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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thread I Post In, On Immortality Forum,

I made this post to the forum which is an immortality forum.  You can find the thread HERE.  It's quite a long post.  I'm asking for a rich person to buy me a house on the forum.  One of the few forums that has let me post such a thing.  It has about 1100 views in 5 months.  So far it hasn't been deleted which is cool and the forum doesn't see many new threads or posts so my thread stays relative to the top.


You would find it very hard to find someone who's suffered more in their life than me.  Maybe 10 people on the planet.

I have found that there is quite an adversary for people who want to live forever.  People joke about it like it's never going to happen.  There is definitely a fight against certain people who don't want to live forever and we are made a joke of.

I'm sure the Governments of the world are working on immortality and life extension but there are us who can take care of the little things.  We need numbers I think on this one to solve for immortality.  Soon our brains are going to be wired to a matrix type computer brain interface.  It's possible that everybody has a part to play with this sort of technology involved.  Everyone has weights and burdens in life.  Through manipulating our thoughts with computers this is the most likely answer that will lead to immortality.  I say this because the technology exists now in secret form.  The ability to put an image into the brain mind eyes now exists. The ability to interface with dreams exists.  Mind control exists.  They are not afraid to keep it secret and use it on whoever they want to.

Now this sounds weird perhaps.  I am never believed.  The Matrix movie came out in 1999.  This is how long they have been working on this technology day and night.  Thats like 16 years.  Also the concept existed way before the movies came out.  If you think they haven't done this yet then your stupid and old and naive and blind and misinformed also uneducated.  They can now put an image picture video in your brain mind eyes.

This type of tech is going to go along way towards the solve of immortality.  It's being hidden at the moment.  Because they want to do evil with it and use it against innocence.  This is a kind of power trip they have going over people.  They think they are superhuman and above everyone else.

I hope they are thrown out.

I really dislike this tech even though it has great potential.  While it is secret it can be abused and no one complaining will be believed and treated like a mental health patient. I tell you it's been 16 years since the matrix came out.  How hard to you think it can be.

Already the power exists to monitor every living individuals thoughts.  I have been monitored since I was a kid I remember the first time.  I would've been like 8 or 9.  I'm now 36.  This is how long they have been monitoring people.  They keep us in the dark for this long to take advantage of us.  They purposely blind us through media and movies.  No body thinks it possible.  That's why they get away with it.

I don't want my thoughts listened to.  There should be laws against it.  I haven't done anything wrong to be subjected the way I have been.

And yes these people are the ones responsible for my top 10 suffering on the planet.  The laws that govern us are corrupt.  We need to fight them.  They use mental health as a weapon to discredit and discriminate. The laws that say my mind can be read without my permission are wrong unless I am accused of murder or something or I willingly submit.

And Yes you will get a return one day on your investment in me.  Maybe your kids maybe your grand kids but you will get a return.  I really need a house to live in.

Here is a scripture for you:
Luke 6:34  And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full.

This scripture teaches a rather different teaching than what the world teachs.  But it is saying you will get credit for giving me a house and this credit has to be valuable perhaps.  I'm looking for a rich person who can actually afford a couple 100k without bankrupting or putting themselves out of any comfort.

I like the bible cause it teaches about immortality and hopes for it and also Jesus suffered heaps so we share that in common.  But as far as believing in Jesus Christ and christianity I got to say that I don't believe but I do like quoting the bible and will attempt to pick and choose all the good stuff from it.

The bible has become like a Tolkien epic to me.   I was hoping that the bible came with super powers but it appears tech has beaten out any chance the bible ever had.  I will say that I will continue to try and find the truth even if that leads to the bible and Jesus but I am relatively over looking for any help from that source . The bible has had 2000 years to prove itself and hasn't produced much.  I'll still cheer for it.  But it seems lost.  I'm pretty sure God's not real.  He's never helped me anyway or others that I know.

I guess if you buy me a house you get credit from God according to the scripture I quoted earlier.  But God's not real so that doesn't really work and nobody will buy into that.

So according to the scripture I quoted, the credit that you would get for buying me a house and not expecting repayment is that any good to anyone?

Looking for a holy righteous rich god believing man to set me up for immortality.  See not even a Christian will help me.  I guess Christians are all poor, not just financially.

