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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Diablo 3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diablo 3. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2015

Payout From Google Adsense.

Finally after like 9 years of operating my website I have managed to get a payout from Google Adsense. I managed after this time to reach the NZ $130 dollar mark. I mean like 9 years. I'm pretty sure this website has had Adsense this whole time so it really did take me that long.

Goggle Adsense.
It was a long time. Anyway with the money I purchased a 2 Terabyte Western Digital external Hard Disc Drive. I'm pretty sure that I will be able to hit the payout limit in about 3-4 years this time. I've already had a good month. I don't think I'm actually allowed to tell you how much I earned through Adsense exactly so I won't. But already It's been pretty good.

The money from the first payout was in my bank account on October 22 2015.

I'm going to update the money clock on the side of page to show the new earnings. I'm also going to add the Diablo 3 earnings from the past and any other earnings I make like other games I have played. This money clock is for all money I make through the internet.

Added Label "Money Clock".

So in terms of what i've made through the internet here goes:

$10   US Dollars for Ad on Website.  Source dried up.
$391 US Dollars from Diablo 3 Auction House, Source dried up.
$260 US Dollars Other Games. Can still make a little money from this source possibly but not much.
$85   US Dollars from Google Adsense.  Still able to make money from this source.

$746 US Dollars altogether and this is the total that's going on the clock. So my efforts from the internet have earned me this much in 9 years of trying. Not very successful really.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, July 13, 2013

We Are What We Eat, and LOL.

I don't have much news to post.  I have now made about $400 NZ dollars from playing the Diablo 3 Auction House.  I recently just renewed this domain name at the cost of about $32 NZ dollars.  It's good till July 2014.  I also bought another couple of fail names that nobody will be interested in but will try selling them on ebay anyway.  The domains cost me $4 dollars each but you can't actually do anything with them.  Like you can't point them to any websites or anywhere.  They are simply your domains registered in an account. Anyhow the domains I bought are and and I currently have them listed on ebay for $500 each not that anyone will buy them.  So far they haven't even got any views.

What else.  I might have a job lined up but it's still a long shot and might not happen yet. It's handling courier parcels at 5am in the morning.  But yeah long shot.  A few things have to happen first before I get it.  Just have to wait and see.

Don't have much else to write about.  Mum bought me $100 dollar bagless vacuum cleaner today.  I don't think it will get much use but I suppose it is handy.  My other one was horrible it sucked or rather didn't suck more to the point.  I do wish I had more money to spend.  At the moment I don't get any spare money each week.  It all goes on bills.

Also I wish I wasn't so lazy.  I wish I would do things day to day and achieve things.  I could post on this website more or make more videos to post on You Tube I could use my time more wisely and astutely to learn new things and skills.  But at the moment i'm very lazy.  I could even cook myself a meal instead of takeouts all the time.  But no i'm lazy.  I don't know how to beat laziness.  I'm a sad story living week to week.

I have been thinking recently about how we are what we eat.  I would really like to get into a lot of vitamin supplements.  Like eat alot of pills.  But this all takes money.  I would like to adapt and adjust my diet maybe eat more but more of the right foods. Anyhow it's pretty much true.  We are what we eat, breath and drink.  I need to make some changes in my life to live healthier.

This is probably not going to happen though.  Money could definitely help things.  But there are things I can be doing without money that I don't do so giving me money wouldn't fix underlying problems it would probably just ease my burden abit and create potential new problems but yes I do need money which could be spent wisely.

A house is a life long dream I have.  Owning my own little 2 bedroom house with garage and concrete backyard with no lawn or very little lawn to mow but this is never going to happen bar something major happening.

Anyhow I'm going to leave it here for now.  Thanks for Reading.  Remember You Are What You eat.

Darcy Lee

Friday, May 24, 2013

My Life Information.

Hey all.  (I'm talking to myself no one reads this).

