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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Suffering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suffering. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2016

All of Me

John Legend.
John Legend - All of Me

Think I found this because it had a billion views. It's ok. Adding to music 2.

Virtual Reality is going to flood the market one day. Where the picture is in your head eyes mind. These glasses and goggles that are available today are very primitive.

I'm looking for donations because I have suffered. To move on with my life and perhaps regain some composure. I need a house to do this. I will never work again. Need like a 100k US dollars. If you understood my suffering you would lift me. I have this thought that lifting me lifts the world.


Added label "Lift the World".

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Passenger Trainspotting

The Passenger - Trainspotting

Again heard this on the trainspotting sound track. I think it said Iggy Pop sung this. I like the La La La La La La Part.

Immortality war on death. Who's with me.

I got the power from here to alter the world in many ways. I will have an army.

I want to dedicate this army in the war on death in seeking immortality to the last man. This curing hunger disease and poverty.

The bible says death is the last enemy to be defeated. I believe in resurrection of the dead also.

The church is an army fighting death.

Not many people like them the Christians. But they, christians, should be as a light amongst darkness.

I thought the other day it was arrogant to say one way or the other whether God exists. How do you know and why can't you communicate it.

Fire on the earth would be like knowledge of God and this knowledge able to be communicated, the lord everywhere for everyone. I'm not satisfied and have a hunger.

One way or the other. Does god exist. This is also another thing this website is about. Now does God exist or not. We don't know and can't determine.

If God exists why doesn't everyone have knowledge. Some don't even bother with the problem.

Why sufferin? Why pain? Why Death?

I think we are in a WAR you know. There's plenty of pain and suffering out there to be reaped. Have to definitely fight against reaping such things. God would be a great ally.

Where do you start with such a problem.

Why doesn't God reveal himself.

I no longer have a clear head so can't really tackle such problems.

We need to turn our gears. Progression.

Compute. Calculate. It needs prolonged thought.

I'm lost. My mind is so blah. Wish I could think like you. I know what i'd do. There seems to be a barrier anyway about finding the truth about God. Aliens Meh. God's where it's at. Prove God one way or the other. Fight for immortality.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Terrorists in New Zealand.

This is a post I made to the immortality forum I also clocked google again with only one result which btw wasn't an exact match. The word I clocked google with is "inceptifier" it could also be spelt inceptifire which comes back with zero results in google. This webby claims these words to add to the others I clocked google with.

Alas anyway in this thread on this forum i'm trying to get a house. Looking for millionaire. I'm surprised they let me run it. It's got 5k views. I got another thread now with 12k view with a similar story to below on another forum.

Anyway this is again longecity forum here is the post I made to it in case the thread ever goes down.

If i'm not a great scientist then i'm a soldier.

My suffering enabled and was the inceptifier of phone call intrinsic:

One day I rung Newstalk ZB a nationwide New Zealand talkback radio and was talking live on air with Kerre Woodham during prime time shortly after 9pm I think.  During the phone call I said “They Don’t Think” three times in a row.  See the thing is you really have to hear the phone call yourself.  It’s not good enough to type about it.  Anyway.  After saying “They don’t think” I then yelled “WAR” at full volume live on air and proceeded to call whoever was listening to stand up and be ready for war.  I laid my life on the line.  I also said “The Thing” x2 and at the end voiced a gleam in my eye.  I voiced that suffering and war were going to happen. I moved on the phone with all my power and might.

Two days later September 11th 2001 the planes hit the buildings.  There’s more to the phone call it went for about 30-40 secs or more all about war, you really have to hear it to get the best impression I made an aggressive attacking and defending stance.  So 2 days later the planes hit the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  The phone call was me preparing people for war and warning of war in the only way I could.  You have to hear it.  Maybe you think this phone call is not important.  You have to hear it.  Don’t judge before you have heard the phone call. You have to hear it.  I am a soldier. This phone call where I yell war, predicting a war, giving my life, 2 days before September 11th 2001 is the Mona Lisa of phone calls.  It’s art.  It’s solid.  It’s solid state of the art.  It’s real and copies exist.  You don’t delete and destroy the Mona Lisa.

This phone call I made the initial one before the attacks is important.  I was a first time caller. People will be interested in this phone call.  It deserves it’s place on You Tube.  I predict that this phone call alone will garner millions of hits from You Tube.  It’s being censored from the public and my freedom of speech is being taken away.  I’m not allowed a copy.  For one, my phone call is important enough to never be deleted.  It pertains to a war, a terrorist attack that was broadcast live around the world, all this only 2 days after the phone calls inception.

I am speaking the truth.  I am not delusional.  But no one believes me.  I need a lawyer to prove the truth.  For this I have to push and pay cash.  For this I say I will be a Millionaire.  But at the moment i’m broke.

The truth will set free.  The phone call is the truth. I am a soldier. Born in suffering.

Please if you have further questions please ask.  I hope I made sense.  Also please if your not interested could you pass this along to someone you think might be able to help or help me out by putting me in contact with the right people.  I need a lawyer who’s willing to go the distance and get these phone calls but can't afford.

Copies of this phone call still exist.  It is simply to important to delete.  It is my property.  People need to hear the phone call. People have a right to hear it.  It should not be left unheard.  I have rights that should let me post something of intrinsic value on the internet.

Ok so I made a phone call where I yelled war predicting a war over live radio talkback air and 2 days later the planes hit the buildings.  I haven’t told you the preparation I made upto the that first phone call.  Here is that.... How I prepared.

So it all started one-day when I was about 11 years old. The local radio station in Masterton New Zealand where I live was doing a live broadcast from Solway Park Hotel (as it was called then), which is Mastertons most flashy hotel. Our teacher grabbed three of us from school at 9.00am in the morning and took us to Solway Park Hotel. I was the first to go on the radio and somehow I thought that the dj was going to go round the three of us and ask us our names, anyway the dj asked me a question and I said my name, Darcy Lee. I never listened to the question to know what I should have said. Ok so afterwards the other kids were teasing me about it. The excuse I used was I was going to be around a terrorist attack and I was going to go back to the radio station to stop it. By saying my name I was storing power which I would claim later at the terrorist attack by returning to the radio with my name being a trigger in peoples subconscious. Sleepers. It was also like offering myself "Darcy Lee" with me stating "this is whats going to happen".  This was all in my mind.  I didn’t say anything out loud.

Ok so when I was 12 years old I went into this bird aviary that my dad had. I started to have this daydream with pictures. In the end the sum total of everything that I saw was that I was going to be around a terrorist attack which I couldn't stop but still had to try but that by being around the terrorist attack it would be greater than stopping it and was in effect stopping it. I still had to try and stop it, that was the sum but it said I wouldn't be able to, I would be around. From that day I practised everything I could about terrorists, and trying to stop an attack. Later at say about 15, 16 years old I discarded my daydream as just something but carried on about terrorists as to me it was the most likely thing that would affect the world. I practised trained alot. Things with the mind mostly, thoughts. Anything I could do with regards to war. I lived. I trained myself for war my own style since 12.

When I was about 19 I was walking home one night and had got to the point with chasing the terrorists that this was going to be the final run of things that I could do and that I had done everything I could do. A run is like refining and narrowing everything and being the best that you can be, becoming more skilled using information and patterns you have thoughts and feelings, I dunno a run. This was going to be my final run on terrorists as after this run there was nothing left to do. I'd been practising for years now. On my way home I got in a fight which basically opened total new areas in regards to the terrorists, a mountain of work, because of the fight. I had looked for the fight before though, ya know lurkers, in the style I use. Mind. Anyway I never completed my final run and new avenues got opened because of the fight. I now had more work regarding terrorists to be carried on with.  Anyone can get into a fight but this fight for some reason created work and new doors i never got to do a final.

