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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Poor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poor. Show all posts

Friday, February 8, 2019

Leave a Light On

Tom Walker - Leave a Light On
Thought this song was pretty good at the time but I don't think it's any good for me anymore. Still. I like the message. Everyone should just keep burning no matter where they find themselves.

I've been through some tough times. Most revolves around money really. Being poor has definitely affectd my life. I been hanging in there waiting for the day i'll get some money. But this month, February 2019 marks twenty years since I got sick. Also twenty years since i've worked.

I have no work experience or skills. I can use a computer though. I'm still hopin one day I can get into a nice house and be able to cover all the bills.

The marijuana law change if that happens because of the referendum in NZ then that will affect my life greatly. Being able to grow it as medicine would be amazing. I would save some money anyway. Also I need to tackle cigarette smoking.

It's still nearly 2 whole years before the referendum so people are still being given criminal convictions for cannabis which sucks.

I really need to get into my own house for security and comfort. My flatmate and I have a house inspection on Tuesday. I really could do without those.


Imma leave the light on.

Help me. I'm worthy. Donate today. Or tomorrow. Or when you can. But donate.

This is a charity website.

Darcy Lee

Friday, January 4, 2019

Dont Let Me Down

The Chainsmokers - Don't Let Me Down ft. Daya

Found this today after it was singing in my head. It's awesome for the 2019 New Year for me but it's been out since April 2016 so its a little old. I've had it on loop for about 6 plays or more now.

Adding to Music. Happy New Year. How old am I. I turn 41 in 5 months so i'm like just over 40 and a half.

Now if I can live another 30 or 40 years then they might just come up with some life extension technologies that are affordable by the poor and I could hit 100 plus easy. I really have to quit smoking. I'm actually trying at the moment. I had my last smoke at 2.35pm on Jan 4th 2019.

It's now 10pm on Jan 4th so that's like 7 hours 25 minutes without a cigarette. I definitely have more control over it now that i'm older. Back in the day I barely went a couple of hours without a cigarette. I got to hope in the morning I don't crash and have one then it should be good from there for the rest of the day.

70 will be a good age to make. I've lived a hard life. Now I hope I can live a long life.

Added label Forty.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Love Is All You Need Beatles

The Beatles.
Love Is All You Need - Beatles.

Adding this not because it's any good but because i gave it one listen and passed on by. I don't like this song even though it's about love.

Darcy Lee.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

2 Corinthians 5:4 so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life

Scripture For The Day.

2 Corinthians 5:4 While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it's not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life.

I see this problem as a generation of life. Just how do we generate more life?

Immortality. Mortal Swallowed By Life.
I believe feeding people at the bottom end of society is one way of creating life upon the planet. There are plenty of starving people in the world.

Communication perhaps. One person figures something out and tells, communicates or demonstrates it to others.

I'm thinking of a discovery about the human body. Technology involving the human body. To swallow up death you would need alot of life.

I understand this description of life to be similar to power. The more life you have the smoother things are.

Just how much life is the human body capable of?

This is only really bible thinking. For it is truly an evil world where evil rules.

Perhaps to be set free we must each generate more life. Each work for our individual freedom.

I mean aren't we doing this already. There are evil scary people. Also many forces that we don't yet understand. Dark places without light.

So again just how do we generate more life.

I'm pretty sure more life in each of us can be passed on to others. Money needs to be spent on more important things. Priorties.

Food, medicines, shelter, clothing. For all. On a permanent basis. We need to fund the world.

This world will soon change.

If we don't dig in and set everyone up then we will never make it.

Everyone should be funded a bare minimum in life.

There can be major setbacks in life on the planet like earthquakes or natural disasters. As a people we should be trying to settle and make permanent peoples lives. People live on this planet 80 years on average. So people need a permanent house to live. People also need food and clothing.

If we get people sorted and living day to day we can generate more life eventually enough to swallow up death. There is more life in joy than misery. The more experience we have with living the more life also we can generate. I believe overall day to day each day the planet as a whole generates more life. But it can be speed up.

We need to reach critical mass to beat destroy and swallow up death in victory and life. What are some ways you yourself can think of to generate life? What is your definition of life exactly? Can it be generated.

So work at it. Work at generating more life for yourself. Being more alive.

