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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Post. Show all posts

Friday, December 7, 2018

The Weeknd Starboy

The Weeknd - Starboy (official) ft. Daft Punk

Came across this yesterday. No wait I heard this a few days ago. I discovered low life ft The Weeknd yesterday. Low life made me look at this again. I didn't pay much attention till I heard low life. I guess mostly cause swearing triggers me though I swear.

So here is this song. I enjoy it. Going to leave tab open and listen more.

I been working on my Pro Begger website a little over the last couple days. I did discover a site where you can buy links for like $10 US so i'm going to try and do that as quick as possible.

In terms of what people have been searching for it seems there is a porn star called Darce Lee in something called Fake Hostel which has 16 impressions and one click. Darce Lee Boobpedia has 17 impressions and next on the list is Darcy Lee Nude with 16 impressions also.

Darce Lee Old Man has 6 impressions and Darce Lee Wiki has 5.

Now I just changed the time frame from 3 months to 12 months.

Here are the top searches. Darce Lee VR comes in top with 109 impressions 16 clicks. Next is Darce Lee Tube followed by Darce Lee. LOL.

I'm adding Darcy Lee Wikipedia here so maybe Google will pick up the Wikipedia part. One day I will have a grand Wikipedia page. But not yet.

Donateme was in there. Claimsocialauthority was an interesting search term as well. I should probably mention xxx and also which used to be Bill Gates address but last time I checked it wasn't active. Leaving now.

My name is spelt Darcy Lee. And i'm not a xxx Porn Star. But ty for visiting my site. Check out the music I have.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, December 29, 2016

One More Time

Daft Punk VR.
Daft Punk - One More Time.

I was actually surprised when I found that I hadn't already added this. Here it is you must listen to this at least once but most will have heard it already unless they are super young.

Darcy Lee

Dud u have a Merry Christmas? I got lots of food which is awesome.

Haven't got much to update about Virtual Reality or 911 World Trade Center or my phone call or the songs I feature in. I'm trying to get people to understand but such is the darkness of the world. Still haven't earned yet one donation. I'm still hopeful one day the donations will roll in.

If you want to help you can post links to this website on places like You Tube, Twitter, Facebook, Forums. By doing this you get a time and date stamp. Consider this a lotto ticket that cost you not dollars but time and thought and belief and trust. It doesn't need upkeep and it will go off like a time bomb.

Christmas Tree.
Everyone is very concerned about themselves. Things could happen at some stage. I would like to earn some sort of salary at the very least. Around $600 a week or so which is basically double what i'm earning at the moment. With this salary I would like a car and house and furniture like a new computer couch comfee chairs etc everything a house needs.

Also the New Zealand Govt should deal me my marijuana drugs. Top shelf stuff. 30 grams a week for like $50 bucks or something. I have a licence to smoke. I asked for one. It exists. Tey did everything else I asked for. It should actually be a licence to grow. I don't want to test whether this licence would work until the truth comes out and it's guaranteed. At the moment I would probably still get done.

This is going out to the Govt's of the world.


I want some wages!!!!!!!!

Added labels "Salary" and "Wages".

Darcy Lee

Thursday, February 11, 2016

I have been posting in a thread on a forum. The Forum is called  You can find the thread HERE CHECK OUT GLP. The post below from the thread is possibly a quicker read, but it doesn't mention the matrix. The thread now has like 10,174k views as of this date. I've added this because it makes an easier read. If you want to read the whole story read the post below. It includes the training I did upto the World Trade Center attacks and how the matrix tech is involved.

I'm adding it to the "Terrorists" Label. This is the WHOLE post from the thread, and the post is located on page 3. The Thread begins here:

This is an EDITED copy of transcript from my website. Check the website for full copy. I own the copyright to all this.

Im not psychic. But read. For those of you who are tl;dr you're not worthy.

Begins here:

Oneday I rung Newstalk ZB, a nationwide New Zealand talkback radio and was talking live on air with Kerre Woodham during prime time shortly after 9pm.

