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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2015

Thousand Foot Krutch You Move To This Phenomenon.

Thousand Foot Krutch - You Move To This Phenomenon.

Been listening to this for the last couple days. Bit bored of it now buts it's still pretty cool and I like it. It's also one of my songs. The line "You Move To This Phenomenon" is me speaking. I was speaking about Jesus.

Don't know about Jesus anymore. I've done nothing but suffer and be tortured by other humans. All because of these songs. Before 2001 it was worse. I don't understand how humans can be so evil. None of the bible ever comes true. O death where is thy sting. Well death still survives to this day. People get tortured. Pain thrives. God does nothing.

God when are you going to change this world into something good. At the moment it's only evil. There is only suffering.

I'm tortured daily by humans. They mind control me with technology. They lord it over me. They won't give me any money to provide some comfort. They keep my phone call a secret.

The are vain and think ever so highly of themselves.

The bible does nothing though. Neither do Christians. No Christian believes my story so no action is taken.

I want some comfort.

I want some money.

I want to stop being mind controlled. I want the people behind it to be judged by the public for what they do. They mind control everyone. The laws they make put them above us.

They keep it secret.

No one believes.

God you suck. God your evil. You do nothing.

Jesus you suck. Your death which you could've avoided did nothing but give them something to mind control me with.

Religion sucks. It doesn't work. The cross has no power. Jesus has no power and is dead.

I need to die.

Jesus you are a liar.

2000 years of human suffering makes me believe Jesus is a liar. But to come to this conclusion yourself then you must suffer for like at least 5 years of the worst suffering imaginable.

Jesus doesn't save.

Jesus is evil. Jesus doesn't care.

Jesus teachings are evil. They are undecipherable. They provide no comfort in your pain. They only lead to madness.

The whole bible is a book of madness.

God is evil but more than likely doesn't exist.

What else can I say about God? Even right now the usual things that come up in my eyesight are coming up right now. These are mind control items. I am being mind controlled right now.

Nobody believes in this tech.

I hate God.

God has done no good in my life.

God is not good. God is not real. There are only evil humans like Hitler with no humans to oppose the evil. The evil goes unchecked.

I have for the last 17 years been tortured by humans. Even longer than that. They have mind controlled me all my life.

No Christian will accept me. They don't believe my words. My words about the tech and songs are truth. Yet no one acknowledges me.

God is not real. God is evil.

Christians are evil. They don't believe in their God. If they did they would believe me.

I hate God.

I hate Christians.

Not one person has believed me.

God does nothing. Nobody can hear his voice. In the face of absolute suffering for years on end God did nothing.

God your evil. You don't prove me wrong.

God show your face you coward. Stop hiding.

There are no weapons the average man has against the evil in the world. If your going to be tortured you will be tortured. No God will stop it.

When will I stop being tortured. When will I be believed. When will these men and women who have practiced mind control on me be brought to justice. Do you think they believe in your God?

They know there isn't a god. Their behavior exhibits what they believe. They torture people for fun

I am tortured for sport and fun.

You don't believe me. So they can carry on with out fear.

I need the people who do this to me to be punished.

Their laws can't possibly hold up under reality. If the people knew about them.

They break international war rules about torture.

I am a torture victim.

I have no scars and nobody believes me. Yet I am tortured by other men daily.

I believe the theory of God is evil and he doesn't exist.

But as long as men can do things in secret their will always be wrongs.

The darkness that these cockroaches hide in needs to be brought to the world

The world needs to know about this tech. This so others aren't tortured by it.

They are worse than Hitler these people. They are hardcore fascists. Nazis in true blood. Only armed with modern tech.

It is a war.

I am tortured as a prisoner.

I have done nothing wrong.

These people have made all the choices and decisions.

I asked for money everyday they watched me. I am destitute and poor.

These people have no heart. They have no mercy. They have given themselves to the way of evil.

They enjoy evil more than good. They practice it to get better at it.

I am very distressed at the moment.

God is no help. There is no help for me.

I want my freedom that is my right.

I want my rights that every human should have. The right not to be mind controlled and tortured.

These people think so highly of themselves. They call themselves God.

They treat everyone as underneath and below them.

They are not afraid. They have no fear.

So you Christian. When are you going to believe me.

I don't believe in your evil God anymore. He is evil. I have now endured more than Christ did  for a much longer period of time. Chirsts' suffering was over in a matter of hours. Mine went on at max level for 10 years. Then it stopped for like 6 months then the humans started right back at it. Now I have all new wounds.

All humans are evil.

I want my rights. I want the law to do me justice. They are breaking the law and they are from the Govt. Nobody cares about me.

I don't even have one comment on my website after like 8 years.

No body loves me.

To love me is to believe what I say.

From experience I can only go by. My experience is God never speaks to you. I haven't heard his voice. God doesn't fight for you. From experience God doesn't exist.

Men are evil. Men know that God doesn't exist and take advantage of  men that believe in God.

Why should I be tortured. I am innocent. I've done nothing criminal. They torture me now for pleasure.

They fail to understand pain as they have never known it.

I want the torture to stop.

When will the torture stop.

They make me angry. They mock and tease me with the tech.

They even can control what I type and make me speak out loud what and as I type.

They can see what I see hear what I hear. Who gave them permission.

We didn't. We make the laws. Not them.

They can't make a law that make me their slave.

I am a slave under law though.

They keep me as a slave. They treat me badly. Jesus is evil

I can't say how much I hate Jesus for all the suffering he has brought into my life.

Jesus you are not good. God you are not good either.

There is no one good. Not One.

These people need to have it taken off them. Permanently.

These people need to be mind controlled themselves.

They need their minds read and made public.

Something needs to be done. But you are evil.

You are evil as well.

You don't believe. You haven't suffered.

Until the truth comes out you are all evil.

You are evil with them.

You chose to believe them over me.

I hate God now. I have given God 37 years to do something. That's totally long enough.

God is useless in the face of human suffering and death.

God does nothing.

This tech seems much greater than god if it can control my every move.

What gives them the lawful right to make me their slave.

They are exactly the same people before 9/11 and after 9/11.

Nothing changed. The evil was allowed to live.