I'm going to keep making some noise on the internet as I have done for the last 9 years that i've been flatting.

Not many people notice me and I take much abuse.  But that is the nature of the Internet.

Anyways Pls buy me a house from your wealth and not someone who's poor but generous, but someone who's rich and generous.

I am deserving.  I am awesome charity.

You could not find a better place to spend your excess of money.

I guess a Christian won't buy me a house cause I said I don't believe in God.  That's not love kindness or forgiveness.

If love has any play in this then I need a mortgage free house that I own myself to live in.

I guess LOVE can fail.

Haven't had much luck with love.  Been suffering to much to enjoy the pleasures of this world if that's what love is.  Love is possibly essential for immortality.
Otherwise you just have slavery and no one will have freedom.  But what is love?

Love would be giving me a free house.  Most people would agree this would be love and not some other motivation that you have especially after what you have just read.  Love is a good thing to strive for.  If believed it is the highest power.

That's why it's so hard for me to get a house.  SO few PEOPLE love.  Evil comes naturally to most as it's all they are familiar with.

With the internet now it is possible for me to work.

Employ me.  Buy me a house and give me free reign for the rest of my life.

Will Love, Charity and Kindness Come Through?  Watch This Thread.

Talking biblically.  I should have a house. Rich Churches and Christians notice me.  You owe me a house.

Talking To scientists.  I should have a house.  As much as I have suffered.  My suffering inherits me a house.

Now where is my house pls.

Darcy Lee

That was the forum post.  Sorry for no pictures.  I thought it would be ok to present a wall of text.  Nobody reads my stuff anyway.  And I write poorly I believe in most cases anyhow.  I've seen much better writing skills. I've also seen people who can't write and read.  So yeah i'm way more advanced than them.  Just saying it doesn't mean much how good you write.  Google never picks up my text and gives it traffic even if I was a good writer.

This has been a long post.  Goodbye.

Darcy Lee


I was going to add a post I made yesterday to the same "At The Bottom" thread on longecity site but i'm now going to do that in a new post on this site.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

When Will The Bass Drop.

When Will The Bass Drop - Lonely Island.

Found this humorous and catchy enough to add it even if it is quite short.

Avicii Lay Me Down.

Avicii - Lay Me Down.

Just discovered this before.  On about the 4th or 5th play so far.  Adding it for the chorus.  It's pretty catchy I quite like this song at the moment.  I'm a fan of Avicii that's why I checked it out.

Laura Story Blessings.

Laura Story - Blessings

This is kind of a sad song I find.  It's very Christian and Jesus.  I did get a few listens out of it though.

It's obviously very hard to believe in Jesus with so many people saying no.  The world pushes Jesus away.

I'm kind of ashamed of my belief in Jesus in the fact that I don't really believe in him.  There's a scripture saying.....  Luke 9:26   Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.  And also..... Matthew 10:33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.

I kinda love Jesus words but I can't see after 2000 years and the way technology is that Jesus is going to have an impact in the future.  It's possible there will always be believers in Jesus through the entire history.  I find it ever so hard to believe in Jesus and find that he's mostly a myth.  He probably did indeed suffer though so that's a pretty hard thing to do.  He deserves his church.  Isn't it hard to believe in his resurrection from the dead?  This is like a key point of Christianity.  Yet I find myself not believing.

The bible is just so hard to believe in.  Jesus is just as hard but I like what he says.  There is no evidence for his RES or his miracles.  I do like the fact that people gather once a week even if they are praising Jesus and worshipping.  At least there being social and making friends and communicating ideas and efficiencies. Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.  The gathering is vital.  It's generally wholesome even if a little crazy from it's base.  I believe it does nothing but good unless they are strict and unlike children possibly.  Just the people interacting and talking and there can be quite alot of people.

John 8:32 The Truth Shall Make You Free.  If I was to know the truth about Jesus Christ and the bible I would have a heavy burden lifted off my shoulders.  It is a puzzle I have tried to solve for a long time.  I think I am at the point of not believing.  It is endless and neverending.  Maybe if I knew what I know now back when I was like 10 years old or something I could solve it with the endless energy I had back then and the much greater mind capacity.  But now I find I am much to dumb and deceived.  I would dearly love to know the truth.