I been playing a little bit of Diablo 3.  I'm back up to $105 US dollars in my Paypal account but haven't had any sales for a couple nights now which is sad.  My inventory isn't the greatest I guess.  I am planning to expand with my brother lending me his D3 account so i'll be able to list twice as many items for sale, as most know there is a 10 item limit on the D3 Auction House.  This means i'll probably spend between $10 and $15 dollars on acquiring new stuff to sell for profit so will knock my Paypal balance a little.

My phone bill is in a little bit better shape so i'm going to try and save for a 24" monitor.  At the rate i'm achieving at the moment it's going to be a fair while.  Another thing is that the ads on this page have been doing alright.  I'm nearing the payout threshold for them but it's probably still a year away.  It seems that the ad's pay more now than they used to back in the day.  I'm also getting more traffic so that helps I guess.

I only actually got my new power supply on Monday after my old one died the bang.  One of the cables is to short so needs to be lengthened otherwise it seems fine so far.  Today I got my ram back that I send for warranty.  Again so far it seems ok and there have been no system crashes.  The original ram started to crash my machine after the first few hours.  It's been like 6-7 hours now without incident.  Yay.  Finally a stable computer.  I had the chance to buy an am2+ motherboard for $55 dollars but it sold before I finally decided I wanted it.  Very sad.  I have a quad core processor that would be faster than what I have at the moment it just needs a MB.

What else has been happening um.  I made a couple more pages on and , these are websites where with a page you ask for donations.  Some people have made a lot of money to start their project or fund whatever or maybe a sickness or something, some have made over 10k or even 100k.  I haven't gotten any donations but I did get one comment that's about it.  On my page I said that my suffering was probably in the top 5% of all time suffering.  I reckon it could be up there in about the top 2% of all time suffering without to much of a stretch.  I guess people just don't see my page buried in amongst all the others or they don't believe me.

What else has been happening er.  I had some new neighbours move into the flat next door to me.  O.  The landlords who had the house on the market because they were getting divorced - well the husband bought out the wife so I don't have to move.  This is great news.  I need stability.  I don't want to be moving around all the time and also there were about 5 open homes which was really annoying with people coming through all the time.  I would still love to own my own home one day with all the benefits that it comes with like cheaper living costs like rent.

Anyhow i'll leave it here for now.  I haven't been doing much at all as usual.    

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

GPU Z ATI Radeon HD 7750 Sapphire 2gb

This is the GPUZ of my new video card, an ATI Radeon HD 7750 Sapphire 2gb.  It cost $130 nz dollars which is about $110 US dollars, the $130 cost includes $10 for courier.
GPU Z ATI Radeon HD 7750 Sapphire 2GB.

Since my original 600 watt power supply blew up I thought that it had taken out the video card with it.  I was only running an old 400 watt that was very dusty.  It had enough juice to power an ordinary 64mb pci video card but not enough grunt to run a pci-e.  I didn't know this till after the new video card wouldn't run either so I new it had to be something else.  I finally managed to borrow a 550 watt power supply and both video cards worked fine from then on and I am now able to run dual monitors.  I have a 22" and a 17" set up.  

Anyhow I now have to spend the rest of my hard earned Diablo 3 money on a new power supply.  I had a go with Diablo 3 and my new video card and it is alot better.  It doesn't lag for so long when there's alot of stuff on screen happening.  My new power supply is going to cost about $66 dollars including courier for a 600 watt.  600 watts should be more than sufficient for a while.  I got like 6 years out of my 400 watt power supply before it failed like it did with not being able to run a pci express video card.  I hope all is well with how it fits into the case and such.  It's a pretty small case.  I wouldn't mind a new case.

So with Diablo 3 as an update I have now earnt and drawn down into my bank account $145 US dollars or I got about $164 NZ dollars.  This is all since beginning trading on the 28th of March 2013 and it's now the 7th of May 2013.  I did have a brea k in trading cause my computer was down with no power supply but that was only about 3 days.  

As I write this I also have about $30 dollars in sales waiting to clear and go into my paypal account which will take the balance to about $40 dollars.  It's good.  I only just drawn down some money and I got almost enough to draw down again.  

My next drawdown is going to go on my phonebill as that's about $200 in debt.  After that is in control i'm then going to buy a new monitor hopefully.  A new 24" screen for around $180 NZ dollars I think they are.  I hope I can make it quicker than I can spend it.  Lol.  Not.   