Evil must be killed and punished and tortured.

Lay your life down for me.

I hate God. I hate the world. I hate life.

You are not innocent. Nobody is. Please help me stop being tortured by other humans. Believe what I say. Maybe not about God but at least about the songs and about being tortured.

Noboby even believes I am being tortured. It's all in my head.

Well you shall mourn then.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Construction of the Truth

This is some random writings:
Matrix Movie Code.

I believe.

I don't know the truth. If I will know the truth and if the truth will set me free then I fall short of this mark.
I don't know how I became so dark. The whole world is dark. There are lights in the world. But these lights often are frail or fragile.

Perhaps Einstein was considered one of these lights. He's certainly famous.

At the moment without most peoples knowledge.

That last sentence sums up so many people. 

The Governments of the world force a type of darkness on the world.

It's simply not smart to force darkness.

I do wonder why this darkness is in place. I think fear is one reason. 

There is a black out on the truth. The darkness is used to the advantage. 

Because we lack knowledge we can be easily manipulated. 

What i'm saying is that thoughts images graphics can be inserted into your head. Your mind can be read. All wirelessly without a physical connection.

Some parts of the world are more wired than others. I think they need to chip you. But this can be in your food or water.

They can create anger and loss of self control. They use the darkness to test the limits of what they can do.
Neo Seeing The Matrix. It's not actually like this.

Most mock this technology and the people who speak about it. Things like tinfoil hats.

It's simply a brain computer interface. The MATRIX.

I am a prisoner in my own home.

I resisted them. I was going to be the one to reveal this technology. You would of believed my bank account. Instead i'm reduced to poverty and tormented now by this tech.

The world is in darkness.

There is technology that makes the matrix possible. They can make you dream.

The construction of the truth is created now by the super elite on high end computers inside a whole new world. A world inside your body. Alot of people are wired and don't know it. Farmed.

There is also possible darkness of truth about aliens. I imagine they think the worldearth would be terrified if they were to know about aliens. Some Govts of the world I believe have knowledge of Extra Terrestrials. There have been mentions of it through the Matrix which I am a part of.

This knowledge is in darkness. We need our minds made ready and expanded to hold this new information. 

Knowledge and information shape what we say and feel and do. 

If tomorrow you were to find out about the Matrix in full operation. Or your were to find out about Aliens. What would you say?

There is a ruling class. They look to dominate the world. Use the tech they have created in the dark to snatch away the world.

Many people are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. 

I am treated poorly. I have been the whole time. 
More Matrix Code.

I have been drugged now for 10 years.

It really brings me down thinking about it. These drugs are powerful mind altering substances.

I don't need their drugs. I should have a choice.

They are ruining my body and mind.

I'm an old man yet i'm only nearly 37. I told you these were random thoughts.

Anyway all you should know is that they know about aliens and are practicing right now with the Matrix. The world is kept in the dark over these things.

There must be a great multitude that they keep from people.

Is it evil do you think? To keep these secrets? 

Perhaps it is when its used to harm and injure and even farm people without consent.

The ruling elite are powerful.

They control the media. The media isn't interested in me yet I should be very popular as a celebrity.

I haven't had my day yet. It's not about me. It's about freedom. 

Still what is the purpose of withholding such valuable information that sets you free.

They create a system of slavery to Govt through laws that they set which they claim to even be above.

There is plenty of slavery in the world. Man is there evil. This darkness is a great cause of it. The darkness of the lie. The lie about Aliens and the lie about the Matrix.

Highly Recommend You Read The Bible.
But these things are yet small. 

Who can claim away God? The scientific do. 

We are in the dark about where we come from and where we are going and what lays ahead.

There could be great global trouble. We must prepare.

To be the least shocked as possible then all of the darkness must be lifted.

They must tell us about the MATRIX and about the ALIENS.

Artificial Intelligence this to.

This powers the MATRIX.

I'm not sure why i'm a target.

Darkness needs to be lifted.

In darkness we stumble.

The WORLD must know truth.

This post is calling the darkness that is created and the people behind it liars.

Liars don't enter heaven.

Perpetuation of a lie.

Leaving a trail of destruction and the World in darkness to be controlled by a super elite.

Justice must be done.

The DARKNESS must be over thrown.
World In Darkness.

Be prepared to suffer.

Nobody can be prepared.

But be aware that this is what most will do.

With this knowledge spend your time wisely.

I have spoken some truth here.

Most won't believe the matrix without experiencing it.

My September 11th 2001 phone call on YOUTUBE.

This is yet another smaller truth. The world also is kept in the darkness over this.

My phone call where I yelled "WAR" on live talkback radio 2 days before 911 in America. I basically gave blood in this phone call, well this phone call deserves it's place on YouTube as well

This phone call will gain millions of hits and be very popular.

Because of what it's related to it will change the world.

This phone call is truth and love.

Comment here if you want to change the world.

But the matrix seems to be more important for now. The matrix brain computer interface and Artificial Intelligence as I am subjected to these 24/7 for over 6 years now.

Read the story anyway by clicking the Osama link on the top left of this page.

Am I Lying or Delusional?
The WORLD is in darkness. The darkness is used to control you.

They will decide when you will know.

You won't believe until they tell you.

You won't believe me.

SO. Matrix. A.I. Aliens. PhoneCall.

That about sums it.

Sorry but someone will actually read this someday.

I can't save you. Jesus has failed me.

It's very hard to guide you in the dark as this post attempts to do.

Belief is the issue.

What do you Believe?

Monday, April 13, 2015

Madonna Ghost Town

Madonna - Ghost Town.

Got this on repeat at the moment. I only really like the chorus. Because it's Madonna and because i'm playing it right now on loop with my built in YouTube LOOP button, because of those things i'm adding it to Music 2. There's not quite enough here to go for Music I think. I do like he chorus though.

Ghosts are cool. I had a dream a few days ago and a voice in the dream said "Ghost Touch Me" I dunno if it was my voice or someone else. I think it was someone else though. I got kinda spooked out after that. It got kind of frightening and I woke up. What happened after Ghost Touch Me kinda freaked me out and I was scared in dream but I woke up not scared.

It was kinda like I was in hell and there was movement towards freedom like bands being loosed.

