A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!
($746 Dollars earned)
This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.
It's like man save the world and nobody knows.
The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).
They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.
September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.
They are LYING.
(It could happen).
Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.
My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.
My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.
This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.
The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.
There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.
FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.
All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
As you can see from the pictures the card is now registering a lot slower now in both the pixel fillrate and texture fillrate. The picture down below is the old GPUZ reading I got from my card when I first got it. I'm guessing that GPUZ wasn't reading the card properly or something and now GPUZ has been updated so reads the card correctly.
It's very annoying as I purchased the card thinking it was alot faster than it really is. GPUZ is proving less useful for new cards if it's going to show a false rating.
The card was at least a few months old before I ran GPUZ on it the first time and posted my original article so really GPUZ should be more up to date.
From these results it's like the power of my graphics card has been exactly halved. I can't explain the different results. I have been getting quite a few hits on my orignal posting of my video card results and I though I should post so that people can be more aware. I'm sure someone out there can explains the different results. As always Leave A Comment and Donate see ya for now.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Over the Years.
I really at the moment don't have much to talk about. I think that's the case anyway.
On this website I have talked about:
Donations - But I have never received any. I have talked about getting money through people using there credit cards and paypal by means of traffic visiting the website. But it hasn't worked. But that doesn't mean that you will fail if your thinking of trying. I think I just haven't put enough effort into research. Also my topics are kind of fringe at the moment.
September 11th - I've talked about the American terrorist attacks quite alot and how I made a phone call to a talk back radio station and yelled war 2 days before the attacks took place. Well good ol Osama Bin Laden is dead now, i'm pretty darn sure he is and that leaves me with a confiscated phone call and zero dollars earned. The potential was there to earn well over a million dollars but it appears I have squandered that as well.
Virtual Reality - Technology that's new and secret is something this blog also tells about. I talk about pictures in your head virtual reality technology. Computer Brain connectivity. As computers get more powerful and intelligent so will this Virtual Reality Brain to Computer pictures in head technology become more useful and then eventually be released to the general public.
Extra Terrestrials - I have hardly talked about Extra Terrestrials or aliens but I believe our government knows at least a few details they haven't told the public. So i'm hanging out just like everybody else who's kept in the dark. This is just a small push for more information. The universe is big. They the governments of the world must know alot about some of the universes secrets.
Housing - I've talked about how I dream of owning my own house and how i'm trying to use the Internet to go about achieving this goal. This is similar to donations i suppose i'm having trouble thinking what else this blog is about. I really do need a house though. Somewhere to park up and retire for the rest of my life. If I was really rich I could have a granny flat and rent it out and that would give me extra money without having to work so I could remain living on the benefit quite comfortably.
I totally dream of being rich. It's an ongoing fantasy I have. My house wouldn't have much of a lawn to mow and and with it making me an income from rent I would be on $400+ dollars a week with only rates and insurances to pay instead of rent if I actually owned it. The rates and insurance would be like $60 per week so that leaves alot of free income to spend each week. Owning a property like this would make me quite rich I guess.
Bill Gates - In an attempt to earn some money I wrote Bill Gates a few emails. This also didn't succeed. You can get his address by clicking the side link.
Possessions - This blog lists all my possessions though I don't have photos.
Movies and Music - I have listed all of the music that I have enjoyed over the years on these pages from You Tube. There a few short clips (Movies) also from You Tube that I have listed.
Religion - I have talked about religion a few times on here and very occasionally used scripture. I have believed in God in the past but not anymore. He's kinda let me down pretty bad and it was a childish thing to believe in. He plain just doesn't exist. Jesus is not a very nice thing to believe in.
Well thats pretty much all i've written about in posts over the years in this blog. The topics haven't diverged much.
Good bye for now. Photos are of dream house. This one cost's about $395,000 thousand NZ dollars as listed on trademe. Buy Me A House Today. LOL.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Bang Bang Bang - Mark Ronson.
Enjoyed this a little but bit bored of it now.
Bang Bang Bang - Mark Ronson.
FAQ, Plans and Goals.
I lose alot of ease of access to shops like fish and chips, supermarket, kfc, service station. These are all just across the road at the moment. My new house is alot further away. My new house is nicer though. It's about the same size as my current house but the interior is nicer and there is a fire place to keep warm and save using the electrical bill.
I have a flat tyre on my 50cc scooter at the moment. The rear needs pretty much a whole new tyre. It's pretty bald. Now it's flat. And there wouldn't be much point fixing it without replacing it. I don't use the scooter much at the moment but in the future it's going to be a lifeline. I hope I have good luck with the bike. I would much prefer a car but they are so much more expensive and really you need to be working to afford the running costs.