Anyhow enjoy the GPU Z of my new 7750 video card and my mad rambles.  If you ever played Diablo 3 consider using the Real Money AH again if you have stopped playing.  There's still money to be made.  

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Video Card ATI HD7750 + D3 Update.

I have been talking about Diablo 3 Real Money Auction House in my last post and will update now.  On Sunday the 21st  of April 2013 I passed $100 dollars US in my Paypal account for the first time.  That same day I withdrew $90 US which basically equalled $102.93 NZ Dollars and on Wednesday the 24th of April 2013 the money was there in my account.

That all being said I was going to spend the money on buying World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria and 1 months subscription.  Unfortunately on Tuesday the 23rd of April the power supply in my computer decided to die taking with it the video card.  I have a spare power supply but it's only 400 watt and it's quite old like nearly 8 years old so it will need replacing soon enough.  Anyway I have ordered a new video card.

I spent $131.41 cents including courier on an ATI HD 7750 which according to a review written days ago is the most powerful video card in its bracket for the money and it's also the most powerful before needing an external power supply.  In other words it draws all it's current from the PCI-E slot.  According to GPU Z it's nearly twice as powerful, maybe two thirds as my old card which I paid $185 for back in 2010.  Plus is has 2gb of ram.  My old card an ATI HD 5670 had only 1gb.

I also spent $12 Dollars on couriering 2gb of ddr2 800 MHz of ram that I bought that was faulty and made my machine crash periodically.  It was $6 each way as it had to go to Auckland where I bought it from.

My mum paid some of the cost of the video card but it means that I can't play World of Warcraft as all my hard won Diablo 3 money went on the video card.  

So anyway that's it.  All my extra money I earnt has gone....  Although, I have been getting a few sales recently and my Paypal balance will be up to $58 US dollars by this time tomorrow once some money has cleared.  I still had $10 in there from when I withdrew the $90 but this does mean I have earnt yet another $48 dollars since the 21st of April 2013.   I earnt like $150 US total in a month from March 28th when I very first started trading in D3 to now.  


Darcy Lee


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Diablo 3 Auction House.

Diablo 3 Box Guest Passes and Notepad.
Recently i've been playing with the Diablo 3 Gold and Real Money Auction Houses.  I've been buying gear on the Gold Auction House and then re-listing it on the Real Money AH with mark-up to make a profit.

I started with $2.50 in my Paypal account and have worked my way upto currently having $55 US dollars in my paypal account with another $11 in sales due to clear overnight tonight, so really i've got $66 US.

Not only do I have $66 US dollars but I also have 10 legendaries all valued between $5-$15 US dollars listing value on the RMAH which are currently all listed and waiting for someone to purchase them.

All I did was research the markets and bought low and sold high using the price difference between the two different Auctions houses.  I buy gold off the gold AH for US $0.25 cents a million.

With the US $2.50 I had in my paypal account I  bought 10 million gold and then bought one item off the gold AH.  I sold that item at a profit and then once the money had cleared I had enough money to purchase enough gold to now buy 2 items from the Gold AH.  I just continued in this pattern of purchasing gold looking for bargains on the gold AH and re-listing them with mark up on the RMAH.

It's taken about 3 weeks to earn that money so it's not like you'll be able to earn enough to make a decent living but if you have some spare time like me then this is probably something you can do to earn some extra money.  The game has paid for itself so far.  But it is a dying game.  It's nearly a year old now and people will be moving away.  An expansion will revive things but that's probably a year or two away.

What the Diablo 3 AH Looks Like.
It's has been fun getting sales of things and watching the profits roll in.  It's getting harder now though as well.  There don't seem to be as many bargains as there once was.  I do wish that I had been doing this earlier.

One really good way of getting gear that will fetch a good price is to bid on items.  You basically need to be there when the auction closes but you can get gear this way alot cheaper than sometimes paying the buyout price.  Sometimes it's worth the wait to place a bid not to get the gear straight away .  You should place a bid at the max of what you think the item is worth and on how much of a mark-up you can place on it.