I find I don't want to goto church.  It's to early in the morning for me and their beliefs are different from mine. The bible says not to forsake the gathering. I guess as a non believer this doesn't apply to me. It's unfortunate that I don't know the truth. I am definitely not free.

I need a demonstration of Spirit and Power.  Never seen one.  Who wouldn't believe these days.  So much lacking in todays Christianity.  How can they be happy with what they have even though they are taught to be content with what they have.  I'm pretty sure they don't have Jesus either or the truth.

Perhaps I love money?  Maybe this is my fault?  I need money I find.  To buy food and pay bills.  I also find there is always a shortage of money.  I could always use more money.  I do desire to be rich.  But this is because the opportunity has been within reach.  I would of had many other things to occupy myself the last few years if money wasn't in reach.  But I always seem to be just grasping at it and it's always out of reach never to land.  I hope one day to be wealthy.  But it's taken it's toll.  I don't need much.  Hebrews 13:5   Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have,

I would like a demonstration of spirit and power.  I certainly can't demonstrate such a thing.  I have never seen a demonstration. Nobody is able I guess and this frustrates me a hell of alot.

Christians need to go hard and solve some of these issues.  If they know God why can't others like myself. But I don't really see Christians as knowing God either.  God is hidden.  We are in darkness and people perish from a lack of knowledge.

This has been alot to add to this video but owell.  This is where i'm at with Christianity.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Aphex Twin Window Licker.

Apex Twin - Window Licker.  Adding this cause I used to listen to it back it the day like 2006ish maybe. This was before I was adding music videos to this site.  I had the song in mp3 on my computer.  A bit of a warning there is lots of swearing in the beginning of video.

Imogen Heap Hide And Seek.

Imogen Heap - Hide And Seek.

On second listen as I type this.  Thought the end of this song was pretty cool that's why i'm adding it.  The effect is kind of cool to.  Oom What you say.  The Lonely Island song - The Shooting AKA Dear Sister got me onto this and the song below as well.

Trance 009 Sound System Dreamscape

Trance - 009 Sound System Dreamscape  Dont know exactly what this song is called.  Think i've heard it a couple times round.  Adding it after only listening to it twice but probably wont get many more plays out of it. But it's ok.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Photos of 13 Fleet Street My Old House.

Here are some photos of my old house.  I have been flatting by myself for 8 years 6 months now.  I lived at 188a Chapel Street Masterton for about 5 years 8 months and I lived at 13 Fleet Street Masterton for about 2 years 8 Months or so. These numbers might not be exact as I can't be bothered looking up the dates and calculating. Anyhow here are photos of my old house.

Adele Rolling In The Deep.

Adele - Rolling In The Deep.

This song just passed 500 million views on You Tube.  One of the Adele songs I didn't like first play but liked it second and another I thought was boring but then near the end it gave me a real rush when it got going that was neat.

Darcy Lee

Adele Someone Like You

Adele - Someone Like You.

Listened to this for a little while.  Been meaning to add post it for a little while but i've been busy playing World of Warcraft.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

No One Will Snatch Them Out Of My Hand.

John 10:27-29  27"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. 29"My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.

I have this memory at primary school.  It's from such a long time ago. I was very young. I can't really remember the truth.  I remember a kid snatching something out of my hand.  

If your talking Psy then it was like I was controlling people who I suppose could be sheep with my hands they were doing tasks and being rewarded or they were doing missions of discovery Psy.  I can't remember accurately. All I remember is demonstrating this to like 2-3 other kids and that a kid tried to snatch them out of my hand.  This is what he spoke.  

It was kind of like there was a link between me and certain others that matched me and they were kept in my hand.  Psy.

It's kind of like I wondered why he didn't goto the effort of starting his own rather than snatching mine.  I think mine in my hand were only slightly built up but that is the advantage.  This is about all I can explain.  I think by showing others I was teaching.  It's so hazy now.  I can't remember exactly what I demonstrated that got snatched only something like it was a link to other people contained in my hands maybe fingers.  I remember sending a person out and it was like they went right to the end of something and then back again completing something.  It made you stronger or more complete or there was some type of reward.  

I wanted to write this memory down.  It's so fuzzy now that it's not very good.  But basically the kid said he snatched the things out of my out hand Psy kind of exactly like described in the scripture at top.

If only I could remember what I demonstrated better.