About 2 months before 9/11, me aged 23, was at Westpac Stadium in Wellington NZ. I used to get these lines come up in my eyesight sometimes but they were always just random. This time a big jet flew overhead and the lines came up and started following it. They had never done anything like this before. Because of the lines I knew exactly what they meant by the way they were acting and the first thing I said to myself exactly is "What the fuck do they want those for" they being bad guys. I then spent 5 minutes trying to think of things that they would want them for but didn't even come up with something like an ordinary Hijacking. This still was quite a major run on aircraft.

A couple of times I measured within myself independent of everything else I was doing. Question: Event that will affect world that I can have a play in. Answer: Terrorist attack. Question: Where. Answer: America.

When I left school I left because and said "Screw this here they come". I made many preparations in total regarding a terrorist attack, always America. I did many things and trained alot.

So the ending is that 2 days before 9/11 I went on Newstalk ZB a nationwide NZ radio talk show.

I practised and trained for a terrorist attack.

Now you want to know the rest?  This will be where I lose you.

In February 1999 I got really sick and started to suffer.  The doctors have diagnosed me with Skitzophrenia.  This is a lie.  I can prove it.  It was a Government Machine, technology, with real life people behind it that made me sick.  I am held fast under law by this diagnosis.  I am laughed at and mocked and tortured for telling of technology and 911, simply no one believes me.

The first time I could actually believe in this tech was one day around 2008, what happened was a chat window opened up in my head as I was in bed.  Whatever I thought came up on the screen in text and I could also read what they were saying.  It was a chat window just like you would see on a computer monitor with 2 or 3 panes.  This is the first time I actually was able to know that this was technology and after that I was able to go back through my life and found where this machine had been used on me before.  The vision I had in my bird aviary was this machine.  The lines that came up in my eyesight was this machine.

These people showed me the machine.  And guess what.  I didn’t like it.  I hated it.  They said about this that no one had ever resisted the introduction to this machine technology before.  Everyone they had come across before loved  this technology.  Technology that can produce an image in the human minds eye can overlay any graphic image picture in the mind and also see what you see and hear what your hear and talk through you.

I let them know.  Around 2009 they started torturing me with this technology  I had said America Sucks a few times to them and thats about the only reasons they have for torturing me.  It’s a new torture.  They constantly tease me and mess around with my mind and nobody, not you, believes me.  Anyone who hears this story instantly is bought in by the governments propaganda about mental illness.  How can they possibly have this technology you say.

It took nearly 8 years from the time of September 11th 2001 until I was finally approached by people in my own house who I couldn’t see using tech to communicate with me I had tried profusely to get a copies of my phone call but was just ignored on all attempts.  I lived in absolute poverty.  The deal was never to not get a copies of my phone call but they persisted.  I tried from the beginning.  Here is a letter from Kerre Woodham I got.  Kerre is the host of the radio program who took my first original phone call where I yelled “WAR”.  You don’t destroy a piece of reality that is majestic, perfect and graceful. They shouldn’t have kept me poor.  They shouldn’t have denied me a copies of my phone call never ever.

The first email from Kerre reads:

Darcy, if you don't start taking your pills, I'm going to send the doctors round again. You're not well. No organisation keeps records for more than a year so even if you think you made the call, there will be no record of it. It's vanished into the ether. Google it, and you'll find out that's correct.

There is no record of any imagined call. Now take your pills and leave me alone or I'll get an outside agency to help you do so.

That was the first email.

The second email from Kerre reads

Right. That's it. You are now spam so I will never receive your emails again and I'm sending the doctors round. They'll be there in the morning.

This was all in attempts to get a copy of my phone call.

This is an outright lie.  She knows exactly what i’m talking about and exactly what’s going on.  I want some justice.  Why do you not believe the truth.  I have not spoken one lie.  I can prove with these phone call that i’m not schizophrenic.  Schizophrenia induced by humans with technology is not schizophrenia.  They forcefully drug me under the mental health act and if I say no they put me in hospital where they forcefully hold you down and drug you.  They won’t ever stop drugging me unless I break them.  I need to go to to court.  My initial phone call where I yelled “WAR”  still exists and deserves a space on YouTUBE.  I know what I said in the phone call mostly.  But like so many you probably don’t believe.

There is probably a conspiracy behind my original phone call where I yelled “WAR”.  It should never have been with held from me. I have truly suffered because of technology.  Not one doctor could do anything for my suffering.  It was many years screaming without a voice.  People care not by what suffering they cause.  Failing to believe me suffers me.

Do you believe me?  If you have failed to believe me then you have failed to believe the truth.  I don’t know what this means but it’s not good for you.  Failing to believe in the truth has some consequences.  What I have said is the hard line.  I live in a warzone of tech.

I need your help please.  I need a lawyer to take me to court as many times as it takes until i’m noticed and get copies of my phone call.  I’m not delusional.  This phone call is beautiful in a landscaped of WAR.

Will you help?  Do you believe?  How long must i be persecuted for disliking America and wanting my own private space and mind.  I have never had.  They think because I am poor and dumb they can do all things to me.  Will you believe?

Just believe damn you.  What could you possibly have to lose?  I want justice and right and light.  Not darkness which is secrecy which is evil.  What has been done to me is of great evil now and then it never ends.  I am telling the truth.  I am not delusional.  I am not lying.  If you don’t believe then it is you who are deceived, and this can’t be good for things.  I sorry I speak so harshly.  It’s been so long.  This is my day everyday and has been for last 15 years.

Will you help me prove what I say.  So far no one has ever helped me as no one believes me but believes in appearances.  Everyone wants to hear their own thing but not the truth.  I have been refined in the fires of suffering.  Death encroaches me all around with jagged snarling teeth.  Are you afraid?   No one believes me.  I’m telling the truth and want to prove it in court as I am being forced to do this.  Anyway reply back if your interested.  Believe the money.  Believe.

Thanks for your time

I rent a house but it has a mold problem. I get a benefit. dont need money to live on just a place to live for 30 years. I should have benefit for life without being required to work. Probably more important than a house is getting a copy of this phone call I speak of. However much that would cost.


Darcy Lee

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Steve Winwood Higher Love

Steve Winwood.

Steve Winwood - Higher Love.

Heard this on the radio and with most songs about love I tend to enjoy the lyrics.

I like the chorus of this song. "Bring Me A Higher Love".

Darcy Lee.

Love Is All You Need Beatles

The Beatles.
Love Is All You Need - Beatles.

Adding this not because it's any good but because i gave it one listen and passed on by. I don't like this song even though it's about love.

Darcy Lee.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Scooter Accident.

I had an accident on my 50cc Scooter about 2 weeks ago on Wednesday the 16th of September 2015 at about 5pm. I'm ok. Just hurt my big toe. But it's ok now. My scooter front wheel and guard were damaged in the accident and possibly the front forks.

So far all seems to be going well with the people seeking parts to replace what was damaged.; It wasn't my fault. I was coming upto a giveway sign and a big toyota hilux came round on wrong side of road cutting the center line and caught and run over my front wheel. I was going pretty slowly so I just was able to jump off. I was like 1 metre from the giveway sign.

I remember thinking when I pick up my broken bike to check where it had fallen to see if I had crossed center line or something. It had fallen away from me and even the handle bars were inside the center line. The Hilux was well wrong and at fault.

It was very violent. It could of been much worse. I could've been killed.

I really need a car now to be safe. But i'm poor.

It's put me right off scooters.

It wasn't my fault I was hit unawares from out of no where before I even new what was happening. I even did the exact opposite thoughts thing that I should of in such an emergency. It was over so quicky but my thoughts and reaction were all wrong and I should've been jumping out of the way or something. I reacted poorly. I won't make it if I have to rely on my reactions vs thinking on what to do to save me or someone else in a life threatening emergency.

I don't think there is anything that can speed me up and make me more "onto it" as they say.

Here are some photos:

Hopefully soon enough i'll be rich and able to afford a car. Rich to me is like $450k.

I am expecting some money for my September 11th World Trade Center Phone call. Can only be patient and wait. A car would be safer. Really need to upgrade to a car for safety now. The scooter accident was violent. But i'm safe. But it really put me off riding a scooter now. If the scooter ever gets fixed and I have to ride it again i'm going to be ever so careful and dreaming of a car the whole way.

