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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Outside ft Ellie Goulding

Calvin Harris - Outside ft. Ellie Goulding

Only listened to this a song a couple times but it's pretty good. Adding to Music 2.

Ellie Goulding.
Been leaving comments around the net mostly about Virtual Reality and the Matrix. Got a few more hits. It's kind of embarrassing to get your comment rejected. Though the thing is when the truth comes out about all the songs I feature in these comments will reap many more comments for the site where I left them.

When the truth hits the September 11th 2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks will be brought right back into the public eye.

What I do think also could happen is that the songs could be overshadowed by the virtual reality technology. It's a whole new world inside of us.

There's definitely a movie in my life. I've already got the soundtrack. Maybe quite a few documentaries as well. My whole life will be on public display.

The world is going to go nuts.

I am regretting not introducing the Virtual Reality tech where the picture is in your head mind eyes back in 2009. They were on the verge of giving me money and you would've believed the money. I meditated on America Sucks for about 5 hours. They can read your mind from a distance of course.

This would've brought a very strong Artificial Intelligence to the world as well. The whole world overall would be more advanced. It's not believable that one man can set back the whole world but I did. Really if my World Trade Center talkback radio phone call had been released in 2001 then also the world would've been more advanced from then.

It was wrong for the Government to withhold my phone call. There is a lot of truth and life in it. Oneday it will be on YouTube,

Onwards and upwards to immortality. The VR tech could where the picture is in your head mind eyes, inside of you, could help alot in immortality.

War on Death.

The Governments of the world need the power of the masses involved in this technology. We need to think. There are so many missing pieces. The Governments withhold the truth in unrighteousness and it darkens us and steers our conversations.

We are like a people wandering around in the blackest of nights without any light at all. There are many things the Government knows that could set us free. They choose to keep us prisoners.

We need knowledge and truth and love.

Darcy Lee

Monday, February 8, 2016

A Cure For Aging.

Watched this 16 minute Ted X talk about a possible reversal for aging. It's not bad. It's a couple years old now. Check it out. Ted X is known for their scientific talks

Added label Aging.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Double Slit Experiment

Double Slit Experiment
Double Slit Experiment.

This is pretty old now. But it's still amazing. I don't really know what it means for the world. One implication is that we are in a matrix that is why we can't observe and if we do it collapses the wave. It would be a way of not needing to process everything at once on a computer running the program.

If you haven't seen this video then you must watch.

Check it out.

Added label "Quantum"

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Children in Syria Picking Bread Pieces Up Off of The Floor.

Poverty on a Global Scale must be dealt with.

Children in Syria picking bread pieces up off of the floor.

Saw this and was sad. Don't really know what to say. They don't get any help. Aid doesn't reach them. There are so many in this situation as well. One of these days someone smart will say enough. The matrix tech could go a long way to helping these people. Perhaps their experience could be translated and understood on a higher level with the tech.

We absolutely need to feed people. The matrix tech will provide wealth for all people great and small. But it is mind control. These people deal with hunger I deal with mind control.

A lot of people live in absolute luxury. I believed when I was younger if I just had enough to keep me self sufficient I could have made a huge dent in the poverty of the world through ideas and thoughts.

I never made it to self sufficiency and picked up a couple of addictions on the way. I could of still succeeded with my addictions in the early years I thought but my light was definitely dampened. It would've been a matter of throwing off the chains of whatever was dragging me down.


Now even if I was to become rich I would probably pick up more addictions. It would just be a matter of being around the the right person who tempts you. Because you've got the money you might indulge. I am aware of addiction and harm yet someone I feel could override my will to resist.

So not to be rich but to be self sufficient. Or to be rich and possibly burn out earlier suffer an early death because of drugs. But having the money meant you can do greater good.

I have way to many distractions in poverty that crowd my life for me to efficiently think. Also now my thinking is effectively crippled.

You think to small.

Video is 2 children from Syria eating bread
Truly my old age sucks. I may have conquered the world but I didn't do one bit to help children like in the video. I guess I have shared in their suffering. Believe it. My suffering was great. Just as great as this. Also it was for 10 years. I had to wait that long for relief. Everyday is a huge weight. Not like the luxury of a rich person.

If I was self sufficient now I could possibly find it within myself to aid people somehow. Still with ideas and thoughts . I have a huge wealth of suffering to draw from as experience. I have the desire. Now I lack the intelligence.

