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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Predictive Post About Robin Williams.

The following post is from a thread that someone created on a forum.  It was to be a dedication thread to a great actor and comedian but instead it ends up being kind of prophetic.  It was posted about 3 days before Robin Williams Death.  You can find the thread HERE.  The thread is probably viral by now.  Here is the first post of the thread.

Are people bracing themselves for the fact that Robin Williams will die soon? (Thread Title)

guys...Robin Williams.

Jumanji, Hook, Good Will Hunting, Aladdin, Death To Smoochy, One Hour Photo, Jack...

if you haven't seen even one of those movies, wtf are you doing with your life?

Robin Williams is a great American, one of the greatest comedians/actors of the 20th and 21st century. The Vesti should have one Robin Williams appreciation thread.

That's the end.  It's really the thread title that makes it prophetic.  I guess the Original Poster had some inside information.  The thread was created August 8th and Robin Williams died on August 11th 2014.  The thread now has 46 pages.

Anyway have a read if you want.  Some people called the FBI on him and alot said he killed Robin Williams himself.  I only read a couple pages but found it interesting enough to post here.  In a way it's similar to me ringing a talkback show and yelling war 2 Days before September 11th 2001.  But really you have to hear the phone call.  If I could post my phone call on  YouTube it could possibly get a few million hits pretty quickly and would open a way to new conspiracies about 911.

R.I.P Robin Williams.

I guess my thoughts i'm thinking at the moment is that basically there's no guarantees that life will be better after death.  Life after death could only be worse.  We just don't know.  My Mum reckons you'll just be blank and know nothing feel nothing.  Well after reading a thread somewhere I read the idea that life might not necessarily be better after we die.  I mean wouldn't that suck.  Some people have it pretty bad in this life only to get it worse in the next.  We could be slaves you know.  We are in the dark over so many things.  We don't actually know.

Anyway I hope there is peace for many after death and resurrection to a new body and perfect life with not death pain crying or mourning or any of these things.  This I hope is reality.  Not some type of darkness and nothingness.  I much prefer heaven over hell I hope.  Life over death.

Life can be extremely hard.  Please hang in there.  Make a 10 year plan but not about a job or anything just merely to be alive to see things.  Truly life can be hard.  Make time to learn and meditate on the difficulty of life if you are healthy and young for when you are older all sorts of troubles could beset you.

Endure to the end as the bible says and you will be saved.  Sometimes though I just don't see and end in sight.  Could you imagine having a disease of some kind.  There is an end in death, a finality but I believe this is only for the current age.  Everyone will get a res eventually I believe.

I've said enough.  By for now.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Passenger - Let Her Go

Passenger - Let Her Go.

Heard this couple times on radio and liked it from there.  Think that I have heard before on YouTube but didn't like it.  Anyway I like it now.

Imagine Dragons - Radioactive.

Imagine Dragons - Radioactive.  Only second time listening to this but thought i'd add it for the video which is kinda UFC Gladiator muppets but only very cute.

Hummer Underwater.

I first saw an aussie 4x4 going completely underwater on facebook.  I couldn't find that one and this is what came up in search.  It's a hummer going completely under water.  It's pretty cool.  I used to like 4x4 as a kid but now I see it as dangerous as you could roll over or something.  Again adding this as it's content on the net I found that I enjoy so posting it here.

Plants Hear Danger.

In this video plants hear themselves being eaten which then triggers a chemical defense against the insects. Interesting.  I just do wonder what type of defences humans have.  If plants can do this then we humans must be able to do things as well.  At the moment all anybody knows is punching kicking stabbing shooting dropping bombs etc.  This would be like an exotic weapon on a human.  I'm adding this as I found it interesting and I like it's truth.  It give's us insight into plants.    

Surely we must have some defences against predators and being tortured and suffering.

I hope for the day of no pain and no suffering and no crying and no death.  I'm being tortured at the moment by the NZ and USA Govt's.  They play a high frequency sound in my ears which has made me deaf.  They read my mind and blank it and insert there thoughts basically totally humiliating me by as many people as possible that use this tech.  It's all a big joke to them not actually anything righteous to do with punishment more for there amusement.

I hope one day these people will be punished by the public.  The public are treated like cattle and of no importance and these people will kill you in a second.  They want to read our minds and control our thoughts by chipping us.  Their advantage is that no one believes.  You are called skitzophrenic if you talk like this.

