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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2016

Fast Car Cover

Boyce Avenue.
Fast Car Cover - Boyce Avenue

Stumbled across this with 42 million views. It's a nice cover of a Tracy Chapman song.

Can't wait till my Precog September 11th World Trade Center radio talkback phone call hits on You Tube. It will be interesting to see exactly how it preforms.

Now I do expect at least 20 million hits in the first month. I guess this is a goal to set. So when it finally hits I expect people to post the stuffing out of it to all social media.

Hopefully I will have the finances to fund a forum and i'll be able to direct people from the video to that. Also I will direct people to this page as well. I don't have a name for the forum yet.

My phone call is a World Trade Center Conspiracy. It involves Music, Virtual Reality the Matrix, and a couple Presidents amongst other things.

This conspiracy is yet to be bought to light. I don't even know all the details. I'm sure a movie will be made about my life. Me watching that will fill in some of the blanks.

But let it be known. The truth is not what is told by the Governments of the world. If my phone call ever comes out it will open up new avenues of thoughts. Till then though the Governments would rather keep the world in the dark. This only harms themselves. The world needs to be brought upto speed. Knowledge is very useful. Things like Aliens and Virtual Reality. The world needs to know about these things.

It's only so they can maintain their power that they keep us in darkness. Most people fight the truth when told. They certainly don't believe. No one has believed me. What will you say when you know the truth.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

White House

War Darc White House.
White House = War Darc = What Else.

Two in One.

Added Labels "Whitehouse" and "Politics" and "Wisdom"

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Take Me To Your Leeda.

I posted the text below on about 5 different forums.  On one forum,, I got my account banned (Lol), on another forum,, the post got deleted.  On, and the post still exists but the thread has died a horrible death. has 71 views and is still near the top of the forum but it doesn't see much action really.

Anyway here is the post:

Post anything you want to say to "The Powers That Be" here in this thread and I guarantee you if they like it, it will go to the top. This means posting in this thread gets you in front of President Obama and his aides. Or even higher people that exist outside the Pres in total shadowness. I guarantee that if it's important or somehow something they and these people will read it.

Can you make them laugh with some of your wit? Maybe you can? What are you going to say. Do you have words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. You have been delivered before Kings and Governors and Presidents. 

Believe and so speak.


I use the nickname Leeda when it's available.  Anyway here is the one reply that I got from from the user Gottservant:

We should believe we are heard.

We should believe we are heard when we pray too.

But prayer is more important.

That was his post.  None of the other replies on the other forums are worth mentioning.  I suppose if you posted a comment on this webpage and it was important then it would probably go up to the top through my handlers so by all means leave a comment if you dare it could be seen by the President, no really it could.  

One day if I ever become famous i'll start my own forum, it will only work if i'm famous because that will be the only way to get members.  I'll pay money and everything to set up a forum and run ads so that it eventually pays for itself.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Bill Gates Email Address. Email Bill Gates.

Firstly I should proberly tell you who Bill Gates is. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. He has more than 50 billion US dollars. The only reason I can think of to send emails to Bill Gates is to try and something money. Thats about my limit. His email address is
here -

He has a dedicated team of people checking the emails. Maybe you just want to say hi? I don't imagine he actually reads much of it himself. He gets something like 4 million emails a day. I've sent a couple of emails myself, can I have some money sort of thing. Anyhow if you would like to send Bill Gates an email asking for money click the link on the side of my blog or in this post.

If you wanted you could email the President of the United States of America, Mr George Bush. Make a complaint or something. Maybe you could ask for money as well. I've sent a couple of emails to this address as well, can I have some money sort of thing again. I also asked Mr Bush if I could take a tank for a drive off road as well, didn't get any reply to that though either. You can email Mr Bush here - Comments@Whitehouse.Govt.

I've sent about 105 emails at last count to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark. Asking for money. I got a reply from one email saying they are not going to ban smoking when I asked them to ban smoking. No money though. Thats about all the activity from that address. Still a physical letter is ok about smoking. At least you know things will be actioned if there important enough when I write. You can contact Helen Clark here - Pm@Ministers.Govt.Nz.

I sent 2 emails to the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. This time I was asking what they got me for my birthday. I got two replys back from this address. The first one was saying my email had been forwarded to the approriate department and the second one then said that they didn't send out congratulatory letters until someone reached 65 years old. Very kind of the Canadians for those two letters, I mean you know something happening at Stephen Harpers address. You can contact the Prime Minister of Canada
here -

I'm hoping I can discover more addresses of people to send emails to as a collection. Send an email to someone if you want just because it's still kind of new technology. Well not really but sort of new I mean contacting powerful people easily.


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