I guess so many people have tried what makes me any different, if I was rich, from a rich man currently trying to solve the issues we face. I don't think I would do any better.

I do desire strongly to be rich though. To have an abundance. To have my needs met. I desire everyones needs are met. But this is a long way from happening.

I would like to setup everyone in my life at the moment financially. Once this is done I would like to dedicate my mind to solving some of the issues that are a heavy burden to us.

I don't know if I could be of any effect at all unless I had some substantial money behind me and then it's not really me it's the money. My mind is just to crippled now.

Destruction. How I feel.
I guess I just want to say that we need to move more people into thinking positions. Positions where they are stable with the fewest possible day to day worries of life. It's the worries that get you. The little distractions that take away from your precious total sum of power that is needed to break past the barrier.

Get more people owning their own homes and living the dream.

I believe more people should can retire comfortably at 35 spend the rest of their life in philanthropy aiding the words problems.

The money is all pooled wrong. The rich have to much and the poor to little.

Like I said. If I had enough money in the right time frame I believe I could've created a fire that would've done a lot of damage to the evil that 's out there.

There must be other younger people than me who feel it in themselves to do something like this if they just have enough money before they get to old. I missed my window.

I think different now that I have suffered. Perhaps if one day I still make it if my phone call gets paid out and I can setup all my friend then because of my suffering I will indeed now be able to help.

Immense suffering exists in the world.
Where by if I never suffered then I wouldn't have the same urgency and couldn't offer nearly the same amount of help. Though I must say I did have a pretty strong desire to think but just needed that security and self sufficiency, I needed the money. I guess I was just naive to how easy it can happen, that you get hurt, and how bad it actually is in the world.

Young people need money and less worries. They are our brightest thinkers. I am basically a dead man now in thinking.

There are some simple things that can be done. Get money to people instead of letting the rich horde it all for themselves in banks and material items. The rich need to spend.

Also secrets need to be revealed. Secrets of the GOVTs of the world. I wait patiently for money from my phone call so I can think in peace. I will try and Remember these children as you should.

I've said enough.

Darcy Lee.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Brain Decoder Can Eavesdrop On Your Inner Voice

Brain decoder can eavesdrop on your inner voice.  

This is a link to an article that describes how they can read your mind.  They have been able to do this for years and it is far more advanced than you think.

They have the ability to control us.  They can read our minds from a distance.  I have been made deaf by their machine that constantly analyses me.  

This is only what they are showing us.  They can do far more.  You have been warned.

They torture me.

LOL not funny...

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Humans Glow Invisible Light.

You can find the whole original article here

Schematic illustration of experimental setup that found the human body, especially the face, emits visible light in small quantities that vary during the day. B is one of the test subjects. The other images show the weak emissions of visible light during totally dark conditions. The chart corresponds to the images and shows how the emissions varied during the day. The last image (I) is an infrared image of the subject showing heat emissions.
Credit: Kyoto University; Tohoku Institute of Technology; PLoS ONE

The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, scientists now reveal.
Past research has shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels to which our naked eyes are sensitive. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit very weak light, which is thought to be a byproduct of biochemical reactions involving free radicals.
(This visible light differs from the infrared radiation — an invisible form of light — that comes from body heat.)

To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20s were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-tight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for three days.
The researchers found the body glow rose and fell over the day, with its lowest point at 10 a.m. and its peak at 4 p.m., dropping gradually after that. These findings suggest there is light emission linked to our body clocks, most likely due to how our metabolic rhythms fluctuate over the course of the day.
Faces glowed more than the rest of the body. This might be because faces are more tanned than the rest of the body, since they get more exposure to sunlight — the pigment behind skin color, melanin, has fluorescent components that could enhance the body's miniscule light production.

Since this faint light is linked with the body's metabolism, this finding suggests cameras that can spot the weak emissions could help spot medical conditions, said researcher Hitoshi Okamura, a circadian biologist at Kyoto University in Japan.
"If you can see the glimmer from the body's surface, you could see the whole body condition," said researcher Masaki Kobayashi, a biomedical photonics specialist at the Tohoku Institute of Technology in Sendai, Japan.
The scientists detailed their findings online July 16 in the journal PLoS ONE.

Darcy Lee

Fish Feel Pain.

Found this article here about how fish feel pain.  I knew that Birds, Cats and Dogs feel pain but there has long been a myth that fish don't feel pain.  Poor Earth.  Everything suffers.  Next they will say grass suffers.  Have a read.