I hope that immortality comes about and these people are punished.  I could be rich but these Govt's keep me poor.  If I could post my phone call on YouTube I would get 5 million+ hits and definitely make some money.  These Govt people are evil and need to be stopped.  I see a future govt where everyone from smallest to largest is involved and there are no secrets.

They use secrecy and darkness as weapons against the public.  They are evil.  Please stop them.  

Language Chameleon Polyglot.

This Guy can speak 9 languages.  If I had started early enough I could've maybe learned one language.  But not 9.  There is now basically no way for me to ever speak another language as I am now deaf and have Alzheimers bought on by the NZ and USA Govts of course but no one believes that do they.

O well some people are just smart I guess.  Not me though.  I'm posting this as something that interested me as part of the new posting more of what i've been reading and watching theme on this website.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Old Paragraph From History

The following 2 paragraphs are old.  I wrote one at the time 26/04/2011.  The paragraphs below are from separate drafts.  One paragraph the bottom one I think is from around 2010 but dew to technical difficulties I lost the exact date.  Anyway here are the PARAGRAPHS:

I've made 48 posts this year, that's a record for most posts in a year. Most of them are just rambling tin foil hat stuff. I wish I knew how to attract a readership. I guess this blog is to out there and my writing style to slow witted and confusing and dull.

There's definately alot of evil in the world. Alot of stupidity. Alot of torture. People enjoy these things. They use them for pleasure and amusement.

That was it.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Another Thread I Started That Failed.

Here is a another thread I started on a couple forums. It died pretty quick, this ole thread. We are in the dark. I'm just guessing. My guesses aren't of a smart kind. There must be more to it. Anyway here is the thread:


As a person living on planet earth I look around and see myself totally in the dark over so many things. Not just me either but everyone. Everyone is in the dark.

There are heaps and so many unknowns about life. We live in the dark and scurry around in it like cockroaches. I imagine most actually prefer the dark as it gives them cover to do evil.

Anyway let this thread be a place to let your light shine before others. I would like to see your light and see what it will do for me. Now because we're in the dark I can't give you instructions on how to let your light shine or how to even make light.

By posting in this thread you are giving us a taste of yourself, you are shining your light. A smart person has more light perhaps than a dumb person but I don't know if this is true? Are you still so dull?

What is this light that Jesus talks about. How are we the light of the world? Please explain anything you want in this thread but make sure you are letting your light shine.

If your light is shining it will illuminate me and others lives so we don't stumble and we progress.

I kinda saw a light oneday. It was like I was shining and the person was real dumb in comparison and I was able to lead them to there own source of light after they had been in my light for so long. Like she was in darkness and under my light her face lit up like shining a torch on your face when its pitch black it looked exactly like that except it was in broad daylight that her face lit up. I was demonstraing something discussing something and someone said the exact line "snatch them out of my hand" Jesus talks about his sheep and how noone can snatch them out of his hand. But anyway to no avail, i'm dellusional and matrixified so none of my experiences mount to a hell of beans.

I imagine most lights are very dim now. Love grown cold. I know my light is dim. I'm in the dark now. I tried walking while I had the light but i'm afraid I didn't get very far and only fell back into darkness.

What can you tell me about lights and Jesus? I would like to see your light as I have great darkness.


That was the thread I started.

Darcy Lee

Friday, August 8, 2014

War - Edwin Star.

War - Edwin Star.

Haven't really listened to this much but I quote it occasionally and agree.  I dislike War very much and have great desires for peace and never ending expansion and progress.  We are all very primitive as a society if you ask me. Well at least I am anyway.  I'm not very smart anymore.  I would like to see an end to all slavery and poverty and everyone entering a paradise.  This place is horrible for many or will be one day.
Darcy Lee  

Opening Lyrics to WAR:

War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing

War, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again, y'all

War, huh, good God
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

DC Talk. What If I Stumble.

DC Talk - What If I Stumble.

Not as catchy as the other DC Talk song I added but have had this open in my browser for ages now.  I did listen to it a while back more than once.  It is a slower song.  Not as polished as some attempts.  I'm adding it cause I did listen to it more than once.  Also I'm going to try and use this site as more of a record of what i've been doing in the Internet so adding additional content even if I only enjoyed or passed just passed through in some cases.  I was inspired by a blog I saw that had about 1000 posts a year for a long time.  He was keeping records of his Internet activity.

I guess this means adding more content than just songs and posts but linking and reviewing websites i've read actually I don't know.

Eye Of The Tiger. Survivor.

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger

Have listened to this before and it didn't really do anything but found myself enjoying it today with a little excitement.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix.

Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe.

