Darcy Lee Donations Cash Money Dollars Matrix Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality Extra Terrestrials Work September 11th 2001 911 World Trade Center and Immortality Health and living a long life. Can proberly think of more stuff it's about. I'm running this blog to make money for a house as a platform to solve some of the problems in the world. First you stabilize yourself. I would really like a house. Could be possible even. Donater To Me. Buy Me Darcy Lee A House.
Donate To This Website: DarcyLee.com Via Credit Card By Clicking The Paypal Donate Button Below.
A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
DarcyLee.com First in Virtual Reality Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!
($746 Dollars earned)
This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.
It's like man save the world and nobody knows.
The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).
They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.
September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.
They are LYING.
(It could happen).
Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.
My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.
My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.
This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.
The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.
There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.
FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.
All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.
Again heard this on the trainspotting sound track. I think it said Iggy Pop sung this. I like the La La La La La La Part.
Immortality war on death. Who's with me.
I got the power from here to alter the world in many ways. I will have an army.
I want to dedicate this army in the war on death in seeking immortality to the last man. This curing hunger disease and poverty.
The bible says death is the last enemy to be defeated. I believe in resurrection of the dead also.
The church is an army fighting death.
Not many people like them the Christians. But they, christians, should be as a light amongst darkness.
I thought the other day it was arrogant to say one way or the other whether God exists. How do you know and why can't you communicate it.
Fire on the earth would be like knowledge of God and this knowledge able to be communicated, the lord everywhere for everyone. I'm not satisfied and have a hunger.
One way or the other. Does god exist. This is also another thing this website is about. Now does God exist or not. We don't know and can't determine.
If God exists why doesn't everyone have knowledge. Some don't even bother with the problem.
Why sufferin? Why pain? Why Death?
I think we are in a WAR you know. There's plenty of pain and suffering out there to be reaped. Have to definitely fight against reaping such things. God would be a great ally.
Where do you start with such a problem.
Why doesn't God reveal himself.
I no longer have a clear head so can't really tackle such problems.
We need to turn our gears. Progression.
Compute. Calculate. It needs prolonged thought.
I'm lost. My mind is so blah. Wish I could think like you. I know what i'd do. There seems to be a barrier anyway about finding the truth about God. Aliens Meh. God's where it's at. Prove God one way or the other. Fight for immortality.
This came out when I was a teenager like 20 years ago. Looked it up a few days ago. Some reference to sanity made me look it up. Perhaps I started singing it. Insane in the membrane. Insane in the brain.
House of Pain - Jump Around Lyrics
House of Pain
Got to this song from Cypress Hill. They are both similar in sound. Enjoyed them both. I must of heard this song before as the Jump Around bit is familiar. Adding this post to Music 2.
What attracted me to this song was the part where it goes "Give Up The Ghost" Also the line where it talks about pain.
Ella Henderson.
Just listening to it now after a few days break from it and i'm quite liking it. Some of the former complaint I had about this song is gone and I find it's pretty cool now. Still not perfect.
I went from listening to You Move To This Phenomenon to Tribute to trying a few other Tenacious D songs. This was the first one I tried and I liked it immediately. I'm adding it. I'm on the 3rd play now. I'm definitely going to get more plays out of it though. The video is also quite humorous.
Tenacious D
As for personal life i've injured my back after sitting in a chair for like 27 hours playing World of Warcraft. I felt it when I first sat down that I was loading all my weight onto a disc and kinda locking out a little. If I had a better more padded chair I would be ok. The chair I have although the best i've ever had is still lacking in any padding. It doesn't really have any cushion to soften it for you. It has a little but not enough for there really to be any movement.
I have to be more careful. The pain is terrible in certain positions. I can barely move. I like a little old hunched up lady. Getting up and sitting down is terrible.
Anyone want to buy a poor person a chair? Or buy me anything? I'm poor my wages never change. You buying me something anything will add to my overall total. Perhaps you could just donate cash and let me spend it on what ever. That could be cool. No ones ever donated before. But saying that after nearly 8 years I am actually about to be paid out in Google Adsense. The payout limit is $130 NZ dollars. I'm hoping to buy a 2TB External HDD as my internal 1.5TB is nearly full. It should take me about 1-3 more months to make the last $1.25. Hopefully I can get a 2TB without spending the money on something else.
Another thing but I recently got a new monitor. It's the same size (22") and Resolution (1680x1050) as my old one but it has a faster refresh rate. I've also managed in my wheelings and dealings to pay for a new 24" full HD (1920x1080). It's going to take about a month to arrive though. I will have dual monitors a 22" and 24". At the moment i'm using a 22" and 19".
I recently just ticked over 1 million gold across all my characters in World of Warcraft. Mostly trading in pets from server to server.
I thought I would get this post in before midnight and the end of the month but I didn't quite make it. I got distracted, so now it's going on the first of the month. September. Only 11 days till 9/11 anniversary.
Another thing. I recently had an uncle die as well. Uncle Peter. I knew him from the ages of about 5-17 or so. His kidneys had failed a while ago and he was on dialysis. I didn't see much of him in later life but it's still sad to hear of his passing. I don't see much of the cousins these days. I do have one memory of him selling me some shoes as a kid. He lived and owned a shoe shop in Carterton for a while. I'm pretty sure I have the right uncle.
Thousand Foot Krutch - You Move To This Phenomenon.
Been listening to this for the last couple days. Bit bored of it now buts it's still pretty cool and I like it. It's also one of my songs. The line "You Move To This Phenomenon" is me speaking. I was speaking about Jesus.
Don't know about Jesus anymore. I've done nothing but suffer and be tortured by other humans. All because of these songs. Before 2001 it was worse. I don't understand how humans can be so evil. None of the bible ever comes true. O death where is thy sting. Well death still survives to this day. People get tortured. Pain thrives. God does nothing.
God when are you going to change this world into something good. At the moment it's only evil. There is only suffering.
I'm tortured daily by humans. They mind control me with technology. They lord it over me. They won't give me any money to provide some comfort. They keep my phone call a secret.
The are vain and think ever so highly of themselves.