Ila France Porcher is a self-taught, published ethologist and the author of "The Shark Sessions." A wildlife artist who recorded the behavior of animals she painted, Porcher was intrigued by sharks in Tahiti and launched an intensive study to systematically observe them following the precepts of cognitive ethology. Credited with the discovery of a way to study sharks without killing them, Porcher has been called "the Jane Goodall of sharks" for her documentation of their intelligence in the wild. She contributed this article to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

Researchers at Yale Law School made headlines recently, when they suggested that people often fail to question their political beliefs in the face of scientific discoveries that contradict them. The study showed how people reason selectively, and interpret data in such a way that it conforms with their political vantage point.

This phenomenon is evident in the pseudoscience related to fisheries, a multi-billion dollar industry that has taken control of the planet's wild fish populations and the public's perceptions of these animals. Despite available facts, industry conclusions are always in favor of fishermen, not fish.

Though rigorous scientific research has established beyond all doubt that the pain system in fish is virtually identical to that of mammals, the fishing industry has maintained that fish are too simple-minded to feel pain. As a result, most people seem to believe the old fishermen's tale that no matter how you brutalize fish and sharks, they won't suffer, and the abuse continues with almost no public outcry or protest.

Yet no evidence has ever been produced to support the idea that an animal could live successfully, and survive, without the ability to feel pain, an important warning sensation. It would result in inappropriate behavior, and the fish would go straight into evolution's garbage can. Only a small percentage of fish who come into the world live to adulthood, and any weakness would doom them. [Do Fish Feel Pain? The Debate Continues ]

Neither do observations of fish behavior support the idea. Fish appear cautious and careful, and display cognitive behavior in their efforts to eat food, such as sea urchins, that could sting them. Indeed, the evolution of urchin defenses, as well as a host of other oceanic stingers, seem to have depended on the ability of fish to feel pain.

The subjective idea of fish feeling no pain has persisted, even though it fails to fit in with established science.

The study of pain in fish

Since animals cannot tell us how they feel, scientists have searched indirectly for evidence about their subjective experiences, in the studies of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and behavior. Researchers have developed strict criteria, all of which need to be met, before they can conclude that an animal can feel pain .

First, there must be nociceptors — sensory neurons that respond to tissue damage by sending nerve signals to the spinal cord and brain. There must be neural pathways from the nociceptors to higher brain regions, and the signal from the nociceptor must be processed in the higher brain, not in the reflex centers in the hindbrain or spinal cord.

There must be opioid receptors within the nervous system, and opioid substances produced internally. Painkilling drugs should relieve the symptoms of pain that the animal displays, and the animal should be able to learn to avoid a painful stimulus. This should be so important to the animal that it avoids the threat of pain right away. The painful event should strongly interfere with normal behavior — it should not be an instantaneous withdrawal response, but long-term distress.

Fish meet all of those criteria, as has been shown in a wide variety of experiments. Their nociceptors are nearly identical to those found in mammals and humans, and the nociceptors are connected to the brain through neurons. There are also connections between the different structures of the brain, including those that are considered crucial to the experience of pain. The whole brain of the fish is active during painful events.

In addition to neural activity, certain genes that are crucial to the experience of pain in humans are also found in fish, and they are active throughout the fish's brain during painful events. This activity of the brain, at both the molecular and the physiological level, indicates that these are not reflex reactions. If they were, such activity would not be seen in the higher brain.

How fish react to pain

Fish have displayed a variety of adverse changes in their behavior after the infliction of pain, such as an extreme increase in their ventilation (respiratory) rate, rubbing damaged body parts on the surrounding environment, rocking on their pectoral fins, trying to stay upright and no longer feeding. These, and other symptoms of distress, are relieved by the administration of morphine, which completes the circle and identifies pain as the cause of the change in behavior.

Like other animals tested in laboratory settings, fish have been shown to self-administer painkillers if they can — even if that means going into a location that they do not like — to bathe in water that medicates them. This is another clue that the fish were suffering, and found relief in the undesirable location.

Fish swiftly learn to avoid painful events, which researchers think indicates that they are conscious — they experience the pain so severely that they are strongly motivated to avoid feeling it again, even after just one exposure.

