing but so far no-one out there in internet land has been wanting to buy me a house yet. Not much prospect of me owning my own house ever. There is but one faint hope, they give me a copy of my phone call where I yelled war live on talkback radio 2 days before the Osama Bin Laden terrorist attacks in USA. But that's never going to happen. They could also pay me for the work I have done regarding this. I believe I have earned a house and retirement for the rest of my days at least. I have suffered immeasurably.

So yeah I have to move house. This will create some hardship. I will be poorer than I have ever been. If you would like to help then click the paypal button and you can give me some cash with your credit card. Like that's going to happen.

Anyway good bye

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is Dead.

So Osama Bin Laden is dead. This doesn't bode well for me. I've just been shutdown. I'm not allowed a copy of my phone call where I yelled war live on talkback radio 2 days before the 9/11 terrorist attacks in America. It was more than me just yelling war. I made a whole case and stated my life on it. So much for random ness.

Now with Osama Bin Laden dead people will have no interest what so ever in anything related to the American terrorist attacks. I guess there still will be interest in the terrorist attacks by fringe groups like conspiracy theorists, but not interest in this website like there should be if I actually had a copy of my recording.

It makes me angry that I don't have an unaltered copy of the recording to place on You Tube where it belongs to have a place in history. I had a video on you tube that reached 25,000 views and that was just a short windows movie maker video that was just text and my cell phone number. The point is it had 25,000 views after 3 years of being on You Tube so if I post a recording of my phone call where I yelled WAR I can expect similar sort of views even if it's not that popular and earns less than 25000 views then my phone call still deserves it's place in history up on you tube and on this website...

My phone call should be considered an important piece of American History. Not just American history but the internet history and world history. It should have it's place up on You Tube.

It should of been enquired of at the time as to what I was thinking. What motivated me to make the call. Why I said what I said. It should of been on the internet from the start. It's a shame that interest wasn't strong enough to give rise to an interview. To examine my mindset and gather much more of an insite into how I was working and what I was upto.

I really believe that my recording should have a place. It's been such a long time now. Nearly 10 years has passed since the attacks and i'm still going on about this. But you see I know a copy exists. The government or someone definately has a copy. It's a very mean thing that I haven't been given a copy to release to the internet for all to view.

I believe it would definately open doors. People would be interested in studying my phone call. Conspiracy theories would be formed. And the thing is there would be some truth to the conspiracy theories. Me making my phone call is not all innocent. It's not worth talking about unless I had a copy to present to everyone.

There's not much I can do to get a copy now. Absolutely no-one is listening. I'm to poor to afford a lawyer and shouldn't have to go that far anyway.

O well that's all from me now. Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama Bin Laden - Dead - Nearly 10 Year Hunt.

So as everyone is already aware USA has declared in a speech by president Barack Obama that Osama Bin Laden has been killed, is basically dead and now buried at sea.

I guess thats important to this blog. I've tried making it about Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda and terrorists. A little. I started out about 9/11 and it appears on every page in the top heading passage of my blog. I've tried making this website about my phone call to a talk back radio station and yelling war a couple days before the planes hit the buildings. But alas it's being covered up. To any point, I find it important enough to warrant that it should be on You Tube my phone call. For the General Publics view.

My phone call needs to be reviewed by everyone. Not just a select few. Also I would like to make money off this phone call. You Tube would definately allow this. The Internet would allow this. There should be enough interest if people could actually hear the recording. It could generate alot of interest in this website to the very least with hits coming in to view the recording of me yelling war and declaring a war 2 days before September 11th 2001 as a key theme.

This recording I believe still exists. People with alot of power have a copy. Can't fight that. Definately can't fight that.

People get tortured everyday. Can't fight that. People are hungry and starve. I don't go hungry but I don't eat the best foods. Just heat and eat stuff. And takeouts. Mmmm. I do have a rodent problem. I have pulled out about 12 mice from this house now. Trapped them in spring loaded traps night after night. Must be like 2 or 3 or more generations of them.