The bible does nothing though. Neither do Christians. No Christian believes my story so no action is taken.
I want some comfort.
I want some money.
I want to stop being mind controlled. I want the people behind it to be judged by the public for what they do. They mind control everyone. The laws they make put them above us.
They keep it secret.
No one believes.
God you suck. God your evil. You do nothing.
Jesus you suck. Your death which you could've avoided did nothing but give them something to mind control me with.
Religion sucks. It doesn't work. The cross has no power. Jesus has no power and is dead.
I need to die.
Jesus you are a liar.
2000 years of human suffering makes me believe Jesus is a liar. But to come to this conclusion yourself then you must suffer for like at least 5 years of the worst suffering imaginable.
Jesus doesn't save.
Jesus is evil. Jesus doesn't care.
Jesus teachings are evil. They are undecipherable. They provide no comfort in your pain. They only lead to madness.
The whole bible is a book of madness.
God is evil but more than likely doesn't exist.
What else can I say about God? Even right now the usual things that come up in my eyesight are coming up right now. These are mind control items. I am being mind controlled right now.
Nobody believes in this tech.
I hate God.
God has done no good in my life.
God is not good. God is not real. There are only evil humans like Hitler with no humans to oppose the evil. The evil goes unchecked.
I have for the last 17 years been tortured by humans. Even longer than that. They have mind controlled me all my life.
No Christian will accept me. They don't believe my words. My words about the tech and songs are truth. Yet no one acknowledges me.
God is not real. God is evil.
Christians are evil. They don't believe in their God. If they did they would believe me.
I hate God.
I hate Christians.
Not one person has believed me.
God does nothing. Nobody can hear his voice. In the face of absolute suffering for years on end God did nothing.
God your evil. You don't prove me wrong.
God show your face you coward. Stop hiding.
There are no weapons the average man has against the evil in the world. If your going to be tortured you will be tortured. No God will stop it.
When will I stop being tortured. When will I be believed. When will these men and women who have practiced mind control on me be brought to justice. Do you think they believe in your God?
They know there isn't a god. Their behavior exhibits what they believe. They torture people for fun
I am tortured for sport and fun.
You don't believe me. So they can carry on with out fear.
I need the people who do this to me to be punished.
Their laws can't possibly hold up under reality. If the people knew about them.
They break international war rules about torture.
I am a torture victim.
I have no scars and nobody believes me. Yet I am tortured by other men daily.
I believe the theory of God is evil and he doesn't exist.
But as long as men can do things in secret their will always be wrongs.
The darkness that these cockroaches hide in needs to be brought to the world
The world needs to know about this tech. This so others aren't tortured by it.
They are worse than Hitler these people. They are hardcore fascists. Nazis in true blood. Only armed with modern tech.
It is a war.
I am tortured as a prisoner.
I have done nothing wrong.
These people have made all the choices and decisions.
I asked for money everyday they watched me. I am destitute and poor.
These people have no heart. They have no mercy. They have given themselves to the way of evil.
They enjoy evil more than good. They practice it to get better at it.
I am very distressed at the moment.
God is no help. There is no help for me.
I want my freedom that is my right.
I want my rights that every human should have. The right not to be mind controlled and tortured.
These people think so highly of themselves. They call themselves God.
They treat everyone as underneath and below them.
They are not afraid. They have no fear.
So you Christian. When are you going to believe me.
I don't believe in your evil God anymore. He is evil. I have now endured more than Christ did for a much longer period of time. Chirsts' suffering was over in a matter of hours. Mine went on at max level for 10 years. Then it stopped for like 6 months then the humans started right back at it. Now I have all new wounds.
All humans are evil.
I want my rights. I want the law to do me justice. They are breaking the law and they are from the Govt. Nobody cares about me.
I don't even have one comment on my website after like 8 years.
No body loves me.
To love me is to believe what I say.
From experience I can only go by. My experience is God never speaks to you. I haven't heard his voice. God doesn't fight for you. From experience God doesn't exist.
Men are evil. Men know that God doesn't exist and take advantage of men that believe in God.
Why should I be tortured. I am innocent. I've done nothing criminal. They torture me now for pleasure.
They fail to understand pain as they have never known it.
I want the torture to stop.
When will the torture stop.
They make me angry. They mock and tease me with the tech.
They even can control what I type and make me speak out loud what and as I type.
They can see what I see hear what I hear. Who gave them permission.
We didn't. We make the laws. Not them.
They can't make a law that make me their slave.
I am a slave under law though.
They keep me as a slave. They treat me badly. Jesus is evil
I can't say how much I hate Jesus for all the suffering he has brought into my life.
Jesus you are not good. God you are not good either.
There is no one good. Not One.
These people need to have it taken off them. Permanently.
These people need to be mind controlled themselves.
They need their minds read and made public.
Something needs to be done. But you are evil.
You are evil as well.
You don't believe. You haven't suffered.
Until the truth comes out you are all evil.
You are evil with them.
You chose to believe them over me.
I hate God now. I have given God 37 years to do something. That's totally long enough.
God is useless in the face of human suffering and death.
God does nothing.
This tech seems much greater than god if it can control my every move.
What gives them the lawful right to make me their slave.
They are exactly the same people before 9/11 and after 9/11.
Nothing changed. The evil was allowed to live.
Evil must be killed and punished and tortured.
Lay your life down for me.
I hate God. I hate the world. I hate life.
You are not innocent. Nobody is. Please help me stop being tortured by other humans. Believe what I say. Maybe not about God but at least about the songs and about being tortured.
Noboby even believes I am being tortured. It's all in my head.
Got this on repeat at the moment. I only really like the chorus. Because it's Madonna and because i'm playing it right now on loop with my built in YouTube LOOP button, because of those things i'm adding it to Music 2. There's not quite enough here to go for Music I think. I do like he chorus though.
Ghosts are cool. I had a dream a few days ago and a voice in the dream said "Ghost Touch Me" I dunno if it was my voice or someone else. I think it was someone else though. I got kinda spooked out after that. It got kind of frightening and I woke up. What happened after Ghost Touch Me kinda freaked me out and I was scared in dream but I woke up not scared.
