Darcy Lee Donations Cash Money Dollars Matrix Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality Extra Terrestrials Work September 11th 2001 911 World Trade Center and Immortality Health and living a long life. Can proberly think of more stuff it's about. I'm running this blog to make money for a house as a platform to solve some of the problems in the world. First you stabilize yourself. I would really like a house. Could be possible even. Donater To Me. Buy Me Darcy Lee A House.
Donate To This Website: DarcyLee.com Via Credit Card By Clicking The Paypal Donate Button Below.
A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
DarcyLee.com First in Virtual Reality Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!
($746 Dollars earned)
This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.
It's like man save the world and nobody knows.
The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).
They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.
September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.
They are LYING.
(It could happen).
Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.
My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.
My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.
This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.
The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.
There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.
FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.
All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.
Finally after like 9 years of operating my website I have managed to get a payout from Google Adsense. I managed after this time to reach the NZ $130 dollar mark. I mean like 9 years. I'm pretty sure this website has had Adsense this whole time so it really did take me that long.
Goggle Adsense.
It was a long time. Anyway with the money I purchased a 2 Terabyte Western Digital external Hard Disc Drive. I'm pretty sure that I will be able to hit the payout limit in about 3-4 years this time. I've already had a good month. I don't think I'm actually allowed to tell you how much I earned through Adsense exactly so I won't. But already It's been pretty good.
The money from the first payout was in my bank account on October 22 2015.
I'm going to update the money clock on the side of page to show the new earnings. I'm also going to add the Diablo 3 earnings from the past and any other earnings I make like other games I have played. This money clock is for all money I make through the internet.
Added Label "Money Clock".
So in terms of what i've made through the internet here goes:
$10 US Dollars for Ad on Website. Source dried up.
$391 US Dollars from Diablo 3 Auction House, Source dried up.
$260 US Dollars Other Games. Can still make a little money from this source possibly but not much.
$85 US Dollars from Google Adsense. Still able to make money from this source.
$746 US Dollars altogether and this is the total that's going on the clock. So my efforts from the internet have earned me this much in 9 years of trying. Not very successful really.
Watching this makes me wonder whatever happened to my life. I mean I made a million dollars at 23 but I had to suffer heaps to make that. I always thought I would make a discovery of something. Anyway I turned down the 1 million and here I am broke to this day.
I'm still waiting for the Govt to pay me out. I should get enough money for a house one day from the Govt and then finally start to prosper.
I guess I never applied myself. I always found things to hard and gave up early. I could've learned to program computers but failed there. It would of been good enough just to be set up for life but I didn't even claim that for myself.
15 Richest YouTubers.
This video lists people who have made millions through YouTube. I'm jealous also.
2 Corinthians 5:4 While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it's not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life.
I see this problem as a generation of life. Just how do we generate more life?
Immortality. Mortal Swallowed By Life.
I believe feeding people at the bottom end of society is one way of creating life upon the planet. There are plenty of starving people in the world.
Communication perhaps. One person figures something out and tells, communicates or demonstrates it to others.
I'm thinking of a discovery about the human body. Technology involving the human body. To swallow up death you would need alot of life.
I understand this description of life to be similar to power. The more life you have the smoother things are.
Just how much life is the human body capable of?
This is only really bible thinking. For it is truly an evil world where evil rules.
Perhaps to be set free we must each generate more life. Each work for our individual freedom.
I mean aren't we doing this already. There are evil scary people. Also many forces that we don't yet understand. Dark places without light.
So again just how do we generate more life.
I'm pretty sure more life in each of us can be passed on to others. Money needs to be spent on more important things. Priorties.
Food, medicines, shelter, clothing. For all. On a permanent basis. We need to fund the world.
This world will soon change.
If we don't dig in and set everyone up then we will never make it.
Everyone should be funded a bare minimum in life.
There can be major setbacks in life on the planet like earthquakes or natural disasters. As a people we should be trying to settle and make permanent peoples lives. People live on this planet 80 years on average. So people need a permanent house to live. People also need food and clothing.
If we get people sorted and living day to day we can generate more life eventually enough to swallow up death. There is more life in joy than misery. The more experience we have with living the more life also we can generate. I believe overall day to day each day the planet as a whole generates more life. But it can be speed up.
We need to reach critical mass to beat destroy and swallow up death in victory and life. What are some ways you yourself can think of to generate life? What is your definition of life exactly? Can it be generated.
So work at it. Work at generating more life for yourself. Being more alive.
With feeding the world. To me. It like food is energy. Energy creates life. Christ said work for food that doesn't perish. Spend energy from food that perishes on creating life. Food in equals movement + thought output. If we can continuously feed people that don't usually get feed we can generate more life.
What is really possible? How do we have enough life to vanquish death? How. I don't have very much life myself.
The rich need to lift the poor. Technology needs to lift everyone. The strong need to lift the weak.