With feeding the world. To me. It like food is energy. Energy creates life. Christ said work for food that doesn't perish. Spend energy from food that perishes on creating life. Food in equals movement + thought output. If we can continuously feed people that don't usually get feed we can generate more life.

What is really possible? How do we have enough life to vanquish death? How. I don't have very much life myself.

The rich need to lift the poor. Technology needs to lift everyone. The strong need to lift the weak.

Things are happening everyday.

So I believe that one day we will have enough life to swallow up the mortal. But things need to be done.

Mortal Swallowed up By Life. I believe.

Note* Added label "Joy".

Darcy Lee.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What is Love?

What is Love Haddaway.

Adding this to music 2. Looked up what is love and this is the video that they are pushing. There's also a couple of interesting psychological articles about what is love.

That article states that you can't command love.

Not sure if that is totally true.

You can build a fire perhaps. Giving you more than a base level of love. A deeper love. From the excess you spend it on gaining more. A hotter fire.

Love if you have it can't be turned off very much.

Guess i've never been in love. That sucks.

Im concentrating on loving GOD and his son JESUS. But if they don't exist then I am wasting my time utterly. Is it wrong to love Jesus. I can't seem to find any love there really. It's pretty cold hard place trying to get love outta Jesus, enough love to change the world so that there is no more suffering pain tears or death like the scripture says in the bible.

I'm to sick to love really. I find myself getting a little sicker these days again.

To me love is a cure. It's medicine and allows you to preform miracles.

I have yet to see a powerful love like those in the movies where it vanquishes bad guys and demons and defeats all enemies. I dream of this love.

I have idealised love for a long time. I probably haven't loved for along time. Not since I suffered.

I'm finding myself falling away from the bible. I do love everything it says about love. But there is no end to the proofs that are needed such as Jesus being resurrected. It's simply to hard to figure out given the tools I have.

I'm pretty sure i'm delusional in chasing The Holy Bible. I just find the new testament, proverbs psalms and isaiah all very interesting. I mean what if it's real. See I am just this dumb and gullible to fall for it. I like things like defeating evil bad guys and love and righteousness and justice. This is essentially what the bible is about. So this book just agrees with my ideals. It appeals to me. I have a taste for it.

Not sure but believing in the bible it probably only leads to death like every other pursuit on the planet at moment. I like to think if there is anything to be found in the bible I can hopefully find it and be equipped by it.

This is a war on death I am waging. I haven't mentioned it in a while. I would like to live forever. I believe every problem has a solution leading to a paradise awaiting.

I believe we are all eternal now. There will be a resurrection. Nobody actually dies. But some are punished upon resurrection. All our lives will be open before everyone. There will be no secret thing.

I had more ideas but I have forgotten them.

So i guess I can say that being taught of Hollywood I am looking for love through the bible.

I am looking for power. For the kingdom of heaven according to the bible is not a matter of talk but of power. At the moment I have very little power. I am all talk no power.

How do u get power?

God apparently has unlimited power. Love is the power I crave. Because that's the strongest power there is. These also are just more words and talk. I don't know what to do,

We do some strange things when were sick.

So bible if your real i'm waiting on you and God to help me. If your not real then no problem I had fun with you even though you make me very angry for pushing something as truth when in fact it isn't. Bible you confuse so many people. O bible what is your truth.

I shall never see through you to perhaps something better. Bible are you the best there is.

Bible your certainly poor in many areas. You cause much great distress in my life. Why can't I rid myself of you. Not that I want to be rid of you. But I want to know that truth and thus have some peace. I want to be able to present what I have found to others so they can share. At the moment I cant do this as I have nothing.

I want to know the truth.

Now iv'e said enough.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Losing The Internet and Phone.

It's just turned 12am here in NZ and it's now the 17/11/13.  Later today my internet and phone are probably going to be cut off as I haven't paid the bill for about 3 months and it's $250 in debt.

I got a automated phone call from them saying that if I didn't pay the bill they would cut me off in two days, that was two days ago.

It's very sad.  My mum's going to go banana's.  I've had the phone and internet on for about 8 years now under my own name and have always managed to pay the bill.

