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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Computers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computers. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Buy Windows 10 Home or Pro Key for Seven Dollars

Windows 10.
I currently have a pirated version of windows. I went looking through Google for a key. I managed to find a free key to upgrade Windows home to Windows Pro but you need a legit Windows Home first. I couldn't find the key again sorry to add it here.

What I did also find is a place to buy or purchase Windows 10 for about $17 US dollars which is very cheap. I'm going to grab it when I have the money which could be never. I shall come and edit this post in the future and let you know if I have any hassles with it at all.

I'll even let you know how long it lasts. I read some comments from just one person that the game they bought expired and he couldn't get any help. I'm hoping that if I spend this $17 US on Windows 10 Pro from this website that it will all go smoothly. Hopefully it's not a rip. But it is very cheap. I will keep you updated as soon as I can.

OEM or RETAIL for MIN $7 - MAX $17.00 US

My Fast PC recently stopped working. I turned it on one morning and windows began to boot and then it froze. I restarted it and nothing came up. Tested everything and it was either the CPU or Motherboard. My brother has been really kind and spent $500 on a second hand PC which should be faster than the one that stopped working. It's got more ram. 16GB DDR3. I had 6GB DDR3 in my old machine. The machine i'm on at the moment only has 4GB of ddr2 800MHZ. Also the video card that my brother bought is nearly twice as fast as the old one and can support 4 monitors.

I'm signed up to a newsletter from a computer shop here in NZ and  I was browsing that and came across a 28" 4K monitor for NZ $500 down from $700. Now the only way I was going to pay for this was through hire purchase. I haven't even applied for credit in since 2004 and I was declined then but I thought I'd give it ago. I was approved much to my shock. The only thing I regret is not spending more. I'm now going to have to see if they will approve a second hire purchase agreement for a microphone and webcam.

I bought a 28" 4k monitor and 240gb SSD to run World of Warcraft and OS off. Next i'm going to buy a webcam and pro mike so I can start streaming all the time. I plan to stream and run commentary on WOW and some daily rants and stuff. I'm going to be running 3 monitors and a 42" HD TV.

To complete my setup i'm going to need a legit copy of Windows 10. I'll edit this post and let you know when I purchase it and what if any hassles I have.

If you purchase a copy perhaps you could leave a comment on this website regarding your experience.

Darcy Lee

Added Label "Windows"

Friday, December 30, 2016

Midi Pad For Guitar


These two videos show what can be done when you have a midi pad made for your guitar. They both come up with some pretty awesome tunes.

This one is way more budget but still has a cool effect.

Brain computer interfaces will have a way to make music direct with your thoughts. This Virtual Reality Matrix tech will definitely produce some new sounds.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Spy Hunter

All About Spy Hunter The Game.

The Spy Hunter Theme Song.

Just a quick post before bed here. Going in both Music 2 for theme song and movies for the short about the classic coin op game that got ported to computer Spy Hunter.

I can't remember what computer I used to play this on but i'm pretty sure I had this game. One thing I remember is the trucks to get new weapons were real hard to get on and i rarely got them if I even got that far to get a truck out. I also remembered the music as being real cool and that's why I looked up this game.

I'm pretty sure it was a hard game on the port I played. I don't remember ever playing the arcade version myself.

This has been a memory. Also added the label "Spy".

Darcy Lee

Monday, April 13, 2015

Genesis Home By Darcy

Genesis - Home By The Sea.

Had the ole Matrix computer in the head frolic this to me a couple days ago. I think it sang "Home By The Sea" the chorus and I looked that up. I knew straight away it was a Phil Collins Song from what was in my head. I did have some memory of this.

So I got a few listens out of it. I'm adding it to Music because I don't add much to that category these days. Most new stuff seems to go in Music 2. The line that was played in my head was pretty epic.

The computer can Sing!

Darcy Lee

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cyndi Lauper Time After Time.

Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper.  This song is from about 1984 so that's 30 years this year.  It's a slower song though I like it still.  I like the kiss the dog gives the boyfriend in the beginning.

I tell ya my computer needs more ram.  I only have 2gb total of ram.  I bought another 2gb as I have 3 free upgrade slots still but the 2gb was faulty.  I sent it back and the second one worked for like a week then the machine started crashing again.  I would take stability over something that crashes but is faster anyday.  I haven't been bothered to send the ram back as it's probably not worth it i'd rather just take the hit and be ripped off.

Oneday I will get a new computer with at least 8gb ram.  That would be awesome.  I usually have alot of tabs open in my browser at one time so that takes heaps of ram also it would be nice to be able to alt tab quicker if I have a game loaded or it would work better with dual monitors. My current computer would be nice and a bit faster with another 2gb of ram but it's ddr2 so it's real expensive compared to ddr3. If I had more ram in my machine I could maybe save 30 seconds or so of time here and there.