I'm getting fat waiting to be rich. I dream of having a home gym. Though reality is even if I had one I would still never use it and be just as fat. I also dream of having a home.

My phone call if I ever get a copy could earn me just enough to get a home of my own and would maybe provide me with an income source for the rest of my life. Albeit a little income. But maybe I would be famous as well a little. Internet Famous.

Enough saying. Nobody believes a word I say. It's because i'm not so healthy. Bit mental. But listen provide me with a copy of my phone call to upload to you tube and I could have a lot of fun. I am being denied alot of fun.

So my scripture this time is this which is totally unrelated to anything i've said:

3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3-4

Fun stuff.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

List of Everything I own Part 2

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was getting an inheritance from my Grandma. It came through just b4 Christmas about 6 months after her death.

In total I got $2000 NZ dollars exactly. Awesome. So i've spent some of it and i'll now add what I bought to the list of everything I own.

So far i've spent about $1400 dollars on a new computer. The remainder will be going on a video camera. If your shopping in New Zealand for a new computer and you know how to put them together by far the best place I would say to shop online is Pricespy lists the prices from many different retailers all round New Zealand so u can instantly see who has the cheapest price for any given product.

They only do computer parts and video cameras etc but they are worth checking out if your in the market.

So my computer spec now lists like this:

MSI K9A2 Platinum Motherboard: This motherboard supports an AMD processor using the FX chipset the top end chipset for amd processors. It has the ability to do Quad SLI thats four video cards linked together. Cost: $325.76 inc GST and courier fees.

AMD Quad Core Phenom 9500 2200mhz Processor: Speaks for itself. Quad core is realitively new, came out in about November 2007. Cost: $298.94 inc Gst.

2x 2gb DDR2-800 Dual Channel Kit (2x1gb): 4gb of ram 4x1gb chips dual channel for speed. Up from 512mb ram on my old machine. Cost: $169.47 inc Gst.

Gigabyte ATI Radeon HD 3850 512MB Video Card: An ok video card next time I would get two cheaper cards to run dual monitors as with only one video card you can only run both monitors at the max res of your video card so I can get 1024x768 on both monitors but thats it. With two video cards could run both monitors at much higher resolutions. 512mb ram is nice up from 256 mb on my old machine. Also got the game Neverwinter Nights 2 with the video card. Cost: $314.00 inc Gst.

Chimei CMV223d Monitor: 22" inchs of monitor. A million times better than my old 17" CRT. Games, browsing, videos everything is so cool. Cost: $343.37 inc Gst and courier.

Thats my new PC. Total cost was $1458.95 incl all courier fees. I bought everything from 3 different places so 3 courier fees.

$2000 dollars minus $1458.95 equals $541.05 left over. I also spent $31 dollars renewing my domain name for this website so thats $510.05.

I'm planning on buying a video camera with the last of the money. My options going from are the JVC Everio GZ-MG330 or JVC Everio GZ-MG335 both $629.00 or the older JVC Everio GZ-MG135 for $673.88 all New Zealand dollars. It will be a hard choice between them as the new models have only just been added in the last few days. All have a 30GB HDD for recording. The 135 has only a 680k ccd with the other two 800k so that proberly rules that one out because of lower image quality.

To make up the remainder of the money I need for the video camera I will be selling my old pc for about $160 dollars NZ.

Soon on May 11th 2008 I will be turning 30. Man i'm old. Yep. At the moment every month my phone bill adds about $10 in credit as i'm paying a little more than what I need to. Currently there is $60 dollars sitting there in credit. I plan on getting a new 500GB hdd for $135.00 NZ from pricespy again with the remainder being a 30th present from my mum cool hah. That will mean my new computer will have about a terrabyte of storage thats 1000gb.

So thats pretty much a list of all my new possesions from the $2000 I inherited. Thanks for your time.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

List of Everything I Own.

The dates the 12th today. Of August. 2007. My last post was on the 31st of July. 2007. Thats 12 days. This post i'll list all my possessions. The things I own. I quite like owning things. I intend to own more things. What do you call a list of everything you own?