It was kinda like I was in hell and there was movement towards freedom like bands being loosed.
I always get the scary stuff. Now to randomize stuff a bit.
And the Scripture For The Day:
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
So I guess I'm not yet the possessor of perfect love and i'm being punished.
I fear lots sometimes.
There's much to be afraid of.
Being watched in your own home has moments.
There are people eating gravel. Been thinking about them. Also like meditating on celebrity or other famous or newsworthy deaths.
One death I recently stumbled on was the Ferrero Chocolate maker and Nutella maker Michele Ferrero who was 89. He invented Nutella and kinder surprise. He was worth 26 Billion.
I don't understand how you need to have so much wealth. Wouldn't it be better to feed people. There are plenty of poor people in the world.
Spend this wealth instead of locking it up and guarding it. Liquidize it. Keep enough to sustain yourself and spend the rest on the poor and needy. Alot of people can give out of their wealth who aren't. You can still live a high life. But you must consider the bottom. Without doing this you are truly missing the higher love.
The billionaires of the world don't need all that money.
I know i'm going to try and be frugal with my billions when I earn them.
I'm going to build a support network. Each Millionaire I create will be a pillar in my church temple.
I don't probably have long on this earth. Sad story. I could live another 30 years. But like everyone else i'm slowly heading towards death. I seem to be stuck at waiting for money.
While heading towards death it would be great to be set free by the truth. To not die. To end suffering and pain, death.
The bible predicts the end of Pain and Death. "LET ME STAND HERE".
Adding this because it's got bloody as a second word like Sepulturas' "Roots Bloody Roots" and because my dad used to have this cd and i used to play it on a dvd player with surround sound back a long time ago. I thought it was neat. It was a real triumph song.
I like the line "All Right Lets GO!" and also Wipe your tears away. Sunday Bloody Sunday is quite the WAR song. War is so bad. It should just go away. This is a happy song well it excites me anyway. I'll include the quote from the bible.
Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
I like the bible because it says no more death crying pain mourning. That's about it. That was the scripture for the day. My point is to like the bible that tells of this good news. This is only good. Something that is only good needs to be hurried in. How to hurry it.
The Bible With Light.
Just think. Think some more. Where are you at? What you got going on? Death is still ever present and what a huge weight it is. We need Gods marvelous light. There is still pain. Pain is a weapon used against us. Pain is oppression. So no more tears or mourning means no more sadness. No more death or pain is a new world. I need this new world. What else can I say. I guess there is work to be done. Devils to be defeated. People in high places with lots of power. I welcome this much better world. Who has seen such a thing? Who has imagined. But can it be done. Is money king? Will the rich forever dominate and become the new immortal. What can the future hold.
It seems to me the rich dominate. The bible supports the poor more. Those with ideas and great thoughts will find themselves wanted more. They can already read your mind. Professional thoughts will be the key. They will invite you if they think your good enough. They are testing alot of people. One test is to actually believe in the technology.
The bible is lacking at the moment. It seems technology with things like the matrix are the things of the future. How can such a value tech be defeated? Whatever we think we've seen is probably this tech. It will explain alot when it's finally announced and fully in the light revealed. Until then this death and pain dominate the human race.
Let us be free from death pain crying and mourning. Let us be free.
I found an article on chronic pain. You can find the Article here. A summary of the article can be found below:
People with unrelenting pain are often depressed, anxious and have difficulty making simple decisions. Researchers have identified a clue that may explain how suffering long-term pain could trigger these other pain-related symptoms. Researchers found that in people with chronic pain, a front region of the cortex associated with emotion fails to deactivate when it should. It's stuck on full throttle, wearing out neurons and altering their connections.
I suffered chronic pain for about 10 years. It never shut up it was always on. It seems the pain was also wearing out my brain as well. Sad news I guess.
In another article about neck pain I read that you could trick the brain with oculus rift. I'm pretty sure now the pain I experienced was from the bones in my neck.
People who were shown on oculus rift not to be moving there neck so far round were able to move there neck further. Here is the summary for that article:
Using virtual reality to misrepresent how far the neck is turned can actually change pain experiences in individuals who suffer from chronic neck pain, according to research.
There are a few other interesting articles on the website that are worth reading. I just thought i'd post the pain ones so I had some sort of memory of reading them and perhaps go back to them later. I've already forgotten what they are about. I remember that long term pain damages the brain though. I would definitely fall into that category. Boyman did I suffer.
1 Peter 4:1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.
I've got the feeling i've posted this before but I feel a strong attachment to a lot of the scriptures that talk about suffering. I'm hoping that this scripture applies to me. I would like the power to never sin again. That would be an awesome power. If sin is nothing but bad then the ability to avoid it every time would be cool.
So I have armed or am arming myself with this scripture, hoping that my 10 years of suffering qualifies me for the blessings that are spoken of in the bible for people that suffer. This scripture is one of them.
I could do without sin in my life. I wish to never suffer again. I will avoid it greatly I hope. Suffering is horrible and something needs to be done about it. I believe I have suffered enough so others won't suffer. Or how much suffering is enough. Suffering is an evil.
I can't find good things other than scripture about suffering. I certainly from experience don't find anything good about suffering.
Perhaps oneday something good will come from my suffering. Perhaps I never will sin again. Perhaps I am done with sin. I hope so.
Found myself listening to this on 3rd play right now. I looked it up for the line "It's a one for the money". There's also a recent movie called that as well.
I'm thinking that I could add more music that I randomly access for one reason or another even if I don't really listen to it more than once. I still have to have a reason for adding it and i'll try and include that reason. There have been a couple songs that I've forgotten now that I could have included because i looked them up for one reason or another.
Also another reason for giving this a listen is that my auntie, my Mums sister, is a big Elvis fan.
My Aunties kid, my first cousin, who I grew up with but haven't seen for years, the eldest of her kids, is getting married on either the 1st or 2nd of January 2015 and alot of the family are heading to Mt Ruapehu for the ceremony. I'm not going. Would cost heaps to have me stay there. The old saying: "IF I WAS A RICH MAN"
So yeah enjoy Elvis. He was a rich man. He's dead now. I think immortality would be a higher possession than all the riches there are at the moment in this world.