It's pretty late here.  It's like 15 minutes past 3amm in the morning as I write this first sentence.  I came to this version of Hey Joe by Jime Hendrix Live by thinking on the word Angel which can also be pronounced  as Age Ole or also I was saying it as Hey Joe.  So Angel = Age Ole = Hey Joe.  I didn't like HEY JOE when I first looked it up again a little while ago.  Perhaps when I was listening to A11 Along The Watch Tower.  But I remember liking hey Joe as a teenager.  I'm including hey Joe because i've given it a few plays now and also this paragraph has clues as to why i'm adding it.

What have I been doing?  Well playing more WOW.  I'm levelling a shaman to 60 and it's going to be my boost toon.  I was going to boost a 60 priest that I specially levelled but i'll probably just hand level him unless I become rich and suddenly get heaps of money enough to COUGH COUGH buy a level 90 or two. It sucks how you can buy level 90's now.  It makes it a rich mans game.  Guess it means if you pay $65 for each level 90 that my account is worth somewhere round $260 dollars for say the cost of four 90s that I have.  But this $260 dollars is nothing in comparison to the actual amount of hours I have invested in some of my characters.  It works out at about one dollar per 24 hours played sitting in chair.

I'm a terrible World of Warcraft Player.  I have no smarts.  Anywho.

Battlesheep was a domain I checked out but it's gone to some Portugal gaming company.  I check out domain names regularly and write down good ones I think are will be ok.  Most are stupid but who knows maybe one day i'll think of a good one.

I actually stumped Google a little while ago.  I searched for the word Militourance.  Google had absolutely no results what so ever for this word.  It's a word I invented myself and if it ain't in Google then it probably hasn't been thought of yet.  What do you think it means, what's the definition of the word?  It's quite hard to stump Google.  Also the word Miltourance stumps google.

I actually have hurt my back.  About three days ago I felt something kind twinge or snap or move in my lower back and it's been hurting ever since.  The first night was the worst I couldn't even move hardly it was very painful to move anyway.

Leave you with this.  According to the bible oneday there will be no pain no tears no mourning or the last enemy, no DEATH.  This means that we are still primitive and we must therefore think and take action perhaps fight hard to arrive at a place such as this.

With thought and truth it can be done much faster than we think possible perhaps.

I want to see a place like this where everyone is safe.  It would be nice to know GOD if he was real.  Like to prove that GOD was real or not would solve heaps of problems.  It would answer alot of questions for so many people.  Many many people follow religion and GOD and intertwine it with there very nature and being.  But this seems to much of a challenge to solve the answer of IS THERE A GOD?

Ok i'm going to bed now.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

End of Pain. A Call Into The Wilderness for Soldiers.

Posted this today on my usual forums.  Got pretty much ignored as usual.  Anyway here is the post for future reference:

Place your vote and opinion here. Do you want to end pain for all creatures on earth and perhaps the polyverse (universe).

If you say no then you haven't experienced pain. You might of had the odd thrill with it. But wait. You still don't understand the potential.

All pain needs to be ended now.

Also if you say no and want to see pain continue then you should expect your own pain.

Whos to say whether pain is natural or not. Perhaps it's an invasion and our rulers using it to command us. I joke really.

Nobody knows what pain is. Pain is not good. It is the opposite. I vote to end pain now.

Join me as soldiers in a planned all out attack and war on pain.

If we lead others will follow. Be a light to the world.

I've lead a solo effort foray and initial attack into suffering by suffering. This perhaps give me experience but I still have no weapons other than a crappy mind and body which can't be relied on for the truth.

A couple of scriptures: 1 Peter 4:1 Because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. If this is true then this is me. I have suffered in great depth and magnitude. But alas suffering is really more of a breeding ground for hate. If this is true then I can't sin any more for this is how much I have suffered. I only wish it was true. But don't think so.

2nd scripture: Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away

This scripture predicts the end of pain. I think this is an easy prediction to make. Whether there is a God or not pain must end for everyone.

Why should we think this to hard. It's not to hard. I also predict an end to pain.

The more people that post in this thread the more is being done. Do your bit.

We must be soldiers. Everyone, every living creature with the potential to suffer is on your side.

Soldiers use whatever they have available. Use what you got. Fire at will.

We need organisation and a long as it takes concentrated effort.

Honestly I have suffered and nobody knows. This is all suffering.

I am not an officer. I'm more of a tank. I have tanked so much suffering. Perhaps this suffering forwards me as a higher rank than you. I have knowledge but I lack fire. I don't know how to pass on the knowledge of pain and its bottemless depths. Pain needs to be ended.