During the phone call I said “They Don’t Think” three times in a row with the host interjecting each time. See the thing is you really have to hear the phone call yourself. It’s not good enough to type about it. Anyway. After saying “They don’t think” for the third time the host thought I was talking about her and became upset. At this I yelled “WAR” at full volume live on air. After yelling "WAR" I said "THE THING" x3 or x2 and then proceeded to call whoever was listening to stand up and be ready for WAR. I laid my life on the line. The end of the phone call I voiced a gleam in my eye.

I voiced that "Suffering" and "War" were going to happen then totally two days later the planes hit the buildings in America. There’s much to the phone call it went for about 30-40 secs or more all about war, you really have to hear it to get the best impression I made an aggressive attacking and defending stance.

So 2 days later the planes hit the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The phone call was me preparing people for war and warning of war in the only way I could. You have to hear it. Maybe you think this phone call is not important. You have to hear it. Don’t judge before you have heard the phone call. You have to hear it.

Now even if this original phone call wasn’t important what happened next makes it the beginning. This phone call where I yell war, predicting a war, 2 days before September 11th 2001 is the Mona Lisa of phone calls. It’s art. It’s solid. It’s solid state of the art. It’s real and copies exist. You don’t delete and destroy the Mona Lisa.

This phone call I made the initial one before the attacks is important. People will be interested in this phone call. It deserves it’s place on You Tube. I predict that this phone call alone will garner millions of hits from You Tube. It’s being censored from the public and my freedom of speech is being taken away. I’m not allowed a copy. For one, my phone call is important enough to never be deleted. It pertains to a war, a terrorist attack that was broadcast live around the world, all this only 2 days after the phone calls inception.

Now maybe you wouldn’t be interested if the story ended there. You may be thinking that even with millions of hits on You Tube that my phone call wouldn’t generate much money. The moneys not worth it for you. The story so far is shaky and crumbly. No one ever believes me. I want to bankrupt myself to prove my story. I must do what it takes. But i'm perhaps not brave enough to go this far. I am very poor though. In mind as well. It was from my humility that caused me to predict such things. I had and was and did for 10 years severely suffer.

Anyhow the story continues.... Well after the planes hit the buildings in America I rang back Newstalk ZB. If the planes had never hit I would never of rung back.

In the phone calls that I made after the attacks I asked for a reward (that’s what I called it anyway a reward). That reward was that famous musicians, Rockstars, make songs out of things I said over Newstalk ZB in further phone calls. I asked for Eminem by name.

And here it is..... Now songs by Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Linkin Park, Limp BizKit, Eminem, Tatu, Finger 11, SugaBabes, Outkast, Brooke Fraser, Finn Bro, Greenday, Hoobastank, Grits, Foo Fighters, Avril Lavigne, Stone Sour, Day of Fire, and more.... all have cameo lyrics first spoken by me over Newstalk ZB radio air.... The phone calls still exist as again they are this important they are a base to songs by these groups. Mostly the chorus. As in words from my phone calls now are written cameoed in all of these artists songs. Someone spent lots of money on me.

See the thing is I would rather leave the music out of it, not release those for a while, only after reviewing them and creating decent videos but i’m afraid lawyers might not be interested in my original phone call without first hearing it. I’m broke remember. So I have introduced the Music aspect butand at fear of not being believed.

So there is a phone call where I Yelled “WAR” and made the whole phone call about war. Then the planes hit the buildings. So I asked and somebody spent millions on converting things I said in phone calls I made to Newstalk ZB into now famous songs by famous rockstars.

I am speaking the truth. I am not delusional. But no one believes me. I need a lawyer to prove the truth. For this I have to push and pay cash. For this I say I will be a Millionaire. But at the moment i’m broke.

I am a celebrity even if only by spoken word cameo to some of the biggest songs in the world.

The truth will set free. The phone calls are the truth.

Please if you have further questions please ask. I hope I made sense. Also please if your not interested could you pass this along to someone you think might be able to help or help me out by putting me in contact with the right people. I need a people who are willing to go the distance and get these phone calls.

Copies of these phone calls still exist. They are simply to important to delete. They are my property. People need to hear the phone calls.