There is an effort to push for immortality but it needs more money and higher profile people. An end to all suffering is what the bible predicts and i'm happy to agree with it. But alas there is much evil in the world and we must take as many precautions as possible.
I could say that i've covered a fair bit of the human suffering that exists in my own body. Manboy have I suffered. No really. I have truly suffered for a very long time and right at the limit of human suffering. Suffering didn't make me strong. But I endured. But my suffering should have changed something. I wonder what my suffering has achieved for me. I say my suffering was so great that things can no longer stay the same or as they were. My suffering has altered the world. If you can share in the sufferings of Jesus Christ like the bible says then I have done that.
Failing that. Well my suffering was so great that I predict it will impact the world in a huge way. Thus far people only fail to interpret exactly how much I have suffered. I am told that in Africa they suffer more. I came under the power of the Government Executioners. They tortured me with modern technology. Far greater than any natural suffering I endured. It was inflicted upon me. There isn't a mark on my body to show my suffering. As far as you are aware I am normal. I have never suffered. People can't recognise great suffering in others if they have never suffered themselves. The world by my suffering that took place is now different. It can never happen again.
Really there needs to be a huge push for the end of suffering and a huge push for immortality. Right out in the open. With everyone taking part. There are jobs for everyone, they just haven't been named.
I should have a job really. I can use a computer better than alot of people. But saying that any literate teenager would have the same skills that I have now adays and better as they do it all with a cell phone and I barely use my cell phone at all.
Scripture for the day:
Proverbs 27:12 A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
There is plenty of evil in the world in the form of people.
Recognise my suffering.
Donate for my house and car and lighter lifestyle. When I have my own house then my suffering has been recognised in part. I repeat. You must recognise my suffering. There is heaps to be learned by it. Don't let my suffering be wasted on you. I have truly suffered. I say things.
I have earned a house of my own through blood. Yet I still don't have one. My suffering was great. I now need a house please. I through suffering have changed the world. But this is not recognised either. The world will be a better place, that I have existed and suffered.
I have changed the world. Through suffering.
For this change I ask for my own house not much else. Respect.
Never really played minecraft that much. Didn't see the point in moving blocks around and the version I had was real hard. Once you died u died. This city is impressive enough to add to my website though. Found this on my facebook page. 4.5 million hand placed blocks.
If only we could devote such time and dedication to building housing and feeding people in real life.
Some of the things people do for attention on Youtube cost a lot of money and consume a lot of time. Money would be better spent helping the homeless and feeding people. I want to see more of an effort alleviating peoples misery and suffering and pain. I can't really talk myself. I mean what am I doing over and above what others are doing. Nothing at all. I play World of Warcraft all day and night and waste my life away.
I have suffered terribly so know what it's like. It would be awesome to alleviate peoples suffering. But how. What can I do. I ask these questions but don't have any answers. I guess first I really need to secure myself? Perhaps. But i'm fairly stable. I have the same bills each week.
I find I fall away from such ideas all to easy.
Like the saying "The Truth Will Set You Free". I reckon I need to do some soul searching and find some place to stand. I need to find the truth that will set people free. Thing is many people have come before me. They were much smarter. It's my suffering experience that wants me to help alleviate others suffering. But i'm not smart enough.
Although I have suffered I am not motivated at all to help others. Perhaps it helps to be kind. But this doesn't help another. Some people are unreachable perhaps violent.
The Matrix tech could possibly help with communication and could provide strength and healing. But that tech being revealed is far out of my hands though I once grasped such power if only for a few days.
So what can I do to help? If I were to give the orders they would be incorrect. If I were to follow orders I would fail. The issues of the world need stronger smarter people than me.
One problem is the smart people don't understand suffering. These people live in a paradise and suffering is so far removed from them that there isn't enough urgency. If suffering could be explained better and people could understand it better then perhaps such people would be more willing to help a sufferer and less willing to inflict suffering.
So much money is spent on weapons of death. If this money was to be converted to life instead we would be better off. Anyway again I have fallen away from helping the poor and suffering. I don't know how to help. I'm no longer suffering so it doesn't concern me maybe. But no. People are all to willing to inflict suffering, it even brings them pleasure to see others suffer.
It is truly an evil world we live in. Evil currently reigns. It's hard to see it ever ending.
God has failed. This has been going on for millions of years. I guess tech has to catch up. So if we don't wipe ourselves out then there are still going to be losers. Hopefully there will be justice and everyone can agree that it is justice. Even the punished.
I don't see any justice at the moment. Evil has free reign. Evil is able to inflict torture on other humans. I am tortured by the American Govt. No one believes me. They have the power to read your minds. No one believes. I want to be free but I am not. I haven't done anything wrong.
I said America Sucks a few times. They torture me for this. Because I first spoke in unique arrangement some of the lyrics that now appear in many famous songs by many famous artists and said America Sucks a few times right before they were going to tell the world they torture me. This is not right. But you won't believe me.
Everyone gets away with so much because of unbelief.
I am tortured by the Govt. This is my only problem in life apart from poverty. But the Govt denies what I speak and you don't believe. You don't think them able of such things. The matrix tech is used to torture me every day and night. I have no rest from it. When will you come to my aid.
When will you stand up for me.
If it happens to me it happens to others. These people are murderous.
They torture for fun and pleasure and revenge no other reason.
I am innocent. They brought this upon themselves by their own choices.
They chose to watch instead of help. They left me to suffer. They drugged me. Because I didn't like the songs and said America Sucks they chose and tortured me.
This is the worst modern type of torture you can imagine. Please help.
Only those who believe my words can help me. Now I know no one believes. No one bothers to help me. No one comes. No one does what it right. No one listens. Everyone is right except what I say. No one takes any notice of what I say. I am just delusional to you. Yet I don't lie. Yet I am not delusional. Yet I am not Schizophrenic. The Govt calls me Skitz and drugs me. They do this all the mean time torturing me with mind control tech. I have suffered so much.
No one believes me.
