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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Evil World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evil World. Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2016


World Trade Center.
Below are a couple of videos I made where I read out the post that is under the Osama Bin Laden World Trade Center link. I'll do a better copy hopefully, I wasn't very good.

Adding to all 3 Music categories and video and movies as well as terrorists label. Check them out if your to lazy to read the text.

World Trade Center Conspiracy Part 1.

World Trade Center Conspiracy Part 2.

Darcy Lee

Monday, February 8, 2016

A Cure For Aging.

Watched this 16 minute Ted X talk about a possible reversal for aging. It's not bad. It's a couple years old now. Check it out. Ted X is known for their scientific talks

Added label Aging.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Robot Origami Robot Self-Folds Walks and Completes Tasks.

Robot Origami: Robot self-folds, walks, and completes tasks.

Saw this today on a news website. My opinion is that they have already shrunk similar tech to a nano scale. It can tap into your optic nerve and see what you see and upload pictures to your mind.

This video is interesting though. It's a very new video at the date of this post. It's only 6 days old.

Check it out it gives a good insight in what to expect of technology of the future. I think I was looking at smart cities when I stumbled across this. A smart city is a city that tracks movement everywhere. Should help with crime but not with privacy.

Privacy is definitely an issue. The Govt want to read your mind. Steal from you. The bible doesn't help. There was world war one and two. The bible didn't help people then.

There is still hope. But it looks like i'm to live a life of torture and doom.

Your mind is not your own.

Darcy Lee

Monday, June 8, 2015

2 Thessalonians 2:8, Isaiah 11:4, Revelation 19:15 Darcy Lee

Scripture For The Day:

Isaiah 11:4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.

2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

Revelation 19:15 out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty

So I guess the theme here is destroying with breath and mouth. I been thinking that speech or words could be a weapon or even create peace.

We make choices. Alot of these choices are done in English. Well communication of words could help people. Technology and learning and knowledge is conveyed by words and communication.

It would be good I believe to see the wicked slain not in death but so they can no longer be wicked or they are being punished or they are now good or something.

There are a great multitude of evil wicked people in the world. 

It's definitely hard to see Jesus coming back to earth after dying and being supposedly resurrected and then ascending to heaven.

It's also hard to envision how the wicked can be slain with just breath. It would be a pure holy righteous love filled breath  I imagine. 

It could happen. So anyway ponder these scriptures. Perhaps you could slay some wickedness yourself in imitation of Jesus with the breath of your own mouth.

Words or perhaps breath here is presented as a weapon.

Use your breath as a weapon and do some slaying of your own. 

I been mediating on this scripture anyway trying to solve it. I can't think of much ways your breath could slay the wicked though. 

Guess we have to wait another 2000 years and see if this is true.

Anyway. Down with the Wicked. Down with Evil.

Think about breathing and breath. That's what I been doing. Monitor it perhaps. 

Yay Jesus you go you good thing. I hope your real. But the thing is the bible is pretty far fetched. But then agin so is life itself. 

I believe in good over evil.

I want to see good triumph totally and forever. 

Perhaps I will see this in my life with the advent of things that are happening

I'll leave it here. Breath

Added label "Wicked"

Darcy Lee

Monday, December 22, 2014

Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes.

Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes.

Found myself listening to this on 3rd play right now.  I looked it up for the line "It's a one for the money".  There's also a recent movie called that as well.

I'm thinking that I could add more music that I randomly access for one reason or another even if I don't really listen to it more than once. I still have to have a reason for adding it and i'll try and include that reason.  There have been a couple songs that I've forgotten now that I could have included because i looked them up for one reason or another.

Also another reason for giving this a listen is that my auntie, my Mums sister, is a big Elvis fan.

My Aunties kid, my first cousin, who I grew up with but haven't seen for years, the eldest of her kids, is getting married on either the 1st or 2nd of January 2015 and alot of the family are heading to Mt Ruapehu for the ceremony. I'm not going. Would cost heaps to have me stay there. The old saying: "IF I WAS A RICH MAN"

So yeah enjoy Elvis. He was a rich man. He's dead now. I think immortality would be a higher possession than all the riches there are at the moment in this world.