Though humans can override pain, at times, in certain heightened mental states — particularly when in danger — it seems that fish cannot do so. Studies have shown that after being hurt, fish become far less alert to danger, as if their pain is too overwhelming for them to ignore it, even to escape a predator. It is thought that due to their simpler neural design and mental states, fish lack the ability to think about their pain and put it in perspective as humans can. Pain for fish seems always to be an intense experience, which suggests that they may actually feel pain more intensely than humans.

When Rebecca Dunlop of Queensland University discovered that fish learn to avoid painful experiences, she wrote, "Pain avoidance in fish doesn't seem to be a reflex response, but rather one that is learned, remembered and is changed according to different circumstances. Therefore, if fish can perceive pain, then angling [fishing] cannot continue to be considered a noncruel sport."

Because of such findings, there has been meticulous research into the best way to relieve pain in fish during surgery. Because the pain system in fish appears to be the same as that in birds and mammals, veterinarians systematically use pain relief while performing surgery on fish. Given that they are conscious, and may suffer on an emotional level, fish welfare emerges as an important issue.

Yet while amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have been protected from cruel treatment, fish and sharks have not, thanks to the domination of those who profit from killing them.

There was more to the article so check it out on the website if your interested.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, August 31, 2014

11 Science Facts.

This video has a couple interesting things.  First that the human body is composed of more bacteria than of it's own cells.  And that the smell of fresh cut grass is a distress call believed to be a warning to other grass. This is a way that plants can communicate to each other.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

"At The Bottom". Thread.

I posted this yesterday in my At The Bottom Thread on and am adding it now.  This actually came before in the thread than the post I made to this site just before down below.  So thread order was this post was yesterday the 3rd of June and the post below was written and appeared in the thread today the 4th of June.  This is an older post to the thread than the post made below.


1117 views as of todays date. This thread began on January 29th 2014.  Not much has happened.  I have moved and managed to find a new flat paying the same weekly rent as the old flat.  I am comfortable I guess but still poor.

By owning my own house mortgage free and just paying rates and insurances it should be half the cost of rent that I pay at the moment.  And if I have a granny flat that's able to be rented out then it will provide an additional $100-$150 in money as well.

This xtra income would immediately enable me to double my spending on food and give me a little savings as well. At the moment I'm pretty much a one meal a day guy unless it's payday then I have a little bit more to eat.

So this is my ultimate goal and plan to own my own house with a granny flat mortgage free.  This would set me up for life as I basically have a guaranteed income from the Govt for the remainder of my life and I never have to work.  I just need a little extra income to feed myself and save money for new computer, 60" TV and push bike etc etc and could do these things at just $40 bucks a week saving which is a couple grand a year but with a granny flat I would probably have even more to save.

No one will ever employ me.  I haven't worked for 15 years now so this is why.  I have lots of time though. This time can be devoted to a social internet life.  I run a website and post on about 2-3 other large forums other than this one.  I

l play World of Warcraft but can only afford one more month of time at US $15 a month. This is all the money I have left over from earnings from the Diablo 3 Auction House when you could make money selling gear from that.  I made about $600 US over about 6 months.  I'm hoping my mum will pay for Warlords of Dranei the next World of Warcraft expansion due out in the next 6 months and like 3 months time that should be enough for me to of had enough.  I've been playing WOW since September 2007.  I stopped playing shortly after the cataclysm xpac and have only just recently a few months ago got Mists of Pandaria xpac when it was on sale for NZ $20 dollars.  I have got about 250 days played across all my characters.  I have a 90 Druid, 90 Mage, 90 Pally, 83 Hunter, 80 Rogue, 80 Death Knight, All ally, also, 90 Priest, 50 Monk, 44 Lock, all horde,  These char are all on the same server.  I am starting a shaman who is 19 at moment on a completely different server.  The shaman is going to be my free level 90 boost that you get with Warlords of Dranei.  I'm going to level him to level 60 so I get free profession boosts to 600.  I actually started to level the horde monk with this intention and then realised it would be a lot better to start a character on a new server so I could be rich on that server as well.  I am already quite rich on both horde and ally side on my current server.  Recently I have been trading in pets.  Made a little bit of gold out of them.  Best I did was trade two pets that cost me 2k for another pet that I sold and got 7600 gold after fees had gone out so 5600g profit.  Cool.  I did level the pet to 25 so that did make it worth a bit more but that didn't take long.

I talk about WOW because it has taken up alot of my time of the last few years.  It's what i've been doing.

I have been a member of this forum since August 2006 and have been a member to the other forums I post on for about the same time so that's around eight years.

