2 Days later after this phone call the planes hit the buildings in America.
This phone call has been classified. In other words America is lying about the World Trade Center Attacks. Until my phone call is in public domain then the lie remains.
It is not good to be a liar. The truth will set you free.
It doesn't bother America to lie. America is a cold faced cold blooded liar.
Leave your comment below on how my work should be available to the public. It is important.
America is lying to you as if you didn't know. Except this lie impacts everyone.
America you are a liar. What do you have to say in your defense? Do you say you are not a liar? I still say you are. Release my phone call to the public right now or forever be a liar.
Liars do not enter the kingdom of heaven.
America is a liar.
America isn't afraid of missing out on the kingdom of heaven. America doesn't believe in God or the bible heaven. America is not afraid to lie even if it hurts people.
America is a thug who kills murders and harms people.
This phone call is the truth and the truth will set you free.
It isn't me who has lied but it is America who has lied.
I want my phone call declassified and on my YouTube account.
This will change the world.
America Sucks. I want the truth. America wants lies and uses them regularly in dealing with everyone. America is a liar.
America you suck your a liar.
I hope God is real. God will punish America one day. America sits on top of the world with no one to touch her killing and maiming at will. America causes pain to the innocent.
America is a liar. Punish the American Liars.
My last words are PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE. This is justice and truth and love. America is anti all that is good like freedom. America hates it when you exercise your freedom and only offers freedom as an illusion and lie. America will not let you have your freedom.
PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE. This is freedom. Not keeping it on some hard drive somewhere where no one can see it. I'll say it again. PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE.
America Hates Freedom otherwise my PHONE CALL WOULD BE ON YOUTUBE.
God please punish America for me I pray. Give them as much as they have given me and more.
I am tortured daily. But no one believes. This is not freedom.
America says freedom but actually hates it and does not practice it. This is the truth. America is not free and is nothing but a slave. There is only more slavery in the future. America is evil.
America is a liar. When you tell your people they have freedom and they believe it yet they are nothing but slaves. America is evil.
Where is your Great Freedom O America.
Phone call on YOUTUBE.
Listen to my words they speak some truth. Alot more than AMERICA.
Darcy Lee
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