I'm trying to start a fire. Please help me start a fire by posting the obvious or whatever you have. Be a soldier.

We need weapons. We are unarmed blind and deaf.

Everyone Post your Orders for people. Call out into the wilderness.

I'm looking for soldiers. Do you consider yourself a soldier? All hands and every man on deck.

If your not a soldier then your a burden and your divided against yourself as everyone who has the potential to suffer is a soldier. You can't deny. Absolutely everyone is needed in the fight till death.

We need highly motivated but inexperienced people to carry the message of great suffering and tribulation. It needs to be preached. Great suffering.

Preach about suffering. Cut down anything that causes suffering. Avoid suffering yourself. Find weaknesses and grey areas that aren't so dark. I don't know what orders to give you. Just be on the alert. Such great suffering exists that anyone can be prone to. Be fighting. Suffering is an evil.

Hey if the bible says there will be no more suffering and pain then it's got to be true right? I say just give it time. But we need more urgency and effort and power invested right away. This is a warning to everyone. Suffering is unrighteous and an almighty wrong. It is a weapon that is used against us all the time. I perhaps have said some wrong things here. But I am just trying to prepare you for what you don't know. We need to fight this at the bottom which this is as well as the top which is more likely the Govt. Every man, woman, child and lifeform.

I am Soldier. I have suffered just as great as any soldier. I have earned the right to call myself a soldier for the battles I have been in and the endurance I have shown. I give you warnings. You need to fight everyday. Pain is a deadly and great enemy. I don't understand it. I don't know what it is. But I don't like it and I never want to suffer again but yet I still have this potential.

Don't consider yourselves immune. Everyone is susceptible. This is why you need to get your soldier on. The weak need to be defended perhaps. The strong need to spend there strength.

This is a call on your life. Do everything with all your might. I hope your ready for war. I can't prepare you. Sorry I can't tell you much. Imagine your worst. Foolish people will pass this thread by and consider themselves safe. No one is safe.

Be a man. Man up. Fight. End pain now. Are you a soldier yet? You are whether you think so or not.

Got any ideas? I guess no one will even post in this thread. Pain is ignored and left alone. All I know is that we need soldiers and they need to be forcefully advancing.

I'm on the side where there will be no more pain. Beware the enemy.

Post in this thread. Comfort others. Alleviate and Liberate. Fight until we win. Play your position.

Perhaps if someone else posts in this thread they may give you orders or practical things that you can do to fight pain.

Perhaps you could post your war stories here about battles you've had with pain to inform others.

We need more of a consensus on pain. I am starting this thread in hope of achieving this and other objectives regarding pain. This is of the utmost urgency. Pain needs a fight to the end. I can't stress how urgent it is to get rid of pain. If you don't know then its very hard to explain. Be a soldier is all I ask. Be a soldier.


The truth of pain is.....

Darcy Lee.

That was end of thread.  Pls leave a comment below.

Why Do Dogs Smell Each Other's Butts?

This video explains why dogs smell each others butts.  It's to do with chemicals that some gland secretes in their anus.  The dogs are able to get a big range of information about the dog they are smelling.

Wonder if humans interact in this way at all, through smell I mean or what other ways we have to communicate.  Anway found this video interesting so posting it.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Temple of Love and More Sisters of Mercy

Temple of Love - Sisters of Mercy.

Adding this not because I like it now but because when I was suffering I was listening to this maybe around the year 2000 or so.  This song sounded great when I first heard it but it's not as super awesome today as it was all those years ago.

More - Sisters of Mercy.

Found this after listening to Temple of Love.  Instantly liked this song.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Moon Trance Lindsey Stirling.

Moon Trance - Lindsey Stirling.

Listened to this for a couple days.  Checked out her other videos on youtube which also have a lot of views but didn't really like them as much as this one.  It's basically a violin piece with a drums + other beats and zombies.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Spirit of a Mouse.

At about 43 sec you can see something leave the mouse. It could be fake but it also could be real.  Don't know what it is but it could be a spirit or just gas of some kind.  Still thought I should post it.  It's pretty cool if not faked.


Underwater Astonishments - David Gallo

Underwater Astonishments.

You really have to check out the octopus at the end.  He's able to change his skins texture, color, brightness and pattern to perfectly match some algae that's on the bottom of the ocean.  He blends in so you can't even see him.  It's truly amazing and it makes me wonder what type of defences that humans have.