So scooter = pack mule for groceries in future, i'll need the scooter which has a compartment on it plus probably a school bag to carry all of my groceries. Joy and fun.
Nothing else exciting has been happening to me.
I'm jealous of people with educations. They can get awesome jobs. I can't even get supermarket work. They're also smart and do smart stuff. I ain't so bright.
I would like to get some sort of polytech education in computers if i'm ever able and i'm going to return to the work force. That would give me a foot in the door. But it's a long hard struggle from here where I am living in hell.
That's just one road. Rockstar is another road. No.
It's been nearly 10 months since i've had a cigarette. That's one thing. A good accomplishment.
I need some goals and plans for this web page. I dream all the time and so far the plan being is to get a freehold house and live off my government benefit while making an income preferably from home on the Internet that doesn't get my benefit docked ie under $100 dollars and having maximum free time and money to do stuff or just being outright rich.
The plan since the beginning and inception of this website has always been to earn money through donations and advertising. So far this hasn't worked. I've earned a total of $36 dollars so far in advertising. With donations and people giving me money i've earned zero dollars.
I'm planning on hopefully never working again. But maybe i'll have to work part time if I ever want to get any where financially. The internet is practically my only hope at the moment of making enough money for a house and the hope is pretty grim. This is turning out like a FAQ post.
So my goal and plan is to get a freehold house by making lots of money through the internet. This is more like a dream than a goal or plan I guess as my chances aren't very good. I've been trying for 5 years in a relatively lazy style and I haven't gotten anywhere. I don't have any catch or hook at the moment.
I do just have words. There's Virtual Reality Pictures in your head technology happening around the world right at this moment. And also somewhere exists a phone call of me yelling war 2 days before the 9/11 terrorist attacks in America live on talkback radio. The phone call I could post on You Tube and then have a copy of it selling for $5-10 dollars on Itunes. These are a couple of the things i've been going on about. So I believe I can make some money with these topics.
Thats it from me for now.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Money for Me.
It doesn't seem to be achieving much. I'm coming up on 5000 unique page views but that's taken 5 years to acheive. So this page pretty much fails in all accords. One way I could improve the site is post more. But like I was saying i'm not sure what to write about. I don't have any skills or hobbies. I just don't know what to write about. I've written everything at least once. It's not being read, but it's still being written down.
I could complain about how hard it is for an unskilled computer user to post on a website and expect to receive money. It's pretty tough I won't lie. There's not many places you can turn and google won't help you much. Of course i'm sure anyone a little more motivated than me could achieve better results and I have seen websites succeed where I have failed.
So what else is there to say. Moving day soon. Should be interesting. Lots of lifting thats always fun. I been living in my current house for 5 years and 8 months. Thats quite a long time. I really do wish I was rich so I would never have to move again. You know just park up in the one house which is really comfortable and everything I need for the remainder of my life. I don't have much need to be moving all the time.
Paying rent is hard. I'm on the borderline each and every week with no spare money. It's hard not working.
TV is switching to freeview soon in NZ which means you have to buy a little box and probably a sattelite dish to get TV reception. No more rabbit ears. I need a decent TV. Like a 50" or better yet 2 of them one for the lounge one for the bedroom. But that's never going to happen.
At the moment I don't get the chance to save any money. No one's ever donated any money to this website. That's how clever I am. I'm trying to post more with nothing to write about.
I think i'll leave it there for this post. Thanks for listening.
Darcy Lee
Friday, July 8, 2011
Not Saying Much.
Anyways. Still no one has given any money towards this website yet. I've nearly had 5000 unique pages views pretty soon.
I still don't have much to say about pictures in your head technology. It exists. Thought I should remind you. Virtual Reality.
This blog has just gone over the record for most posts in one year with now 50 posts and the previous record being 48 posts per year and it's only July just on over half way through the year. But saying that most of the posts are music videos.
What else? Don't really have anything else to say. Oh well see you next time.
Darcy Lee
Somebody to Love - Justin Beiber
Last Justin Bieber Video i'll post here.
I love the spotlight dancing.
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never.
I was a little embarrassed to post a Justin Bieber song on my website but I must say I got quite a few days out of some of his songs. Mostly the ones posted here I enjoyed by him.
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never.
Ante Up Bert and Ernie. 200th Post.
This is Bert and Ernie Rapping to Ante Up by M.O.P
This is this blogs 200th post. Yay 200.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Fish and Chips. 2 in 1. Fashion Tips.