This is and has been Time After Time.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Take Me To Your Leeda.

I posted the text below on about 5 different forums.  On one forum,, I got my account banned (Lol), on another forum,, the post got deleted.  On, and the post still exists but the thread has died a horrible death. has 71 views and is still near the top of the forum but it doesn't see much action really.

Anyway here is the post:

Post anything you want to say to "The Powers That Be" here in this thread and I guarantee you if they like it, it will go to the top. This means posting in this thread gets you in front of President Obama and his aides. Or even higher people that exist outside the Pres in total shadowness. I guarantee that if it's important or somehow something they and these people will read it.

Can you make them laugh with some of your wit? Maybe you can? What are you going to say. Do you have words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. You have been delivered before Kings and Governors and Presidents. 

Believe and so speak.


I use the nickname Leeda when it's available.  Anyway here is the one reply that I got from from the user Gottservant:

We should believe we are heard.

We should believe we are heard when we pray too.

But prayer is more important.

That was his post.  None of the other replies on the other forums are worth mentioning.  I suppose if you posted a comment on this webpage and it was important then it would probably go up to the top through my handlers so by all means leave a comment if you dare it could be seen by the President, no really it could.  

One day if I ever become famous i'll start my own forum, it will only work if i'm famous because that will be the only way to get members.  I'll pay money and everything to set up a forum and run ads so that it eventually pays for itself.


Friday, May 24, 2013

My Life Information.

Hey all.  (I'm talking to myself no one reads this).

I been playing a little bit of Diablo 3.  I'm back up to $105 US dollars in my Paypal account but haven't had any sales for a couple nights now which is sad.  My inventory isn't the greatest I guess.  I am planning to expand with my brother lending me his D3 account so i'll be able to list twice as many items for sale, as most know there is a 10 item limit on the D3 Auction House.  This means i'll probably spend between $10 and $15 dollars on acquiring new stuff to sell for profit so will knock my Paypal balance a little.

My phone bill is in a little bit better shape so i'm going to try and save for a 24" monitor.  At the rate i'm achieving at the moment it's going to be a fair while.  Another thing is that the ads on this page have been doing alright.  I'm nearing the payout threshold for them but it's probably still a year away.  It seems that the ad's pay more now than they used to back in the day.  I'm also getting more traffic so that helps I guess.

I only actually got my new power supply on Monday after my old one died the bang.  One of the cables is to short so needs to be lengthened otherwise it seems fine so far.  Today I got my ram back that I send for warranty.  Again so far it seems ok and there have been no system crashes.  The original ram started to crash my machine after the first few hours.  It's been like 6-7 hours now without incident.  Yay.  Finally a stable computer.  I had the chance to buy an am2+ motherboard for $55 dollars but it sold before I finally decided I wanted it.  Very sad.  I have a quad core processor that would be faster than what I have at the moment it just needs a MB.

What else has been happening um.  I made a couple more pages on and , these are websites where with a page you ask for donations.  Some people have made a lot of money to start their project or fund whatever or maybe a sickness or something, some have made over 10k or even 100k.  I haven't gotten any donations but I did get one comment that's about it.  On my page I said that my suffering was probably in the top 5% of all time suffering.  I reckon it could be up there in about the top 2% of all time suffering without to much of a stretch.  I guess people just don't see my page buried in amongst all the others or they don't believe me.

What else has been happening er.  I had some new neighbours move into the flat next door to me.  O.  The landlords who had the house on the market because they were getting divorced - well the husband bought out the wife so I don't have to move.  This is great news.  I need stability.  I don't want to be moving around all the time and also there were about 5 open homes which was really annoying with people coming through all the time.  I would still love to own my own home one day with all the benefits that it comes with like cheaper living costs like rent.

Anyhow i'll leave it here for now.  I haven't been doing much at all as usual.    

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So I just ran the latest version of GPUZ on my computer and the annoying thing is that all the stats have changed.

As you can see from the pictures the card is now registering a lot slower now in both the pixel fillrate and texture fillrate. The picture down below is the old GPUZ reading I got from my card when I first got it. I'm guessing that GPUZ wasn't reading the card properly or something and now GPUZ has been updated so reads the card correctly.

It's very annoying as I purchased the card thinking it was alot faster than it really is. GPUZ is proving less useful for new cards if it's going to show a false rating.

The card was at least a few months old before I ran GPUZ on it the first time and posted my original article so really GPUZ should be more up to date.

From these results it's like the power of my graphics card has been exactly halved. I can't explain the different results. I have been getting quite a few hits on my orignal posting of my video card results and I though I should post so that people can be more aware. I'm sure someone out there can explains the different results. As always Leave A Comment and Donate see ya for now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pictures in your Head.