I always get the scary stuff. Now to randomize stuff a bit.

And the Scripture For The Day:

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

So I guess I'm not yet the possessor of perfect love and i'm being punished.

I fear lots sometimes.

There's much to be afraid of.

Being watched in your own home has moments.

There are people eating gravel. Been thinking about them. Also like meditating on celebrity or other famous or newsworthy deaths.

One death I recently stumbled on was the Ferrero Chocolate maker and Nutella maker Michele Ferrero who was 89. He invented Nutella and kinder surprise. He was worth 26 Billion.

I don't understand how you need to have so much wealth. Wouldn't it be better to feed people. There are plenty of poor people in the world.

Spend this wealth instead of locking it up and guarding it. Liquidize it. Keep enough to sustain yourself and spend the rest on the poor and needy. Alot of people can give out of their wealth who aren't. You can still live a high life. But you must consider the bottom. Without doing this you are truly missing the higher love.

The billionaires of the world don't need all that money.

I know i'm going to try and be frugal with my billions when I earn them.

I'm going to build a support network. Each Millionaire I create will be a pillar in my church temple.

I don't probably have long on this earth. Sad story. I could live another 30 years. But like everyone else i'm slowly heading towards death. I seem to be stuck at waiting for money.

While heading towards death it would be great to be set free by the truth. To not die. To end suffering and pain, death.

The bible predicts the end of Pain and Death. "LET ME STAND HERE".

Darcy Lee.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Timmy Trumpet & Savage - Freaks

Timmy Trumpet & Savage - Freaks.

Adding this song for the line "The Bass and Tweeters Make The Speakers Go To War." Don't have much interest in being a freak though.

Friend introduced me to this song Mr Byronian. It's ok this song. It gets a spot for taking music and speakers to WAR.

I'm in the same style. Waring through music. What have I accomplished really though. There's wars going on all over the planet. When the truth comes out about me and the great multitude of songs I cameo in will this have any impact on the poorest in the world. Knowledge of the truth should create a great fire. It is knowledge that is needed. But not only knowledge. Also truth. Truth spoken in Love.

I speak the truth silently. Nobody hears me. I am not great enough. I want to have an impact on the hungry. I after having suffered want to impact suffering and alleviate it. I think these are important areas to target. But I'm not smart. I need guidance. What are your ways? I'm keen to hear.

Religion is failing in medicine. It hasn't produced any medicine that works yet. This goes for Christianity as well. Your basically told to pray. Money can make a difference to people. I think we fail to understand suffering. Inflicting it on others shows immaturity. We need to grow more. Knowledge of suffering will soon enter our minds. Suffering needs to be overcome in my opinion and I believe this is the truth. Those who suffer are brave. Money can alleviate suffering.

I have pretty much given up most of my power. I have no power to bring about the truth. I never really had any power. Perhaps oneday I will have power and money and influence to make positive change. Until then the internet is all I have. I have rambled enough.

Darcy Lee

Friday, December 12, 2014

Scripture For The Day.

Romans 7:24-25

24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

I haven't really seen Jesus rescue anyone. I'm quite wretched. It's like I have Alzheimers or something. So now's the time Jesus.  Start saving people. Will Jesus be able to rescue me from this body that is subject to death. He hasn't rescued anyone else as far as we can tell.  There is always hope. Jesus I kinda need rescuing from this body which is subject to death.

So if your out there Jesus start rescuing us from these bodies which are subject to death.


Darcy Lee

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Ever Devised.

Video is 25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Ever Devised.

Just watched this.  Very scary.  Torture is still rampant and practiced today.  Jesus underwent torture. But what makes his torture any greater than anyone else?  He had supposedly never broken a law?  Is that enough?  He had never sinned?  But then you have to define sin.

I really don't understand how this torture can happen.  Suffering has to be wrong.  For anyone. I'm finding the bible doesn't really cover alot of things.  There has been so much suffering.  What does it achieve.

Had someone I know say that Jesus and his suffering actually made the world a worse place.  So like you can suffer and nothing good comes from it. Jesus bought the church with his suffering but in this persons opinion the world was worse off and would be better if Jesus had never suffered because of all the wars of religion that the church committed.

Really suffering is terrible.  We need the light of life perhaps.  A light so burning so hot and bright. A light so as not to stumble in the dark.  This life light will show all things.  It will show the value of life and lead people out of great darkness to peace and security.

I can't really say what the light of life looks light but perhaps it illuminates giving guidance making free and bringing liberty.  I hope to have such life.  Life in abundance.  Brighter than the sun.  Life brighter than the sun or any other source of light.

We still wait for this great light.

Darcy Lee

Friday, April 18, 2014

Why Don't Christians Have Powers?

This is another post I made to  The post is called  "How Come Christians Can't Do Spiritual Powers Miracles Signs Like Jesus Christ."  At the time of this post the thread has 36 posts and four flags.  This has been quite a popular thread for me.  Most of my threads die out before 20 posts.  But saying that I didn't get many flags of stars. Flags u get from other users for starting the thread.  They give the thread a flag if they like it and think it's important.  Stars u get for individual posts pretty much the same as flags but for everyone not just the thread starter.  Anyones post can be rated by stars.  Anyway here is the topic:

Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

The main power here is curing sick people. I would like to see people curing people. I think there is a lot of truth lacking. How sick can a person be and get well with someone placing their hands on them. It's not working. Priests go to hospitals to talk to the sick but the sick don't get better.

What are your suggestions for why it's not working? Maybe everyone is a sinner and there isn't even a single true believer alive yet. Perhaps we are waiting for the first believer.

If one person learned how to do it learned the truth he could teach others. But at the moment the world is stuck. The power is not working.

Lets take a head count? Who here can place there hands on someone and heal them? Is it such a bad thing to practice? Prayer seems to have failed as well.

If death is the enemy death is kicking ass. Will knowledge defeat death? What is your answer. I would take a Christian anyday over someone who doesn't even want to fight death and is happy to just die. Christians are at least active in the battle against death. They see death as an enemy. This is correct.

Immortality is definitely something to desire. A pain free struggle free tear free existence would be wonderful and that's exactly how I imagine Eternal Life.