The songs are secondary. My first original phone call, where I yelled "WAR", is by far way more important. People have a right to hear it. It should not be left unheard. I have rights that should let me post something of intrinsic value on the internet.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I'd Love To Change The World Ten Years After

I'd Love To Change The World - Ten Years After

Made a forum post which I will include below and somebody posted this song in the thread. Adding it to Music 2 although it does have potential to reach Music category.

Dum de do. Here is the forum thread for you:

Thread is called : Altering or Changing The World.

A person is born.

They do something in the world that is part of them. People can react to it.

From here what do you think can be achieved. From here I mean this forum.

Can a post motivate and inspire people enough to make alterations to the world which better it in some small way.

What really needs to be said?

What is truth? What is Love? Just how important are these.

How do you make change happen.

Is there anything us sheep to the slaughter can do to keep living.

So from this post what can I achieve.

How much power do I have. You give me power when you post but you don't lose power perhaps.

This is my spirit or breath or lifeforce that is speaking to you.

Truth can set you free. But not without love.

Perhaps nobody knows the truth.

But lets build a light in the darkness. A structure built on solid rock foundations.

Choose what is more correct.

Choose the higher.

Perhaps i'll get 40-100 hits on this post and maybe one or two replies if that. What can we do together from here.

Everyday someone is posting. The world is growing larger.

Basically what is some of your substance - post some of your words here.

I'm looking to alter of change the world from this first post. But I need your help.

Think of it as dominoes. I am this post, the first one dropping. You are the rest of the dominoes that fall into place.

I guess it's to much to ask that the world can be changed for the positive from here this forum.

I haven't added anything new with this post.

It's upto you now.

That was the end of that thread on from me. You can find the thread HERE.

This is also the end of this post.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Predictive Post About Robin Williams.

The following post is from a thread that someone created on a forum.  It was to be a dedication thread to a great actor and comedian but instead it ends up being kind of prophetic.  It was posted about 3 days before Robin Williams Death.  You can find the thread HERE.  The thread is probably viral by now.  Here is the first post of the thread.

Are people bracing themselves for the fact that Robin Williams will die soon? (Thread Title)

guys...Robin Williams.

Jumanji, Hook, Good Will Hunting, Aladdin, Death To Smoochy, One Hour Photo, Jack...

if you haven't seen even one of those movies, wtf are you doing with your life?

Robin Williams is a great American, one of the greatest comedians/actors of the 20th and 21st century. The Vesti should have one Robin Williams appreciation thread.

That's the end.  It's really the thread title that makes it prophetic.  I guess the Original Poster had some inside information.  The thread was created August 8th and Robin Williams died on August 11th 2014.  The thread now has 46 pages.

Anyway have a read if you want.  Some people called the FBI on him and alot said he killed Robin Williams himself.  I only read a couple pages but found it interesting enough to post here.  In a way it's similar to me ringing a talkback show and yelling war 2 Days before September 11th 2001.  But really you have to hear the phone call.  If I could post my phone call on  YouTube it could possibly get a few million hits pretty quickly and would open a way to new conspiracies about 911.

R.I.P Robin Williams.

I guess my thoughts i'm thinking at the moment is that basically there's no guarantees that life will be better after death.  Life after death could only be worse.  We just don't know.  My Mum reckons you'll just be blank and know nothing feel nothing.  Well after reading a thread somewhere I read the idea that life might not necessarily be better after we die.  I mean wouldn't that suck.  Some people have it pretty bad in this life only to get it worse in the next.  We could be slaves you know.  We are in the dark over so many things.  We don't actually know.

Anyway I hope there is peace for many after death and resurrection to a new body and perfect life with not death pain crying or mourning or any of these things.  This I hope is reality.  Not some type of darkness and nothingness.  I much prefer heaven over hell I hope.  Life over death.

Life can be extremely hard.  Please hang in there.  Make a 10 year plan but not about a job or anything just merely to be alive to see things.  Truly life can be hard.  Make time to learn and meditate on the difficulty of life if you are healthy and young for when you are older all sorts of troubles could beset you.