Buy me a car if your wealthy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Candlebox - Cover Me.

Candlebox - You.

Candlebox - Far Behind.

I was driving home the other day in a friends car and the song Cover Me came on. I knew I had heard it before from my teenage years but I couldn't name the band. I found it through the magic of the internet. I then got quite a few plays out of it.

Candlebox Album Cover
I used to listen to the Candlebox song Far Behind and sing along to that back in my teenage years, that's what got me into them. That song didn't appeal so much this time. But You and Cover me were excellent. A friend bought the album I think. Far Behind was on a compilation tape or something. Something like Now that's what I call Music and he bought the album based off Far Behind. I'm adding these three songs to the category of Music.

I just want to add some of the lyrics from the song You:

And you lonely people
Keep on passin' time away
Yes you lonely people keep on passin'
Pass away

And I'll cry for you, As I die for you
Pain in my heart it is real
And I'll tell you now how I feel inside
Feel in my heart, It's for you

Here is a scripture to go with those lyrics:

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. And also....

1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

I remember "pretending" to lay down my life for my friends at college as a teenager shortly after I started smoking. It caught me by surprise as I had to lay it down before I was ready. I was going to anyway I just wasn't ready when I did.  This was just in word though. I don't have anywhere near that kind of love now.

I do wonder now that I have suffered hugely what does this count towards. Was this laying my life on the line. I really can't wait for the prophesy of no pain no tears no death no mourning. It's going to happen just going to be some suffering before it does. I wonder if anyone will lay down there life for me. Were in a fight. Life is a fight. There's plenty of evil.

It looks like at the moment technology like mind control is stronger than the bible. I guess the bible was always a long shot. There's no evidence for a God. The bible isn't good enough alone.

Do the Governments of the world have their own Christian advisers? Are there secret christians with powers. I never seen anyone with powers. The Govts would know all about people. The bible asks us to lay down our lives. I don't know if i'm capable of that anymore. I no longer ever want to suffer. I'm not prepared to suffer anymore. This post has gone bananas.

Anyway I'm looking for people with No Greater LOVE.

These people are the best. This type of love and people must be rare and not often seen. What sort of love do you possess? Do you have no greater love? Do you lay down your life for others?

Jesus laid down his life for me the bible says. I guess it didn't work. I did inherit some of the earth but i'm kinda dead and tortured so badly. The following scripture after John 15:13 is

John 15:14 You are my friends if you do what I command.

So we are his friends if we obey his commands which I don't know what they are. But if we are his friends he has given his life for us. This should be valuable if true. So who has no greater love amongst you.

Romans 8:17 co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

So that's it for this post. Added one new labels, Lyrics and On The Line.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Children in Syria Picking Bread Pieces Up Off of The Floor.

Poverty on a Global Scale must be dealt with.

Children in Syria picking bread pieces up off of the floor.

Saw this and was sad. Don't really know what to say. They don't get any help. Aid doesn't reach them. There are so many in this situation as well. One of these days someone smart will say enough. The matrix tech could go a long way to helping these people. Perhaps their experience could be translated and understood on a higher level with the tech.

We absolutely need to feed people. The matrix tech will provide wealth for all people great and small. But it is mind control. These people deal with hunger I deal with mind control.

A lot of people live in absolute luxury. I believed when I was younger if I just had enough to keep me self sufficient I could have made a huge dent in the poverty of the world through ideas and thoughts.

I never made it to self sufficiency and picked up a couple of addictions on the way. I could of still succeeded with my addictions in the early years I thought but my light was definitely dampened. It would've been a matter of throwing off the chains of whatever was dragging me down.


Now even if I was to become rich I would probably pick up more addictions. It would just be a matter of being around the the right person who tempts you. Because you've got the money you might indulge. I am aware of addiction and harm yet someone I feel could override my will to resist.

So not to be rich but to be self sufficient. Or to be rich and possibly burn out earlier suffer an early death because of drugs. But having the money meant you can do greater good.

I have way to many distractions in poverty that crowd my life for me to efficiently think. Also now my thinking is effectively crippled.

You think to small.

Video is 2 children from Syria eating bread
Truly my old age sucks. I may have conquered the world but I didn't do one bit to help children like in the video. I guess I have shared in their suffering. Believe it. My suffering was great. Just as great as this. Also it was for 10 years. I had to wait that long for relief. Everyday is a huge weight. Not like the luxury of a rich person.

If I was self sufficient now I could possibly find it within myself to aid people somehow. Still with ideas and thoughts . I have a huge wealth of suffering to draw from as experience. I have the desire. Now I lack the intelligence.

I guess so many people have tried what makes me any different, if I was rich, from a rich man currently trying to solve the issues we face. I don't think I would do any better.

I do desire strongly to be rich though. To have an abundance. To have my needs met. I desire everyones needs are met. But this is a long way from happening.

I would like to setup everyone in my life at the moment financially. Once this is done I would like to dedicate my mind to solving some of the issues that are a heavy burden to us.

I don't know if I could be of any effect at all unless I had some substantial money behind me and then it's not really me it's the money. My mind is just to crippled now.

Destruction. How I feel.
I guess I just want to say that we need to move more people into thinking positions. Positions where they are stable with the fewest possible day to day worries of life. It's the worries that get you. The little distractions that take away from your precious total sum of power that is needed to break past the barrier.

Get more people owning their own homes and living the dream.

I believe more people should can retire comfortably at 35 spend the rest of their life in philanthropy aiding the words problems.

The money is all pooled wrong. The rich have to much and the poor to little.

Like I said. If I had enough money in the right time frame I believe I could've created a fire that would've done a lot of damage to the evil that 's out there.

There must be other younger people than me who feel it in themselves to do something like this if they just have enough money before they get to old. I missed my window.

I think different now that I have suffered. Perhaps if one day I still make it if my phone call gets paid out and I can setup all my friend then because of my suffering I will indeed now be able to help.

Immense suffering exists in the world.
Where by if I never suffered then I wouldn't have the same urgency and couldn't offer nearly the same amount of help. Though I must say I did have a pretty strong desire to think but just needed that security and self sufficiency, I needed the money. I guess I was just naive to how easy it can happen, that you get hurt, and how bad it actually is in the world.

Young people need money and less worries. They are our brightest thinkers. I am basically a dead man now in thinking.

There are some simple things that can be done. Get money to people instead of letting the rich horde it all for themselves in banks and material items. The rich need to spend.

Also secrets need to be revealed. Secrets of the GOVTs of the world. I wait patiently for money from my phone call so I can think in peace. I will try and Remember these children as you should.

I've said enough.

Darcy Lee.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Yelled War Live on Talkback Radio.
MY PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE is all i'm saying, this is the bottom line.  I guess i'm kind of saying America Sucks a little to. This has gone on long enough.
If it were any closer to being broken then it would break is not the truth. It's never going to break. Not by my effort will this happen.

My will to get my phone call on YouTube is immovable. It must be there. This is only fair and real. So i'm saying America Sucks simply because a piece of history is being defamed. My phone call I predict will earn 10 million hits in it's first week. Maybe not but it will get alot. It will gain momentum. No one can say how well it will do but I know that it is history. 

This Phone Call that I made that has been classified must appear on YouTube.

This is my answer to their arguments that they use. Any other opinion about this phone call is a lie. This phone call must appear on youtube.

History must be made whole and right. This phone call is missing. It's not right. It's totally wrong. This phone call must be on youtube.

My phone call is missing from YouTube. 
2 Days Later The Planes Hit The Buildings.

This phone call is a piece of the worlds history in the making. It is art. It is Warfare. 

You the reader must ask yourself and will yourself. This is important. 20 million Unique YouTube Hits says this is important.

Honestly even if it gets 20k in the first few months then still justice and right has been done. 

This phone call must be on YouTube.

I will not back down.

I speak these words "PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE". I stand here, I will not fall. What can come against me?

It must be done.

This phone call must enter the public and be peer reviewed but also by the world not just the elite.

This is a fight against a secret elite.