No one has experienced my suffering. Right now my left ear rings louder than any tinnitus could possibly make. It's so loud. They are torturing me for writing this. They subvert all my thoughts. They limit them so they fit inside their computers memory. I'm not allowed good thoughts. They say the opposite to everything good.
But you don't believe me. You believe their words and appearances. You believe what they have made me with their machines. They have made me deaf and retarded. Tech has done this. Not my lifestyle. They use people's unbelief so that I am a nutcase skitzophrenic and you and your thoughts are safe you believe.
Why do you let them torture me? It's your unbelief that lets them do it.
You have failed as friends and good people. There is no one good. Not one person believes my testimony. I don't hold any weight other than I am a crazy in your eyes.
Found this article here about how fish feel pain. I knew that Birds, Cats and Dogs feel pain but there has long been a myth that fish don't feel pain. Poor Earth. Everything suffers. Next they will say grass suffers. Have a read.
Ila France Porcher is a self-taught, published ethologist and the author of "The Shark Sessions." A wildlife artist who recorded the behavior of animals she painted, Porcher was intrigued by sharks in Tahiti and launched an intensive study to systematically observe them following the precepts of cognitive ethology. Credited with the discovery of a way to study sharks without killing them, Porcher has been called "the Jane Goodall of sharks" for her documentation of their intelligence in the wild. She contributed this article to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.
Researchers at Yale Law School made headlines recently, when they suggested that people often fail to question their political beliefs in the face of scientific discoveries that contradict them. The study showed how people reason selectively, and interpret data in such a way that it conforms with their political vantage point.
This phenomenon is evident in the pseudoscience related to fisheries, a multi-billion dollar industry that has taken control of the planet's wild fish populations and the public's perceptions of these animals. Despite available facts, industry conclusions are always in favor of fishermen, not fish.
Though rigorous scientific research has established beyond all doubt that the pain system in fish is virtually identical to that of mammals, the fishing industry has maintained that fish are too simple-minded to feel pain. As a result, most people seem to believe the old fishermen's tale that no matter how you brutalize fish and sharks, they won't suffer, and the abuse continues with almost no public outcry or protest.
Yet no evidence has ever been produced to support the idea that an animal could live successfully, and survive, without the ability to feel pain, an important warning sensation. It would result in inappropriate behavior, and the fish would go straight into evolution's garbage can. Only a small percentage of fish who come into the world live to adulthood, and any weakness would doom them. [Do Fish Feel Pain? The Debate Continues ]
Neither do observations of fish behavior support the idea. Fish appear cautious and careful, and display cognitive behavior in their efforts to eat food, such as sea urchins, that could sting them. Indeed, the evolution of urchin defenses, as well as a host of other oceanic stingers, seem to have depended on the ability of fish to feel pain.
The subjective idea of fish feeling no pain has persisted, even though it fails to fit in with established science.
The study of pain in fish
Since animals cannot tell us how they feel, scientists have searched indirectly for evidence about their subjective experiences, in the studies of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and behavior. Researchers have developed strict criteria, all of which need to be met, before they can conclude that an animal can feel pain .
First, there must be nociceptors — sensory neurons that respond to tissue damage by sending nerve signals to the spinal cord and brain. There must be neural pathways from the nociceptors to higher brain regions, and the signal from the nociceptor must be processed in the higher brain, not in the reflex centers in the hindbrain or spinal cord.
There must be opioid receptors within the nervous system, and opioid substances produced internally. Painkilling drugs should relieve the symptoms of pain that the animal displays, and the animal should be able to learn to avoid a painful stimulus. This should be so important to the animal that it avoids the threat of pain right away. The painful event should strongly interfere with normal behavior — it should not be an instantaneous withdrawal response, but long-term distress.
Fish meet all of those criteria, as has been shown in a wide variety of experiments. Their nociceptors are nearly identical to those found in mammals and humans, and the nociceptors are connected to the brain through neurons. There are also connections between the different structures of the brain, including those that are considered crucial to the experience of pain. The whole brain of the fish is active during painful events.
In addition to neural activity, certain genes that are crucial to the experience of pain in humans are also found in fish, and they are active throughout the fish's brain during painful events. This activity of the brain, at both the molecular and the physiological level, indicates that these are not reflex reactions. If they were, such activity would not be seen in the higher brain.
How fish react to pain
Fish have displayed a variety of adverse changes in their behavior after the infliction of pain, such as an extreme increase in their ventilation (respiratory) rate, rubbing damaged body parts on the surrounding environment, rocking on their pectoral fins, trying to stay upright and no longer feeding. These, and other symptoms of distress, are relieved by the administration of morphine, which completes the circle and identifies pain as the cause of the change in behavior.
Like other animals tested in laboratory settings, fish have been shown to self-administer painkillers if they can — even if that means going into a location that they do not like — to bathe in water that medicates them. This is another clue that the fish were suffering, and found relief in the undesirable location.
Fish swiftly learn to avoid painful events, which researchers think indicates that they are conscious — they experience the pain so severely that they are strongly motivated to avoid feeling it again, even after just one exposure.
Though humans can override pain, at times, in certain heightened mental states — particularly when in danger — it seems that fish cannot do so. Studies have shown that after being hurt, fish become far less alert to danger, as if their pain is too overwhelming for them to ignore it, even to escape a predator. It is thought that due to their simpler neural design and mental states, fish lack the ability to think about their pain and put it in perspective as humans can. Pain for fish seems always to be an intense experience, which suggests that they may actually feel pain more intensely than humans.
When Rebecca Dunlop of Queensland University discovered that fish learn to avoid painful experiences, she wrote, "Pain avoidance in fish doesn't seem to be a reflex response, but rather one that is learned, remembered and is changed according to different circumstances. Therefore, if fish can perceive pain, then angling [fishing] cannot continue to be considered a noncruel sport."
Because of such findings, there has been meticulous research into the best way to relieve pain in fish during surgery. Because the pain system in fish appears to be the same as that in birds and mammals, veterinarians systematically use pain relief while performing surgery on fish. Given that they are conscious, and may suffer on an emotional level, fish welfare emerges as an important issue.