So for example you hear Fish and Chips but it's also prounounced and heard as Fashion Tips at the same time. I can also pronounce Fission Shapes. Fission Sheeps, Fish and Sheeps. Fishing Shapes. Fishin Chaps. Fishing Ships. Fish and Chirps.
So all those examples can be made to sound like the original Fish and Chips and you can hear 2 in 1.
The mice (14 KIA i've talked about b4) that have previously infested this house infested my sofa and I came up with the line House Mouse Like Sofa. Which 2 in 1 Hell Smells Like Sulphur. Or Hell Smells like SoulFire.
I been doing religious stuff with it and and came up with the word BLOOD which I can also pronounce Ballard or Bullet or a few others but i won't go into it.
Imagination is another word. 2 in 1 Imagine there sin. But thats not a very good one.
So what are some that you can think of even if you can understand what i'm saying.
Leave a Comment.
For Hymn That Battles. (For Whom The Bell Tolls).
Darcy Lee
Peggy Sue - Buddy Holly.
Peggy Sue - Buddy Holly.
Listened to this for a couple of days.
I'm basically listing every song or cool video that I come across and watch and listen to and get more than one listen out of.
Dire Straights - Money for Nothing.
Love the intro to this song.
Dire Straights - Money for Nothing.
In 2000, Knopfler appeared on Michael Parkinson's interview program and explained again where the lyrics originated. According to Knopfler, he was in New York and stopped by an appliance store. At the back of the store, they had a wall of TVs which were all tuned to MTV. Knopfler said there was a man working there dressed in a baseball cap, work boots, and a checkered shirt delivering boxes who was standing next to him watching. As they were standing there watching MTV, Knopfler remembers the man coming up with classic lines such as "what are those, Hawaiian noises?...that ain't workin" etc. Knopfler asked for a pen to write some of these lines down and then eventually put those words to music.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Deadline to Move 7th August 2011.
Here is a picture of what my house looks like from the outside. They will be changing it all around soon with a car yard taking it's place. I will post more pictures when I get them.
What else has been happening in my life? Not much. I have been stressing about moving and finding a house a bit. I have lived in this house for the last 5 years 7 months. It's one of the worst most run down houses you could possibly find but the rent is cheap. One good thing I haven't seen a mouse now in quite a while so i'm hoping I got rid of all of them. I think at last count I had trapped and killed 14 of them in total. I've seen in this house mice, ants, cockroaches, fleas, spiders and rats over the last nearly 6 years i've been here.
I don't have much else to say. This website has been averaging about 6 hits a day or more so it's picked up a little but not much. I've now made about $36 dollars US from google adsense which are the ads adorning this page. If you click them I make money. Thats how they work. Only thing you have to get to $100 dollars before they will pay you out. So probably a while longer yet before I get a payout there.
Darcy Lee
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Virtual Reality and How It Exists Right Now.
The main stream media are picking up on it to. It's all about a Dad and how he dresses up in a different costume each morning and waves at the bus his son is travelling on to school. It has 170 days of different constumes.
So the thing is with my website... I'm not nearly even close to being smart. My writing style is not very flash or there's not much humor. I'm damaged. I'm broken. I'm Tormented.
I've been unwell since I was like 20. It's only now that I feel sometimes ok. But i'm still a little crazy. I make bad decisions.
This website hasn't progressed much since I started it. I'm still writing about the same stuff. Stuff like please provide me money through paypal with your credit card. Mostly stuff like that. I'm still poor. I'm going to be on a government benefit for the rest of my life. So i'm going to remain poor. I'm a little richer than I was 9 months ago after giving up smoking. That provides me with a little extra money each week.
Asking for money hasn't worked. A few websites have had success asking for money. A few more have had success with running ads on there page and have made some money that way. I haven't had any success whatsoever.
With the wave at your bus website it's also a blogger website. So it can be done on blogger. You can become famous and can make a little money. It just depends what your blog is about.
So my topics aren't that interesting. My Virtual Reality posts are telling of a secret technology that most normal people haven't experienced and don't know exist. I guess by the nature of me i'm not going to get very far telling of the technology. All i'm saying is that it exists right now the ability to send pictures, movies, computer graphics directly into your mind. A computer brain interface.
I don't know how it's done. I don't know anything about the technology behind it. All I know is that it can be done and is being done right now.
So this is a boring topic. Because at the moment no body knows and it's probably experimental and bringing it to the masses is a whole different ball game. Pictures in your head is a fringe topic. September 11th and my phone call that I talk about all the time are another thing this blog is about. Another quite fringe topic especially the way i'm presenting it.