Phone Call Was My Lifes Blood. Suffering.
Powers and Principalities. 

Phone call on YouTube.

This must happen.

It is truly important for the world.

Immense suffering is behind this. 



Darcy Lee

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Scripture For The Day.


Thought I would post this scripture:

1 Peter 4:1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.

I've got the feeling i've posted this before but I feel a strong attachment to a lot of the scriptures that talk about suffering. I'm hoping that this scripture applies to me. I would like the power to never sin again. That would be an awesome power. If sin is nothing but bad then the ability to avoid it every time would be cool.

So I have armed or am arming myself with this scripture, hoping that my 10 years of suffering qualifies me for the blessings that are spoken of in the bible for people that suffer. This scripture is one of them.

I could do without sin in my life. I wish to never suffer again. I will avoid it greatly I hope. Suffering is horrible and something needs to be done about it. I believe I have suffered enough so others won't suffer. Or how much suffering is enough. Suffering is an evil.

I can't find good things other than scripture about suffering. I certainly from experience don't find anything good about suffering.

Perhaps oneday something good will come from my suffering. Perhaps I never will sin again. Perhaps I am done with sin. I hope so.

Darcy Lee

Monday, December 22, 2014

Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes.

Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes.

Found myself listening to this on 3rd play right now.  I looked it up for the line "It's a one for the money".  There's also a recent movie called that as well.

I'm thinking that I could add more music that I randomly access for one reason or another even if I don't really listen to it more than once. I still have to have a reason for adding it and i'll try and include that reason.  There have been a couple songs that I've forgotten now that I could have included because i looked them up for one reason or another.

Also another reason for giving this a listen is that my auntie, my Mums sister, is a big Elvis fan.

My Aunties kid, my first cousin, who I grew up with but haven't seen for years, the eldest of her kids, is getting married on either the 1st or 2nd of January 2015 and alot of the family are heading to Mt Ruapehu for the ceremony. I'm not going. Would cost heaps to have me stay there. The old saying: "IF I WAS A RICH MAN"

So yeah enjoy Elvis. He was a rich man. He's dead now. I think immortality would be a higher possession than all the riches there are at the moment in this world.

There is an effort to push for immortality but it needs more money and higher profile people. An end to all suffering is what the bible predicts and i'm happy to agree with it. But alas there is much evil in the world and we must take as many precautions as possible.

I could say that i've covered a fair bit of the human suffering that exists in my own body. Manboy have I suffered. No really. I have truly suffered for a very long time and right at the limit of human suffering. Suffering didn't make me strong. But I endured. But my suffering should have changed something. I wonder what my suffering has achieved for me. I say my suffering was so great that things can no longer stay the same or as they were. My suffering has altered the world. If you can share in the sufferings of Jesus Christ like the bible says then I have done that.

Failing that. Well my suffering was so great that I predict it will impact the world in a huge way. Thus far people only fail to interpret exactly how much I have suffered. I am told that in Africa they suffer more. I came under the power of the Government Executioners. They tortured me with modern technology. Far greater than any natural suffering I endured. It was inflicted upon me. There isn't a mark on my body to show my suffering. As far as you are aware I am normal. I have never suffered. People can't recognise great suffering in others if they have never suffered themselves. The world by my suffering that took place is now different. It can never happen again.

Really there needs to be a huge push for the end of suffering and a huge push for immortality. Right out in the open. With everyone taking part. There are jobs for everyone, they just haven't been named.

I should have a job really. I can use a computer better than alot of people. But saying that any literate teenager would have the same skills that I have now adays and better as they do it all with a cell phone and I barely use my cell phone at all.

Scripture for the day:

Proverbs 27:12  A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

There is plenty of evil in the world in the form of people.

Recognise my suffering.

Donate for my house and car and lighter lifestyle. When I have my own house then my suffering has been recognised in part. I repeat. You must recognise my suffering. There is heaps to be learned by it. Don't let my suffering be wasted on you. I have truly suffered. I say things.

I have earned a house of my own through blood. Yet I still don't have one. My suffering was great. I now need a house please. I through suffering have changed the world. But this is not recognised either. The world will be a better place, that I have existed and suffered.

I have changed the world. Through suffering.

For this change I ask for my own house not much else. Respect.

Darcy Lee

Monday, November 3, 2014

Brain Decoder Can Eavesdrop On Your Inner Voice

Brain decoder can eavesdrop on your inner voice.  

This is a link to an article that describes how they can read your mind.  They have been able to do this for years and it is far more advanced than you think.

They have the ability to control us.  They can read our minds from a distance.  I have been made deaf by their machine that constantly analyses me.  

This is only what they are showing us.  They can do far more.  You have been warned.

They torture me.

LOL not funny...

Darcy Lee

Sunday, October 26, 2014

MineCraft, But No Really Suffering and Torture.

Never really played minecraft that much. Didn't see the point in moving blocks around and the version I had was real hard. Once you died u died. This city is impressive enough to add to my website though. Found this on my facebook page. 4.5 million hand placed blocks.

If only we could devote such time and dedication to building housing and feeding people in real life.

Some of the things people do for attention on Youtube cost a lot of money and consume a lot of time. Money would be better spent helping the homeless and feeding people. I want to see more of an effort alleviating peoples misery and suffering and pain. I can't really talk myself. I mean what am I doing over and above what others are doing.  Nothing at all.  I play World of Warcraft all day and night and waste my life away.

I have suffered terribly so know what it's like. It would be awesome to alleviate peoples suffering. But how.  What can I do. I ask these questions but don't have any answers. I guess first I really need to secure myself? Perhaps. But i'm fairly stable. I have the same bills each week.

I find I fall away from such ideas all to easy.

Like the saying "The Truth Will Set You Free". I reckon I need to do some soul searching and find some place to stand. I need to find the truth that will set people free. Thing is many people have come before me. They were much smarter. It's my suffering experience that wants me to help alleviate others suffering. But i'm not smart enough.

Although I have suffered I am not motivated at all to help others. Perhaps it helps to be kind. But this doesn't help another. Some people are unreachable perhaps violent.

The Matrix tech could possibly help with communication and could provide strength and healing. But that tech being revealed is far out of my hands though I once grasped such power if only for a few days.

So what can I do to help? If I were to give the orders they would be incorrect. If I were to follow orders I would fail. The issues of the world need stronger smarter people than me.

One problem is the smart people don't understand suffering. These people live in a paradise and suffering is so far removed from them that there isn't enough urgency. If suffering could be explained better and people could understand it better then perhaps such people would be more willing to help a sufferer and less willing to inflict suffering.

So much money is spent on weapons of death. If this money was to be converted to life instead we would be better off. Anyway again I have fallen away from helping the poor and suffering. I don't know how to help. I'm no longer suffering so it doesn't concern me maybe. But no. People are all to willing to inflict suffering, it even brings them pleasure to see others suffer.

It is truly an evil world we live in. Evil currently reigns. It's hard to see it ever ending.

God has failed. This has been going on for millions of years. I guess tech has to catch up. So if we don't wipe ourselves out then there are still going to be losers. Hopefully there will be justice and everyone can agree that it is justice.  Even the punished.

I don't see any justice at the moment. Evil has free reign. Evil is able to inflict torture on other humans. I am tortured by the American Govt. No one believes me. They have the power to read your minds. No one believes. I want to be free but I am not. I haven't done anything wrong.

I said America Sucks a few times. They torture me for this. Because I first spoke in unique arrangement some of the lyrics that now appear in many famous songs by many famous artists and said America Sucks a few times right before they were going to tell the world they torture me. This is not right. But you won't believe me.

Everyone gets away with so much because of unbelief.

I am tortured by the Govt. This is my only problem in life apart from poverty. But the Govt denies what I speak and you don't believe. You don't think them able of such things. The matrix tech is used to torture me every day and night. I have no rest from it. When will you come to my aid.

When will you stand up for me.

If it happens to me it happens to others. These people are murderous.

They torture for fun and pleasure and revenge no other reason.