Yet while amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have been protected from cruel treatment, fish and sharks have not, thanks to the domination of those who profit from killing them.
There was more to the article so check it out on the website if your interested.
Found this picture on tumbler. Nike Glow Shoes. Now if they were solar powered and u could turn them on and off with your mind.
So matrix tech. The future. It exists right now. This Journal Blog represents that i was one of the first civilians to be shown this tech. I haven't seen that much but it's definitely used on me to farm my thoughts and they cause quite alot of pain.
But no one believes this. Now if it was good, this tech, the matrix virtual reality tech then why not just tell people about it. Why is it kept secret from the everyone. It's kept secret so that people can be farmed. It's kept secret because it can control people. It's kept secret because it has existed for so long now. It must be used on quite a few different people by now. People they see as scum. Like myself. This is in relative comparison to themselves of course.
It could be that they just enjoy the pain and suffering and misery that they put so greatly into my body and life. Everybody's mind is wide open for the government to record and use on a computer database. They just rip your thoughts. They listen in on your thinking.
But this is to unbelievable. The human body can't be this easily hacked. I tell you they have been doing this since the early 80's. At least. Most likely way way earlier.
Brain Computer Interface. This tech is where it's at. Your mind on a computer. Your thoughts recorded. A picture H.U.D in you head. It's a new type of warfare. It's able to be used because it's secret. If it wasn't secret tech then people could report it and be believed finally with out being written off as crazy. They can make you crazy. They can cause you unbelievable pain. The govt. It brings them pleasure. Some of them.
And you the reader don't yet believe me. It's 2014. They have been working on this technology for a long time 24 hours 7 days a week. They have succeeded. The MATRIX exists.
You have been warned. It's warfare..... they commit acts of war against the sovereignty of people.
They violate people. Nobody is immune.
If the tech it's so good, why is it secret. For so long, Because it's being used against us.
Allow yourself to think mind control of the worst kind. Nobody will believe you. Nobody believes me. But this happens every day to many people. They can see what you see.
It's pretty late here. It's like 15 minutes past 3amm in the morning as I write this first sentence. I came to this version of Hey Joe by Jime Hendrix Live by thinking on the word Angel which can also be pronounced as Age Ole or also I was saying it as Hey Joe. So Angel = Age Ole = Hey Joe. I didn't like HEY JOE when I first looked it up again a little while ago. Perhaps when I was listening to A11 Along The Watch Tower. But I remember liking hey Joe as a teenager. I'm including hey Joe because i've given it a few plays now and also this paragraph has clues as to why i'm adding it.
What have I been doing? Well playing more WOW. I'm levelling a shaman to 60 and it's going to be my boost toon. I was going to boost a 60 priest that I specially levelled but i'll probably just hand level him unless I become rich and suddenly get heaps of money enough to COUGH COUGH buy a level 90 or two. It sucks how you can buy level 90's now. It makes it a rich mans game. Guess it means if you pay $65 for each level 90 that my account is worth somewhere round $260 dollars for say the cost of four 90s that I have. But this $260 dollars is nothing in comparison to the actual amount of hours I have invested in some of my characters. It works out at about one dollar per 24 hours played sitting in chair.
I'm a terrible World of Warcraft Player. I have no smarts. Anywho.
Battlesheep was a domain I checked out but it's gone to some Portugal gaming company. I check out domain names regularly and write down good ones I think are will be ok. Most are stupid but who knows maybe one day i'll think of a good one.
I actually stumped Google a little while ago. I searched for the word Militourance. Google had absolutely no results what so ever for this word. It's a word I invented myself and if it ain't in Google then it probably hasn't been thought of yet. What do you think it means, what's the definition of the word? It's quite hard to stump Google. Also the word Miltourance stumps google.
I actually have hurt my back. About three days ago I felt something kind twinge or snap or move in my lower back and it's been hurting ever since. The first night was the worst I couldn't even move hardly it was very painful to move anyway.
Leave you with this. According to the bible oneday there will be no pain no tears no mourning or the last enemy, no DEATH. This means that we are still primitive and we must therefore think and take action perhaps fight hard to arrive at a place such as this.
With thought and truth it can be done much faster than we think possible perhaps.
I want to see a place like this where everyone is safe. It would be nice to know GOD if he was real. Like to prove that GOD was real or not would solve heaps of problems. It would answer alot of questions for so many people. Many many people follow religion and GOD and intertwine it with there very nature and being. But this seems to much of a challenge to solve the answer of IS THERE A GOD?
Posted this today on my usual forums. Got pretty much ignored as usual. Anyway here is the post for future reference:
Place your vote and opinion here. Do you want to end pain for all creatures on earth and perhaps the polyverse (universe).
If you say no then you haven't experienced pain. You might of had the odd thrill with it. But wait. You still don't understand the potential.
All pain needs to be ended now.
Also if you say no and want to see pain continue then you should expect your own pain.
Whos to say whether pain is natural or not. Perhaps it's an invasion and our rulers using it to command us. I joke really.
Nobody knows what pain is. Pain is not good. It is the opposite. I vote to end pain now.
Join me as soldiers in a planned all out attack and war on pain.
If we lead others will follow. Be a light to the world.
I've lead a solo effort foray and initial attack into suffering by suffering. This perhaps give me experience but I still have no weapons other than a crappy mind and body which can't be relied on for the truth.
A couple of scriptures: 1 Peter 4:1 Because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. If this is true then this is me. I have suffered in great depth and magnitude. But alas suffering is really more of a breeding ground for hate. If this is true then I can't sin any more for this is how much I have suffered. I only wish it was true. But don't think so.
2nd scripture: Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away
This scripture predicts the end of pain. I think this is an easy prediction to make. Whether there is a God or not pain must end for everyone.
Why should we think this to hard. It's not to hard. I also predict an end to pain.
The more people that post in this thread the more is being done. Do your bit.
We must be soldiers. Everyone, every living creature with the potential to suffer is on your side.
Soldiers use whatever they have available. Use what you got. Fire at will.
We need organisation and a long as it takes concentrated effort.
Honestly I have suffered and nobody knows. This is all suffering.