Endure to the end as the bible says and you will be saved.  Sometimes though I just don't see and end in sight.  Could you imagine having a disease of some kind.  There is an end in death, a finality but I believe this is only for the current age.  Everyone will get a res eventually I believe.

I've said enough.  By for now.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Trade Me.

I have a thread going on a couple forums called TRADE ME.  I made a post last night and a post today.  It's basically talking about the matrix and how you can walk around in armor looking cloths that weigh nothing as pure decorations that only a matrix enabled person can see.  Also presenting that's it's probably possible to do this without matrix tech but getting others to see is hard and the catch.  Also trading in mansions and rivers of living water. Matrix

Here are those posts:  The first POST:

Ok i'm giving away for a small fee shoulders, bracers and other armor and other various clothes and addons. These shoulders look like something out of world of warcraft. These are digital armor or even spiritual. Certain people who see the matrix technology and make use of it will be able to see your armor.

The spiritual armor is a God pretend armor. It takes more to be real. But is far superior to the digital matrix man made armor if it can be made real for others to see.

Walk around in your armor. It's light. You can't feel it. It can be totally transparent and can light up in an instant.

So there is digital martix technology based armour and clothing and accessories where u need to be interfaced and well they probably chip you to be honest for you to use the matrix and see its graphics on other people.

And for those who believe in a god spiritual then im saying it's possible to see armor on others if they wearing it (I think this is the future anyway another level above matrix tech clothing and armor). Kids can see it better than adults. Imagination but real. What accessories have you just painted and added on overlaying your natural clothes with your thoughts and mind. You can do it this way. To believe in something of substance.

Everyone will be wearing matrix vr outfits possibly oneday over there cotton cloths. But yeah Gods armor if he real will actually be more than ornamental and serve more than a purpose than to just look pretty.

So buy my belief I mean clothing and armor. Matrix VR all the way.

Wear your new clothing accessories in comfort and beauty and glory.


And now the SECOND POST:

Also trading in matrix and spiritual decals for your house and car and spoiler kits for your house and car pretty shubery and trees.

Selling mansions. You plop this baby overtop of your house on your land. From the outside your house now looks totally different cause anyone using the matrix tech sees graphics in full realism overlaying your house interacting with your house but only to the people using the matrix. In the future its possible that crims might only see the matrix and not reality so it's future proofed with a security system that tagged criminals will struggle to identify in reality with. Matrix dinosaur pets selling. WTS. Any pet you can think of selling all matrix ai pets. Also pokemon and digimons to battle and mate.

Selling rivers of living water matrix style. Rivers. For your backyard or swimming pool. Waterfalls as well. Pretty much any decoration you can think of to add to your property that can go digital.

Selling pet AI aliens. Its a human ai behind the matrix but its representing possible different aliens what an alien would be like. (But yep they have knowledge of aliens but thats off topic a little.) This is a smart companion. It can change form and become more intelligent. 10111001.

I guess it's possible to breed thoughts with one another. Using the matrix. Or even text breeds other text as in the case of my postings.

Looking FOR Coders/builders for the Matrix. Text is code. Code in this thread to apply.

This stuff is all digital matrix or even spiritual.

What do you offer in trade? Also what are you selling?

Sorry for boring you.

I'm just a trader looking for fine pearls and treasure in heaven.

What particular things do you have for sale?

As with the catch only the people with matrix enabled technology where by they chip you and you interface with an ai will be able to see most of these products that im selling.

But they still good for the future. D1 original.

Now the spiritual items. Getting others to see them could be difficult. But it's possible. Spiritual items are much rarer than matrix computer generated items but the two will probably eventually intertwine perhaps.

Draw some things with your mind. You don't necessarily need to see it's image in your mind but you can still envision what our thinking. How far along out can you go with your thoughts. I'm limited to short thoughts that are often forgotten quickly with the next thought. It's hard to calculate.

Add some thoughts up with this variable in mind. It could be you in the future with age. If you have the luxury of a mind become creative. Use your thoughts up rather that store stuff up. If you discover a tool a mind tool perfect it then show it off. But be quick about it. I'm 36 and I lost all my gear that I had been storing when I was 20 and never even got a chance to develop it. I was hoping by hiding it, it was being developed in the background and adding to the sum total. Most of it it turns out was matrix human technology based anyhow. But there could've been something spiritual that was worth of being stored in heaven and called a treasure.