It's been just over 2 months since I posted last. I haven't been anymore busy than usual probably just a bit more lazy. This could be coming from the fact that I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my websites. It seems pointless to post. It relatively is.

But alas I return to keep posting. So some news. Well I managed to get kicked out of my World of Warcraft raiding guild. They said no one wanted to raid with me. :( I'm not the greatest best player but I must be doing something wrong. It's put me off raiding abit. I'm still a noobie raider only really know the first two bosses of black wing descent Magmaw and OmniTron not that that means anything to anyone here.

I'm still wondering how to make money with this website. It doesn't come by posting heaps. One way is establishing back links but not many people are interested in linking to this web page because of me and the topics I cover. It's not that the topics I cover aren't interesting it's just that I have no credibility, also my language is all over the place and not plain or flashy enough.

I'm not very smart. But one thing is for sure the government has the ability to send pictures into your head. To read and monitor dreams and do all sorts of crazy things inside your head with pictures and artificial intelligence.

It's probably 30 years before this technology gets released to the public but i'm telling you it exists now and has existed for over 10 years that I know of.

Anyway continue to ignore me internet community. There must be progress made in addressing this technology. But for now it remains an internet and world myth.


Monday, August 16, 2010


I'm adding this image here on the right top because it's the more current GPUZ of my video card. When I ran GPUZ the last time it didn't recognise the card properly so gave a much higher reading. I'm leaving the bottom image in because it gets lot of hits from google images but the stats in the image are a lie but this is what GPUZ used to read it as.

I bought this video card based on the old stats which clock it at alot faster so I guess you have to be careful when running GPUZ on the latest piece of hardware. You can check the catalyst version to see the difference from when I originally ran GPUZ. So again, i'm rally only leaving the older photo in because it gets heaps of hits in google. But i've been fair now and posted an updated image for anyone who comes here.

Also I didn't know that with GPUZ you can click the camera icon on the top right and it takes a screen shot for you. With the older image I took a screen shot of my whole desktop and then cut it out you can see the borders on the bottom image. I honestly didn't edit any of the numbers in the photo though.

Below is the original text which i'll leave here as well, it was edited once when I added a link to the new GPUZ but I didn't add a photo, like now i've added a photo of the latest GPUZ.

Now to change topic. So how about technology and dreams aye. Secret technology that can send pictures, images, text - 3d spatially, all inside your head.

Yeah tech that will send an image to your head. This has been an ad for tech that puts a picture in you head. Man on the Moon. Well Picture in your head the latest frontier.

Graphics unbelievable.

Below is the old article left here again for google.

This GPUZ is now old. Click here GPUZ link for an updated picture of an ATI Radeon 5670. I don't think GPUZ read it right the first time I ran it.

This picture is of my graphics card that I just got. The main number to compare is the G/Texel. You should download GPUZ HERE and test your system. This card cost me $185 NZ dollars. 2 Years before that I paid $350 for a card that did 11.7 G/Texel. So this card is definately an improvement.


The card is stock standard.

This Website is trying to earn a living, for a very poor, living off the government in New Zealand person. If your interested it video card technology then your definitely interested in pictures in your head Technology. That is if you believe.

Be ready for when this technology arises. It's in use now. People are training on it, in schools specially designed to train you. What do you believe? THIS IS 2011. (Like Sparta). Technology can now produce an image in your head. It can also see what you see.

This technology is linked closely to Artificial Intelligence. Mega Powerful SUPER thinking Internet reading, movie and now thought producing artificial intelligence now exists.

Believe today or be left behind tomorrow.

Sorry just rambling. Would you like to donate? Click the paypal button.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Secret Virtual Reality Technology.

World of Warcraft has been fun. I got an 80 druid my main, an 80 mage and a 78 Death Knight. My DK should be 80 pretty soon. WOW and movies is pretty mich all I do. There is this website that I keep but I hardly ever post on it. My life is dull and I don't really have anything to write about.

Being non smart and retarded with something like a permanent headache + insanity feels real good every morning when you wake up. But enough about my disabilities.

The worlds in for some serious games in the future. With the government technology of virtual reality set to take off when it becomes less classified, the ability to send full motion video sound images text directly to your mind a new world. Now put this together with artificial intelligence the games will be amazing.

Off course maybe with this technology they need to build more mental hospitals for the people it creates. I don't know secret tech is secret.

A.I could maybe oneday in my life if i live another 20-30 yrs be able to write movies in real time with full motion live world realistic video. It could even star your most favourite actors. As computers get faster the creation of a movie or tv program could go down from months to days. I like movies tv so thats great, theres isnt enough good shows that I can get hold of at the moment.

Yeah I don';t know anything about secret virtual reality technology. Cough.


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