I am not an officer. I'm more of a tank. I have tanked so much suffering. Perhaps this suffering forwards me as a higher rank than you. I have knowledge but I lack fire. I don't know how to pass on the knowledge of pain and its bottemless depths. Pain needs to be ended.
I'm trying to start a fire. Please help me start a fire by posting the obvious or whatever you have. Be a soldier.
We need weapons. We are unarmed blind and deaf.
Everyone Post your Orders for people. Call out into the wilderness.
I'm looking for soldiers. Do you consider yourself a soldier? All hands and every man on deck.
If your not a soldier then your a burden and your divided against yourself as everyone who has the potential to suffer is a soldier. You can't deny. Absolutely everyone is needed in the fight till death.
We need highly motivated but inexperienced people to carry the message of great suffering and tribulation. It needs to be preached. Great suffering.
Preach about suffering. Cut down anything that causes suffering. Avoid suffering yourself. Find weaknesses and grey areas that aren't so dark. I don't know what orders to give you. Just be on the alert. Such great suffering exists that anyone can be prone to. Be fighting. Suffering is an evil.
Hey if the bible says there will be no more suffering and pain then it's got to be true right? I say just give it time. But we need more urgency and effort and power invested right away. This is a warning to everyone. Suffering is unrighteous and an almighty wrong. It is a weapon that is used against us all the time. I perhaps have said some wrong things here. But I am just trying to prepare you for what you don't know. We need to fight this at the bottom which this is as well as the top which is more likely the Govt. Every man, woman, child and lifeform.
I am Soldier. I have suffered just as great as any soldier. I have earned the right to call myself a soldier for the battles I have been in and the endurance I have shown. I give you warnings. You need to fight everyday. Pain is a deadly and great enemy. I don't understand it. I don't know what it is. But I don't like it and I never want to suffer again but yet I still have this potential.
Don't consider yourselves immune. Everyone is susceptible. This is why you need to get your soldier on. The weak need to be defended perhaps. The strong need to spend there strength.
This is a call on your life. Do everything with all your might. I hope your ready for war. I can't prepare you. Sorry I can't tell you much. Imagine your worst. Foolish people will pass this thread by and consider themselves safe. No one is safe.
Be a man. Man up. Fight. End pain now. Are you a soldier yet? You are whether you think so or not.
Got any ideas? I guess no one will even post in this thread. Pain is ignored and left alone. All I know is that we need soldiers and they need to be forcefully advancing.
I'm on the side where there will be no more pain. Beware the enemy.
Post in this thread. Comfort others. Alleviate and Liberate. Fight until we win. Play your position.
Perhaps if someone else posts in this thread they may give you orders or practical things that you can do to fight pain.
Perhaps you could post your war stories here about battles you've had with pain to inform others.
We need more of a consensus on pain. I am starting this thread in hope of achieving this and other objectives regarding pain. This is of the utmost urgency. Pain needs a fight to the end. I can't stress how urgent it is to get rid of pain. If you don't know then its very hard to explain. Be a soldier is all I ask. Be a soldier.
The truth of pain is.....
Darcy Lee.
That was end of thread. Pls leave a comment below.
The CENSORSHIP of Darcy Lee and his phone call where he predicted a war, suffering and made a stand with the greatest urgency 2 days before the Twin Tower Terrorist attacks in America USA on New Zealand Nationwide talkback radio, the CENSORSHIP is pure evil.
This phone call still exists to this very day hidden and locked away safe somewhere inside a Government Department. It's like a Mona Lisa. It has been classified secret.
I tell you this phone call is an important piece of information and knowledge. Information and knowledge. It is being kept from public view.
I predict that this phone call could reach over 20 000 000 million views easily or more as a YOUTUBE VIDEO. I really don't know but I know that it will be popular.
This is important. CENSORSHIP is wrong. YOU MUST HELP ME.
My phone call is an important piece of history. I deserve the GLORY or not but it's the Mona Lisa this phone call to a talkback radio station that I speak of. It needs to be in public view.
PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE. It still exists. You don't destroy something precious, valuable, unique expensive etc. OF COURSE IT EXISTS.
The GOVT powers that be use CENSORSHIP against my voice and my property. This phone call is my property to release onto YOUTUBE and the INTERNET in general for all to see.
They CENSOR my free speech against constitutional law I believe. It is more important that this phone call be released than for it to be kept a secret. It will change history and many lives. It is important.
I'm not totally sure if i'm going to listen to this much more but I like the intro and the line "All Along The Watchtower". It reminds me of being on a watchtower and looking out for danger, least the word watchtower does. I'm going to add this to the label amazing guitar as well as I find it unique enough and whatever else.
So we is all on the lookout for danger to warn others. I feel that because through my suffering I have something to say. I don't really have anything to say but I should I guess. I hope it will come to me. Matthew 10:19 At that time you will be given what to say. I have suffered extremely and nobody knew. So i'm telling you now. There is extreme supreme suffering out there to be had. Life hasn't yet swallowed up these things. Some of you may be called to suffer in life like I was. It's not pleasant. I hope there is a purpose to it. Surely it must make sense some how.
In suffering all is lost. Suffering is the absence of joy. I hope not to suffer any more. 1 Peter 4:1 because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. I hope that from my suffering I have learned not to sin as Christians call it. I hope my suffering has perfected something or some power in me. What is the purpose of suffering? Nobody knows. Suffering could be bad and therefore is an enemy.
Christ suffered. If Jesus Christ didn't have miracle powers then we at least know that he suffered. What is it about suffering? I aim to live above and abolish all suffering in an age that accepts it as the norm. Such is suffering that it needs to be finished and gone forever as soon as possible. I believe that the level of suffering some have experienced already will somehow be enough to defeat suffering forever. Something permanent has to be done. Right now. Not in a 1000 years but now.
Revelation 21:4 There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain. So according to this scripture there will one day be no more pain. I like the thought of this and it rings true to me that this will be the case and truth one day. There will be no more pain. Pain because of it's nature will be abolished and no more. Nobody likes pain. If you like it it's not pain. I cast my lot and my vote that all pain should be outlawed and abolished to the deepest darkest chains there are. With the end of pain comes immortality. There is nothing to fear in being rid of pain and suffering. 2 Corinthians 5:4 What is mortal may be swallowed up by life. I think this means life will shine so bright that it will get rid of every bit of wrong and evil.