I'm also going to post this exact post on ATS but it was posted here first this time.

Thanks for reading this fuzzy memory.

Darcy Lee

Moving Time. 26th April 2014.

So I moved again on Saturday the 26th of April 2014 Anzac Weekend.  I was living at 13 Fleet Masterton. I totally forgot to take pictures damn it all.  The house is empty now.  My family helped the move and my brother had a small truck and we also had a car and trailer.  We did everything in one load pretty much.  I had been ferrying stuff on my scooter for a couple days so it was only the big stuff left. The photo is my bedroom of Fleet but it was arranged much differently when I moved out with the bed against the wall where the couch is.  The computer case was still in exactly the same position.  You can see two boulder tvs in the picture as well.  They both got thrown out and went smash at the dump.  I dumped a whole lot of stuff.

I'm all set up now and Internet and phone were turned on about 3pm on Monday.  I watched a couple movies while I had no internet.  I saw "Now You See Me" with Woody Harrelson.  I liked that movie but it was not very realistic.  I also watched "2 Guns" this was more of an action movie.  Not as good as Now You See Me.  I also watched "Gravity" though I was saddened about George Clooneys character.

The landlord is coming round tomorrow with a couple papers to sign.  I hate landlords.  I really wish for some privacy which means owning my own home.  But it's not real to think I can ever have a house unless I receive massive charity from the Internet or unless my song cameos kick in or my September 11th 2001 phone call gets put up on YouTube.  But none of this is likely to happen for a long time if ever in my life time.

Anyhow enough said for today.  It's 3.19am and i'm going to bed.



Need More Insults and Denials so I Look Good in the Future.

Hi.  I posted the below in a thread on ATS just now that I started a while back and am posting it here.  This post is on page 3 of the thread.  I am promoting pretty much what I promote on this webpage that is I am a rockstar cameoing in the lyrics of heaps of modern day songs and that VR tech the ability to put a picture in your head brain mind eyes exists.  My threads oneday will become famous and people and their attitudes and positions will be seen in a much different light by many people.

Hello. Your doing great. You look good. I find your questions irritating. They are kind of strawman and pick at my words semantically.

I stand by what I said. You obviously don't believe what I say. I still need further questions and opinions in this thread. I'm not sure how I can ghet many more people to post.

People need to read what I have written and post in response so they are seen. My threads will be famous one day but it looks like it will be a long time in the future possibly 30 years or more. I'm going to keep posting on this site to attract attention until people believe me as I have 30 years like a jail term.

As I speak the truth it's hard to sway from it as that means lying. Sure I lie in everyday but about the music and tech I am not lying nor am I delusional. It's pretty hard to find someone who doesn't lie or isn't deceived please .

I have no proof. It comes back to this. My testimony gets me counted as crazy and it gets discounted.

If I had enough followers I could probably possibly achieve escape velocity but I am not hard working enough. I have no motivation.

Please post in this thread your thoughts and opinions about what I have written.

I will be famous and my words will attract people for good or bad. But this could be 30 years probably less.

I will keep working in the time I have left.

If the truth will set us free nobody has the truth. Not me or not you. I'm waiting on the truth. That's how many different truths there are. What I believe is not the truth relative to say immortality and the truth that immortality requires. I see immortality as an answer to things. The truth about the songs and technology will create something..... big and long lasting. I'm pushing for immortality but i'm afraid I might of missed this by the world not knowing and me blowing my opportunity in 2009 to reveal both the music and technology. It certainly would be easier to push for immortality with the world using the technology I was to reveal.

From my house with a phone call and phone calls I have altered the course of Rock History and the History of the world. The world is different on a large and very big scale because of my life, though it's not recognised but oneday it will be and you should be ready.

If death is the final enemy then let us attack death first. Start at death and work towards immortality.

I seek vengeance over death which is life. I hope to also rally support for immortality, people to fight a war.

Immortality is not far form here.

I am hidden inunder rock.


End of thread posted on ATS.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Feelin' Myself Ft Miley Cyrus.

Feelin' Myself - Ft Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa, French Montana.

Found this last night. I like Will. Not really a fan of Miley but she does ok in this.  Don't really like Mileys hair.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

#Selfie The Chainsmokers.

#Selfie - The Chainsmokers.