O well just another casualty.  I should be well off and set-up for life because of the Twin Towers.  If I could get a copy of the phone call I made where I yelled war and made the whole phone call about how there was going to be a war in prophecy 2 days before the attacks on nationwide talkback radio then I would soon be a millionaire.  But alas the Govt censors the call from general public release.  If I could put the call on You Tube it would make me very wealthy and famous as well.

I need a lawyer.

So yep don't know when my internet will be back on.  This is sad and all the Governments fault.  I should be rich :(

All is lost.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, July 13, 2013

We Are What We Eat, and LOL.

I don't have much news to post.  I have now made about $400 NZ dollars from playing the Diablo 3 Auction House.  I recently just renewed this domain name at the cost of about $32 NZ dollars.  It's good till July 2014.  I also bought another couple of fail names that nobody will be interested in but will try selling them on ebay anyway.  The domains cost me $4 dollars each but you can't actually do anything with them.  Like you can't point them to any websites or anywhere.  They are simply your domains registered in an account. Anyhow the domains I bought are and and I currently have them listed on ebay for $500 each not that anyone will buy them.  So far they haven't even got any views.

What else.  I might have a job lined up but it's still a long shot and might not happen yet. It's handling courier parcels at 5am in the morning.  But yeah long shot.  A few things have to happen first before I get it.  Just have to wait and see.

Don't have much else to write about.  Mum bought me $100 dollar bagless vacuum cleaner today.  I don't think it will get much use but I suppose it is handy.  My other one was horrible it sucked or rather didn't suck more to the point.  I do wish I had more money to spend.  At the moment I don't get any spare money each week.  It all goes on bills.

Also I wish I wasn't so lazy.  I wish I would do things day to day and achieve things.  I could post on this website more or make more videos to post on You Tube I could use my time more wisely and astutely to learn new things and skills.  But at the moment i'm very lazy.  I could even cook myself a meal instead of takeouts all the time.  But no i'm lazy.  I don't know how to beat laziness.  I'm a sad story living week to week.

I have been thinking recently about how we are what we eat.  I would really like to get into a lot of vitamin supplements.  Like eat alot of pills.  But this all takes money.  I would like to adapt and adjust my diet maybe eat more but more of the right foods. Anyhow it's pretty much true.  We are what we eat, breath and drink.  I need to make some changes in my life to live healthier.

This is probably not going to happen though.  Money could definitely help things.  But there are things I can be doing without money that I don't do so giving me money wouldn't fix underlying problems it would probably just ease my burden abit and create potential new problems but yes I do need money which could be spent wisely.

A house is a life long dream I have.  Owning my own little 2 bedroom house with garage and concrete backyard with no lawn or very little lawn to mow but this is never going to happen bar something major happening.

Anyhow I'm going to leave it here for now.  Thanks for Reading.  Remember You Are What You eat.

Darcy Lee

Monday, October 15, 2012

A letter from Kerre Woodham to Darcy Lee.

This is something that Kerre Woodham said in an email on the 30th of the September 2010 while ago. Kerre was the host of the talkback radio show I made my phone call to where I said "They don't think" 3 times, then yelled "WAR" as loud as I could over the phone as an alert and general warning, then finishing by saying "The Thing" "The Thing" then saying "arrrrggggghhhhhh suffering" predicting suffering.

This was all just 2 days before September 11th 2001 all live on radio talkback air.

The first email from Kerre reads:

Darcy, if you don't start taking your pills, I'm going to send the doctors round again. You're not well. No organisation keeps records for more than a year so even if you think you made the call, there will be no record of it. It's vanished into the ether. Google it, and you'll find out that's correct.

There is no record of any imagined call. Now take your pills and leave me alone or I'll get an outside agency to help you do so.

That was the first email.

The second email from Kerre reads

Right. That's it. You are now spam so I will never receive your emails again and I'm sending the doctors round. They'll be there in the morning.

This is evil

Not only do my phone calls exist somewhere for they are the base of many modern rock songs by such artists as RHCP, Linkin Park, Greenday, Eminem and that's just not something you delete but also she is denying the phone call outright.

Such fun i'm having living in poverty when I could be capitalising.  I really would like to see my original phone call on You Tube.  It does exist somewhere I know it.  I need a lawyer.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Probably not.  So I guess it's the end for me.  Dun Dun.


Darcy Lee

Friday, September 30, 2011

Few Things About Stuff.