To be sure humans must have some tricks to keep them out of danger and keep threats and dangers out of the way.  Our brain is mighty powerful I think.  I do wonder just what we are capable of.

The octopus defence is awesome.  Again I do wonder what humans are capable of in the way of defenses and armor
.  I've experienced some pretty neat tricks before but I can't activate them or do them again.  And also it's hard to distinguish between what is the matrix and what is actually just me on my own.  I can look back now and see somethimes when the matrix has interacted with me but I couldn't really look back and didn't know this until I found out about the matrix for sure in early 2008.

There is the possibility that some things I experienced where separate from the matrix but I can't get there again as I no longer have the mind.  My mind is gone.  I am very hazy and distorted thinking.  It' very hard to have clear thoughts and they are often cut short by my imprisoners.

Also I am often fighting between things I said and things they said.  They mind control me.  They put thoughts in my head and I have to fight that.  It's a computer often doing it, so it never gets tired and it has a huge database of things to say and learns from your previous attempts.

I am being tortured.  It's bad.  No one even suspects it's real life humans doing the torture.  They call me skitzophrenic.  If not me then when will the first person be tortured by tech that can send voice to skull and mind control you.  It's 2014.  They been working on this tech for years and experimenting on people.

Also the people who judge me skizophrenic well the book that says was written by the guys with the tech. They are so brainwashed themselves.  It's a very evil world.  I don't know if I can help.

I was very optimistic as a kid.  But now I suffer.  It's all changed now.

The bible is not fun.  I find so many things of myself comparing exactly to the bible.  Things I have experienced.  I have quoted myself word for word from the bible and acted it out.  I find I match up to the bible in many things that Jesus spoke of.  My delusion is the bible.  But I don't believe now.  But my life has been aligned to the bible.

I still read the bible most days.  But I can't put faith in it.  Death is a strong enemy.  The bible as far as I know hasn't been a great weapon.  People still die and suffer.  Really what is truth.

No body has the answers to ending the evil in the earth.  We must endure until it can be gone forever.

This has been me.  Darcy Lee.  I grew up with delusions in the bible.  Some were the matrix interacting with me some were myself.  I am still delusional.  I still seek the truth.  Will I even be able to believe it, the truth, if it is shown to me or am I doomed to live in lies and darkness for all my life.  I live and endure under great darkness.


Scribe 2001

Scribe 2001 - P Money and Scribe.

Been listening to this last couple days got a few plays out of it.  This is another of my songs based on my phone calls I made to radio talkback.  I said the lines "Scribe 2001 my stories just begun, You know the harm in the streets where i'm from."  I said that shortly after September 11th 2001 over radio talkback air. Now it's a song.  Still nobody yet believes me.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Trade Me.

I have a thread going on a couple forums called TRADE ME.  I made a post last night and a post today.  It's basically talking about the matrix and how you can walk around in armor looking cloths that weigh nothing as pure decorations that only a matrix enabled person can see.  Also presenting that's it's probably possible to do this without matrix tech but getting others to see is hard and the catch.  Also trading in mansions and rivers of living water. Matrix

Here are those posts:  The first POST:

Ok i'm giving away for a small fee shoulders, bracers and other armor and other various clothes and addons. These shoulders look like something out of world of warcraft. These are digital armor or even spiritual. Certain people who see the matrix technology and make use of it will be able to see your armor.

The spiritual armor is a God pretend armor. It takes more to be real. But is far superior to the digital matrix man made armor if it can be made real for others to see.

Walk around in your armor. It's light. You can't feel it. It can be totally transparent and can light up in an instant.

So there is digital martix technology based armour and clothing and accessories where u need to be interfaced and well they probably chip you to be honest for you to use the matrix and see its graphics on other people.

And for those who believe in a god spiritual then im saying it's possible to see armor on others if they wearing it (I think this is the future anyway another level above matrix tech clothing and armor). Kids can see it better than adults. Imagination but real. What accessories have you just painted and added on overlaying your natural clothes with your thoughts and mind. You can do it this way. To believe in something of substance.

Everyone will be wearing matrix vr outfits possibly oneday over there cotton cloths. But yeah Gods armor if he real will actually be more than ornamental and serve more than a purpose than to just look pretty.

So buy my belief I mean clothing and armor. Matrix VR all the way.

Wear your new clothing accessories in comfort and beauty and glory.


And now the SECOND POST:

Also trading in matrix and spiritual decals for your house and car and spoiler kits for your house and car pretty shubery and trees.