There is an effort to push for immortality but it needs more money and higher profile people. An end to all suffering is what the bible predicts and i'm happy to agree with it. But alas there is much evil in the world and we must take as many precautions as possible.

I could say that i've covered a fair bit of the human suffering that exists in my own body. Manboy have I suffered. No really. I have truly suffered for a very long time and right at the limit of human suffering. Suffering didn't make me strong. But I endured. But my suffering should have changed something. I wonder what my suffering has achieved for me. I say my suffering was so great that things can no longer stay the same or as they were. My suffering has altered the world. If you can share in the sufferings of Jesus Christ like the bible says then I have done that.

Failing that. Well my suffering was so great that I predict it will impact the world in a huge way. Thus far people only fail to interpret exactly how much I have suffered. I am told that in Africa they suffer more. I came under the power of the Government Executioners. They tortured me with modern technology. Far greater than any natural suffering I endured. It was inflicted upon me. There isn't a mark on my body to show my suffering. As far as you are aware I am normal. I have never suffered. People can't recognise great suffering in others if they have never suffered themselves. The world by my suffering that took place is now different. It can never happen again.

Really there needs to be a huge push for the end of suffering and a huge push for immortality. Right out in the open. With everyone taking part. There are jobs for everyone, they just haven't been named.

I should have a job really. I can use a computer better than alot of people. But saying that any literate teenager would have the same skills that I have now adays and better as they do it all with a cell phone and I barely use my cell phone at all.

Scripture for the day:

Proverbs 27:12  A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

There is plenty of evil in the world in the form of people.

Recognise my suffering.

Donate for my house and car and lighter lifestyle. When I have my own house then my suffering has been recognised in part. I repeat. You must recognise my suffering. There is heaps to be learned by it. Don't let my suffering be wasted on you. I have truly suffered. I say things.

I have earned a house of my own through blood. Yet I still don't have one. My suffering was great. I now need a house please. I through suffering have changed the world. But this is not recognised either. The world will be a better place, that I have existed and suffered.

I have changed the world. Through suffering.

For this change I ask for my own house not much else. Respect.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Nike Glow Shoes.

Found this picture on tumbler.  Nike Glow Shoes.  Now if they were solar powered and u could turn them on and off with your mind.

So matrix tech.  The future.  It exists right now. This Journal Blog represents that i was one of the first civilians to be shown this tech.  I haven't seen that much but it's definitely used on me to farm my thoughts and they cause quite alot of pain.

But no one believes this.  Now if it was good, this tech, the matrix virtual reality tech then why not just tell people about it.  Why is it kept secret from the everyone.  It's kept secret so that people can be farmed.  It's kept secret because it can control people.  It's kept secret because it has existed for so long now.  It must be used on quite a few different people by now.  People they see as scum.  Like myself.  This is in relative comparison to themselves of course.

It could be that they just enjoy the pain and suffering and misery that they put so greatly into my body and life.  Everybody's mind is wide open for the government to record and use on a computer database.  They just rip your thoughts.  They listen in on your thinking.

But this is to unbelievable.  The human body can't be this easily hacked.  I tell you they have been doing this since the early 80's.  At least.  Most likely way way earlier.

Brain Computer Interface.  This tech is where it's at.  Your mind on a computer.  Your thoughts recorded.  A picture H.U.D in you head.  It's a new type of warfare.  It's able to be used because it's secret.  If it wasn't secret tech then people could report it and be believed finally with out being written off as crazy.  They can make you crazy.  They can cause you unbelievable pain.  The govt.  It brings them pleasure.  Some of them.

And you the reader don't yet believe me.  It's 2014.  They have been working on this technology for a long time 24 hours 7 days a week.  They have succeeded.  The MATRIX exists.

You have been warned.  It's warfare..... they commit acts of war against the sovereignty of people.

They violate people.  Nobody is immune.