Computer with the following specs.....

AMD Sempron 2500+, 512mb ram, 256mb ram AGP 8x ATI video card, 560GB HDD Total Space consisting of 1x80GB, 1x160GB and 1x320GB HDD's, Asus DVD Writer and separate Gigabyte CD Writer, ATX case, DLink ADSL Modem, 17" Viewsonic Monitor E70f, Webcam. Cost to purchase: $1200 NZ Dollars.

Phillips FWm779 Mini System - 250W RMS x2 with WOOX and USB for computer. I can flick through songs and movies on playlists and also flick through different playlists, everything on the computer with the remote from this stereo and the titles of your mp3's display on the stereo also. Also. Neat. Cost to purchase: $430 NZ Dollars.

Ok thats 2 things so far that I own. This is a list of everything that I own. If you want me to own more stuff click the Paypal Donate button and give me money. I haven't received any donations yet. The dates the 12th today. Of August. 2007.

Domain names and both pointing to this website. Cost to purchase: $66 NZ Dollars. GameNZ Due for renewal Nov 07 and Moviez due March 08.

Fisher and Paykel Kelvinator Washing Machine. Bought 2nd Hand never used so far while owned by me. Reconditioned. Don't know model. Cost to purchase: $400 NZ Dollars.

Shacklock Fridge Freezer. Don't know model. Cost to purhcase: $400 NZ Dollars.

Kyocera KE 414 Cell phone PH: 64 27 2400 295. Cost to purchase: $100 NZ Dollars.

Phillips AJ1310 Digital Clock Radio. An Alarmclock. Cost to purhcase: Free.

1.5M by 1.5M Table\Computer desk. Cost to purhcase: Free.

5 Chairs - 3 foam ones and two fold out deck chairs. Cost to purhcase: Free.

2 x 2 seater Couches. Not very good. Cost to purhcase: Free.

A single bed. Cost to purhcase: Free.

A telemate 2.4ghz cordless landline phone. The battery goes flat after 30 mins of being off the charger. Cost to purhcase: $50 NZ Dollars.

5 Fin Oil Column Electric heater. Cost to purchase: Free.

30L Chilli Bin. Cost to purchase: Free.

Floor Standing 30cm Electric fan. Cost to purchase: Free.

Blankets, towels, sheets etc. Cost to purchase: Free.

6 Pairs of jeans. 3 x Levis. 1 x Lee. Few tops and shirts etc. 2 pairs of shoes. Cost to purhcase: $500 NZ Dollars.

Small coffee table. Cost to purhcase: Free.

2 x School bags - 1 backpack one and one big square carry one. Cost to purhcase: Free.

Cascade brand jug, Breville brand toaster and Ronson brand Toasted Sandwich maker. Cost to purhcase: Free.

Complete dinner set. 4x4 plates. Few glass glasses and my coffee mug. Cost to purhcase: Free.

Thats everything I own everything else is disposable really. Small stuff. Last though I also have...

Dick Smith Electronics Brand 21" TV which is small and you should now see why you need to instantly donate to me via the paypal button on this site and your creditcard. Incidentally the batteries in the remote went flat. A tv without a remotei is like why even have electricity. Cost to purhcase: $200 NZ Dollars.

Digitor Single Tray DVD Player. With Remote. Batteries work. Cost to purhcase: $100 NZ Dollars.

6 Head Hifi Stereo Magnavox Longplay video recorder. Working batteries remote. Cost to purhcase: $130 NZ Dollars.

Wobbly cabinet tv sits on with dvd and video below. Cost to purhcase: Free.

Also owned by me - Osama Bin Laden. All Your Terrorists Are Belong To Us. Cost to purhcase: Ring talkback radio station and yell war 2 days before September 11 attacks in America after having trained for a few years and predicting that you would do so. Free.