Selling mansions. You plop this baby overtop of your house on your land. From the outside your house now looks totally different cause anyone using the matrix tech sees graphics in full realism overlaying your house interacting with your house but only to the people using the matrix. In the future its possible that crims might only see the matrix and not reality so it's future proofed with a security system that tagged criminals will struggle to identify in reality with. Matrix dinosaur pets selling. WTS. Any pet you can think of selling all matrix ai pets. Also pokemon and digimons to battle and mate.

Selling rivers of living water matrix style. Rivers. For your backyard or swimming pool. Waterfalls as well. Pretty much any decoration you can think of to add to your property that can go digital.

Selling pet AI aliens. Its a human ai behind the matrix but its representing possible different aliens what an alien would be like. (But yep they have knowledge of aliens but thats off topic a little.) This is a smart companion. It can change form and become more intelligent. 10111001.

I guess it's possible to breed thoughts with one another. Using the matrix. Or even text breeds other text as in the case of my postings.

Looking FOR Coders/builders for the Matrix. Text is code. Code in this thread to apply.

This stuff is all digital matrix or even spiritual.

What do you offer in trade? Also what are you selling?

Sorry for boring you.

I'm just a trader looking for fine pearls and treasure in heaven.

What particular things do you have for sale?

As with the catch only the people with matrix enabled technology where by they chip you and you interface with an ai will be able to see most of these products that im selling.

But they still good for the future. D1 original.

Now the spiritual items. Getting others to see them could be difficult. But it's possible. Spiritual items are much rarer than matrix computer generated items but the two will probably eventually intertwine perhaps.

Draw some things with your mind. You don't necessarily need to see it's image in your mind but you can still envision what our thinking. How far along out can you go with your thoughts. I'm limited to short thoughts that are often forgotten quickly with the next thought. It's hard to calculate.

Add some thoughts up with this variable in mind. It could be you in the future with age. If you have the luxury of a mind become creative. Use your thoughts up rather that store stuff up. If you discover a tool a mind tool perfect it then show it off. But be quick about it. I'm 36 and I lost all my gear that I had been storing when I was 20 and never even got a chance to develop it. I was hoping by hiding it, it was being developed in the background and adding to the sum total. Most of it it turns out was matrix human technology based anyhow. But there could've been something spiritual that was worth of being stored in heaven and called a treasure.

Gear could be considered brain body mind eyes ears nose touch heat cold. Also the fruits of these things. What other gear is there?

Ever get those feelings from nature like a read on your environment but it doesn't convert to English very well

The otherday I was at someones house and there was moss all over the ground it felt like a total wilderness even with the house right there. Thats just an impression that my senses picked up.

Thing is gear can be broken and not work right. But there's nothing like working gear.

WTT Want To Trade. Print your text here. My gear has produced this post my senses my mind my brain my fingers my eyes. All from experiences ive had.

What does your gear say in return? What are you going to do with your gear in your life. Gear, your brain, can overlay stuff in your eyes from my experience without even the aid of the matrix. I experience them as words and visuals sometimes.

The world needs help. So use what you got to help.

Matrix incoming.

All this stuff is for trade.


That was it.  I didn't get many replies but i'll keep you updated.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

On THE Record.

I posted the below thread to the forum site abovetopsecret hoping to get some replies.  If I get any replies I will update them possibly in this thread.  The Thread is called "On THE Record".  You could also possibly consider posting to this website a comment about what you read about the songs I cameo in and the matrix tech.  Your comment will be dated and will go on the record.  I will never get a believer to hit this site so your unbelief I guess is what you can make a comment about.  Please go on the record.  Anyhow The thread begins now below:

You need to go on the Record. This is to say here is my story. Again.

I cameo in songs by RHCP, Linkin Park, Eminem and Limp Bizkit among many other musicians. I first spoke words in unique arrangement over a talkback radio show. These phone calls were turned into about 15 charting songs by many famous musicians. The songs by the mentioned musicians include the exact words I spoke first often in the chorus but also in other parts of the song depending on the song. It has been made to make money. Do you think the truth will make money or destroy it?

I have suffered immensely. The cause was initially Govt Torture. In New Zealand. From Feb 1999 till 2001. The songs were created from 2001 till 2008ish. There is like 6-7 phone calls that they are based on, all created in 2001. From 2009 till 2014 America was involved now and I upset them when they showed me the matrix technology like, technology that can put pictures in your head brain eyes mind virtual reality. They showed me this tech was real and I didn't like it and started attacking them took a few months but not long. I guess this is bad because of the songs they must feel under appreciated and there spiffy matrix tech possibly they were offended by me not liking it.