But I also imagine Eternal Life with powers. Like the ability to walk on water or feed 5000 from a couple loaves of bread. Turn water into wine. And also to do greater things than these.

What is your definition of talking in new tongues?

Could there be a science to the laying on of hands? Perhaps the power is a responsibility. What is the key to unlocking the mystery of curing the sick by the laying of on hands. I know it's practised but it doesn't work at the moment.

I'm not sure I believe in Demons but I know that many people get pleasure out of doing evil to others and live as friends of death. There is plenty and much evil in the world. People can be very evil and I simply don't know what the answer is.

I'm sorry for boring you. I live in a fantasy world where we should all have powers and there shouldn't be any death or evil. I would like to see powers established in this world.

I guess so many have tried and failed and so many say it's impossible that there's not much point in thinking about it. My hope wains.

What do you think. Lots of people claim to have powers of some type but generally they don't and they are liars or delusional or small in mind.

What does a well built house consist of? Is it just enough to get to 80 and then die. This is a mystery. It's pretty difficult to get to 80 years of age. If your sick your generally suffering. I would like to see this suffering become a thing of the the past.

Even in the huge church gatherings where there's like 20k people no one actually gets healed. We all copy each other. Perhaps this is the problem. We copy someone who doesn't know what they are doing.

How does the laying on of hands actually work? Does it require words or prayer? Give your instructions on how to lay your hands on someone and heal them.

I mean how hard can it be. You put your hands on someone and hey presto. Yep nope. Guess it doesn't work.

I guess I have to move my beliefs about Jesus beliefs into the either to hard or don't believe basket. It's kind of like a myth or legend the bible so hard to believe. I'm pretty sure Jesus existed and that he was crucified and died a horrible death. But the resurrection is pretty tough to believe in.

Jesus is the owner of the church.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Jesus Christ has had 2000 years and hasn't produced many results. Who believes in the above scripture. Perhaps you can explain your belief in it.

Many people call on the name of Jesus Christ. I would like to see results.

I mean the church is massive. It has heaps of different branches and millions of members. But it's not working. People go every Sunday but no power is produced.

I guess I don't believe in Jesus. I'm sorry that I don't. I can believe in powers which means I can believe Jesus had them. But I have no powers myself.

I desire immortality and heaven. There is no evidence for Jesus other than people with no power.

If you do the things that Jesus did then you would be famous instantly. Knowledge of the lord would fill the whole earth.

Show me the Love. I don't sense any love. It's so very hard to see love in this darkness. Do you have any love for me?

What are your opinions. How far away are we from having powers? I guess science and tech will be the answer.

What abilities do you have? If you had powers the Govt would snaffle you right quick.

Am I dreaming about powers? What sort of power is love?

Sorry again for boring you.

Answer yourself.


That's the end.  You can find the thread here and read the replies.  I post under the name Leeda.  If you go to ATS and click my name it will show you all the threads I have authored over the last few years.

Thanks for reading

Darcy Lee

Friday, March 21, 2014

Asking For a Revelation About Jesus Christ.

This is another thread I created on entitled "Asking For a Revelation".  In the thread I ask what Jesus meant when he said eat my flesh and drink my blood and being born again.  I'm still in the dark as I guess no one really knows.  Anyhow here is the thread:

Are you able to provide for me a revelation about Jesus? Like this. What did he mean when he said eat my flesh drink my blood? How do you eat his flesh and drink his blood. I thought of it as telepathy for a while. Genetic coding. But it could be anything. This is why i'm asking for a revelation. I don't know what Jesus meant, would have me do and how to solve the problem

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. So in this case something is passed passing from me to you in trade. Jesus words are his flesh and blood perhaps, the words of his that are printed in the bible, these words are pretty much all we know about him. So words passed in unique combination in this code we call language have the ability to help others or destroy.

John 6:63 The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life. Jesus said this. How do you capitalize on Jesus and the words he spokie and get maximum life and spirit out of them? Jesus words are pretty much still a riddle and total mystery. This is why I do discuss them when others talk about science. Why is Jesus and his beliefs any different than Tane the Maori God of forest and birds. Need your revelation on this as well. Hitler was able to get people to follow him. I'm finding it more absurd to believe in Jesus without some kind of revelation that sweeps the world. I need more stories of Jesus from people. If I am to imitate Jesus then these words of mine also contain life and spirit though not on the scale of Jesus probably. There is the power of life and death in the tongue, in these words I speak and your response.

So what is your revelation of LOVE that you communicating. I think often as we try and help others the first thing we should be doing is trying to help ourselves. We are weak. Did you know we are in the dark. We don't know very much. We are in the dark over so many things. Scrambling around bumping into each other imitating and copying each other but no one really knows. All the big secrets are just that. Secrets. Things that would provide light are hidden away.

We all operate in the dark. We think in the dark. If you are able to communicate to me a solved piece of the puzzle then this is good for me and possibly I can trade you for a puzzle piece that I have solved of equivalent value and this will create work for both of us but probably not. I'm looking to gain from this post in some way. Gain something. Hopefully life. I'm a little short on love and life at the moment.

I'm also looking for charity as I am a charity case. Not money or material items but items of other trade like words and thoughts and feelings anything charity wise you want to post. Charity me a post in this thread or a star and flag. Charity me with your generosity.

What is something you want to write about? This thread is pretty much open. Is it only God who can bring revelation?

I struggle with Jesus because of Noahs Ark, and repopulating every animal from only 2 of a kind and us all being related to noah. Also Jonah in the whale seems a bit absurd. Moses and a couple million people wandering the desert also seems a bit far fetched. Jesus actually uses Noah when he says it will be just like in the days of Noah at the second coming.

I have trouble believing in Jesus yet some part of me still fights for him even though it's so far way out. I really like his sayings. I like Good. The new testament has become like a Tolkien Epic for me.

Everything comes to a dead end. All I can predict for myself is like others before me I will die. Perhaps there is a way to solve this. This seems to be a core effect of what Jesus was trying to achieve. Jesus fought death and came to bring immortality.

I'm looking for revelation and charity, knowledge would be nice also as would any gains or benefits. How bout proof of love? Do you love me? Perhaps you could demonstrate LOVE for me so I can imitate and incorporate. Does anybody really love? I dunno?