That is everything I own. Everything. Yup. Donate Today. Total cost for me to purchase everything listed above $3500 NZ Dollars. Current Value if I was to sell everything about $1500 NZ Dollars. I rent a house paying $85 dollars a wekk. It's noisy and sucks. Thats everything I own. Buy Me A House. The dates the 12th today.

Thanks for your time.

From Darcy.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Secret Advanced Weapons Technology. SAWT. Or Not.

If I use my imagination perhaps I can invent some Secret Advanced Weapons Technology. If I claim me yelling war 2 days before September 11 was Secret Advanced Weapons Technology well that should do. I can't tell the truth actually about yelling war 2 days before 911. Do I have to accept most of the other opinions that I get that it wasn't important or no conspiracy or nothing less than nothing. It does make it secret.

Ok the truth is that i'm hurt. I guess I have to bow to the opinion of peers as to what the truth is. Current life in the universe is very incomplete. Me yelling war was nothing important. It wasn't a conspiracy. It wasn't powers. O wait. Secret Advanced Weapons Technology. (Just making this up as I go along).

FOR SALE. I have Secret Advanced Weapons Technology that I could sell some one government. Thats something about me yelling war. I yelled war. La la la la. It's obviously Secret Advanced Weapons Technology. Oi GOVERNMENT CAN I have some money. For Yelling War 2 days before World Trade Center and Pentagon. Oi GOVERNMENT. For the effort. The Secret Advanced Weapons Technology I have is. For Sale. Come on Governments you can do it.

If your a government asking what you get in return for money your paying for the Secret Advanced Weapons Technology i'm selling well I get a house and car and stereo and laptop and couch and 50" TV etc and you get to have less money and thats it. This Secret Advanced Weapons Technology is available to you the general public. Payments can be made by Paypal Credit Card by clicking the Paypal Donate Button. Of Course The Governments Read My Page.

From Darcy.

Friday, July 6, 2007

TOP SECRET and Reason Number 15 You Could Donate to Me.

So once upon a time one day, two days before September 11 2001 I yelled WAR on a talkback radio station program in New Zealand. Nothing important perhaps. I wrote a letter to the radio station seeking a copy of the phone call 4 years after the event. A website it could be. But no, it wasn't important enough to have a copy to give me. They don't have a copy they said. Now the truth be told it's obviously been deemed TOP SECRET. Obviously. Everyone at the radio station has been paid off. TOP SECRET. That or it actually wasn't important truth be told.

I can't get a copy. Do you think you should have a copy? Are you a conspiracy person. Can I make something out of nothing? Perhaps no self respecting conspiracy theorist should be without a copy.

Ow. Reason number ow 15 you could ow donate to me is, i'm in pain :( ow

Thats my thoughts for far today.

From Darcy.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

September 11. 911. Osama Bin Laden and Me. How I Made 1 Million NZ Dollars and Turned It Down. Reason 14 You Could Donate To Me.

September 11. 911. Osama Bin Laden and Me. Osama Bin Laden is really quite famous now. I see him mentioned in the latest Quentin Tarantino movie Grindhouse and he's mentioned all over the place. Seeing that he's really quite famous now I want to try and ride on some of that fame.

This is an email I have sent a few people trying to make some money. I looked up "rewards for Osama Bin Laden" in google and have sent this letter to see if i'm eligible for any reward. Osama has a $25 million dollar US bounty on him at the moment being offered by the USA Government. Here's the letter:

To whom it may concern:

So it all started one-day when I was about 11 years old. The local radio station in Masterton New Zealand where I live was doing a live broadcast from Solway Park which is Mastertons most flashy hotel. Our teacher grabbed three of us from school at 9.00am in the morning and took us to Solway Park. I was the first to go on the radio and somehow I thought that the dj was going to go round the three of us and ask us our names, anyway the dj asked me a question and I said my name, Darcy Lee. I never listened to the question to know what I should have said. Ok so afterwards the other kids were teasing me about it. The excuse I used was I was going to be around a terrorist attack and I was going to go back to the radio station to stop it. By saying my name I was storing power which I would claim later at the terrorist attack by returning to the radio with my name being a trigger in peoples subconscious. Sleepers. It was also like offering myself "Darcy Lee" with me stating "this is whats going to happen".