Some people hate this song I find it quite catchy, I like the beats.  I found this yesterday I think or maybe a couple nights ago but today it has been replaced by I need your love by Ellie Goulding.  I'm definitely coming back to Selfie for a a few more listens though.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I need Your Love Ellie Goulding.

I need Your Love -  Ellie Goulding.

Found this last nite and have been listening all day.  I like songs about love.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Perfect Circle 3 Libras.

A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras.

This is an old favourite.  I remember listening to this when I still had dial up.  I've only played it about 4-5 times at the moment but should get a few more plays out of it.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Why Don't Christians Have Powers?

This is another post I made to  The post is called  "How Come Christians Can't Do Spiritual Powers Miracles Signs Like Jesus Christ."  At the time of this post the thread has 36 posts and four flags.  This has been quite a popular thread for me.  Most of my threads die out before 20 posts.  But saying that I didn't get many flags of stars. Flags u get from other users for starting the thread.  They give the thread a flag if they like it and think it's important.  Stars u get for individual posts pretty much the same as flags but for everyone not just the thread starter.  Anyones post can be rated by stars.  Anyway here is the topic:

Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

The main power here is curing sick people. I would like to see people curing people. I think there is a lot of truth lacking. How sick can a person be and get well with someone placing their hands on them. It's not working. Priests go to hospitals to talk to the sick but the sick don't get better.

What are your suggestions for why it's not working? Maybe everyone is a sinner and there isn't even a single true believer alive yet. Perhaps we are waiting for the first believer.

If one person learned how to do it learned the truth he could teach others. But at the moment the world is stuck. The power is not working.

Lets take a head count? Who here can place there hands on someone and heal them? Is it such a bad thing to practice? Prayer seems to have failed as well.

If death is the enemy death is kicking ass. Will knowledge defeat death? What is your answer. I would take a Christian anyday over someone who doesn't even want to fight death and is happy to just die. Christians are at least active in the battle against death. They see death as an enemy. This is correct.

Immortality is definitely something to desire. A pain free struggle free tear free existence would be wonderful and that's exactly how I imagine Eternal Life.

But I also imagine Eternal Life with powers. Like the ability to walk on water or feed 5000 from a couple loaves of bread. Turn water into wine. And also to do greater things than these.

What is your definition of talking in new tongues?

Could there be a science to the laying on of hands? Perhaps the power is a responsibility. What is the key to unlocking the mystery of curing the sick by the laying of on hands. I know it's practised but it doesn't work at the moment.

I'm not sure I believe in Demons but I know that many people get pleasure out of doing evil to others and live as friends of death. There is plenty and much evil in the world. People can be very evil and I simply don't know what the answer is.

I'm sorry for boring you. I live in a fantasy world where we should all have powers and there shouldn't be any death or evil. I would like to see powers established in this world.

I guess so many have tried and failed and so many say it's impossible that there's not much point in thinking about it. My hope wains.

What do you think. Lots of people claim to have powers of some type but generally they don't and they are liars or delusional or small in mind.

What does a well built house consist of? Is it just enough to get to 80 and then die. This is a mystery. It's pretty difficult to get to 80 years of age. If your sick your generally suffering. I would like to see this suffering become a thing of the the past.

Even in the huge church gatherings where there's like 20k people no one actually gets healed. We all copy each other. Perhaps this is the problem. We copy someone who doesn't know what they are doing.

How does the laying on of hands actually work? Does it require words or prayer? Give your instructions on how to lay your hands on someone and heal them.

I mean how hard can it be. You put your hands on someone and hey presto. Yep nope. Guess it doesn't work.

I guess I have to move my beliefs about Jesus beliefs into the either to hard or don't believe basket. It's kind of like a myth or legend the bible so hard to believe. I'm pretty sure Jesus existed and that he was crucified and died a horrible death. But the resurrection is pretty tough to believe in.

Jesus is the owner of the church.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Jesus Christ has had 2000 years and hasn't produced many results. Who believes in the above scripture. Perhaps you can explain your belief in it.

Many people call on the name of Jesus Christ. I would like to see results.

I mean the church is massive. It has heaps of different branches and millions of members. But it's not working. People go every Sunday but no power is produced.

I guess I don't believe in Jesus. I'm sorry that I don't. I can believe in powers which means I can believe Jesus had them. But I have no powers myself.