Gear could be considered brain body mind eyes ears nose touch heat cold. Also the fruits of these things. What other gear is there?

Ever get those feelings from nature like a read on your environment but it doesn't convert to English very well

The otherday I was at someones house and there was moss all over the ground it felt like a total wilderness even with the house right there. Thats just an impression that my senses picked up.

Thing is gear can be broken and not work right. But there's nothing like working gear.

WTT Want To Trade. Print your text here. My gear has produced this post my senses my mind my brain my fingers my eyes. All from experiences ive had.

What does your gear say in return? What are you going to do with your gear in your life. Gear, your brain, can overlay stuff in your eyes from my experience without even the aid of the matrix. I experience them as words and visuals sometimes.

The world needs help. So use what you got to help.

Matrix incoming.

All this stuff is for trade.


That was it.  I didn't get many replies but i'll keep you updated.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thread I Post In, On Immortality Forum,

I made this post to the forum which is an immortality forum.  You can find the thread HERE.  It's quite a long post.  I'm asking for a rich person to buy me a house on the forum.  One of the few forums that has let me post such a thing.  It has about 1100 views in 5 months.  So far it hasn't been deleted which is cool and the forum doesn't see many new threads or posts so my thread stays relative to the top.


You would find it very hard to find someone who's suffered more in their life than me.  Maybe 10 people on the planet.

I have found that there is quite an adversary for people who want to live forever.  People joke about it like it's never going to happen.  There is definitely a fight against certain people who don't want to live forever and we are made a joke of.

I'm sure the Governments of the world are working on immortality and life extension but there are us who can take care of the little things.  We need numbers I think on this one to solve for immortality.  Soon our brains are going to be wired to a matrix type computer brain interface.  It's possible that everybody has a part to play with this sort of technology involved.  Everyone has weights and burdens in life.  Through manipulating our thoughts with computers this is the most likely answer that will lead to immortality.  I say this because the technology exists now in secret form.  The ability to put an image into the brain mind eyes now exists. The ability to interface with dreams exists.  Mind control exists.  They are not afraid to keep it secret and use it on whoever they want to.

Now this sounds weird perhaps.  I am never believed.  The Matrix movie came out in 1999.  This is how long they have been working on this technology day and night.  Thats like 16 years.  Also the concept existed way before the movies came out.  If you think they haven't done this yet then your stupid and old and naive and blind and misinformed also uneducated.  They can now put an image picture video in your brain mind eyes.

This type of tech is going to go along way towards the solve of immortality.  It's being hidden at the moment.  Because they want to do evil with it and use it against innocence.  This is a kind of power trip they have going over people.  They think they are superhuman and above everyone else.

I hope they are thrown out.

I really dislike this tech even though it has great potential.  While it is secret it can be abused and no one complaining will be believed and treated like a mental health patient. I tell you it's been 16 years since the matrix came out.  How hard to you think it can be.

Already the power exists to monitor every living individuals thoughts.  I have been monitored since I was a kid I remember the first time.  I would've been like 8 or 9.  I'm now 36.  This is how long they have been monitoring people.  They keep us in the dark for this long to take advantage of us.  They purposely blind us through media and movies.  No body thinks it possible.  That's why they get away with it.

I don't want my thoughts listened to.  There should be laws against it.  I haven't done anything wrong to be subjected the way I have been.

And yes these people are the ones responsible for my top 10 suffering on the planet.  The laws that govern us are corrupt.  We need to fight them.  They use mental health as a weapon to discredit and discriminate. The laws that say my mind can be read without my permission are wrong unless I am accused of murder or something or I willingly submit.

And Yes you will get a return one day on your investment in me.  Maybe your kids maybe your grand kids but you will get a return.  I really need a house to live in.

Here is a scripture for you:
Luke 6:34  And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full.