I recently set up a few pages linking to this website from various other blogger sites. This provides links that even though the pages are page rank 0 they come from a pr 9 website. This provides some valuable links to this website earning rankings for keywords in google.

The sites I found were the easiest to use and actually let me in with no hassle are:

With these sites I could create an account easily just by filling out the form, click a link in my email and then login and post a link to my page. I didn't post much text on the pages if any at all. But a link should be enough.

So that's six new links to my website. It's not much but it's better than before. I really need to fill out the sites with some text and images and stuff but it's so hard writing the same stuff over and over just trying to change it a little. Kind of like what I do with this blog that is write about the same stuff all the time.

I'm upto $39 dollars earned under google adsense, only $61 dollars to go until a payout so probably another 5 years at current rate.

One thing that happened recently is that my You Tube account became monetized. That is my google ads get displayed next to my You Tube videos and I get a share of the revenue. I only have a few videos up and they don't get many views so not a great earner for me yet. You Tube took down my main video which had 25,000 hits and was getting more everyday. It was made using windows movie maker and was just text of my cell phone number but it was earning hits pretty fast in the end before it was taken down.

I'll make another video of my cell phone number when I get a new cell phone as the cell phone I have at them moment is telecom and they are taking down the network that it is on. I've actually lost the charger to my current cell phone when I moved house so my cell is kind of useless. Guess what, I can't actually afford a new cell either. Not that I used it much but it was handy for receiving text messages. A new phone is like $40 dollars but that's a cheap and nasty.

I almost feel brave enough to make a You Tube video of me speaking about VR saying that pictures in your head technology is real. Just speaking not actually appearing on camera. Also it would be short as I don't have much to say. Anyone got any ideas?

I'm very poor. If you want to give me money you can with your credit card you can by clicking the paypal link. Donations should probably be a minimum of a $one dollar probably because anything lower than that I won't actually get any money at all.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fail Website This Is.

I'm bored telling people about virtual reality. People need to experience it for themselves. Not that that's going to happen. But i'm sure the government is slowly letting important people use and become aware of this technology.

What else can I talk about? I could talk about how poor I am and how I struggle each week to have enough food to eat which is really depressing. I am very poor. I don't know any rich people. I need to win lotto which is hard to do or have a great idea or invention and then make money off that which is equally as hard to do.

Yep i'm poor. Posting on the internet is not going to fix it. I don't see many people making money through the internet not people around me anyway. I'm struggling to post this. I'm like "give me money" for no reason so I can buy a house. Well it doesn't work. I've been trying for nearly 6 years for someone to give me a donation and I haven't got one.

It's because I fail at getting traffic to this website. 3 hits a day after 6 years is not very good. None of those hits are for older posts they're mostly for the same couple of posts.

People aren't interested in my website and it's obvious that this will never work. I'll try not to give up but it's pretty fail. I'll end this short post here. Maybe you could be the first to donate.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Poor With No Money.

Ideally for this website, to make money, to become profitable, I should be trying to post at least once a day. The problem is i'm stupid, I also live a boring life. Daily the same monotonous wake up be home all day go to bed day after day with the only difference being payday where I have to go out and do the grocery shopping.

If I could post once a day, I mean I have plenty of time usually, if I could post once a day, after a while then I might gain some traction and start to pick up hits in google, and traffic can be converted into money. I am getting more traffic than I ever have before but i'm not nearly happy with it. And it comes from only 2-3 different search terms. I haven't had any success with other social media such as facebook and twitter at least not yet, so practically my only source of traffic is google.

The top picture is my traffic for the last 14 days. With a minimum of 2 and max of 14 and average of guessing about 7-8. If you click the picture of the graph it will get bigger.

I don't know why you would be interested in knowing about this but I need something to write about. I got a hit for the words "immortality trap" the other day. Mostly I get hits for Bill Gates and his email address or his house and the Gpuz of my video card. Occasionally I get a hit for my name Darcy Lee. I get sometimes hits for the images I post along with my articles.

I'm not ranking for things like Virtual Reality, September 11th, 911 or World Trade Center and others which are themes of this blog.

VIrtual Reality along with the new word i'm going to use augmentation is the future and it's now. I have no proof about the technology to put pictures and a virtual world into your mind head eyes which is why no one is interested. People simply aren't willing to believe me.