What would you tell your kids as there growing up? What would you tell your father or mother? What would you tell me?

Beware the pain, suffering, misery. Beware. Plan and practice for it is greater than you know. Humans have the potential to suffer ever so greatly. Pretty much practically everyone underestimates just how great pain can be. This is my trade to you. Involve your thinking more about suffering. If you do actually suffer this thinking could possibly help you.

One thing. If your in pain let people know. Don't let them write it off as something else like schizophrenia or anything other than you are in pain a wrong diagnosis could stick with you all your life. Tell them forcefully about how you are in pain.

The pain can be kind of hard to locate exactly where it is in the body but keep telling them. Demand drugs to mask the pain and when in better feeling try and help the doctor to find where the pain is. Get xrays and whatever other scans available.

No one actually cared that I was in pain. I pretty much shut up about it. It was extreme always on for 10 years. You have just underestimated pain again and weren't even in the ballpark.

Check your diet. It may help to eat better and different foods. I ate poorly as finances were an issue.

Anyway what did Jesus mean when he said eat my flesh drink my blood. Also What did he mean when he said you must be born again. That's another riddle and mystery Scooby. What is your revelation?

Sorry to have bored you.


So that's my thread about Jesus asking for a revelation.  I didn't get one.  It's highly likely that Jesus is a fake. It's hard to say if he did miracles and was raised from the dead.  There is no proof.  I would like to believe in the works of Jesus like feeding 5000 people, walking on water, resurrecting people from the dead but they seem pretty much a myth now.  Nothing has happened in 2000 years and we all still suffer.

I would like to believe in Jesus as the New Testament has become like a Tolkien Epic to me but I struggle to believe because of Noahs ark which in literal form seems impossible but yet Jesus says that his coming will be just like the days of Noah.  Also Jonah in the whale, I don't believe that either.  Moses I can possibly believe but parting the seas would be difficult.  

The whole bible and Jesus thing seems like a great big myth and legend.  The world surely does not know God if he exists.  God hasn't saved me ever from anything.  I haven't had any contact with God that I can recognise.  I think that I have to come to the conclusion that Jesus resurrection is a myth that can't be proved.  

I do love the bible though mostly the new testament. I love Jesus teachings they are awesome.  The thing is Jesus probably did actually walk the earth and died a horrible death and suffered majorly.  To bear the suffering that Jesus probably did is surely a hard thing that not many can do.  

I love the new testament bible but I can't as yet believe the story that the churches propagate. 2000 years after events there is very little proof, evidence or facts of exactly what happened.  It's really upto God to prove himself.  I have tried but failed.  I can no longer think clearly enough to try and understand really.  

So yeah I don't really believe in Jesus but I try to.  I find some of the attempts of other christians to convert people into belief hilarious and very amusing.  Some of the beliefs generated from the bible are so dumb but yet people still hold to there beliefs.  Like the earth being 6000 years old.  The bible says the world in it's wisdom didn't know God.  There is only a small possibility that God exists.  I have looked into it and don't see the actions of Jesus in my day to day living.  I wish he were true but it seems not.  So yeah I don't really believe as much as I would like to.  The truth will set you free I believe this and would love to know the truth about everything and anything all truth all the time.  Buy the truth and do not sell it.

Anyway enough from me.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

For People Who Use The Bible and Run a Blog or Website.

The Truth Shall Make You Free.
Today I found a neat application for my website.  It's just a bit of code you copy and paste in but what it does is display scripture from the bible when you hover the mouse over the link it creates, this is whenever  your quoting chapter and verse.  eg, John 8:36 If you hover your mouse over that link you should be able to see what the scripture is.  Here's another one.  John 8:32

Not that i'm a Christian but occasionally I've quoted scripture so it's nice to have it linked and that in the future I won't have to type out the whole scripture just the chapter and verse.  You could add this to your website if you want to also, goto  there's also a link when you hover over the scripture that will take you there as well.

Jesus died a horrible and painful death.  John 15:13  No Greater Love.  Not many men could endure such a death.  Jesus chose to lay down his life so that he could take it up again.  John 10:18  I don't know his reasons.  Was it because we were trapped in sin and he needed to die to set us free, to pay the price.

So how do we partake in the resurrection power, or did Jesus not come back.  What's your opinion.  Did Jesus preform miracles.  Why can't we imitate and copy and preform them, the same miracles Jesus did, today.  Jesus himself said we will do the same and even greater things than him. John 14:12

Christians talk a lot about faith.  They need to focus on the primary.  Which is love.  Faith is nothing without love.  If you introduce somebody to Christianity introduce them to love. 1 Corinthians 13:2

If for all else forsake faith and stay with love.  Let's see there's Love thy neighbor as yourself.  Mark 12:31  Love your enemies.  Matthew 5:44  And finally of course Love God.  Matthew 22:37

1 Peter 4:8
What are we supposed to hate?  Or how do we go about hating?  Are we to have any hate at all?  Christians also talk about forgiveness of sins a lot to, they use the word forgiveness and attempt to forgive when they should be trying to love.  But again it comes back to love.  1 Peter 4:8

So I prescribe more love as DR Lee.  (My full name is Darcy Robert Lee, that makes my initials D R Lee or Doctor Lee).

The word love needs to be used instead of forgiveness and faith.  You can drop those for all I care.

I don't know much about Christianity but I try to practice love.  It's hard when you have the sickness.  I make for some poor decisions.  Love has to grow and get power and use that power.

The world is lacking power.  The kingdom of heaven is a kingdom of power but also not just a matter of talk.  1 Corinthians 4:20  I think by Jesus coming to earth power was able to reach places, dark places, that lacked the most power of all, light out of darkness.  Jesus was a friend of sinners.  His disciples were power producers and containers and vessels and they produced power.  Each disciple of the 12 were unique and they operated as a unit or body all in all aiding each other to produce power.  Jesus put a seed in each disciple and this developed power for the use of Jesus.  Each disciple had a power producing foundation in him that Jesus put there.