Things are happening everyday.
So I believe that one day we will have enough life to swallow up the mortal. But things need to be done.
Children in Syria picking bread pieces up off of the floor.
Saw this and was sad. Don't really know what to say. They don't get any help. Aid doesn't reach them. There are so many in this situation as well. One of these days someone smart will say enough. The matrix tech could go a long way to helping these people. Perhaps their experience could be translated and understood on a higher level with the tech.
We absolutely need to feed people. The matrix tech will provide wealth for all people great and small. But it is mind control. These people deal with hunger I deal with mind control.
A lot of people live in absolute luxury. I believed when I was younger if I just had enough to keep me self sufficient I could have made a huge dent in the poverty of the world through ideas and thoughts.
I never made it to self sufficiency and picked up a couple of addictions on the way. I could of still succeeded with my addictions in the early years I thought but my light was definitely dampened. It would've been a matter of throwing off the chains of whatever was dragging me down.
Now even if I was to become rich I would probably pick up more addictions. It would just be a matter of being around the the right person who tempts you. Because you've got the money you might indulge. I am aware of addiction and harm yet someone I feel could override my will to resist.
So not to be rich but to be self sufficient. Or to be rich and possibly burn out earlier suffer an early death because of drugs. But having the money meant you can do greater good.
I have way to many distractions in poverty that crowd my life for me to efficiently think. Also now my thinking is effectively crippled.
You think to small.
Video is 2 children from Syria eating bread crumbs.
Truly my old age sucks. I may have conquered the world but I didn't do one bit to help children like in the video. I guess I have shared in their suffering. Believe it. My suffering was great. Just as great as this. Also it was for 10 years. I had to wait that long for relief. Everyday is a huge weight. Not like the luxury of a rich person.
If I was self sufficient now I could possibly find it within myself to aid people somehow. Still with ideas and thoughts . I have a huge wealth of suffering to draw from as experience. I have the desire. Now I lack the intelligence.
I guess so many people have tried what makes me any different, if I was rich, from a rich man currently trying to solve the issues we face. I don't think I would do any better.
I do desire strongly to be rich though. To have an abundance. To have my needs met. I desire everyones needs are met. But this is a long way from happening.
I would like to setup everyone in my life at the moment financially. Once this is done I would like to dedicate my mind to solving some of the issues that are a heavy burden to us.
I don't know if I could be of any effect at all unless I had some substantial money behind me and then it's not really me it's the money. My mind is just to crippled now.
Destruction. How I feel.
I guess I just want to say that we need to move more people into thinking positions. Positions where they are stable with the fewest possible day to day worries of life. It's the worries that get you. The little distractions that take away from your precious total sum of power that is needed to break past the barrier.
Get more people owning their own homes and living the dream.
I believe more people should can retire comfortably at 35 spend the rest of their life in philanthropy aiding the words problems.
The money is all pooled wrong. The rich have to much and the poor to little.
Like I said. If I had enough money in the right time frame I believe I could've created a fire that would've done a lot of damage to the evil that 's out there.
There must be other younger people than me who feel it in themselves to do something like this if they just have enough money before they get to old. I missed my window.
I think different now that I have suffered. Perhaps if one day I still make it if my phone call gets paid out and I can setup all my friend then because of my suffering I will indeed now be able to help.
Immense suffering exists in the world.
Where by if I never suffered then I wouldn't have the same urgency and couldn't offer nearly the same amount of help. Though I must say I did have a pretty strong desire to think but just needed that security and self sufficiency, I needed the money. I guess I was just naive to how easy it can happen, that you get hurt, and how bad it actually is in the world.
Young people need money and less worries. They are our brightest thinkers. I am basically a dead man now in thinking.
There are some simple things that can be done. Get money to people instead of letting the rich horde it all for themselves in banks and material items. The rich need to spend.
Also secrets need to be revealed. Secrets of the GOVTs of the world. I wait patiently for money from my phone call so I can think in peace. I will try and Remember these children as you should.
It's just turned 12am here in NZ and it's now the 17/11/13. Later today my internet and phone are probably going to be cut off as I haven't paid the bill for about 3 months and it's $250 in debt.
I got a automated phone call from them saying that if I didn't pay the bill they would cut me off in two days, that was two days ago.
It's very sad. My mum's going to go banana's. I've had the phone and internet on for about 8 years now under my own name and have always managed to pay the bill.
O well just another casualty. I should be well off and set-up for life because of the Twin Towers. If I could get a copy of the phone call I made where I yelled war and made the whole phone call about how there was going to be a war in prophecy 2 days before the attacks on nationwide talkback radio then I would soon be a millionaire. But alas the Govt censors the call from general public release. If I could put the call on You Tube it would make me very wealthy and famous as well.
I need a lawyer.
So yep don't know when my internet will be back on. This is sad and all the Governments fault. I should be rich :(