They did say one of their comments was that "No one has ever resisted us before". In the showing of the tech and using it.

Please go on the record in this thread. You must post your belief about what I have written. You will be on the record it will be permanent. Eventually the truth about what I say will be known. But until then you must say what you want to say and please go on the record. I know that so far no one believes me. But i've tried to offer proof. Most of the musicians I mention in my posts are reachable by twitter.

Brooke Fraser could be like a weak link. Her album What To Do With Daylight I feature in like 3 songs on that album. If enough people tweeted her she would have to respond. If she lied I would be happy with that. But you need to get a response.

Now because you don't believe there is some form of punishment. I don't know the form but it exists. But I need you to go on the record with you basically saying you don't believe me and that i'm delusional and wrong and whatever you want to say. You need to be very hostile and nasty without breaking the rules. Show your true colours. But this is only if your talking the truth. I want your honest assessment of what I say which to you can only be that I am delusional most likely. You need to get annoyed that I say such things and represent.

Go on the RECORD.

Anyone who fights for the truth will send brooke a tweet you don't even need to believe me really you could gamble risk and take a chance on me I mean what's it going to hurt?.

The more people that fail to send a tweet the better. It represents the majority. But eventually the truth will set what I have said free.

I want a sampling of posts from the majority which is you. Please share and voice your disregard and opinion.

This will change the world as you know it. But yet nobody can see.

Everybody is blind to it. BLIND.

So I leave you. Asking for you to post and go on the RECORD about the other Records I speak of and also the matrix or pictures in your head mind eyes brain virtual reality.

There are many songs. Many. Alot.

Please go on the record.

This thread will get alot of attention eventually and depending what you post is how you will look to many many.

You could reap alot of condemnation or praise depending on what you post in reply and what you do and don't do.

There is reward and punishment.

GO ON THE RECORD. O how many will not post. Record go on the.


That was the end of the thread.  If you can go on the record on this site leave a comment.  It will go down in history if only you believe.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Wanted Dead Or Alive.

Wanted Dead Or Alive - Bon Jovi.

Adding this not cause I listened to it today but because it's a song from my childhood.  Think i'll always like it.  Also reminds me of the movies Young Guns part 1 and 2. Released from the album Slippery When Wet from 1986.  I would've been around 8-9 when I got into this.  I had the album. I was still at primary school probably nearly 30 years ago when first listening to this.  

Here are the lyrics:

It's all the same, only the names will change
Everyday it seems we're wasting away
Another place where the faces are so cold
I'd drive all night just to get back home

I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive

Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it's not for days
And the people I meet always go their separate ways
Sometimes you tell the day
By the bottle that you drink
And times when you're alone all you do is think


I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back
I play for keeps, 'cause I might not make it back
I been everywhere, and I'm standing tall
I've seen a million faces an I've rocked them all

I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
I'm a cowboy, I got the night on my side
I'm wanted dead or alive
And I ride, dead or alive
I still drive, dead or alive
Dead or alive [x4]

Armageddon It.

Def Leppard - Armageddon It

Now I knew I had to add this on the first play.  The chorus is awesome when he sings in a high pitch.  I believe some of the lyrics to.  The top video is the lyrics video and the bottom video is the original video.

I totally recommend that you prepare for Armageddon if you understand.  This was the first song I looked up when this thought came to my mind.  I listened to this song as a kid. It was awesome.  It's still awesome but not something I think I would now listen to over and over.

There basically needs to be an Armageddon against everything evil bad and wrong everywhere.  A final push against it all till not any of it is left.

Come to life.  Bring everything you got and pull the trigger.  Think I failed to pull the trigger when I was younger. If your young you can still alter your future for the better.  Be wise.  Make good choices and be prepared to change choices if possible.  Bring it all you got everything everyday. Do everything with all your might.


This is the same song it's just the original video that went with the song the top video is a lyric only video but could be taken down so I have posted this as well as it's under the original artist as listed on YOUTUBE I believe.