This scripture teaches a rather different teaching than what the world teachs.  But it is saying you will get credit for giving me a house and this credit has to be valuable perhaps.  I'm looking for a rich person who can actually afford a couple 100k without bankrupting or putting themselves out of any comfort.

I like the bible cause it teaches about immortality and hopes for it and also Jesus suffered heaps so we share that in common.  But as far as believing in Jesus Christ and christianity I got to say that I don't believe but I do like quoting the bible and will attempt to pick and choose all the good stuff from it.

The bible has become like a Tolkien epic to me.   I was hoping that the bible came with super powers but it appears tech has beaten out any chance the bible ever had.  I will say that I will continue to try and find the truth even if that leads to the bible and Jesus but I am relatively over looking for any help from that source . The bible has had 2000 years to prove itself and hasn't produced much.  I'll still cheer for it.  But it seems lost.  I'm pretty sure God's not real.  He's never helped me anyway or others that I know.

I guess if you buy me a house you get credit from God according to the scripture I quoted earlier.  But God's not real so that doesn't really work and nobody will buy into that.

So according to the scripture I quoted, the credit that you would get for buying me a house and not expecting repayment is that any good to anyone?

Looking for a holy righteous rich god believing man to set me up for immortality.  See not even a Christian will help me.  I guess Christians are all poor, not just financially.

I'm going to keep making some noise on the internet as I have done for the last 9 years that i've been flatting.

Not many people notice me and I take much abuse.  But that is the nature of the Internet.

Anyways Pls buy me a house from your wealth and not someone who's poor but generous, but someone who's rich and generous.

I am deserving.  I am awesome charity.

You could not find a better place to spend your excess of money.

I guess a Christian won't buy me a house cause I said I don't believe in God.  That's not love kindness or forgiveness.

If love has any play in this then I need a mortgage free house that I own myself to live in.

I guess LOVE can fail.

Haven't had much luck with love.  Been suffering to much to enjoy the pleasures of this world if that's what love is.  Love is possibly essential for immortality.
Otherwise you just have slavery and no one will have freedom.  But what is love?

Love would be giving me a free house.  Most people would agree this would be love and not some other motivation that you have especially after what you have just read.  Love is a good thing to strive for.  If believed it is the highest power.

That's why it's so hard for me to get a house.  SO few PEOPLE love.  Evil comes naturally to most as it's all they are familiar with.

With the internet now it is possible for me to work.

Employ me.  Buy me a house and give me free reign for the rest of my life.

Will Love, Charity and Kindness Come Through?  Watch This Thread.

Talking biblically.  I should have a house. Rich Churches and Christians notice me.  You owe me a house.

Talking To scientists.  I should have a house.  As much as I have suffered.  My suffering inherits me a house.

Now where is my house pls.

Darcy Lee

That was the forum post.  Sorry for no pictures.  I thought it would be ok to present a wall of text.  Nobody reads my stuff anyway.  And I write poorly I believe in most cases anyhow.  I've seen much better writing skills. I've also seen people who can't write and read.  So yeah i'm way more advanced than them.  Just saying it doesn't mean much how good you write.  Google never picks up my text and gives it traffic even if I was a good writer.

This has been a long post.  Goodbye.

Darcy Lee


I was going to add a post I made yesterday to the same "At The Bottom" thread on longecity site but i'm now going to do that in a new post on this site.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Take Me To Your Leeda.

I posted the text below on about 5 different forums.  On one forum,, I got my account banned (Lol), on another forum,, the post got deleted.  On, and the post still exists but the thread has died a horrible death. has 71 views and is still near the top of the forum but it doesn't see much action really.

Anyway here is the post:

Post anything you want to say to "The Powers That Be" here in this thread and I guarantee you if they like it, it will go to the top. This means posting in this thread gets you in front of President Obama and his aides. Or even higher people that exist outside the Pres in total shadowness. I guarantee that if it's important or somehow something they and these people will read it.

Can you make them laugh with some of your wit? Maybe you can? What are you going to say. Do you have words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. You have been delivered before Kings and Governors and Presidents. 

Believe and so speak.


I use the nickname Leeda when it's available.  Anyway here is the one reply that I got from from the user Gottservant:

We should believe we are heard.