One theory I have going is that power that we would use to live a higher more abundant love filled life is being siphoned off.  Enough to keep us in darkness and the power that's siphoned is being used to sustain others lives who live the high life.  Like devils and stuff, they suck our power.  Not that devils are real.  We lack power.

I love story's.

Evil has no way of generating it's own power, it's soul or battery so to speak has been destroyed or it never had one.  It's a parasite and lives by sucking the power out of the world which blinds and deafens men and women.

I don't have any solutions to this theory.  Maybe we could produce more power and use power more efficiently some how, more power than the devil can burn off.  Power can beget power.  So spending expending power wisely to generate more power could help.  Power needs to reach the right places to loosen bonds and set people free, freeing up more power which can then be invested.  Jesus invested power in us maybe.

Matthew 19:24
Technology could possibly help.  I don't know if tech is the way though.  Magic miraculous powers seem the way to me but that's probably not going to happen.  Christ had this going on.  But it's unconfirmed.  When Christians talk about believe again instead use the word love.  Also Christ talks about how hard it is for a rich man to enter heaven which is kind of money is tech way.  Matthew 19:24

We could maybe taint the power that's being siphoned with love so it drives the evil nuts and it can't efficiently use the power.  Like maybe lock the power with love of some kind somehow.  Set a standard for the power to be at a certain level before it's able to be consumed.  But how do you do that.  Silly talk really.

What is power.  Do humans have power.  I wonder.

Because of the darkness we live in and under, because our minds are blind we barely make enough power for our daily needs.  Little by little as time progresses people slowly become freer I hope and think.  Little by little, day by day we produce a little more power which gets reinvested in acquiring a little more freedom and are each day a little more free.

Here it is, off topic, but here it is.

I'll never be free.  Other humans enslave me.  And i'm supposed to love. I have very little or no power.  I also have very little or no love.  Slavery sucks.  I don't think God is real.  So there's really no one to save me.  No even believes me in the first standard.  Woe is me.  I'm tortured and mocked and punished. Woe is me.  Crying out to God helps no one.

Revelation 21:4
One day there will be no more Death, Mourning Crying or Pain.  Revelation 21:4

Knowledge of God would set the world on fire.  It would spread faster than the speed of light.  I believe the world lacks knowledge of Jesus and God.  Knowledge of God would spread faster than anything.  We lack this knowledge.

The Holy Ghost has unlimited power to give us.  But we can become immune to that power.  Markers and placers need to be set to moderate intake of power.  You can use unlimited power more efficiently.  One person with unlimited power can do greater things than another with unlimited power.  They are using it better.  The devil probably has unlimited power as well.  But it's how he's built his house to enable and take advantage of that power and produce and tap into the power in the first place.  Maybe the devils power has a limit and isn't unlimited like God's I dunno.  The Devil has kept pace with God for a while but eventually God should pull ahead and leave the Devil in his dust.  With each day the Devil grows weaker and God and us grow stronger.

Cool Story Bro.

Power should maybe be reserved for suffering and hard times if power can be reserved activate and use it then.  Bawahahah.  Your a loon.

Darcy Lee

Friday, February 3, 2012

Believing Before Seeing.

Hello. It's been a while since I posted. Can't say much has changed. I still require money. Not that asking on the internet is going to get me any money. But you never know. I'm getting more traffic, hits, visits now adays to this site than when I first started blogging. Still not many really though. More hits means more chance of someone donating or money from sponsored ads.

I wonder if I make sense when I say virtual reality, 3D Spatial pictures, images, text inside your head mind brain eyes technology exists today in a ready to use format in the field. Full augmentation. This is only amazing if you have had experience with the technology. It's so amazing it's secret. You wanted to know something secret well i've told you. The new frontier is inside the human mind. Man landed on the moon and everyone watched. Well this is Virtual Reality Pictures in Your Head. It's secret. Nobody knows. The technology to put a picture in your head eyes mind brain now exists.

What do you believe. Failure to believe in this technology could be dangerous, disastrous, hazardous hehe. You have an early warning upon reading this. When this technology hits there will probably be a flood of demand and more than a few scared people.

I can't say much more. Your thoughts are valuable objects that can be tracked with a computer.

Virtual Reality sounds awesome. This Tech is Real. Pictures in your Head Mind Brain Eyes. Are you ready to believe before the tech comes out. To believe before seeing on what little information I can provide. You should. Muwahaha.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Confer, Money, House.

So fail. And more fail. My life is pretty much fail. Tortured everyday. Yay.

My auction on Trademe for failed. No one placed a bid. I did get 600+ views on the auction though. That's pretty good for a domain auction on Trademe. You can find the auction Here.

Think I will give up on trying to sell domain names now. Trademe is like $20 dollars to place an advert. Just too expensive. I do suppose that it stops all the rubbish domains from being listed but it should be cheaper like $5 dollars. I have an account with which is a domain selling place but not having much luck there either. Not that I know how to choose a domain that will sell anyway. I guess the bubble burst along time ago.

So anyways I now have diverting to this site, i'll keep it until it expires which is in just under a years time.

So in analysing my fails. This site doesn't get enough traffic. Either from Google or from other sites that link to this site. In fact not many sites link to my page. This is why i'm not getting any traffic I believe. Also there's something not right with the things I write, the way I write. I'm not all together with it in the head. So the quality of my writing is not up there with everyone else.

I've tried getting links from other websites but yeah fail. I don't know how to build quality links that will raise my rankings in google. The links i wish could even be of the quality of providing traffic in them selves as i have seen with some people linking. They get hits from when other sites who have been found in google.

This blog only generates between 1 and 10 hits a day. My which has less links and way less content generates between 5-15 hits a day. Solely from google, simply because I have high ranking for the term Pet Rocks For Sale.

At the moment from google (not that anyone cares but i'm writing to fill space to look cool and to make this blog lived in) at the moment from google the top two pages that get results are my bill gates house and slash his email address page and now from not so long ago my gpuz page of my new video card, both pages can be found Here and Here ... Both these pages show up in google for search terms relative to them.

Using Google Webmaster tools I am ranked highly for the word donate. I don't know how to move on from that. I like to ask for money. Money is another word i'm highly ranked for. There are 333 occurrences of donate on this website according to the tools. Money occurs 291 times. House is 3rd at 215 times. So Donate Money House. Top ranking words of this website.