I am innocent. They brought this upon themselves by their own choices.

They chose to watch instead of help. They left me to suffer. They drugged me. Because I didn't like the songs and said America Sucks they chose and tortured me.

This is the worst modern type of torture you can imagine. Please help.

Only those who believe my words can help me. Now I know no one believes. No one bothers to help me. No one comes. No one does what it right. No one listens. Everyone is right except what I say. No one takes any notice of what I say. I am just delusional to you. Yet I don't lie. Yet I am not delusional. Yet I am not Schizophrenic. The Govt calls me Skitz and drugs me. They do this all the mean time torturing me with mind control tech.  I have suffered so much.

No one believes me.

No one has experienced my suffering. Right now my left ear rings louder than any tinnitus could possibly make.  It's so loud. They are torturing me for writing this. They subvert all my thoughts. They limit them so they fit inside their computers memory. I'm not allowed good thoughts. They say the opposite to everything good.

But you don't believe me. You believe their words and appearances. You believe what they have made me with their machines. They have made me deaf and retarded. Tech has done this. Not my lifestyle. They use people's unbelief so that I am a nutcase skitzophrenic and you and your thoughts are safe you believe.

Why do you let them torture me? It's your unbelief that lets them do it.

You have failed as friends and good people. There is no one good. Not one person believes my testimony. I don't hold any weight other than I am a crazy in your eyes.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fish Feel Pain.

Found this article here about how fish feel pain.  I knew that Birds, Cats and Dogs feel pain but there has long been a myth that fish don't feel pain.  Poor Earth.  Everything suffers.  Next they will say grass suffers.  Have a read.

Ila France Porcher is a self-taught, published ethologist and the author of "The Shark Sessions." A wildlife artist who recorded the behavior of animals she painted, Porcher was intrigued by sharks in Tahiti and launched an intensive study to systematically observe them following the precepts of cognitive ethology. Credited with the discovery of a way to study sharks without killing them, Porcher has been called "the Jane Goodall of sharks" for her documentation of their intelligence in the wild. She contributed this article to Live Science's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

Researchers at Yale Law School made headlines recently, when they suggested that people often fail to question their political beliefs in the face of scientific discoveries that contradict them. The study showed how people reason selectively, and interpret data in such a way that it conforms with their political vantage point.

This phenomenon is evident in the pseudoscience related to fisheries, a multi-billion dollar industry that has taken control of the planet's wild fish populations and the public's perceptions of these animals. Despite available facts, industry conclusions are always in favor of fishermen, not fish.

Though rigorous scientific research has established beyond all doubt that the pain system in fish is virtually identical to that of mammals, the fishing industry has maintained that fish are too simple-minded to feel pain. As a result, most people seem to believe the old fishermen's tale that no matter how you brutalize fish and sharks, they won't suffer, and the abuse continues with almost no public outcry or protest.

Yet no evidence has ever been produced to support the idea that an animal could live successfully, and survive, without the ability to feel pain, an important warning sensation. It would result in inappropriate behavior, and the fish would go straight into evolution's garbage can. Only a small percentage of fish who come into the world live to adulthood, and any weakness would doom them. [Do Fish Feel Pain? The Debate Continues ]

Neither do observations of fish behavior support the idea. Fish appear cautious and careful, and display cognitive behavior in their efforts to eat food, such as sea urchins, that could sting them. Indeed, the evolution of urchin defenses, as well as a host of other oceanic stingers, seem to have depended on the ability of fish to feel pain.

The subjective idea of fish feeling no pain has persisted, even though it fails to fit in with established science.

The study of pain in fish

Since animals cannot tell us how they feel, scientists have searched indirectly for evidence about their subjective experiences, in the studies of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and behavior. Researchers have developed strict criteria, all of which need to be met, before they can conclude that an animal can feel pain .

First, there must be nociceptors — sensory neurons that respond to tissue damage by sending nerve signals to the spinal cord and brain. There must be neural pathways from the nociceptors to higher brain regions, and the signal from the nociceptor must be processed in the higher brain, not in the reflex centers in the hindbrain or spinal cord.

There must be opioid receptors within the nervous system, and opioid substances produced internally. Painkilling drugs should relieve the symptoms of pain that the animal displays, and the animal should be able to learn to avoid a painful stimulus. This should be so important to the animal that it avoids the threat of pain right away. The painful event should strongly interfere with normal behavior — it should not be an instantaneous withdrawal response, but long-term distress.

Fish meet all of those criteria, as has been shown in a wide variety of experiments. Their nociceptors are nearly identical to those found in mammals and humans, and the nociceptors are connected to the brain through neurons. There are also connections between the different structures of the brain, including those that are considered crucial to the experience of pain. The whole brain of the fish is active during painful events.

In addition to neural activity, certain genes that are crucial to the experience of pain in humans are also found in fish, and they are active throughout the fish's brain during painful events. This activity of the brain, at both the molecular and the physiological level, indicates that these are not reflex reactions. If they were, such activity would not be seen in the higher brain.

How fish react to pain

Fish have displayed a variety of adverse changes in their behavior after the infliction of pain, such as an extreme increase in their ventilation (respiratory) rate, rubbing damaged body parts on the surrounding environment, rocking on their pectoral fins, trying to stay upright and no longer feeding. These, and other symptoms of distress, are relieved by the administration of morphine, which completes the circle and identifies pain as the cause of the change in behavior.

Like other animals tested in laboratory settings, fish have been shown to self-administer painkillers if they can — even if that means going into a location that they do not like — to bathe in water that medicates them. This is another clue that the fish were suffering, and found relief in the undesirable location.

Fish swiftly learn to avoid painful events, which researchers think indicates that they are conscious — they experience the pain so severely that they are strongly motivated to avoid feeling it again, even after just one exposure.

Though humans can override pain, at times, in certain heightened mental states — particularly when in danger — it seems that fish cannot do so. Studies have shown that after being hurt, fish become far less alert to danger, as if their pain is too overwhelming for them to ignore it, even to escape a predator. It is thought that due to their simpler neural design and mental states, fish lack the ability to think about their pain and put it in perspective as humans can. Pain for fish seems always to be an intense experience, which suggests that they may actually feel pain more intensely than humans.

When Rebecca Dunlop of Queensland University discovered that fish learn to avoid painful experiences, she wrote, "Pain avoidance in fish doesn't seem to be a reflex response, but rather one that is learned, remembered and is changed according to different circumstances. Therefore, if fish can perceive pain, then angling [fishing] cannot continue to be considered a noncruel sport."

Because of such findings, there has been meticulous research into the best way to relieve pain in fish during surgery. Because the pain system in fish appears to be the same as that in birds and mammals, veterinarians systematically use pain relief while performing surgery on fish. Given that they are conscious, and may suffer on an emotional level, fish welfare emerges as an important issue.

Yet while amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have been protected from cruel treatment, fish and sharks have not, thanks to the domination of those who profit from killing them.

There was more to the article so check it out on the website if your interested.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hey Joe Jimi Hendrix.

Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe.

It's pretty late here.  It's like 15 minutes past 3amm in the morning as I write this first sentence.  I came to this version of Hey Joe by Jime Hendrix Live by thinking on the word Angel which can also be pronounced  as Age Ole or also I was saying it as Hey Joe.  So Angel = Age Ole = Hey Joe.  I didn't like HEY JOE when I first looked it up again a little while ago.  Perhaps when I was listening to A11 Along The Watch Tower.  But I remember liking hey Joe as a teenager.  I'm including hey Joe because i've given it a few plays now and also this paragraph has clues as to why i'm adding it.

What have I been doing?  Well playing more WOW.  I'm levelling a shaman to 60 and it's going to be my boost toon.  I was going to boost a 60 priest that I specially levelled but i'll probably just hand level him unless I become rich and suddenly get heaps of money enough to COUGH COUGH buy a level 90 or two. It sucks how you can buy level 90's now.  It makes it a rich mans game.  Guess it means if you pay $65 for each level 90 that my account is worth somewhere round $260 dollars for say the cost of four 90s that I have.  But this $260 dollars is nothing in comparison to the actual amount of hours I have invested in some of my characters.  It works out at about one dollar per 24 hours played sitting in chair.

