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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Forget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forget. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Seven Nation Army The White Stripes

Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
The White Stripes.

I think there is enough here to add to Music 2. I have heard this through the years and have always enjoyed it. Remember watching it on TV while in hospital and a nurse asking who Sung it which I actually happened to know. I think if I'd told him the name of the song as well then he would've had more interaction with it in the future. Or was that he asked me the name of the song and if I had told him who sung it as well. Anyway I only gave him half what he needed. I guess I can call that a fail.

I have lots of fails in life.


Added Labels "Hospital" and "Medicine".

Darcy Lee.

Malachi 3 Jewels

Malachi 3:17.
Malachi 3.

There isn't anymore information on this song. It only has 57 views as of this posting. I'm actually adding it to Music 2 because I have got quite a few views and listens out of it.

I've been in Malachi about a week ago. I had experience of the scripture and looking it up is where I found this Jewel.

I like the translation better where it says Malachi 3:17 and they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them.

I have this memory of being at Wai College (Pronounced War Col) and thinking that one day I would make up my jewels and that they would be perfect I and would have all that I needed. There were like sockets on the body for jewels which enhanced your power. Other people were Jewels. You could refine and cut them until they became perfect. I think it was their word that was a jewel.

I remember a little more but I won't write it down pretty much because it's so fuzzy. I was basically leveling my gems and cutting them to perfection before the day when they would all be placed in their final sockets to be there for ever never to be moved again and they were to be perfect. Totally Crazy. But that's what being mind controlled as a kid gets you.

ANyway. Check this song out.

Added Label "Malachi". I'm going to add all the scripture books to labels over times as I post more scriptures.

Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11 in New Zealand day.

In New Zealand it is the 11th of September 2015. 14 years ago tomorrow going by American time the planes hit the buildings in New York and Washington.

It was an easy attack. Everyone was a sheep. The terrorists used box cutters. The people in the planes that hit the buildings didn't fight back because of what they had seen on movies. The terrorists always landed the plane and asked for money or a list of demands or something stupid. 

Poor sheep that we are. We are just not a match as yet for the evil that is exists. 

OMG Muhammad and Islam (Added label Islam). I like Christianity better cause Mr Christ had powers. Islam is just a man talking. 

I've started a religion and i'm just a man talking.

Granted few people follow know that they follow me. But this is just a temporary thing like death.

For my followers. Death is the last enemy. Defeat death and everything changes. I'm talking no pain no death no suffering no crying no tears no misery no sorrow. 

Death is like a root of many things that cause evil to the human race.


So Love of money is the root of all evil.

OMG who doesn't love money right.

I mean Food. Shelter. Clothing. Cars. Petrol. Electricity. Internet. Electronics. Houses. Medicines. Weed. 

Love of Money. Love of Money. Love of Money.

Some translations have it "Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil". Not all evil but all kinds of evil.

I agree with this new translation more.

There's evil in the animal world that doesn't involve money. It's just a drive for hunger. A lions got to eat a zebra. Shark got to eat a fish. Human got to eat a cow.

Evil be like rampant and free running.

Evil has been warned but doesn't listen.

Nek minute.

But still. Evil has had it's day.

So death the last enemy. Love of money the root of all kinds of evil.

There should be something to think about there.

Not everyone sees death as an enemy. I like to think without death I wouldn't age. I would always have the perfect body.

Hollywood and the world chases this. Aging is death. May they know God and perfection.

It will take immense power, spirit and love to defeat death.

Song of Solomon 8:6 For Love is as Strong as Death.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

He That Endures To The End

Endure To The End.
Just writing this here so I don't forget.

So the scripture goes:

Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

For my 2 in 1 speech I can say "he that endures to the end" or "he dangerous to the end"

The "that" converts to "dan" and "endures" converts to "gerous".

See if you can mondegreen it like I have.

America Smells/Smiles = Merry Christmas

That's another one I came up with as well.

I've gone through quite alot of 2 in 1 words now. Most I don't remember. I should write them here as soon as I think of them.

Darcy Lee

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