People aren't interested much in this blog. They don't stay very long and aren't reading much.

I'm trying to be motivated in the face of share overwhelming odds. I want to make money from blogging. At least $80 dollars a week which is the cut off that I can earn on the benefit without them deducting from what I already earn. This is a dream of course. Lol $80 dollars, might as well be a million.

There's not enough money to go round, and most people are smarter, faster, quicker than me.

I simply don't have the where with all to post every single day about something different.

So i'm stuck. I'm not smart enough and the internet's not powerful enough to accomodate a dumb person trying to make a living from a blogger website. Sure for some people they have made millions. It was probably hard work and probably a little luck. I do suppose I only spend a couple or three hours every few days working on this blogger website which is not much in the overall scheme of things. It's just that again I have nothing to write about.

If you want to make money you have to post alot, which is alot of hard work. I'm not at the level of posting much. If you put in a 20 hour week on blogger after a while you might start earning money. I'm on the dole and have no spare money. In reality I won't make even a part time income from blogging.

Finding a part time job in real life is no easy thing either. I'm not sure if i'm ready to work. I'm still a bit shaky. Maybe in another couple of years I could work a job. If anyone will actually ever employ me. I haven't worked in over 12 years now. So re-entering the work force will be a challenge to say the least. No-ones interested in hiring a sickly 33 year old when they can hire someone fresh out of school who's really fit and hard working.

I'm only really eligible for the entry level minimum wage jobs as I have no skills. I wouldn't mind going back to polytech but unfortunately the student allowance pays alot less than what the invalids benefit dole cheque pays. I don't have a single spare cent at the moment to buy anything extra with and i'm not eating very well because i'm poor.

So enough about the poor condition of my finances, life and motivation. I'll leave it here.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Keeping Me Poor.

Nearly 9 years since September 11th 2001. I have tried quite hard to get a copy of my phone call and am still trying. I made a phone call where I yelled "WAR" two days before September 11th 2001 live on air on New Zealand wide Talkback radio. The whole phone conversation was about WAR and a call to arms.

I'm guessing but one of the reasons the phone call is being withheld from me is because it will be popular. I plan to post a copy on You Tube as soon as possible. Someone somewhere has a copy and they are denying me access. If I must persist in obtaining access then I am.

The phone conversation is the beginning of a conspiracy. Involving TECHNOLOGY and PEOPLE. This is the second reason that I'm not allowed a copy.

The third reason is that the people that have my phone call. Hate me.

There's probably a 5th and 6th reason and fourth. The New Zealand Government has the power to give me a copy and they ignore me.

Another reason could be the media involvement in the case. They don't want lots of attention. I don't want attention either. I do want to spend some money on a brand new house. I don't have any money but if I had a copy of my phone call this could change. Maybe they are trying to keep me poor out of enjoyment and narcissism. It seems obvious that it's more than just a side effect of withholding a copy of my phone conversation.

There are many things to think about. From the response on this website it seems that there is little interest in my phone conversation. I do believe that even should this phone conversation not be popular and of interest that it deserves a spot on the internet, on you tube, on this webpage. It rightly should have it's place. People are preventing free speech by not allowing this phone call that I have created to be viewed by the general public around the world.

I really must bring up something which I believe is and that is called free speech. People are not allowing me to speak. They are denying me my voice. My personal freedoms are being encroached upon. There is noone to stand up for me. This phone call must be available for public use.

If my human rights can be taken from me don't believe yours are safe.

There is noone to defend you. When they take your voice away. Free speech or whatever you want to call it the ability to say something and not be censored or lied or have altered.

I don't know much about free speech but i believe it should count as I want to say something. I want my phone call to be heard no matter how small the audience through internet exposure or whatever media transference. I want my phone call to be available on YOU TUBE. Free Speech.

Thank You For Your Time

Darcy Lee

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Magic Spending Money "Card". How To Spend Money. Using Paypal.

So I just got a new national bank visa debit card. It's debit meaning it uses money I have preloaded on the card and not credit which is where u borrow money and pay interest. It can be used just about anywhere, pretty much anywhere a visa card can be accepted.

One annoying thing now is instead of swiping the card in eftpos terminals it has a chip so it has to be inserted in the machine.