I'm a terrible World of Warcraft Player.  I have no smarts.  Anywho.

Battlesheep was a domain I checked out but it's gone to some Portugal gaming company.  I check out domain names regularly and write down good ones I think are will be ok.  Most are stupid but who knows maybe one day i'll think of a good one.

I actually stumped Google a little while ago.  I searched for the word Militourance.  Google had absolutely no results what so ever for this word.  It's a word I invented myself and if it ain't in Google then it probably hasn't been thought of yet.  What do you think it means, what's the definition of the word?  It's quite hard to stump Google.  Also the word Miltourance stumps google.

I actually have hurt my back.  About three days ago I felt something kind twinge or snap or move in my lower back and it's been hurting ever since.  The first night was the worst I couldn't even move hardly it was very painful to move anyway.

Leave you with this.  According to the bible oneday there will be no pain no tears no mourning or the last enemy, no DEATH.  This means that we are still primitive and we must therefore think and take action perhaps fight hard to arrive at a place such as this.

With thought and truth it can be done much faster than we think possible perhaps.

I want to see a place like this where everyone is safe.  It would be nice to know GOD if he was real.  Like to prove that GOD was real or not would solve heaps of problems.  It would answer alot of questions for so many people.  Many many people follow religion and GOD and intertwine it with there very nature and being.  But this seems to much of a challenge to solve the answer of IS THERE A GOD?

Ok i'm going to bed now.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

End of Pain. A Call Into The Wilderness for Soldiers.

Posted this today on my usual forums.  Got pretty much ignored as usual.  Anyway here is the post for future reference:

Place your vote and opinion here. Do you want to end pain for all creatures on earth and perhaps the polyverse (universe).

If you say no then you haven't experienced pain. You might of had the odd thrill with it. But wait. You still don't understand the potential.

All pain needs to be ended now.

Also if you say no and want to see pain continue then you should expect your own pain.

Whos to say whether pain is natural or not. Perhaps it's an invasion and our rulers using it to command us. I joke really.

Nobody knows what pain is. Pain is not good. It is the opposite. I vote to end pain now.

Join me as soldiers in a planned all out attack and war on pain.

If we lead others will follow. Be a light to the world.

I've lead a solo effort foray and initial attack into suffering by suffering. This perhaps give me experience but I still have no weapons other than a crappy mind and body which can't be relied on for the truth.

A couple of scriptures: 1 Peter 4:1 Because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. If this is true then this is me. I have suffered in great depth and magnitude. But alas suffering is really more of a breeding ground for hate. If this is true then I can't sin any more for this is how much I have suffered. I only wish it was true. But don't think so.

2nd scripture: Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away

This scripture predicts the end of pain. I think this is an easy prediction to make. Whether there is a God or not pain must end for everyone.

Why should we think this to hard. It's not to hard. I also predict an end to pain.

The more people that post in this thread the more is being done. Do your bit.

We must be soldiers. Everyone, every living creature with the potential to suffer is on your side.

Soldiers use whatever they have available. Use what you got. Fire at will.

We need organisation and a long as it takes concentrated effort.

Honestly I have suffered and nobody knows. This is all suffering.

I am not an officer. I'm more of a tank. I have tanked so much suffering. Perhaps this suffering forwards me as a higher rank than you. I have knowledge but I lack fire. I don't know how to pass on the knowledge of pain and its bottemless depths. Pain needs to be ended.

I'm trying to start a fire. Please help me start a fire by posting the obvious or whatever you have. Be a soldier.

We need weapons. We are unarmed blind and deaf.

Everyone Post your Orders for people. Call out into the wilderness.

I'm looking for soldiers. Do you consider yourself a soldier? All hands and every man on deck.

If your not a soldier then your a burden and your divided against yourself as everyone who has the potential to suffer is a soldier. You can't deny. Absolutely everyone is needed in the fight till death.

We need highly motivated but inexperienced people to carry the message of great suffering and tribulation. It needs to be preached. Great suffering.

Preach about suffering. Cut down anything that causes suffering. Avoid suffering yourself. Find weaknesses and grey areas that aren't so dark. I don't know what orders to give you. Just be on the alert. Such great suffering exists that anyone can be prone to. Be fighting. Suffering is an evil.

Hey if the bible says there will be no more suffering and pain then it's got to be true right? I say just give it time. But we need more urgency and effort and power invested right away. This is a warning to everyone. Suffering is unrighteous and an almighty wrong. It is a weapon that is used against us all the time. I perhaps have said some wrong things here. But I am just trying to prepare you for what you don't know. We need to fight this at the bottom which this is as well as the top which is more likely the Govt. Every man, woman, child and lifeform.

I am Soldier. I have suffered just as great as any soldier. I have earned the right to call myself a soldier for the battles I have been in and the endurance I have shown. I give you warnings. You need to fight everyday. Pain is a deadly and great enemy. I don't understand it. I don't know what it is. But I don't like it and I never want to suffer again but yet I still have this potential.

Don't consider yourselves immune. Everyone is susceptible. This is why you need to get your soldier on. The weak need to be defended perhaps. The strong need to spend there strength.

This is a call on your life. Do everything with all your might. I hope your ready for war. I can't prepare you. Sorry I can't tell you much. Imagine your worst. Foolish people will pass this thread by and consider themselves safe. No one is safe.

Be a man. Man up. Fight. End pain now. Are you a soldier yet? You are whether you think so or not.

Got any ideas? I guess no one will even post in this thread. Pain is ignored and left alone. All I know is that we need soldiers and they need to be forcefully advancing.

I'm on the side where there will be no more pain. Beware the enemy.

Post in this thread. Comfort others. Alleviate and Liberate. Fight until we win. Play your position.

Perhaps if someone else posts in this thread they may give you orders or practical things that you can do to fight pain.

Perhaps you could post your war stories here about battles you've had with pain to inform others.

We need more of a consensus on pain. I am starting this thread in hope of achieving this and other objectives regarding pain. This is of the utmost urgency. Pain needs a fight to the end. I can't stress how urgent it is to get rid of pain. If you don't know then its very hard to explain. Be a soldier is all I ask. Be a soldier.


The truth of pain is.....

Darcy Lee.

That was end of thread.  Pls leave a comment below.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Immortality. War On Death.

Don't even bother reading this.  I decided that i'm going to add my former Immortalitywarondeath website to this page.  It's basically a wall of text.  This is the first half anyway.  I wrote this like 8-9 years ago.  I had this webpage hosted on a free host but it's since shut down.  This is the text I was writing when I first started blogging 8 years ago.  Here is the easy to copy text.


Transfered site to new host and added Google Adsense day.




World suffering in the universe day. Thing.

Build robots. Slaves and servants.


Proberly the hardest thing i've found so far about this website is getting traffic. If you don't have a good idea or someway of being noticed then you just don't get any traffic. Apparently there is something of a two month time period for new websites to start showing up in search engines. I expect this will be alot longer for myself. It's called the sandbox effect or something. This website is about 2 months old now and i've had hardly any hits but thats what I knew would happen in the early days all along. If I just keep adding content via this blog and finding more links and other relevant interesting stuff and keep expanding the site by working each day on it then search engines eventually shouldn't have any problem with giving me a decent ranking.

How long do I want to carry on this site for? Hmm. Well I would like to see more people getting involved in immortality so I think I should be able to go for a while. I'm having trouble blogging I guess because well i'm new and also i'm not to bright and well I just don't have good ideas and am not very good at communicating them even if I do which I don't. More interesting than immortality for me is proberly money. I really want your money, gimme your money perhaps because i'm crazy enough to have presented such a dumb thing and you feel pity. Surely you feel pity. You proberly laughing going like haha me give you money hahahahahahaha. Some people will give me money (maybe) just because i'm asking for it. Really thats all i'm doing, i'm asking you to give me money without me doing anything for it and you receiving nothing in return. This is a new medium "the internet" with which I can contact billions of people from all over the globe without leaving my house and since i'm contacting you why not ask you for money. I guess I don't make a very good case for you to give me money. There's lots of competition to. Contacting random people over the internet and asking them for money this is what i'm doing, the numbers stack up, for the millions of potential of people that are able to read and might stumble across this site a few will actually make a donation and well I make some money for basically doing nothing, just for asking.