You better come inside when you're ready to
But no chance if you don't wanna dance
You like a four letter words when you're ready to
But then you won't 'cause you know that you can

You got it
But are you gettin' it?
You say that love is won when you get some
But then your finger won't trigger the gun

You know you can't stop it, so don't rock it
You know you got it
Hey, but are you gettin' it?
Ooh, really gettin' it?
Come get it from me

(Gimme all of you lovin')
Ev'ry little bit
(Gimme all that you got)
Ev'ry bit of it
(Ev'ry bit of your lovin)
Oh, c'mon live a bit
(Never wanna stop)

Yeah, but are you gettin' it?
(Armageddon it)
Ooh, really gettin' it?
(Yes, Armageddon it)

C'mon get it
Do, do, do
Uh oh

You try comin' on when you need some
But then you don't 'cause you already did
Yeah, you jangle your jewels while your shakin' ya
And drive the pretty boys outta their heads

You got it
But are you gettin' it?
You flash your bedroom eyes like a jumpin' Jack
Then play it pretty with a pat on the back

You know you can't stop it, so don't rock it
You know you got it
Hey, but are you gettin' it?
Ooh, really gettin' it?
Come get it from me

(Gimme all of you lovin')
Ev'ry little bit
(Gimme all that you got)
Ev'ry bit of it
(Ev'ry bit of your lovin)
Oh, c'mon live a bit
(Never wanna stop)

Yeah, but are you gettin' it?
(Armageddon it)
Ooh, really gettin' it?
(Yes, Armageddon it)
C'mon, Steve, get it, huh

Take it, take it, take it from me
I got an itchy finger following me
Pull it, pull it, c'mon trigger the gun
'Cause the best is a yet to come

I say
('Cause the best is yet to come)
Oh, are you gettin' it?
Oh, really gettin' it?
Yes, are you gettin' it?
Whoh, really gettin' it?

Come get it from me
(Gimme all of you lovin')
Ev'ry little bit
(Gimme all that you got)
Ev'ry bit of it
(Ev'ry bit of your lovin')
Oh, come on live a bit
(Never want it to stop)

Oh, are you gettin' it?
(Gimme all of your lovin')
Ooh, really gettin' it?
(Gimme all that you got)
Oh are you getting it?
(Gimme all of your lovin')
Oh, live a bit
(Gimme all that you got)

No, live a bit
You've gotta live it
(Gimme all of your lovin')
Ooh, baby live it
(Gimme all that you got)
C'mon and give it
(Ev'ry bit of your lovin')
Oh, come on and give it
(Never want it to stop)

Oh, are you gettin' it?
(Gimme all of your lovin')
Ooh, really gettin' it?
(Gimme all that you got)
Oh, are you gettin' it?
(Ev'ry bit of your lovin')
Oh, live a bit
(Never want it to stop)
(Gimme all of your lovin')


Friday, June 20, 2014

World Of Warcraft. Battlepets. Pokemon.

Moon Moon Wow Pokemon Battlepet.
World of Warcraft.  For the last month and a half i've been playing World of Warcraft.  It's been fun but I seem not to be playing it so much now.  I've been trading in pets and fighting the pokemon for abit for the last couple weeks.  I've made a bit of gold and meet some people.

My first mistake was that you can't learn a level 25 pet unless you've already trained a pet to level 25.  I found this out by making the mistake of buying up heaps like 10 level 25 pets for between 1.5k gold and 2.5k gold thinking I could resell them for heaps more but actually I paid the price that they pretty much go for.  What it did give me was pets to sell on other servers to buy other pets to resell to make money.

There is a quick way to level pets to 25 if you want to Google it.  You basically need 3 mechanicals levelled to about 5-6. Then you head to Karazhan and fight the level 17 eye things.  Get three green quality or better. Then you head to outlands and fight the buzzards or birds that are in the wastelands not far from Shattrath, theres heaps of them and they respawn real fast.  Next you head to the shrine in pandaland and take on the eternal striders there. Once you've captured an eternal strider then it's easy to get them to 25 after a few fights with other eternal striders.

Pierre Wow  Pokemon Battlepet.
One pet I recommend that can be cheap on some servers is an Anubisath Idol.  It can really help in taking on the trainers.  There is actually a 3k reward when you complete the battle pet quests which comes in your mail box. Also you will be able to level 2-3 pets to level 25 by doing all the quests.  So this adds 1-2k  to what the pet is worth depending on the pet.  And once a day you will be able to level a pet to 25 by battling the trainers.
Anyway this is what I have found out about World of Warcraft.  It's been fun levelling pets but I think I will only play one more month closer to when Warlords of Draenor comes out just to tidy things up. I'm also hoping to get a level 30 char to 60 by with the remainder of my time which is about 14 days.  I'm definitely going to try and play Warlords of Draenor.  It will be fun.   

Anyway you should level your pets and beat the trainers it can be a good way to make gold.  This unfortunately has been my equivalent of work.


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