I desire immortality and heaven. There is no evidence for Jesus other than people with no power.

If you do the things that Jesus did then you would be famous instantly. Knowledge of the lord would fill the whole earth.

Show me the Love. I don't sense any love. It's so very hard to see love in this darkness. Do you have any love for me?

What are your opinions. How far away are we from having powers? I guess science and tech will be the answer.

What abilities do you have? If you had powers the Govt would snaffle you right quick.

Am I dreaming about powers? What sort of power is love?

Sorry again for boring you.

Answer yourself.


That's the end.  You can find the thread here and read the replies.  I post under the name Leeda.  If you go to ATS and click my name it will show you all the threads I have authored over the last few years.

Thanks for reading

Darcy Lee

Bullet For Your Gun Black River Drive.

Black River Drive - Bullet For Your Gun.

Subsisted on this for a few days.  I like the lines where it says

So let us pray,
He is the truth and way,
Starting to wear thin now.
Starting to see just how it really is.

This is actually one of my songs I think that I cameo in as well.  I kind of remember saying I am not a bullet for your gun and also can't stop the cuts that bleed and possibly another line from the chorus as well.  I set the tone of this song.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Lights Ellie Goulding Cover Ft Matt and Eric.

Lights - Ellie Goulding Cover Ft Matt and Eric.

Like this almost better than the original though I haven't listened to it much yet and it does have it's flaws.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lights Ellie Goulding

Lights - Ellie Goulding.

Adding this as well.  Found after listening to Burn.  It's cool but not as good as Burn I think.

Ellie Goulding Burn

Burn Ellie Goulding

Haven't listened to this much yet but probably will.  It's got 200 million hits. Listened to Avicii Levels for about 3 days didn't really play it today though.  Found this last night. I like the lyrics.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Avicii Levels.

Avicii - Levels.

Found this last night been thrashing it since.  I seem to like the video as well.

Asking For a Revelation About Jesus Christ.

This is another thread I created on entitled "Asking For a Revelation".  In the thread I ask what Jesus meant when he said eat my flesh and drink my blood and being born again.  I'm still in the dark as I guess no one really knows.  Anyhow here is the thread:

Are you able to provide for me a revelation about Jesus? Like this. What did he mean when he said eat my flesh drink my blood? How do you eat his flesh and drink his blood. I thought of it as telepathy for a while. Genetic coding. But it could be anything. This is why i'm asking for a revelation. I don't know what Jesus meant, would have me do and how to solve the problem

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. So in this case something is passed passing from me to you in trade. Jesus words are his flesh and blood perhaps, the words of his that are printed in the bible, these words are pretty much all we know about him. So words passed in unique combination in this code we call language have the ability to help others or destroy.

John 6:63 The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life. Jesus said this. How do you capitalize on Jesus and the words he spokie and get maximum life and spirit out of them? Jesus words are pretty much still a riddle and total mystery. This is why I do discuss them when others talk about science. Why is Jesus and his beliefs any different than Tane the Maori God of forest and birds. Need your revelation on this as well. Hitler was able to get people to follow him. I'm finding it more absurd to believe in Jesus without some kind of revelation that sweeps the world. I need more stories of Jesus from people. If I am to imitate Jesus then these words of mine also contain life and spirit though not on the scale of Jesus probably. There is the power of life and death in the tongue, in these words I speak and your response.

So what is your revelation of LOVE that you communicating. I think often as we try and help others the first thing we should be doing is trying to help ourselves. We are weak. Did you know we are in the dark. We don't know very much. We are in the dark over so many things. Scrambling around bumping into each other imitating and copying each other but no one really knows. All the big secrets are just that. Secrets. Things that would provide light are hidden away.

We all operate in the dark. We think in the dark. If you are able to communicate to me a solved piece of the puzzle then this is good for me and possibly I can trade you for a puzzle piece that I have solved of equivalent value and this will create work for both of us but probably not. I'm looking to gain from this post in some way. Gain something. Hopefully life. I'm a little short on love and life at the moment.

I'm also looking for charity as I am a charity case. Not money or material items but items of other trade like words and thoughts and feelings anything charity wise you want to post. Charity me a post in this thread or a star and flag. Charity me with your generosity.

