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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Left Behind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Left Behind. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2012

Believing Before Seeing.

Hello. It's been a while since I posted. Can't say much has changed. I still require money. Not that asking on the internet is going to get me any money. But you never know. I'm getting more traffic, hits, visits now adays to this site than when I first started blogging. Still not many really though. More hits means more chance of someone donating or money from sponsored ads.

I wonder if I make sense when I say virtual reality, 3D Spatial pictures, images, text inside your head mind brain eyes technology exists today in a ready to use format in the field. Full augmentation. This is only amazing if you have had experience with the technology. It's so amazing it's secret. You wanted to know something secret well i've told you. The new frontier is inside the human mind. Man landed on the moon and everyone watched. Well this is Virtual Reality Pictures in Your Head. It's secret. Nobody knows. The technology to put a picture in your head eyes mind brain now exists.

What do you believe. Failure to believe in this technology could be dangerous, disastrous, hazardous hehe. You have an early warning upon reading this. When this technology hits there will probably be a flood of demand and more than a few scared people.

I can't say much more. Your thoughts are valuable objects that can be tracked with a computer.

Virtual Reality sounds awesome. This Tech is Real. Pictures in your Head Mind Brain Eyes. Are you ready to believe before the tech comes out. To believe before seeing on what little information I can provide. You should. Muwahaha.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Confer, Money, House.

So fail. And more fail. My life is pretty much fail. Tortured everyday. Yay.

My auction on Trademe for failed. No one placed a bid. I did get 600+ views on the auction though. That's pretty good for a domain auction on Trademe. You can find the auction Here.

Think I will give up on trying to sell domain names now. Trademe is like $20 dollars to place an advert. Just too expensive. I do suppose that it stops all the rubbish domains from being listed but it should be cheaper like $5 dollars. I have an account with which is a domain selling place but not having much luck there either. Not that I know how to choose a domain that will sell anyway. I guess the bubble burst along time ago.

So anyways I now have diverting to this site, i'll keep it until it expires which is in just under a years time.

So in analysing my fails. This site doesn't get enough traffic. Either from Google or from other sites that link to this site. In fact not many sites link to my page. This is why i'm not getting any traffic I believe. Also there's something not right with the things I write, the way I write. I'm not all together with it in the head. So the quality of my writing is not up there with everyone else.

I've tried getting links from other websites but yeah fail. I don't know how to build quality links that will raise my rankings in google. The links i wish could even be of the quality of providing traffic in them selves as i have seen with some people linking. They get hits from when other sites who have been found in google.

This blog only generates between 1 and 10 hits a day. My which has less links and way less content generates between 5-15 hits a day. Solely from google, simply because I have high ranking for the term Pet Rocks For Sale.

At the moment from google (not that anyone cares but i'm writing to fill space to look cool and to make this blog lived in) at the moment from google the top two pages that get results are my bill gates house and slash his email address page and now from not so long ago my gpuz page of my new video card, both pages can be found Here and Here ... Both these pages show up in google for search terms relative to them.

Using Google Webmaster tools I am ranked highly for the word donate. I don't know how to move on from that. I like to ask for money. Money is another word i'm highly ranked for. There are 333 occurrences of donate on this website according to the tools. Money occurs 291 times. House is 3rd at 215 times. So Donate Money House. Top ranking words of this website.

The next top ranking words are:

4. Reality 196 times
5. Technology 196 times
6. Virtual 184 times
7. World (2 Variants) 152 times
8. New (2 Variants) 151 times
9. Darcy 141 times
10. Lee 136 times
11. Gates 135 times
12. Government 126 times
13. Dollar (2 Variants) 122 times
14. September 121 times
15. Bill (2 Variants) 117 times

K so lets analyse this a little. I don't want to say donate so much. There must be other ways of saying giver your money to me please. One word is gift. Please gift your money to me. I don't have good reasons why you should gift your money other than i'm poor and am sick enough to not be able to work for the rest of my life. My writing styles show I am poorly educated as well so don't have many opportunities . How was that?? Asking for money without the word donate?

I looked up donate in a thesaurus here's what i got.

Main Entry: Donate
Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: Make a gift of
Synonyms: accord, ante up, award, bequeath, bestow, chip in, confer, contribute, devote, do one's part, dole out, feed the kitty, get in the act, give, give away, grant, hand out, lay on, pass the hat, present, provide, subscribe, sweeten the pot.

So there's a few words I can use to get someone to dole out and sweeten the pot. Here are some more words you may be interested in if you are starting a chip in, feed the kitty donate website.

This is for the word Distribute: Administer, allot, apportion, appropriate, assign, bestow,circulate, consign, convey, cut up, deal, deal out, diffuse, disburse, dish out, dispense, disperse, dispose, disseminate, divide, divvy up, dole out, donate, endow, fork out, give, give away, handout, issue, lot out, measure out, mete, parcel, partition, pass out, pay out, present, prorate, radiate, ration, scatter, share, shell out, slice, sow, strew.