Ok so when I was 12 years old I went into this bird aviary that my dad had. I started to have this daydream with pictures. My insanity as a kid I guess. In the end the sum total of everything that I saw was that I was going to be around a terrorist attack which I couldn't stop but still had to try but that by being around the terrorist attack it would be greater than stopping it and was in effect stopping it. I still had to try and stop it, that was the sum but it said I wouldn't be able to, I would be around. From that day I practised everything I could about terrorists, and trying to stop an attack. Later at say about 15, 16 years old I discarded my daydream as just something but carried on about terrorists as to me it was the most likely thing that would affect the world. I practised trained alot. Things with the mind mostly, thoughts. Anything I could do with regards to war. I lived. I trained myself for war my own style since 12.

When I was about 19 I was walking home one night and had got to the point with chasing the terrorists that this was going to be the final run of things that I could do and that I had done everything I could do. A run is like refining and narrowing everything and being the best that you can be, becoming more skilled, I dunno a run. This was going to be my final run on terrorists as after this run there was nothing left to do. I'd been practising for years now. On my way home I got in a fight which basically opened total new areas in regards to the terrorists, a mountain of work, because of the fight. I had looked for the fight before though, ya know lurkers, in the style I use. Mind. Anyway I never completed my final run and new avenues got opened because of the fight. I now had more work regarding terrorists to be carried on with.

About 2 months before 9/11, me aged 23, was at Wespac Stadium in Wellington NZ. I used to get these lines come up in my eyesight sometimes but they were always just random. This time a big jet flew overhead and the lines came up and started following it. They had never done anything like this before. Because of the lines I knew exactly what they meant by the way they were acting and the first thing I said to myself exactly is "What the fuck do they want those for" they being bad guys. I then spent 5 minutes trying to think of things that they would want them for but didn't even come up with something like an ordinary Hijacking. This still was quite a major run on aircraft.

A couple of times I measured within myself independant of everything else I was doing. Question: Event that will affect world that I can have a play in. Answer: Terrorist attack. Question: Where. Answer: America.

When I left school I left because and said "Screw this here they come". I made many preparations in total regarding a t
errorist attack, always America. I did many things and trained alot.

So the ending is that 2 days before 9/11 I went on Newstalk ZB a nationwide NZ radio talkshow and said They Don't Think 3 times then yelled WAR at full volume made some attacks/stand against the terrorists got cut off and then 2 days later the planes hit the buildings.

I believe that you really need to hear the phone call I made to Newstalk ZB NZ before an opinion can be formed about it.

In the calls I made afterwards someone rang up because of and said "I've had enough" "I surrender" "I don't want to mess with this" they were frightened you could tell.

I just want to say again that I trained myself and then was around a terrorist attack as I said I would be in the place I said, radio station.

Thats the end of the letter. I mentioned 1 million NZ dollars and turning it down in the heading of this article. Well in one of the phone calls I made after the attacks I casually interjected "Can I have a Million Dollars". Someone rang up Newstalk ZB a little while later and said Yep i've got a million for you but don't know how to get it to you. I rang the station and rather stupidly turned it down. Because i'm dumb. Yes this dumb. Yes.

So anyways I would like to ride on the fame of Osama now, he's so famous. I could say I captured him or turned him in or something. Gimme some fame. No i'm not psychic.

Do you think I got the attention of America for like a second because that would be cool. Hello American Government Agents and Military who's attention I attracted all the way from NZ with a phone call to a radio station. Or not.

Reason 14 you could donate to me is because at the age of 23 I took on a group of international terrorists all by myself with a telephone and talkback radio show also which I had trained for. I guess I won't get the fame that Osama has and no-one cares. Can I have some fame? I'm a soldier hehe. Lee. Darcy Lee.

From Darcy

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