The next top ranking words are:

4. Reality 196 times
5. Technology 196 times
6. Virtual 184 times
7. World (2 Variants) 152 times
8. New (2 Variants) 151 times
9. Darcy 141 times
10. Lee 136 times
11. Gates 135 times
12. Government 126 times
13. Dollar (2 Variants) 122 times
14. September 121 times
15. Bill (2 Variants) 117 times

K so lets analyse this a little. I don't want to say donate so much. There must be other ways of saying giver your money to me please. One word is gift. Please gift your money to me. I don't have good reasons why you should gift your money other than i'm poor and am sick enough to not be able to work for the rest of my life. My writing styles show I am poorly educated as well so don't have many opportunities . How was that?? Asking for money without the word donate?

I looked up donate in a thesaurus here's what i got.

Main Entry: Donate
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: Make a gift of
Synonyms: accord, ante up, award, bequeath, bestow, chip in, confer, contribute, devote, do one's part, dole out, feed the kitty, get in the act, give, give away, grant, hand out, lay on, pass the hat, present, provide, subscribe, sweeten the pot.

So there's a few words I can use to get someone to dole out and sweeten the pot. Here are some more words you may be interested in if you are starting a chip in, feed the kitty donate website.

This is for the word Distribute: Administer, allot, apportion, appropriate, assign, bestow,circulate, consign, convey, cut up, deal, deal out, diffuse, disburse, dish out, dispense, disperse, dispose, disseminate, divide, divvy up, dole out, donate, endow, fork out, give, give away, handout, issue, lot out, measure out, mete, parcel, partition, pass out, pay out, present, prorate, radiate, ration, scatter, share, shell out, slice, sow, strew.

This is for the word Give: Contribute, Supply, transfer, accord, administer, allow, ante up, award, bequeath, besow, cede, come across, commit, confer, consign, convey, deed, deliver, dish out, dispense, dispose of, dole out, endow, entrust, fork over, furnish, gift, grant, hand down, hand out, hand over, heap upon, lavish upon, lay upon, lease, let have, make over, parcel out, part with, pass down ,pass out, permit, pony up, present, provide, relinquish, remit, sell, shell out, subsidize, throw in, tip, transmit, turn over, vouchsafe, will.

So if anyone would like to contribute and throw in some money they can by clicking the paypal button that is all over this page. No one has ever awarded me with their money in nearly 5 years of working on the internets. (Awarded originally said donated until I changed the construction).

See what I did there, I used contribute and throw in instead of donate. Much cooler than using the word donate for probably now the 340th time. I wonder if the Internets will ever payout to me?

I want the word Technology and other words. This blog isn't so much about consumer technology but secret technology that the government possesses. Virtual Reality Technology. Pictures in your head. Psychologists will call you schizophrenic. But any way the technology exists. I don't have much to write about this technology. I can't think of anything that would be important. The idea that you will have a headset is not new but the headset will be using your brain as a medium to receive the pictures not just to have a small screen infront of your eyes. Probably you won't even need a headset. Everything will be wireless. Pictures in your head technology. Wirelessly. The technology is real I can't stress this enough. It can definately be used to manipulate and control. You don't want to be an enemy of the people behind this technology as I am. I am there enemy. They don't like me. That's why I don't know much about the technology.

Things I know. They can send a picture/video directly into your head/brain/eyesight. A video, a computer image, it can be anything. Think porn. Inside you. Just like a dream except fully awake except generated by computer. This is the power they have. Some of the uses they have developed. They can see what you see and overlay information and graphics. No longer do they have to plant cameras in your house. You can be the camera. Your very own eyesight can now be a camera. People completely deny the existence of this technology and get angry and upset. Most people simply won't believe you.
So on that note i'll finish with a scripture from the King James Bible. I'm going to quote a few scripures in posts to draw in a few christians. I'm an agnostic athiest myself. Matthew 12:34-37

34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. 35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. 36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. 37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

There ya go one boring scripture. I like the part "For out of the abundance of the heart of the mouth speaketh".

So it's like every word you say comes from having an abundance in your heart. If you have good in your heart then your words are good. I want good words/treasure to bring forth good things from. I'm low on treasure. If you studied at school. Thats like treasure. A resource. The ideas concepts you learned at school/university from our jobs interactions with people flow from our hearts maybe and whatever a heart is. My heart has not much an abundance of good words or treasure though there are plenty of words on this page. I'll try and remember to quote a few scriptures during or at the end of my posts for a few posts anyway I won't go to overboard. I like scripture at the moment even though i'm an atheist agnostic. That was Matthew 12:34-37 again.

Thats it for me for now.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ewww Religion.

So to post something bad. Terrabad. I'm wondering what Jesus meant when he said things like you must eat my flesh and drink my blood (john 6 in the bible). I wonder what the secret is.

So for 2000 thousand years people have been wondering what Jesus meant. I don't know.

John 6:53 Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.

It's like a riddle. Maybe it's real important. People still haven't figured it out yet in my opinion, I don't know either and I wonder if it has any importance towards immortality. How importantly should this be rated. I think immortality will be invented by science probably long before it can be figured out.

Maybe you need to see something to work it out. Like a key. If you knew what Jesus was referring to when he said eat my flesh and drink my blood. God is a dying cause in this day and age. Science is king at the moment. Religion has been reigning for the last 2000 thousand+ years.

I want to know what Jesus meant. He is hiding something. With these words. Something that could be explained more plainly. Eating his flesh and drinking his blood sounds cool because I reakon it's true that you can do it he's just refering to what he means in a hiding it unless you've seen something or understand something way maybe. He's hiding something with the truth in plain sight. I wonder what he means.

But truly I don't know. Whats your boring theories.

Eat Jesus's Flesh And Drink Jesus's Blood People that's my advice. O and atheism.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Knowledge, God Doesn't Exist.

Does anybody see all the bad things that are everywhere? All the sickness, injury, disability, addiction, war, everything. I experience alot of the badness of the world everyday. I know that doctors and other people are working in the world to make it a better place but my experience is that the world is a really really bad place and it will be thousands and millions of years before things improve.