This is for the word Give: Contribute, Supply, transfer, accord, administer, allow, ante up, award, bequeath, besow, cede, come across, commit, confer, consign, convey, deed, deliver, dish out, dispense, dispose of, dole out, endow, entrust, fork over, furnish, gift, grant, hand down, hand out, hand over, heap upon, lavish upon, lay upon, lease, let have, make over, parcel out, part with, pass down ,pass out, permit, pony up, present, provide, relinquish, remit, sell, shell out, subsidize, throw in, tip, transmit, turn over, vouchsafe, will.

So if anyone would like to contribute and throw in some money they can by clicking the paypal button that is all over this page. No one has ever awarded me with their money in nearly 5 years of working on the internets. (Awarded originally said donated until I changed the construction).

See what I did there, I used contribute and throw in instead of donate. Much cooler than using the word donate for probably now the 340th time. I wonder if the Internets will ever payout to me?

I want the word Technology and other words. This blog isn't so much about consumer technology but secret technology that the government possesses. Virtual Reality Technology. Pictures in your head. Psychologists will call you schizophrenic. But any way the technology exists. I don't have much to write about this technology. I can't think of anything that would be important. The idea that you will have a headset is not new but the headset will be using your brain as a medium to receive the pictures not just to have a small screen infront of your eyes. Probably you won't even need a headset. Everything will be wireless. Pictures in your head technology. Wirelessly. The technology is real I can't stress this enough. It can definately be used to manipulate and control. You don't want to be an enemy of the people behind this technology as I am. I am there enemy. They don't like me. That's why I don't know much about the technology.

Things I know. They can send a picture/video directly into your head/brain/eyesight. A video, a computer image, it can be anything. Think porn. Inside you. Just like a dream except fully awake except generated by computer. This is the power they have. Some of the uses they have developed. They can see what you see and overlay information and graphics. No longer do they have to plant cameras in your house. You can be the camera. Your very own eyesight can now be a camera. People completely deny the existence of this technology and get angry and upset. Most people simply won't believe you.
So on that note i'll finish with a scripture from the King James Bible. I'm going to quote a few scripures in posts to draw in a few christians. I'm an agnostic athiest myself. Matthew 12:34-37

34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. 35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. 36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. 37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

There ya go one boring scripture. I like the part "For out of the abundance of the heart of the mouth speaketh".

So it's like every word you say comes from having an abundance in your heart. If you have good in your heart then your words are good. I want good words/treasure to bring forth good things from. I'm low on treasure. If you studied at school. Thats like treasure. A resource. The ideas concepts you learned at school/university from our jobs interactions with people flow from our hearts maybe and whatever a heart is. My heart has not much an abundance of good words or treasure though there are plenty of words on this page. I'll try and remember to quote a few scriptures during or at the end of my posts for a few posts anyway I won't go to overboard. I like scripture at the moment even though i'm an atheist agnostic. That was Matthew 12:34-37 again.

Thats it for me for now.

Darcy Lee

Monday, August 16, 2010


I'm adding this image here on the right top because it's the more current GPUZ of my video card. When I ran GPUZ the last time it didn't recognise the card properly so gave a much higher reading. I'm leaving the bottom image in because it gets lot of hits from google images but the stats in the image are a lie but this is what GPUZ used to read it as.

I bought this video card based on the old stats which clock it at alot faster so I guess you have to be careful when running GPUZ on the latest piece of hardware. You can check the catalyst version to see the difference from when I originally ran GPUZ. So again, i'm rally only leaving the older photo in because it gets heaps of hits in google. But i've been fair now and posted an updated image for anyone who comes here.

Also I didn't know that with GPUZ you can click the camera icon on the top right and it takes a screen shot for you. With the older image I took a screen shot of my whole desktop and then cut it out you can see the borders on the bottom image. I honestly didn't edit any of the numbers in the photo though.

Below is the original text which i'll leave here as well, it was edited once when I added a link to the new GPUZ but I didn't add a photo, like now i've added a photo of the latest GPUZ.

Now to change topic. So how about technology and dreams aye. Secret technology that can send pictures, images, text - 3d spatially, all inside your head.

Yeah tech that will send an image to your head. This has been an ad for tech that puts a picture in you head. Man on the Moon. Well Picture in your head the latest frontier.

Graphics unbelievable.

Below is the old article left here again for google.

This GPUZ is now old. Click here GPUZ link for an updated picture of an ATI Radeon 5670. I don't think GPUZ read it right the first time I ran it.

This picture is of my graphics card that I just got. The main number to compare is the G/Texel. You should download GPUZ HERE and test your system. This card cost me $185 NZ dollars. 2 Years before that I paid $350 for a card that did 11.7 G/Texel. So this card is definately an improvement.


The card is stock standard.

This Website is trying to earn a living, for a very poor, living off the government in New Zealand person. If your interested it video card technology then your definitely interested in pictures in your head Technology. That is if you believe.

Be ready for when this technology arises. It's in use now. People are training on it, in schools specially designed to train you. What do you believe? THIS IS 2011. (Like Sparta). Technology can now produce an image in your head. It can also see what you see.

This technology is linked closely to Artificial Intelligence. Mega Powerful SUPER thinking Internet reading, movie and now thought producing artificial intelligence now exists.

Believe today or be left behind tomorrow.

Sorry just rambling. Would you like to donate? Click the paypal button.

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