What is something you want to write about? This thread is pretty much open. Is it only God who can bring revelation?

I struggle with Jesus because of Noahs Ark, and repopulating every animal from only 2 of a kind and us all being related to noah. Also Jonah in the whale seems a bit absurd. Moses and a couple million people wandering the desert also seems a bit far fetched. Jesus actually uses Noah when he says it will be just like in the days of Noah at the second coming.

I have trouble believing in Jesus yet some part of me still fights for him even though it's so far way out. I really like his sayings. I like Good. The new testament has become like a Tolkien Epic for me.

Everything comes to a dead end. All I can predict for myself is like others before me I will die. Perhaps there is a way to solve this. This seems to be a core effect of what Jesus was trying to achieve. Jesus fought death and came to bring immortality.

I'm looking for revelation and charity, knowledge would be nice also as would any gains or benefits. How bout proof of love? Do you love me? Perhaps you could demonstrate LOVE for me so I can imitate and incorporate. Does anybody really love? I dunno?

What would you tell your kids as there growing up? What would you tell your father or mother? What would you tell me?

Beware the pain, suffering, misery. Beware. Plan and practice for it is greater than you know. Humans have the potential to suffer ever so greatly. Pretty much practically everyone underestimates just how great pain can be. This is my trade to you. Involve your thinking more about suffering. If you do actually suffer this thinking could possibly help you.

One thing. If your in pain let people know. Don't let them write it off as something else like schizophrenia or anything other than you are in pain a wrong diagnosis could stick with you all your life. Tell them forcefully about how you are in pain.

The pain can be kind of hard to locate exactly where it is in the body but keep telling them. Demand drugs to mask the pain and when in better feeling try and help the doctor to find where the pain is. Get xrays and whatever other scans available.

No one actually cared that I was in pain. I pretty much shut up about it. It was extreme always on for 10 years. You have just underestimated pain again and weren't even in the ballpark.

Check your diet. It may help to eat better and different foods. I ate poorly as finances were an issue.

Anyway what did Jesus mean when he said eat my flesh drink my blood. Also What did he mean when he said you must be born again. That's another riddle and mystery Scooby. What is your revelation?

Sorry to have bored you.


So that's my thread about Jesus asking for a revelation.  I didn't get one.  It's highly likely that Jesus is a fake. It's hard to say if he did miracles and was raised from the dead.  There is no proof.  I would like to believe in the works of Jesus like feeding 5000 people, walking on water, resurrecting people from the dead but they seem pretty much a myth now.  Nothing has happened in 2000 years and we all still suffer.

I would like to believe in Jesus as the New Testament has become like a Tolkien Epic to me but I struggle to believe because of Noahs ark which in literal form seems impossible but yet Jesus says that his coming will be just like the days of Noah.  Also Jonah in the whale, I don't believe that either.  Moses I can possibly believe but parting the seas would be difficult.  

The whole bible and Jesus thing seems like a great big myth and legend.  The world surely does not know God if he exists.  God hasn't saved me ever from anything.  I haven't had any contact with God that I can recognise.  I think that I have to come to the conclusion that Jesus resurrection is a myth that can't be proved.  

I do love the bible though mostly the new testament. I love Jesus teachings they are awesome.  The thing is Jesus probably did actually walk the earth and died a horrible death and suffered majorly.  To bear the suffering that Jesus probably did is surely a hard thing that not many can do.  

I love the new testament bible but I can't as yet believe the story that the churches propagate. 2000 years after events there is very little proof, evidence or facts of exactly what happened.  It's really upto God to prove himself.  I have tried but failed.  I can no longer think clearly enough to try and understand really.  

So yeah I don't really believe in Jesus but I try to.  I find some of the attempts of other christians to convert people into belief hilarious and very amusing.  Some of the beliefs generated from the bible are so dumb but yet people still hold to there beliefs.  Like the earth being 6000 years old.  The bible says the world in it's wisdom didn't know God.  There is only a small possibility that God exists.  I have looked into it and don't see the actions of Jesus in my day to day living.  I wish he were true but it seems not.  So yeah I don't really believe as much as I would like to.  The truth will set you free I believe this and would love to know the truth about everything and anything all truth all the time.  Buy the truth and do not sell it.

Anyway enough from me.

Darcy Lee

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