This is some random writings:
Matrix Movie Code. |
I believe.
I don't know the truth. If I will know the truth and if the truth will set me free then I fall short of this mark.
I don't know how I became so dark. The whole world is dark. There are lights in the world. But these lights often are frail or fragile.
Perhaps Einstein was considered one of these lights. He's certainly famous.
At the moment without most peoples knowledge.
That last sentence sums up so many people.
The Governments of the world force a type of darkness on the world.
It's simply not smart to force darkness.
I do wonder why this darkness is in place. I think fear is one reason.
There is a black out on the truth. The darkness is used to the advantage.
Because we lack knowledge we can be easily manipulated.
What i'm saying is that thoughts images graphics can be inserted into your head. Your mind can be read. All wirelessly without a physical connection.
Some parts of the world are more wired than others. I think they need to chip you. But this can be in your food or water.
They can create anger and loss of self control. They use the darkness to test the limits of what they can do.
Neo Seeing The Matrix. It's not actually like this. |
Most mock this technology and the people who speak about it. Things like tinfoil hats.
It's simply a brain computer interface. The MATRIX.
I am a prisoner in my own home.
I resisted them. I was going to be the one to reveal this technology. You would of believed my bank account. Instead i'm reduced to poverty and tormented now by this tech.
The world is in darkness.
There is technology that makes the matrix possible. They can make you dream.
The construction of the truth is created now by the super elite on high end computers inside a whole new world. A world inside your body. Alot of people are wired and don't know it. Farmed.
There is also possible darkness of truth about aliens. I imagine they think the worldearth would be terrified if they were to know about aliens. Some Govts of the world I believe have knowledge of Extra Terrestrials. There have been mentions of it through the Matrix which I am a part of.
This knowledge is in darkness. We need our minds made ready and expanded to hold this new information.
Knowledge and information shape what we say and feel and do.
If tomorrow you were to find out about the Matrix in full operation. Or your were to find out about Aliens. What would you say?
There is a ruling class. They look to dominate the world. Use the tech they have created in the dark to snatch away the world.
Many people are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.
I am treated poorly. I have been the whole time.
More Matrix Code. |
I have been drugged now for 10 years.
It really brings me down thinking about it. These drugs are powerful mind altering substances.
I don't need their drugs. I should have a choice.
They are ruining my body and mind.
I'm an old man yet i'm only nearly 37. I told you these were random thoughts.
Anyway all you should know is that they know about aliens and are practicing right now with the Matrix. The world is kept in the dark over these things.
There must be a great multitude that they keep from people.
Is it evil do you think? To keep these secrets?
Perhaps it is when its used to harm and injure and even farm people without consent.
The ruling elite are powerful.
They control the media. The media isn't interested in me yet I should be very popular as a celebrity.
I haven't had my day yet. It's not about me. It's about freedom.
Still what is the purpose of withholding such valuable information that sets you free.
They create a system of slavery to Govt through laws that they set which they claim to even be above.
There is plenty of slavery in the world. Man is there evil. This darkness is a great cause of it. The darkness of the lie. The lie about Aliens and the lie about the Matrix.
Highly Recommend You Read The Bible. |
But these things are yet small.
Who can claim away God? The scientific do.
We are in the dark about where we come from and where we are going and what lays ahead.
There could be great global trouble. We must prepare.
To be the least shocked as possible then all of the darkness must be lifted.
They must tell us about the MATRIX and about the ALIENS.
Artificial Intelligence this to.
This powers the MATRIX.
I'm not sure why i'm a target.
Darkness needs to be lifted.
In darkness we stumble.
The WORLD must know truth.
This post is calling the darkness that is created and the people behind it liars.
Liars don't enter heaven.
Perpetuation of a lie.
Leaving a trail of destruction and the World in darkness to be controlled by a super elite.
Justice must be done.
The DARKNESS must be over thrown.
World In Darkness. |
Be prepared to suffer.
Nobody can be prepared.
But be aware that this is what most will do.
With this knowledge spend your time wisely.
I have spoken some truth here.
Most won't believe the matrix without experiencing it.
My September 11th 2001 phone call on YOUTUBE.
This is yet another smaller truth. The world also is kept in the darkness over this.
My phone call where I yelled "WAR" on live talkback radio 2 days before 911 in America. I basically gave blood in this phone call, well this phone call deserves it's place on YouTube as well
This phone call will gain millions of hits and be very popular.
Because of what it's related to it will change the world.
This phone call is truth and love.
Comment here if you want to change the world.
But the matrix seems to be more important for now. The matrix brain computer interface and Artificial Intelligence as I am subjected to these 24/7 for over 6 years now.
Read the story anyway by clicking the Osama link on the top left of this page.
Am I Lying or Delusional? |
The WORLD is in darkness. The darkness is used to control you.
They will decide when you will know.
You won't believe until they tell you.
You won't believe me.
SO. Matrix. A.I. Aliens. PhoneCall.
That about sums it.
Sorry but someone will actually read this someday.
I can't save you. Jesus has failed me.
It's very hard to guide you in the dark as this post attempts to do.
Belief is the issue.
What do you Believe?