So this blog is about fringe topics. Topics not yet in the mainstream. Unknown stuff and things. Maybe oneday this blog will take off but I don't see it happening at the moment.
I guess the things I can say about Virtual Reality and Virtual Reality Technology are so very limited as is my experience about it. One of the most important things I guess is that it exists.
Virtual Reality and the ability to send pictures directly into your mind... in your head, in your eyesight. It exists right now. What else can I say. You should be demanding to be plugged in maybe??? It is the future. So why not the future right now. Virtual Reality. Only a small percentage of people in the world know about Virtual Reality. I guess this is so far ahead of everyone that no one will believe me. Virtual Reality the games are going to be fun if it ever sees the light of day in the next 30 years. How far ahead am I?
What are your opinions. Please leave a comment.
Darcy Lee
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Living Water and Fire. Technology.
John 7:38
Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.
John 4:10
Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who is saying to you, 'Please give me a drink,' you would have been the one to ask him, and he would have given you living water."
The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?
Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
Rev. 21:6And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of water of life freely. So like I was saying. One morning I woke up had a drink from a glass of water I left out over night and it tasted the most brilliant beautiful it was living. It tasted alive. Also i've talked about fire, on a couple of occasions i've had the inside of my stomach where my abs are like basically a feeling of on fire.
Here are some scriptures for fire:
Psalm 104:4 (Heb. 1:7)
Who maketh His angels spirits; His ministers a flaming fire.
Ish. 4:4-6
When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.
Jer. 20:9
Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak anymore in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay
Jer. 23:29 - Is not my word like as a fire? Saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
Matt. 3:11 (Luke 3:16) - I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
Acts 2:1-4 - And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
1 Cor. 3:13 (Mark 9:49, 1 Pet. 1:7) - Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.
Heb. 12:29 - For God is a consuming fire.
So the reason i'm talking about Living Water and Fire is that it ties in with Virtual Reality technology.
I apologise for all the scriptures. I just wanted to be really Jesusey.
The government has invented technology that can alter your perceptions and internal thinking. It can set fire to your insides, a nice pleasing beautiful pleasurable fire just like baptism of fire. I'm sure it would totally fool most Christians if it was presented as god. Also technology to that has the ability to make water taste like it's living. Just like scripture. Which would also fool most Christians.
I guess i'm just updating my beliefs. I wrote the fire and living water off as delusions when really I now believe after further evidence they are technology induced.
So living water and fire. Both Technology induced. Both in the bible. If they were real I would have changed the world or something. By real I mean whatever the bible was talking about.
According to scripture the living water turns into Eternal Life. I'm not sure what the fire is supposed to turn into. I wonder what sort of fire Jesus is supposed to baptise with because obviously it's not Jesus who baptised me i'm pretty sure it was government tech.
So i've been baptised with fire and living water unfortunately it wasn't Jesus. Damn. Very sad I could've had the powers to walk on water or feed 5000 or raise someone from the dead if they were real.
It's been nearly 13 years since i've experienced the fire and living water and nothings happened. I do desire more of the experience but that's not going to happen. So i've had my baptism of fire and living water but it was technology, not Jesus. Unless you want to explain the technology as Jesus.
I just wanted to update my change in belief over the living water and fire since my original articles over 4 years ago, for the future readers of this blog when i'm famous.
Technology Fire. Technology Living Water. Not Jesus.
Thats it for me
Darcy Lee.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Before Everyone Else Joins In. Virtual Reality. I'm First.
I'm trying to present this technology as existing today right now ready to use. I'm trying to be prophetic and i'm trying to be first or at least one of the first to say that this technology exists, that you can send movies directly in your mind right now today. Anything you can see on a computer screen can now be seen in your mind. Good and Bad at the same time. Used for Torture or used for Treasure. It's here now it exists. Pictures in your head. Technology.
So the date today is the 11th of June 2011 and I present this technology.
Bookmark this Site.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Virtual Reality.
The images are inside you. The Government uses this technology in secret. Talking about it to a doctor gets you condemned as skitzophrenic.
Telling the truth to a doctor gets you condemned as skitzophrenic, drugged and locked up.
The Government use this technology to torture me every morning. Every night and every morning when I go to bed they play a high pitched frequency sound directly very incredibly loudly into my left ear.
They disguise there technology as tinnitus. It's definitely a machine. I leave my bed and the ringing stops. Instantly. As soon as I lie down again in my bed, bam, they start up again.
It's torture and no one believes me. The people behind it overwhelmingly approve of what is being done to me. They receive alot of pleasure from what they do using various torturous methods.