There are alot of big questions that exist that I nor anyone else in the entire world can answer. Maybe in millions of years they will be answered. I would've been incredibly happy with life itself except I drew the short straw. I was really really enjoying life but I fell, hard. The knowledge I had of marijuana when I started it was that it wasn't addictive and doesn't really cause any harm. Zillions of joints later and the most clouded mind you can imagine with something like a permanent headache I found out the truth. Marijuana has driven me to suicide something you won't hear about from anyone who endorses it. They say marijuana has never had a death from overdose. My death is the result of marijuana. Directly.

What I have learned in the world is that it is really easy to be wrong. The world is infinitely more complex than I am capable of. I was really innocent when I started smoking marijuana, brainwashed proberly as well thinking that it was cool and more essentially safe. Marijuana has controlled my life. Now I am nothing, nothing of the thoughts I had, nothing of the love, the joy, the happiness. With the world alot of people will look at this and revel in these facts. People actually adopt evil ya know.

Have you ever tried telling a god believing person that god doesn't exist. You couldn't of told me that when I believed in god. You were wrong and I was right. I would like to say now that I was wrong. God doesn't exist. Jesus never existed. The world for me just became a darker place. I have a hope in humanity but my time is done. I am now but a burden to thee, living on your government welfare never to further this world, a burden. The world is dangerous. I'm sick.

I guess I just really want to rail against people that believe in god. Gee i'm weak. What has happened to me shouldn't have happened. You governments as well. Your not innocent. It seems every action I take i'm wrong. How do I live with myself always being wrong. No-one has any power in this world other than the illusion I think. I must be one of the most least powerful. I think everyone in this entire world is blind. Like try telling someone who believes in god that god doesn't exist, that sorta blind. I'm blind myself of course. No-one has any power.

I would like to see justice in the world. I also think justice will never exist. Justice is just to much to ask for. So the ending of the world the word I choose is evil. Evil has won. Such a great evil it is never to be defeated. The base of the universe is evil. The very core of the universe is evil. Life is evil. This evil is so powerful, blinding, the only way to deal with it is not to acknowledge it, as long as your not affected all is well. Someone needs to take me out for what I say. Nuke the planet. Destroy the evil.

Knowledge about marijuana could have saved me and I wouldn't suffer as I do. How come no-one can answer any of the questions, why no knowledge. Why does it take time. Why didn't I have knowledge. It's dangerous for you and everyone to live without knowledge as I have proved by not having correct knowledge about the drug marijuana.

Do you have knowledge that god is real or doesn't exist? If only one side is right then the other side is wrong. I'm complaining about just how dumb everyone is. No i'm not saying i'm smart. Knowledge could save us. What do you think? Again i'll say everyone is dumb. Someone should take me out because I suffer so much and am so poor.

Evil has won. When you can tell the paraplegic to get up out of chair and walk and he does then you don't have to nuke the world anymore. When my headaches go away. Evil has won. As a thought maybe i've been mind controlled by the governments and it wasn't the marijuana. Aha. I knew it. Knowledge could say that. Is it true knowledge? WE ARE DUMB.

To finish - God doesn't exist. I've had the living water thats written in the bible mentioned in previous posts so I know god doesn't exist. Just wanted to mention the keywords living water. And again LIVING WATER GOD DOESN'T EXIST.

Knowledge. Aha.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Living Water. Something Dangerous. Living Water. God Doesn't Exist.

I thought about posting about Living Water because it might make me stronger. Thing is I don't believe in GOD and his son Jesus anymore. I need to write here to claim some belief that god doesn't exist. I know it's wrong to believe in god now. Right. So. What do you replace a belief in god with? Imagine untold riches, the most powerful that anything can ever be forever, I don't know I was wrong to believe in god.

New ways of thinking are opening up for me by not believing in god. It's quite a different style of thinking when gods not imposed in everything. I illusion myself that i'm figuring problems that I couldn't tackle before. Theres not much to be gained in the god debate is there? I think believing in god is dangerous to your health. It's bad. God doesn't teach people. Because.... He doesn't exist. Ok I like to think that I believe in humans now. Humans.

Ok so Living Water, did you forget that you might not know anything i'm saying when I mention living water. Ok so it has to do with god. Heres a scripture from the bible it's John 7:37-39. (Ewwwww Religion).

Now on the final and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink!

38He who believes in Me as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water and and they shall have ever lasting life.

39But He was speaking here of the Spirit, Whom those who believed (trusted, had faith) in Him were afterward to receive. For the [Holy] Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified (raised to honor).

What I want to do is claim my everlasting life. One morning I woke and drank this water on my coffee table and it was alive. It tasted living. Totally alive. Living. Might it have been the living water mentioned here in this bible passage. The everlasting life type of living water. (Well no because Jesus never existed). It was living water. It was alive. But.... I clocked the bible yes. But.... If YOU believe in Jesus i'm stating that I had living water like the bible sooooo.... Gifts of money will be fine. I'll just say that this water one morning I had was alive, living and because I found this bible scripture (muwahaha) I now have ever lasting life. (Disclaimer: God doesn't exist and I don't have ever lasting life).

Muwahaha i'm going to rule the universe world with my living water that give ever lasting life. (But no). But... AGAIN if your a true believer of Jesus then gifts of money are acceptable and fine. How do you know it was the genuine article living water as mentioned in the bible are you wondering? Do you know anyone else who has written online saying they have? Thats possible I guess but mines the real one.

What shall I do with my everlasting life?

Also non believers your donations of money will be acceptable as well.

It didn't help to much to write this. God doesn't exist thats all I wanted to say. Am I neutral now? This website is trying to earn money. See if its the real living water from the bible it will bring me lots of money and people and general stuff, luck when I mention it on this blog. It will, my Living Water, fend off any ill feelings someone might get from this post and i'll earn lots of money and it will bring my website lots of traffic i'll be rich real quick. I now have the most powerful website in the world because I have posted about my genuine article in the Bible mentioned everlasting life giving Living Water. Though the thing is God doesn't exist. This world is dangerous.

I wonder if any Christians will believe in my the Living Water I had. Noooo.... Sir.....


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