If the tech it's so good, why is it secret.  For so long,  Because it's being used against us.

Allow yourself to think mind control of the worst kind.  Nobody will believe you.  Nobody believes me.  But this happens every day to many people.  They can see what you see.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Ever Devised.

Video is 25 Most Brutal Torture Techniques Ever Devised.

Just watched this.  Very scary.  Torture is still rampant and practiced today.  Jesus underwent torture. But what makes his torture any greater than anyone else?  He had supposedly never broken a law?  Is that enough?  He had never sinned?  But then you have to define sin.

I really don't understand how this torture can happen.  Suffering has to be wrong.  For anyone. I'm finding the bible doesn't really cover alot of things.  There has been so much suffering.  What does it achieve.

Had someone I know say that Jesus and his suffering actually made the world a worse place.  So like you can suffer and nothing good comes from it. Jesus bought the church with his suffering but in this persons opinion the world was worse off and would be better if Jesus had never suffered because of all the wars of religion that the church committed.

Really suffering is terrible.  We need the light of life perhaps.  A light so burning so hot and bright. A light so as not to stumble in the dark.  This life light will show all things.  It will show the value of life and lead people out of great darkness to peace and security.

I can't really say what the light of life looks light but perhaps it illuminates giving guidance making free and bringing liberty.  I hope to have such life.  Life in abundance.  Brighter than the sun.  Life brighter than the sun or any other source of light.

We still wait for this great light.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Haven't posted much text in a while.  Been posting music videos.  Something i'm very happy about is that Google Blogger offer text message login protection.  I've recently added that.  I was worried if anyone found my password they would be able to hack my account and delete all my posts which would really suck.  I do feel safer now.  If anyone tries to log in from a different computer they need to have my cell phone as it will ask for a confirmation code which is sent by text.

One thing that's happened to me is that I have been given 90 days tenancy termination notice and have until May the 10th 2014 to move out and find a new house.  This simply sucks majorly.

I mean in theory I should have my own fully paid for house by now after Sept 11th 2001 and what happened there.  If I could simply post that phone call on You Tube bam probably 30 million hits and it would certainly generate a house as well as a little fame.  But alas the Governments of USA and NZ conspire to torture and keep me poor so that nobody will listen.

I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  This website has failed to generate a house.  Again if this website had my phone call from 2 days before Sept 11th 2001 embedded in it and links from Youtube to here this site would become popular and pick up many other sites linking to it as well as many hits in general.

I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  The USA and NZ GOVTS owe me a house.  They also owe me a copy of the phone call I made 2 days before the 911 terrorist attacks in America.

It is going to be near impossible to find a one bedroom flat to live in.  I should be settled already and not living this daily tortured existence that I live.  I should have at least a little money and a house of my own. This should of occurred along time ago.  Why do evil men and women get away with such things.  No one even believes my story.  This is one reason why.  They use the cover of darkness to conceal there deeds. They keep me locked up in a dark place as well.  They don't let me think.  They distort my mind.  They are indeed evil.  They have proven themselves as such.  They have no interest in good.

I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  I should own my own house by now.  I have earned it. It is evil that I must suffer again.  I have suffered for so long and so hard. Not one person understands the suffering that I have endured at the hands of other people in high positions.  I have earned a house.  I WANT MY OWN HOUSE AND I WANT IT NOW.

I am very angry.  But this anger is useless.  I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  I am owed a house for my work. I am not being recognised.  The NZ and USA GOVTS are bullies.  They do whatever they want to whoever they want.  They do whatever they want.  They keep me and my phone call which would set me free under wraps.  I should have my very own house by now. Instead everyone ignores me.

This is very evil what is happening to me.  It is done by men.  These men and women make the active decision to torture me daily and deny me food and a house. There is no God to protect us from these Hitler type people who think that they are right in there own eyes to torture and maim and kill.

I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  Right now.  Today.  I want a copy of my phone call to post on YOUTUBE. This is evil.  This is highly very evil.  This is totally evil.  This is wrong and evil.  This is bad.  This is evil.