They think they are correct in there torture of me. They think they are righteous. They think they are above the law. They think the law will never touch them. I say give it 2000 years. People will know what they did to me. People will understand the torment and pain that Governments have inflicted upon me.
These people have been monitoring my thoughts and speech since I was a child. It was only confirmed to me when a very large chat screen opened up in my head just like you would see on a computer screen. It was then I realised about the technology and could then think back through my life.
The shame they put me through. The horror of their taunts. Their voices. They have the ability to broadcast there speech silently to me. They often taunt me with their mockery and they pretty much put their utmost effort into making sure I know that they are there and that they're not going away and there utmost effort to torture me.
I desperately need a house. I also need everyone not just a few to believe me about this technology. It is the future. People are training on this technology to torture people, to control others, to hurt and harm innocent people. If they did it to Jesus they will do it to you and me. (that sort of like a scripture i read).
There are beneficial uses for this technology i'm sure. Educational and healing potential. I'm sure there are many more uses than I can name and explain.
But the fact that it's kept secret when it should already be in the public domain. There should be knowledge of this technology, of Virtual Reality more in the general public.
While it's secret it's more dangerous. They don't want you to know about this technology. Make a choice and choose to know.
Virtual Reality. Worlds in your head. Images in your mind. A whole new universe.
Multiple new universes inside us. Thought transfer. I don't know what more to say. I'm boring.
Know in the technology. Know in the Virtual Reality.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Moving House.
So yep the stress is already beginning. If but one thing I have had very cheap rent living where I have been living. I'm going to have to borrow bond and a few weeks rent in advance from WINZ (winz is people you deal with to get the dole) and i'll have to pay that back at $10 dollars a week, so that along with higher rent i'll have about $50-60 dollars less a week in disposable income.
Looks like hard times are about to set in. A whole raft of changes and new things. I totally wish I wasn't so poor. It makes things a million times harder. See if I was rich I could just buy a house and well with my current health retire.
So basically i'm left looking for the cheapest 1 bedroom house to rent in my town that I can find competing with everybody else who are also looking for the cheapest one bedroom house.
I'm guessing but so far no-one out there in internet land has been wanting to buy me a house yet. Not much prospect of me owning my own house ever. There is but one faint hope, they give me a copy of my phone call where I yelled war live on talkback radio 2 days before the Osama Bin Laden terrorist attacks in USA. But that's never going to happen. They could also pay me for the work I have done regarding this. I believe I have earned a house and retirement for the rest of my days at least. I have suffered immeasurably.
So yeah I have to move house. This will create some hardship. I will be poorer than I have ever been. If you would like to help then click the paypal button and you can give me some cash with your credit card. Like that's going to happen.
Anyway good bye
Monday, May 30, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Osama Bin Laden is Dead.
Now with Osama Bin Laden dead people will have no interest what so ever in anything related to the American terrorist attacks. I guess there still will be interest in the terrorist attacks by fringe groups like conspiracy theorists, but not interest in this website like there should be if I actually had a copy of my recording.
It makes me angry that I don't have an unaltered copy of the recording to place on You Tube where it belongs to have a place in history. I had a video on you tube that reached 25,000 views and that was just a short windows movie maker video that was just text and my cell phone number. The point is it had 25,000 views after 3 years of being on You Tube so if I post a recording of my phone call where I yelled WAR I can expect similar sort of views even if it's not that popular and earns less than 25000 views then my phone call still deserves it's place in history up on you tube and on this website...
My phone call should be considered an important piece of American History. Not just American history but the internet history and world history. It should have it's place up on You Tube.
It should of been enquired of at the time as to what I was thinking. What motivated me to make the call. Why I said what I said. It should of been on the internet from the start. It's a shame that interest wasn't strong enough to give rise to an interview. To examine my mindset and gather much more of an insite into how I was working and what I was upto.
I really believe that my recording should have a place. It's been such a long time now. Nearly 10 years has passed since the attacks and i'm still going on about this. But you see I know a copy exists. The government or someone definately has a copy. It's a very mean thing that I haven't been given a copy to release to the internet for all to view.
I believe it would definately open doors. People would be interested in studying my phone call. Conspiracy theories would be formed. And the thing is there would be some truth to the conspiracy theories. Me making my phone call is not all innocent. It's not worth talking about unless I had a copy to present to everyone.
There's not much I can do to get a copy now. Absolutely no-one is listening. I'm to poor to afford a lawyer and shouldn't have to go that far anyway.
O well that's all from me now. Osama Bin Laden is Dead
Monday, May 16, 2011
Thought Controlled Devices.
It's not a bad website me thinks. You can find it here http://neurogadget.com/ ...