If you plan of using Diablo 3 RMAH then stats to look for are Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed and Critical Strike Damage.  Anything with one or two of these stats is worth alot of gold.  These stats also when combined with Vitality and one of the primary stats Dexterity, Strength or Intelligence make them item even more expensive.

With the money I have earned i'm going to purchase World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria and some game time and start playing that again.  That at least is my hope.  I also hope to make a lot more money from the Diablo 3 RMAH as I make better choices in gear selection and learn to price stuff more efficiently for sales.

If you own the game and you have some free time and a couple dollars in your paypal account then you should definitely look into trading on the AH for some spare dollars and a bit of entertainment.  You don't even have to play the actual game you can just trade pretty much like what I do.  If you persevere and do the maths you should make a profit.

 Darcy Lee

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Diablo 3 Competition Giving Away 2 Guest Passes Free

I have two Diablo 3 guest passes which I don't know all that much about apart from they would probably let you play Diablo 3 upto a certain level perhaps upto Skeleton King maybe. This is for free without buying the game.  I don't know how limited the guest passes are but it would give you a general idea of the game and would be fun.  All you need is a account which is free and you enter the code that I will give you if you win.

To enter all you need to do is leave a comment on one of my posts, any post and i'll choose the best two comments.  Now if your real brave you can leave your email address but that will probably attract lots of spam to your account.

What you can do instead is go here and you can link your email to a form which means you can post the link they give you and your email address will remain anonymous and I can then fill out the form to send you the code.  It takes 5 seconds to sign up and get a link.  This will also be a way of me and others knowing that your entering the Diablo 3 Competition.

I'll run this it for three weeks from todays date and if anyone has entered and wins i'll post them out a code.
Pretty simple contest - leave a comment best comment wins free Diablo 3 Guest Pass.  

This competition would be for someone who has probably never played Diablo 3 before and would like to try it out without buying the game.  

Your chances of winning are pretty good.  I don't think many will enter.  If after 3 weeks no-one has entered i'll just pass the code to the first two people who enter.

Just leave a comment and be in to win.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Diablo 3 III Real Money Auction House RMAH FAQ

Today the American region of Diablo 3 Real Money Auction House or RMAH (Armour) came online here is sorta an FAQ.

Currently, the maximum bid and buyout is $250 on any one item, and already stuff is set at that max price.  Blizzard takes a $1 cut on every successful auction, the minimum auction is $1.25 of which you would get 25 cents. If you want to buy and sell on the RMAH your are required to attach a authenticator to your account.

 Equipment or gear sales come with a $1 deduction (taken by Blizzard from the sale amount). Sales for anything else—like gems, crafting materials, and gold—take a 15% deduction instead of the flat $1, Gold must be sold in quantities of 100,000 or more.  As of todays date the 13th of June 2012 you are still unable to sell gold or gems or bs recipes and these features will probably be enabled later.

Any money made on the auction house is subject to a 15% withdrawal fee if you want to put it anywhere besides the balance.  You can use your money on the auction house, to pay for WoW subscription time and pets, or anything else linked to your account.

The photo is of all the top 2 hand bows available for a demon hunter.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Diablo 3 III Box Photos.

 The Box
 Notice the notepad
 Guest Pass up close.
The box unfolded.

Diablo 3 III.

So I just purchased my copy of Diablo 3 from Dick Smith for $100 NZ dollars.  I had to walk in the rain to pick it up.  I really wanted the box.  Much better than having just a digital copy, and I get that anyway, i'm still able to download the client from plus now I have a box.... with a DVD 3 free guest passes for others to play Diablo 3 a manual and a cool notepad with which I will write down stuff about the game prolly.  With the guest passes I don't know how much content it would let you see, it's probably just like the beta.

So that's me for at least the next 24 hours I will be playing Diablo III.  I'll post photos of the box and what you get with it when my camera battery has charged up.  The servers go live at 7pm NZ Time which is 12 midnight the 15th of May somewhere in America I think maybe.  Anyway so 5 hours from now.  

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