Immortality, what are your opinions. I guess i'm going to die. Thats really sad. Anyones death is a sad thing. I actually think it's wrong that people should die. Life is actually really hard but few grasp this I think or people do grasp this but can do very little about it. This is sad as well. Something I would say is that life is really hard. Even though now you might not find it hard there will be times in your life that are unbearable. Everyones kinda new at living, the experiences of how hard life can be are very difficult to communicate especially to the some that live in complete heaven. People are doing things but I really think that a major paradigm shift needs to take place. Something so incredibly powerful needs to be imagined and created. I'm a dreamer totally. I would pray and have prayed but there is no god to answer. So the thing is on humanity to better things.

Things I have learned in life that I can communicate but won't really be understood are things like "don't do drugs", any kind of drugs, even the least harmful like marijuana even just a little. America has been waging a war on drugs but from all accounts they've been losing, but they shouldn't give up. Every life they draw away from the drug scene is so infinitely valuable and makes the effort worth while. Drugs are a very bad thing. Another thing i've experinced is watching less intelligent people out preform way more intelligent people simply by putting in a few hours work each day while others are out enjoying themselves. A couple of hours study each day or less but each day kicks the ass of lot of people. But it's finding the motivation but more so the wisdom to be able to do a little extra each day. It just adds up the work that you do. Yup I got my ass kicked. So with this principle i'm going to try and spend time each day trying to improve this site mainly by just surfing and entertaining myself through the internet and adding stuff that I find relevant and fitting. A little bit of work each day if you can manage it and just adds up and then when you look at the big picture eventually you've put in massive time.

I watched a friend study a little each day after school when we were at school and he did this everyday (don't know how to keep doing it everyday all the time but if you can see it's only a little time each day but it adds up to the total picture) he beat people in marks way more intelligent than him just by doing a little each day of course i'm so jealous of him now (a little each day you know such wisdom). Then we started smoking marijuana together. He chose to give it up and not smoke it as that is what was right to him, and I kept smoking. Now i'm the drug addled crazy person and hes the person whos done lots of hard work but it wasn't really hard work at all it was just a daily thing, a little each day. I'm so envious. I'm the loser and I get to watch others have wonderful lifes and see there decisions like not to smoke marijuana bear fruit like retaining your sanity. I discovered marijuana causes mental illness by smoking it. Argh. Yep i'm sick and crazy now while others who made the right choices have nothing but wonderful safe lives ahead of them. So the thing is don't do drugs, any kind it's wisdom that can be read but is rarely understood. A little each day over time you come to have alot. Physical fitness is the same. It's just a little each day but to understand this I don't. So i'll post a letter from my doctor that I have asked for that will say exactly what they think is wrong with me maybe you'll give me money cause. So um study a little each day, do a little of something each day that will keep adding up, don't do drugs, ever, anykind, and work out just a little each day cause. Eat well. One step at a time a little each day.

Such wisdom my friend had over me and the whole time I thought I was like doing the right thing. It's like the movie basket ball diaries when Leonardo Decaprio sees someone he was playing basketball with make the american allstar team or something and thats where he could have been himself. I've failed at life magnificently. Just by doing a little each day and staying on track with what is right and not being lead by others who are mostly out for a quickie. I dunno really i'm so sad. Yeah I lost my life. So I have to learn by where others have succeeded and try to follow in there footsteps, a little each day but I don't have the health anymore, my excuse. I'm always going to have an excuse just as I had excuses then. I've lost my life. I'm one of the stupid people now. Really I have never not been stupid but it really shows up now by the pain I experience. Life was good before marijuana. Marijuana's not safe for everyone but its deemed fine by the majority, it can cause mental illness (pain). Hidden trap and nothing to spot it with. Some spot it though like my friend.

Gimme money cause i'm not very bright and have done so much stupid stuff and immortality. Watch those who have made it and learn from them I guess, copy. Don't do drugs. Any. Learn this. Any. Stay in school and study. One day at a time. Eat well. Exercise. Definately don't smoke cigarettes (I smoke)(yes i'm that stupid). I'll add more things that i've observed but don't practice myself in future blogs. Common sense easy stuff you hear all the time. Watch out for your peers. You may find you have to put alot of effort into not doing what there doing and what there doing is incredibly tempting. I can't blame peers i'm not allowed. Watch though. Temptation. Fight? I'm partially crazy thanks. This has been a "my own fault" blog entry.


I don't know what to say now. I'm going to be poor all my life. To make money through the internet you have to be talented, original and creative. Those sorta things. I'm going to be poor all my life. Did I mention hard work. If I work really hard I would make some money. So with the internet if I work hard I can make some money. I'm going to be poor all my life. I would like to work hard but i'm not talented, original and creative. Motivation. If I motivate myself to work hard using the internet I can make some money. I'm very interested in money. It would be a huge rest you see. So if I can just work hard. The internet is the new way to make money. It's an audience all round the world. But it's about hard work. I'm not the hard working type but the oppurtunity to make money by just hard work and the internet is very powerful. But alas i'm going to be poor all my life. Anyway can I ride on your hard work by you giving me money. Proberly not. Anyway I like the idea of hard work if I get money. It's worth it. Hard work is the key it will get you places. Hard work is impossible for me though. So through the internet and hard work. Money. I want money. Gimme your money. For free. Donation. The internet is amazing now. I can sit here at my keyboard and ask you for money and you can transfer it to me electronically by credit card into my paypal account and I can then put it into my bank account and spend it. This is amazing. I going to work really hard to take advantage of this. People all round the world can give me money. Everything is hard work. If your sick then your hard work is not at the same level as others. I've been lazy all my life. If people work hard they reap there own rewards. Guess if I really want money then I will work hard. The internet. It's new. Gimme money. Everything I say makes sense. You know it.


The internet I think is just starting to take off. Websites like You Tube which hosts millions of videos from people all over the world for your viewing pleasure are very new. Broadband internet is still new and not available to everyone yet because of cost but broadband for many people already has opened the door to graphic and video intensive websites. One of the things I noticed on You Tube was what was called a Vlog, a Video log, people making a video diary or commentary and interacting with each other with an audience. All you need is a webcam to start posting videos. So the internet is just starting to take off. You can become famous now. Some videos on You Tube get 3 million plus views. There's lots of money to be made with the internet. I'm begging because i'm not very smart or talented or skilled and i'm poor. So gimme money. Make yourself famous. Immortality. We are allowed to fight. One way I want to tackle the problem of death is through a numbers game. The more people that are working for the cause of immortality, actively doing stuff, war - ing, then the faster we get there. The more people that become interested. So i'm going to run this website for a few years hopefully. Just asking for money and mentioning immortality. People are alot smarter than me and have alot more power and they are already doing things for immortality. From this corner i'm just beginning. The internet is only just beginning as well. So anyway things I want and need to be more comfortable are a house, vehicle like a scooter, and thats about it. So gimme money, please. War effort.


Added this webpages own immortality plus general forum today.


Within my blog as I write it I hope to come up with ideas that will lead to receiving lots of donations and traffic. You really have to be original and inspirational I think. What will draw people to my blog and keep them coming back? Anyway thats my current plan, to just keep adding entries to my blog to add content, information and learn. Become more skilled at blog writing. An idea I have at the moment just for something fun to do is to take photographs of all my material possessions and display them in a gallery on this site. As I get new possessions i'll add them to the gallery along with a datestamp. People might find it amusing to see every single item I own. Anyway it's just something i'm going to do for myself just like this site. One more thing. I will add more videos to the videos page soon and upgrade the layout. The ones I select are mainly because they amuse me and I hope that they will entertain others as well. My guestbook has a few entries now, it's mainly advertising but i'll leave them in anyway. Immortality's not something thats going to be easy but I just really think that with all the suffering that has taken place in the history of the earth even back to the dinosaurs that it's just a matter of time. I'm preparing myself for death. Immortality though. I think it's just time. There's been so much misery, suffering and sorrow in the world that oneday surely something will correct it. Immortality. Gimme money if you can/want even though yet I haven't shown why you should. E-begging. It's hard work earning each and every single donation. Immortality.