I bought McDonalds and had to both insert then swipe my card. Unless i didn't need to insert my card in the first place but I don't know. Older machines you still just swipe.

So far i've used my card online for 2 things. Firstly I renewed my domain which cost NZ $22.44. The second thing I did. I clicked on the paypal donation button on my website and donated myself US $0.05 cents.

At first I couldn't get paypal to work. It was a little tricky. I found that I had to input my initials where it asks for your first and middle names. That and I also used my actual billing address that the card would be linked to, but i'm not sure if that was so important. It was mainly getting the information from the card right i think. I wasn't filling in my middle name.

I found that I get an email contact plus I would be able to see any address you entered.

Another thing I also did today was transfer my domain to another host. It was really simple all I did was get the UDAI which is like a security number for your domain and then goto the new host that I wanted and put the number into my account there. It was transferred in seconds . I think it was because it was a domain name between nz hosts that it was so quick and easy. I'm not sure if .com domains would be so quick and easy.

Another thing that happened is that one of my 2 transactions attracted a $1.00 fee as there are 3 transactions showing as visa holds in my online banking.

Right. So mission. I have a paypal button that can people with "Cards" give me money. All tested and everything. I have transferred money from my paypal account to my normal bank account which is linked to my card and spent the money. I sold some World of Warcraft gold. Like 5000. But I was paranoid that I would lose my account. So I don't think i'll do that again. I only got like $20 bucks nz for it anyway. And I thought that I would much rather have the gold at the moment. I have 50000G at the moment. That't not that much compared to some but it's a lot compared to when you start out.

Also I can now authenticate my paypal account with my visa debit card. This means I withdraw more than $500 dollars per month from my paypal account.

So i'm looking for people to give me money. I would say that the minimum donation is $0.50 cents US as to avoid the minimum amount of paypal fees. Please if your willing donate $0.50 cents minimum or whatever you can afford.

I have $1.69 NZ dollars in my bank account and I thought that I would give that away to someone. I'm going to upload $0.50 cents US into my paypal account. I'll do it now.

So I just deposited $0.50 cents into my account. The net amount I received was 18 cents US. So if you give me 50 cents I get 18 cents. Not much. Paypal must be making the big bucks with a commission like that. I'm about to upload the rest sec.

So I put another 60 cents US which is coming up as 86 cents NZ, into my paypal account. Again the fee was 32 cents. It was the same as putting in 50 cents.

I now have a paypal balance of 55 cents US which I'm going to look up someone in google and donate them the money. They will receive about 23 Cents. Preferably i'm looking for someone in nz. Sec.

So I just donated 70 cents NZ or 52 cents US to Wellington Cat Protection League. It was just some random cause I got by searching for "Donate Paypal NZ".

Thats all my money gone for the week. Payday 7 days away next Wednesday. The Wellington Cat Protection League will get approximately $0.20 cents US. LOL All that came from the $1.69 NZ I had in my bank account.

So anyway I'm Broke now so please give me money through paypal. You have instructions now. I managed to work it out in the end took a few goes. I even rung the bank. They couldn't help. All it was that I was filling out some of the details wrong. Anyway Thanks For Your Time.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Doesn't it suck to be poor. Living in a horrible house. Eating terrible food. I talk about the same things all the time on this website. Pretty much not that interesting. My life is the same everyday. Stuck at home, doing the same thing.

Ah, I long for money. It gives you freedom. The governments of the world muwahaha, have conspired against me to make me poor. You know I worked hard. I'm not getting paid.

DOES anyone want to give me money? NO.

The governments of the w0rld muwahaha, owe me money. Yep they do. Pay me the money you owe me governments of the world.

I really want some money. I have earned it. I want to say that my September 11th phone call is my property and it deserves a website. I want a copy of the phone call. The governments of the world owe me money for this. Because they know why. I worked hard. Click the World Trade Center Link on the left to read the story but it's really badly written like what i'm writing now.

Governments of the world muwahaha give me some money now.

I can't afford to pay the rent no more. They ignore me and cause me heaps of pain. They have ignored me for like 8 years now. 8 years is a really long time. A really really long time.

Sorry I suck. Please donate to me. The governments of the world won't. Damn I suck. I R bored. No one believes anything I say.

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