I could only wish God was real so that his bible would come to pass. We at the moment live in the dark. At least I do. God seems along way off from reality. I have to believe there is enough power to war on suffering. To defeat it. I have a right, law and grace not to suffer anymore. Suffering is wrong and it's here to be defeated and triumphed over. No more suffering. I have said enough for now. War on suffering until immortality. Let life shine brightest.
Today I found a neat application for my website. It's just a bit of code you copy and paste in but what it does is display scripture from the bible when you hover the mouse over the link it creates, this is whenever your quoting chapter and verse. eg, John 8:36 If you hover your mouse over that link you should be able to see what the scripture is. Here's another one. John 8:32
Not that i'm a Christian but occasionally I've quoted scripture so it's nice to have it linked and that in the future I won't have to type out the whole scripture just the chapter and verse. You could add this to your website if you want to also, goto reftagger.com there's also a link when you hover over the scripture that will take you there as well.
Jesus died a horrible and painful death. John 15:13 No Greater Love. Not many men could endure such a death. Jesus chose to lay down his life so that he could take it up again. John 10:18 I don't know his reasons. Was it because we were trapped in sin and he needed to die to set us free, to pay the price.
So how do we partake in the resurrection power, or did Jesus not come back. What's your opinion. Did Jesus preform miracles. Why can't we imitate and copy and preform them, the same miracles Jesus did, today. Jesus himself said we will do the same and even greater things than him. John 14:12
Christians talk a lot about faith. They need to focus on the primary. Which is love. Faith is nothing without love. If you introduce somebody to Christianity introduce them to love. 1 Corinthians 13:2
If for all else forsake faith and stay with love. Let's see there's Love thy neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:31 Love your enemies. Matthew 5:44 And finally of course Love God. Matthew 22:37
1 Peter 4:8
What are we supposed to hate? Or how do we go about hating? Are we to have any hate at all? Christians also talk about forgiveness of sins a lot to, they use the word forgiveness and attempt to forgive when they should be trying to love. But again it comes back to love. 1 Peter 4:8
So I prescribe more love as DR Lee. (My full name is Darcy Robert Lee, that makes my initials D R Lee or Doctor Lee).
The word love needs to be used instead of forgiveness and faith. You can drop those for all I care.
I don't know much about Christianity but I try to practice love. It's hard when you have the sickness. I make for some poor decisions. Love has to grow and get power and use that power.
The world is lacking power. The kingdom of heaven is a kingdom of power but also not just a matter of talk. 1 Corinthians 4:20 I think by Jesus coming to earth power was able to reach places, dark places, that lacked the most power of all, light out of darkness. Jesus was a friend of sinners. His disciples were power producers and containers and vessels and they produced power. Each disciple of the 12 were unique and they operated as a unit or body all in all aiding each other to produce power. Jesus put a seed in each disciple and this developed power for the use of Jesus. Each disciple had a power producing foundation in him that Jesus put there.
One theory I have going is that power that we would use to live a higher more abundant love filled life is being siphoned off. Enough to keep us in darkness and the power that's siphoned is being used to sustain others lives who live the high life. Like devils and stuff, they suck our power. Not that devils are real. We lack power.
I love story's.
Evil has no way of generating it's own power, it's soul or battery so to speak has been destroyed or it never had one. It's a parasite and lives by sucking the power out of the world which blinds and deafens men and women.
I don't have any solutions to this theory. Maybe we could produce more power and use power more efficiently some how, more power than the devil can burn off. Power can beget power. So spending expending power wisely to generate more power could help. Power needs to reach the right places to loosen bonds and set people free, freeing up more power which can then be invested. Jesus invested power in us maybe.
Matthew 19:24
Technology could possibly help. I don't know if tech is the way though. Magic miraculous powers seem the way to me but that's probably not going to happen. Christ had this going on. But it's unconfirmed. When Christians talk about believe again instead use the word love. Also Christ talks about how hard it is for a rich man to enter heaven which is kind of money is tech way. Matthew 19:24
We could maybe taint the power that's being siphoned with love so it drives the evil nuts and it can't efficiently use the power. Like maybe lock the power with love of some kind somehow. Set a standard for the power to be at a certain level before it's able to be consumed. But how do you do that. Silly talk really.
What is power. Do humans have power. I wonder.
Because of the darkness we live in and under, because our minds are blind we barely make enough power for our daily needs. Little by little as time progresses people slowly become freer I hope and think. Little by little, day by day we produce a little more power which gets reinvested in acquiring a little more freedom and are each day a little more free.
Here it is, off topic, but here it is.
I'll never be free. Other humans enslave me. And i'm supposed to love. I have very little or no power. I also have very little or no love. Slavery sucks. I don't think God is real. So there's really no one to save me. No even believes me in the first standard. Woe is me. I'm tortured and mocked and punished. Woe is me. Crying out to God helps no one.
Revelation 21:4
One day there will be no more Death, Mourning Crying or Pain. Revelation 21:4
Knowledge of God would set the world on fire. It would spread faster than the speed of light. I believe the world lacks knowledge of Jesus and God. Knowledge of God would spread faster than anything. We lack this knowledge.
The Holy Ghost has unlimited power to give us. But we can become immune to that power. Markers and placers need to be set to moderate intake of power. You can use unlimited power more efficiently. One person with unlimited power can do greater things than another with unlimited power. They are using it better. The devil probably has unlimited power as well. But it's how he's built his house to enable and take advantage of that power and produce and tap into the power in the first place. Maybe the devils power has a limit and isn't unlimited like God's I dunno. The Devil has kept pace with God for a while but eventually God should pull ahead and leave the Devil in his dust. With each day the Devil grows weaker and God and us grow stronger.
Cool Story Bro.
Power should maybe be reserved for suffering and hard times if power can be reserved activate and use it then. Bawahahah. Your a loon.