I now have 5 different forums listed in my links below. If your interested in immortality join one of the forums and start posting and expressing your ideas. People are much more charismatic and skilled than me at expressing ideas so i'm recruiting you for just that. You the reader have to stop me from dieing. Through your efforts you can possibly stop me from dieing and in the same instance stop yourself from dieing. At the moment I believe in something like resurrection. Even if I die at some stage in the future I will be resurrected to immortality. This has nothing to do with god. Humans will be the ones who will resurrect me and in the new world I am born into there will be no sickness, no death, nothing bad, a place like heaven. So I guess this website is voicing the opinion that immortality is dead set and that everyone alive right now will be resurrected and if they've done good like haven't murdered anyone etc then they have eternal life. The problem with the "now" is that there is still sickness, suffering. How does one person possibly do something about this. Well I encourage you to help people that are suffering or sick. Read as much information about as much stuff as you can. Donate money to causes that you think will help humanity. Humanity will eventually reach immortality and then begin resurrecting everyone who has died and they will be judged. Before then suffering and misery needs to be controled and reduced as much as possible. Some people are so desperate, in so much pain that it's impossible for the ordinary person to comprehend. I don't know what to do but i'm doing this. It is of course possible that I don't need to die and that immortality can be discovered in my life time. Thats up to you the reader. I have about 30-40 years left to live. If I die it's all your fault. Lazy asses. End suffering now.


You the reader have to stop me from dieing. If I die its all your fault. Lazy asses. I'm sorry for complaining about dieing.


The reason for this blog is to add content to my site over time. It's also the means of communication i'm using to ask for money. This is my first ever site and it was something I wanted to do to see if I could and so I could do it again. This site was completed using just html which I don't have very much skill at but it still shows how much power someone can have on the net if only they have the right topic. I'm not registered with any search engines yet but i'm hoping that as I add content and relevance that I will get a listing for some keywords in google. If you have the right information about a certain keywords that people search for you can rank highly in search engines and receive alot of traffic. So the stage i'm at now is learning how to get a high page rank in search engines. There's alot of competition for keywords and people are much more skilled than me but hopefully i'll learn eventually. So anyway gimme money for a house and if your interested in immortality then do something about it.


Possibly all I will achieve with this website is to embarrass myself and provide some opinion and views that are not realistic and even crazy. I'll keep warning people of the dangers of reading what I have written to minimize how much I embarrass myself. It is inevitable that I shall. Um I have already embarressed myself haven't I. My opinion is that immortality is impossible in my life time meaning that I am going to die. I'm going to get old. What i'm going to do with the time I have before getting to old and dieing is to run this website for a while with words like immortality appearing every so often (and gimme money). Those interested in immortality will have there own opinions about it and will undertake there own work. Those not interested in immortality I will annoy immensly and perhaps even receive abuse from them. Hopefully people will give me money just because. Um what i'm saying is that immortality is something that just interests me and more people should be doing stuff about it but really I'm just asking for money. I'm just asking for money and mentioning immortality. So to round up what I've been saying gimme money and do stuff about immortality if you want to because there is hope for it I say. Disclaimer: Any money given will be spent by me on what I feel like and you will be laughed at by others if you tell them what you did.

21/9/06 - Evening

Ageing and stuff then death is reality. Some people like the current way of things. Immortality for the human race is surely impossible in my lifetime. I'm going to die. 6 billion other people are going to die as well. Everyone thats alive right now. All dead. I should still do work towards immortality though I think. It kinda seems obvious. But i'm dead. In like 80 years from now i'll be dead. Who cares. All dead. I think it's pain I fear more than death. War on pain. Losing my mind. Pain. This is a dream site. 6 Billion people will build stuff and think some stuff and do other stuff before they die. Sufferings dumb. Im standing in an endless universe. Sufferings dumb. Everything that can be done is being done. Im not saying very interesting stuff. You get used to standing in an endless universe and it becomes ho-hum I guess. I'm going to die and you the reader have to stop that. But alas i'm still going to die. Others have more power than me. They should show it off. I could have a theme for this website like "you the reader have to stop me from dieing". If I die its all your fault. Lazy asses. I'm sorry for complaining about dieing. The reader doesn't care if I die. People do are off showing I guess. Can I interest you in trying to stop me from dieing. Trying not to die yourself and succeeding would proberly mean I wouldn't die. Thats what I mean. Um. Crazy people on the net. Yeah so we're all going to die. Ho hum. If you want me to shut up then stop reading. Ha ha.

21/9/06 - Morning

This is my first effort at a real web page. The hardest part about making a web page would be getting the traffic to actually view it. Putting it together can be simple enough and even text only pages with the fewest of graphics can attract hundreds of thousands of hits. Its all about the information the page is presenting that attracts thousands of hits. I guess really this site is a blog at it's core. I'm going to experiment by adding entries to the blog over time and watch the size of the site increase. I'll hopefully keep it ticking over nicely for a while as really just something to amuse myself and figure out how everything works with regards to harnessing traffic and becoming perhaps more graphical with even more links. This website is an incredibly simple thing to maintain really. The first thing you need for a war on death is an army. I guess because immortality is in the realm of scientists and not the ordinary folk to figure out then the ordinary folk are more like support staff and motivators and finacers and other roles related to immortality but not the actual discoverers or inventers. An army saying goes "We stand alone together". Thats proberly what i'm looking for people to do. In an army. Actually people will have much better resources and ideas about immortality than me. I'm not ordering anyone to do anything. I'm running this website so that I can raise enough money for a house. Immortality interests me and once I get a house then I guess i'll keep trying to get more money. Because money is a useful tool towards living and living is a useful tool towards achieving immortality.


There are 6 billion people on the planet currently. Thats alot of power. I'm wondering what things can be achieved by say 5 billion people over 5 years. You really have to ponder on or think on the number 5 billion people for a while to begin to understand the scale. So what things can 5 billion people over 5 years accomplish. 5 years in the future from the year 2006 the world will be a completely different place because 5 billion people have been doing stuff. The world will be more powerful, things will be easier. But you really do have to again imagine the number 5 billion people in your mind and all the work that this number of people is doing. The work that 5 billion people are doing is changing the world incredibly rapidly. In 5 years from now the world will be more advanced. 5 billion people. This number of people shouldn't find anything difficult. Perhaps it's a harnessing problem. 5 billion.


This is the first blog entry. My war on death is just an idea im playing with. Immortality interests me greatly. This is really an e-begging site so you have been warned. The spin on this e-begging site is to include the words "immortality", "war" and "death". I am very serious about these things though. I have lots of free time to set up websites and use forums and generally communicate using the internet so this is how my war on death and will proceed. As I live I will use the internet to further the cause of immortality. This site won't attract many hits so it's not exactly going to achieve much, but even a little bit counts. There are lots of ways the individual can help with the war on death. I think one of the best things that can be done is to get more people involved. I guess theres only a small movement at the moment because immortality is perceived as either not being possible or so far in the future that it's not really worth bothering with at the moment. I hope to inspire and motivate others to join the war and through this war end death forever. The internet has opened the door to cheap mass communication and will be a great tool in changing attitudes and bringing on board more people who can then add their ideas and time to the overall completion of the task of immortality. Everybody needs to be mobilised and working. Many hands make light work. If your interested in immortality then voice your opinion on websites, in chatrooms and on forums. Do some work for your own personal gain and enjoyment. I'm in a war and i'm going to drag as many people as possible into it as well.

I'm not going to make any money with this am I. Hehe.

That was from my former website.



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