Anyway thanks for reading.  I'm really after a house that someone who is extremely wealthy can buy me.  I'm using the internet to achieve this.  Again thanks for reading.


That's the end of that particular post.  Here is another shorter post I made to the same thread just before. Science rules.  THREAD:

My Suffering > (Greater Than) Price Of A House.

It's science based when I say I have earned a house through suffering.  This is science based.  Backed with real tangible evidence and scientific knowledge.

Those who say I should get out and work and get a job.  I have done the work.  It was condensed in suffering.   The most extreme.

So Science backs me when I say I need a house under certain conditions.  I have suffered for this house.  It has been earned.  I have earnt it.  It has been paid in full.  This is pure truth and science.


Where is my house?  PLS.

That's the end of both posts.  Another great wall of text with no images.  Enjoy reading.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Invest, Information, Virtual Reality.

It's my birthday today May 11th. I turn 33. So my Nana bought me some socks. She celebrated her 80th this year, not so long ago. My mum bought me some track pants and other clothes which I needed. I'm pretty poor so don't get much spare cash to buy things like clothes and other necessities. My Dad or brothers didn't buy me anything.

It's 11.20pm at night so the whole day is nearly over. I woke up with a really sore neck this morning. When I say morning I mean about 5pm. I lay in bed for a while with my sore neck trying to sleep further as I usually do but my neck kept annoying me. It was pretty sore. I found I could get in some positions and it would be ok. As i lay there my left ear rang loudly as it always does from the government technology they subject me to.

So i'll make this post a further asking for money and maybe a Virtual Reality post so here goes.

As you can see I am just entering my 5th year of blogging here on this website. So I am well established and apart from death i'm not going away. I hope to live to about the age of 60 at minimum. As I have smoked alot of cannabis and tobacco in my life but not other drugs - this is why I lower my estimate of my life span lower than the average of 78.6 or whatever it is not to mention the psychiatric drugs they have me on.

The thing is I need to establish myself finacially. I need a house where I can retire to for the rest of my life and live safely out of harms way until the natural causes of death take effect. I probably have 30 years left and for those 30 years I will be blogging. As yet after 5 years, my blog only gets about 5-10 hits a day which is not good enough really. I need to expand. I've tried expanding before. It hasn't worked. What I am trying to convey is that apart from death, i'm hoping to be here for the next 30 years and for those 30 years be blogging.

Blogging is apart of me now. Sometimes i've had big gaps between posting but i've always come back to it. So if you could invest in me I will definitely be someone who's in it for the long haul. What can I offer in return. Well one thing I can offer is information.

I have information that technology currently exists that has the ability to port an image directly into your brain. This is the future of Virtual Reality. I have no proof only experience.

This type of information is future predictive and prepares you for whole new worlds that will be made available. This information hopefully won't scare you and you will embrace it as truth. If you call me a liar of mock me about this technology I will be hurt sure but you will lose as this tech is real. I am one of the first in the world to know about it. And basically I know nothing. But please all you have to do is have a little faith and you will know I am telling the truth when I say that the Government has technology to send full motion video directly into your head.

So information. Valuable information. Information about Virtual Reality. It's what i'm selling here. This is prophetic. Visions of the future of the world when the technology goes from being secret classified to open and available on the free market.

You are being let into a secret here that very few people in the world know about. Virtual Reality technology is real. You can now see computer images/video/graphics inside your mind.

Information Technology is about to rapidly change forever. The way you view an image on screen will be revolutionised. This is Virtual Reality. The Virtual World will mesh with the real world. You will be walking/driving/moving around with a H.U.D. (Heads Up Display) in your head, feeding you and nourishing you. When you get home you can totally emerse yourself in the latest game or virtual world or shop in virtual stores or explore the universe virtually. All in your head.

So what would this information be worth. To tell you that this world is real. That Virtual Reality is Real. Would it be worth a small donation to this website to keep me happy and ticking over and telling the truth to all who would deny the truth of the existence of this technology?

This technology will come out. But this is one of the few websites that will tell you of it's existence. This is valuable information. So if you feel upto it please pay for the priveledge of being told. You could with your new knowledge prepare yourself to make further money.

You could invest in domain names that are Virtual Reality related. This is just one way I can think of making money. Invest.

Invest in the concept of Virtual Reality of pictures and worlds in your head. Invest in this website.

Thanks for your time

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, October 20, 2009





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