Everybody just thinks i'm schizophrenic.  Technology and men did this to me not anything I did myself.  This evil that has befallen me is from the USA and NZ Govts with men behind it driving it.

This is evil.  I WANT MY OWN HOUSE. Today. Right now.  This is evil.  I really need a place to live. I have earned my own house.  I need a house of my own.  I have earned it through work. I have suffered more than anyone living I imagine if this is possible not counting Jesus if he's still alive.

This is evil what has happened to me.  I want justice.  Please help. But you won't.  All I WANT IS MY OWN HOUSE.

Give me a house USA AND NZ GOVTS.  I deserve it.  Why torture innocence.  You know you are evil in your ways, your secrets are dirty dirty dirty.





Saturday, May 11, 2013

Christian More Love, More Power - Jeff Deyo.

Christian More Love, More Power - Jeff Deyo.

I have been pronouncing Jesus as Daysis as in Days is Christ.  Daysis can be made to sound like Jesus.  Also I have been saying Endalls as Angels.  Anyway I just like this song so i'm adding it.  I could be a Christian if I believed in the bible but it seems so primitive for a God.  Sure there are some good things in there and i'll definately keep reading and listening but to say I believe what most churches believe would be difficult.

I believe in love I think.  Though that fails.  It's not a power to defeat much today of what is happening - of the suffering there is in the world.  Love falls short.  Who is there to help.  Drug could/can aid.  But do u get addicted and live a lesser life because of it.  Love won't help you with general issues or even important things.  It's quite an effort to summon up love which for me i'm probably not achieving/doing anyway it's just something that falls short.  How to love when you suffer?  Dunno.  Much to hard.  But that's possibly what you need to do.  I tried but failed.  Maybe I have never loved.  I had life a lot easier when I was younger.

Anyhow today is my birthday the 11th of May 2013 and I turn 35.  Happy Birthday to me yaya.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Amanda Michelle Todd (November 1996 – October 10, 2012)

Rip Amanda Todd.  Amanda Todd committed suicide after being bullied for a few years.  She was only 15 years old and posted this video about 5 weeks before she died.

The two songs in the video are Jimmy Eat World - Hear You Me, May Angels Lead You In. The second song is Breathe Me - Sia Furler.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A letter from Kerre Woodham to Darcy Lee.

This is something that Kerre Woodham said in an email on the 30th of the September 2010 while ago. Kerre was the host of the talkback radio show I made my phone call to where I said "They don't think" 3 times, then yelled "WAR" as loud as I could over the phone as an alert and general warning, then finishing by saying "The Thing" "The Thing" then saying "arrrrggggghhhhhh suffering" predicting suffering.

This was all just 2 days before September 11th 2001 all live on radio talkback air.

The first email from Kerre reads:

Darcy, if you don't start taking your pills, I'm going to send the doctors round again. You're not well. No organisation keeps records for more than a year so even if you think you made the call, there will be no record of it. It's vanished into the ether. Google it, and you'll find out that's correct.

There is no record of any imagined call. Now take your pills and leave me alone or I'll get an outside agency to help you do so.

That was the first email.

The second email from Kerre reads

Right. That's it. You are now spam so I will never receive your emails again and I'm sending the doctors round. They'll be there in the morning.

This is evil

Not only do my phone calls exist somewhere for they are the base of many modern rock songs by such artists as RHCP, Linkin Park, Greenday, Eminem and that's just not something you delete but also she is denying the phone call outright.

Such fun i'm having living in poverty when I could be capitalising.  I really would like to see my original phone call on You Tube.  It does exist somewhere I know it.  I need a lawyer.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Probably not.  So I guess it's the end for me.  Dun Dun.


Darcy Lee

Friday, June 10, 2011

Virtual Reality.

So at the moment the Government has the technology to send full motion video directly into your head, eyes, mind. This is Virtual Reality. You can be fully awake while you are seeing these images, and they can be of any opaqueness. So opaque that you can barely notice they are there.

The images are inside you. The Government uses this technology in secret. Talking about it to a doctor gets you condemned as skitzophrenic.