We should believe we are heard when we pray too.

But prayer is more important.

That was his post.  None of the other replies on the other forums are worth mentioning.  I suppose if you posted a comment on this webpage and it was important then it would probably go up to the top through my handlers so by all means leave a comment if you dare it could be seen by the President, no really it could.  

One day if I ever become famous i'll start my own forum, it will only work if i'm famous because that will be the only way to get members.  I'll pay money and everything to set up a forum and run ads so that it eventually pays for itself.


Friday, August 19, 2011


Well what to write. I still don't have any great ideas on how to make money through this website. I don't think I ever will. I'm not smart. Still I must persist and keep trying.

At the moment once I pay all the bills each week I have no spare money left over. It's pretty depressing. I don't have any money left to save, not that i'd probably save it anyway.

Some people have had a lot of success using the internet to make money. Not me though. You can try and copy what others do but with the fringe topics i'm dealing with it's a bit difficult. No-ones willing to believe me about Virtual Reality Pictures In Your Head. But still i'm going to keep talking about it. It will happen soon. There will come a point where the world not knowing would be holding us back really badly.

So how to make money. I have no idea. I don't know where to even start. I'm not putting in much time on this website at the moment. That could be something. Working a bit harder and putting in some time could achieve small results I guess. But I don't know what to post about. I just go round in circles. So I stand defeated there.

I don't see me making much money from this site going on past experience I don't have exactly heaps of passion for it.

You need passion to drive you. I just have nothing to write about. If you want a boring life mine is it. Daily I do the same stuff all the time. Not much ever changes. I remain poor.

Ok enough boring stuff. This is what a post turns out like when I have nothing to write about. My posts don't deviate much. Just wanted to attempt to write a post.

Darcy Lee.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

1 Billion Dollars. What Would You Do With One Billion Dollars?

Hi. (That's polite) I would like 1 Billion Dollars. To Fight Terrorism. They shalt tremble in fear. At my mighty billion dollars. Thats just a passive ability.

I believe I have earned it. And the price is now ONE Billion 2011 Dollars US. Watch me before your eyes earn One Billion Dollars Two Thousand And Eleven Dollars.

What would you do with a Billion dollars?

Right so the first thing I do is like the billion is deposited into my bank account. I buy a car. Maybe like a Rx8 if I can find one where I live or something cheaper till I can get to a real town to buy a real car. No one knows I have the money still.

So then I have to buy a house. Possibilities include renting one. I definitely buy some land. But to do all this people probably suspect something about me having lots of money.

There is lag time you see before when you get the money to when the media find out. What are your suggestions for a great story as to having a billion dollars. I need some advice for an up and coming billionaire.

The Social Network (the movie) is about the founders of face book and now the worlds youngest billionaire Mark Zuckerberg. Mark is 26 years old. To quote the movie roughly, "A millions not cool, you know what's cool, A Billion."

Ok. So i would make like 200 millionaires or maybe like 150. I would give all my relatives, friends now and friends from long ago i would give 1.25 million New Zealand Dollars each so they can spend some and still stay above the million mark.

My parents and brothers I would give like 10 million each. I would actually try and negotiate with the government some sort of deal so there would be less tax taken on the gifts of money but truly thats really dreaming.

I would want say 750 Million to 800 Million Us dollars left over. Now the tricky part is that I want to earn 5 percent interest or more with out any risk of losing money. This would give me some more cash each year and I could slowly over my life time make say 20 millionaires each year and still have some cash to accumulate property and land.

There should be an online database for billionaires to goto to learn about money. There probably is. I have some questions. Mostly dreams. Post your dream.

Anyway watch me earn One Billion Two Thousand and Eleven Dollars American United States US. To spend.

I would want to keep it quiet. But that would be impossible eventually. K funs over. Back to reality. This is pretty much as far as I get spending one billion dollars and I go over the same stuff all the time. I don't want to travel much... Guess you can still get bored even with a billion dollars. I'm going to be a billionaire. Am looking for things to do. Watch Me. I can Dream.

Whats your ideas.

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