Telling the truth to a doctor gets you condemned as skitzophrenic, drugged and locked up.

The Government use this technology to torture me every morning. Every night and every morning when I go to bed they play a high pitched frequency sound directly very incredibly loudly into my left ear.

They disguise there technology as tinnitus. It's definitely a machine. I leave my bed and the ringing stops. Instantly. As soon as I lie down again in my bed, bam, they start up again.

It's torture and no one believes me. The people behind it overwhelmingly approve of what is being done to me. They receive alot of pleasure from what they do using various torturous methods.

They think they are correct in there torture of me. They think they are righteous. They think they are above the law. They think the law will never touch them. I say give it 2000 years. People will know what they did to me. People will understand the torment and pain that Governments have inflicted upon me.

These people have been monitoring my thoughts and speech since I was a child. It was only confirmed to me when a very large chat screen opened up in my head just like you would see on a computer screen. It was then I realised about the technology and could then think back through my life.

The shame they put me through. The horror of their taunts. Their voices. They have the ability to broadcast there speech silently to me. They often taunt me with their mockery and they pretty much put their utmost effort into making sure I know that they are there and that they're not going away and there utmost effort to torture me.

I desperately need a house. I also need everyone not just a few to believe me about this technology. It is the future. People are training on this technology to torture people, to control others, to hurt and harm innocent people. If they did it to Jesus they will do it to you and me. (that sort of like a scripture i read).

There are beneficial uses for this technology i'm sure. Educational and healing potential. I'm sure there are many more uses than I can name and explain.

But the fact that it's kept secret when it should already be in the public domain. There should be knowledge of this technology, of Virtual Reality more in the general public.

While it's secret it's more dangerous. They don't want you to know about this technology. Make a choice and choose to know.

Virtual Reality. Worlds in your head. Images in your mind. A whole new universe.

Multiple new universes inside us. Thought transfer. I don't know what more to say. I'm boring.

Know in the technology. Know in the Virtual Reality.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Billions of Dollars. Living Water.

So I just thought now about billions of dollars. I would like billions of dollars. It's a bit disappointing that Gods not real and Jesus never existed because with my living water I could generate billions of dollars. Ya the the water that I drank of from a cup on my coffee table one morning that tasted like it was living, that could generate billions of dollars just magically appearing into my possession, my bank account, if Jesus had existed because in the bible he says he will give someone living water and it will become ever lasting life. Living water hmm. John verse something something. Jesus never existed. I'm sorry for talking about the bible. It's not anything worth spending much time over. Anyway with that sort of power you could earn billions quite easily.

I've mainly mentioned living water in an attempt to rule over christians. Muwahaha. Won't work though. I've written about it because it's connected with ever lasting life and thats something i'm really into(bible is false). Muwahaha, christians you must obey me. Muwahaha. (An army is always handy). I'm looking for donations really so i'm writing stories here on this webpage. Living water is the story of me ruling the universe but not really because the bible is false and my living water is like a really stupid thing to talk about exactly because the bible is a dumb thing to believe in and my living water was also something like a delusion which is a dumb to like obsess with and even attempt to rule the universe. Just saying god doesn't exist again.

Ya billions of dollars. I would like billions of dollars. Like at least $1020 million dollars. I can do this with donations. Hehe. I've made $10 dollars so far so thats 1 billion 19 million 999 thousand 990 left to go. It won't be that hard. I'm of the illusion you should aim big. There have been news stories of people making a house through donations with the net. I'm going for a billion. The aim is a billion dollars or as close to it using any means legal etc possible. This webpage is part of the aim for a billion. Millions will be fine. It's nice to think it's possible to make a billion dollars. To think it's possible. Some that think this will.

Ok it just clicked that I can't make billions and it's a dumb dream and the world is evil. Damn evil world. Donate to me because the world is evil.

If you believe in god like the bible then I rule the universe because of living water scriptures because god is actually real and I was just saying there wasn't a god umm *cough* yeah anyway donate because the world is evil.


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