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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

House of Fire

House of Fire - Alice Cooper.

Alice Cooper.
My landlord was playing Alice on his phone and this was one of the songs that played. The other was Billion Dollar Baby which i'm adding below. I like billion dollar better. Adding to Music 2.

While just looking to add billion dollar baby I came across Poison by Alice Cooper. I had this song going through my head for a while. Upgrading this from Music 2 to Music. I like both Poison and Billion Dollar Baby so for this reason it gets it's upgrade. Both these songs are great. Old. But Great.

Alice Cooper - Poison.

Check This Out.

Billion Dollar Babies - Alice Cooper.

There are probably 100 billion dollar babies out there right now. Soldiers of the USA and other countries. They tend to keep things secret if you didn't know. They want every advantage they can get. The enemy is now the public. These secrets keep us in the dark and prevent progression. Things like ALIENS, Matrix Technology and even something like my epic radio talkback phone call where I declared WAR and made a defense then two days later the planes hit the buildings.

With Arms Wide Open.

All the tech that goes into these billion dollar babies is kept secret. There are medicines I believe that are available that are kept secret. Medicine would be the driving force behind these babi3s.

All this could lead to immortality. These types of research. Give up your secrets Universe.

Scripture for the day:

Daniel 12:4
many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased

I myself am hoping to increase my own personal knowledge. I don't know whats good for me though. What is knowledge related to truth.

I have knowledge of Matrix Virtual Reality Technology. Not many have this knowledge and few believe when presented with it. Most figure it far far into the future if ever. Most think their own mind is safe and secure. Well I know that it's possible to read your mind from a distance through tech. You should think about this. Consider that your mind is known by some people high up. No one believes.

Anyway this post is long enough.

Onwards to immortality.

Added Label "Research".

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Nirvana Oh Me and Lake of Fire

Kurt Cobain
Nirvana - Live in New York - Oh Me.

Been listening and singing this to myself for a day or so. Here are the lyrics:

[Verse 1]
If I had to lose a mile
If I had to touch feelings
I would lose my soul
The way I do

[Verse 2]
I don't have to think
I only have to do it
The results are always perfect
But that's old news

[Verse 3]
Would you like to hear my voice
Sprinkled with emotion
Invented at your birth

I can't see the end of me
My whole expanse I cannot see
I formulate infinity
And store it deep inside of me

[Verse 1]

[Verse 2]

[Verse 3]


The lyric which I have been singing over and over is I formulate infinity and store it deep inside me.

I was using a different word for formulate though. I only learnt that word when I looked up the lyrics to post here. Now I shall sing it right.

Budz be like
I owned Nirvana Unplugged in New York when I was 16 like 21 years ago and we thrashed it Christmas 1994. This was the end of my innocence. We had a house that someone was housesitting to party at and I had my own car and a full licence. Seemed like the best time in the world at the time but looking back I would rather not enter the partying lifestyle of cannabis and tobacco. I was blind and poorly educated with a poor belief system.

I've never really had a problem with alcohol but cannabis has done the damage. I would recommend to all those Americans to be as old as possible before trying it. Try and out do your peers with how long before you try it. Not even once is good. It has definitely lowered my I.Q. I'm not to bright these days because of it. The damage is permanent as well. I'm not getting any better.

So don't go there. Less you want a lower I.Q and minimum wage to no employment at all and your always broke cause all your money goes on your weed addiction.

You really don't know what a beautiful thing you have such as the mind without drugs. It's peaceful and more resilient with less problems. Your brighter and have more energy you don't need to sleep so much. You have more time. Your friends will be different depending on whether you smoke or not.

I've spoken enough. Decide for yourselves. Think and choose wisely. Cannabis is surely a temptation for you in youth unless your of the nerd caliber who are immune to trying any drug. Become a nerd.

Nirvana - Live in New York - Lake of Fire.

Added this one cause it's a little religious and Christiany and wanted to add another from Nirvana Live in New York. I'd like to see some people goto hell. Is that right? Perhaps like Hitler. He probably got a place in hell.

Beware hell on earth. No Really.

Added Label "Infinity".

Darcy Lee

Thursday, June 5, 2014

"At The Bottom". Thread.

I posted this yesterday in my At The Bottom Thread on and am adding it now.  This actually came before in the thread than the post I made to this site just before down below.  So thread order was this post was yesterday the 3rd of June and the post below was written and appeared in the thread today the 4th of June.  This is an older post to the thread than the post made below.


1117 views as of todays date. This thread began on January 29th 2014.  Not much has happened.  I have moved and managed to find a new flat paying the same weekly rent as the old flat.  I am comfortable I guess but still poor.

By owning my own house mortgage free and just paying rates and insurances it should be half the cost of rent that I pay at the moment.  And if I have a granny flat that's able to be rented out then it will provide an additional $100-$150 in money as well.

This xtra income would immediately enable me to double my spending on food and give me a little savings as well. At the moment I'm pretty much a one meal a day guy unless it's payday then I have a little bit more to eat.

So this is my ultimate goal and plan to own my own house with a granny flat mortgage free.  This would set me up for life as I basically have a guaranteed income from the Govt for the remainder of my life and I never have to work.  I just need a little extra income to feed myself and save money for new computer, 60" TV and push bike etc etc and could do these things at just $40 bucks a week saving which is a couple grand a year but with a granny flat I would probably have even more to save.

No one will ever employ me.  I haven't worked for 15 years now so this is why.  I have lots of time though. This time can be devoted to a social internet life.  I run a website and post on about 2-3 other large forums other than this one.  I

l play World of Warcraft but can only afford one more month of time at US $15 a month. This is all the money I have left over from earnings from the Diablo 3 Auction House when you could make money selling gear from that.  I made about $600 US over about 6 months.  I'm hoping my mum will pay for Warlords of Dranei the next World of Warcraft expansion due out in the next 6 months and like 3 months time that should be enough for me to of had enough.  I've been playing WOW since September 2007.  I stopped playing shortly after the cataclysm xpac and have only just recently a few months ago got Mists of Pandaria xpac when it was on sale for NZ $20 dollars.  I have got about 250 days played across all my characters.  I have a 90 Druid, 90 Mage, 90 Pally, 83 Hunter, 80 Rogue, 80 Death Knight, All ally, also, 90 Priest, 50 Monk, 44 Lock, all horde,  These char are all on the same server.  I am starting a shaman who is 19 at moment on a completely different server.  The shaman is going to be my free level 90 boost that you get with Warlords of Dranei.  I'm going to level him to level 60 so I get free profession boosts to 600.  I actually started to level the horde monk with this intention and then realised it would be a lot better to start a character on a new server so I could be rich on that server as well.  I am already quite rich on both horde and ally side on my current server.  Recently I have been trading in pets.  Made a little bit of gold out of them.  Best I did was trade two pets that cost me 2k for another pet that I sold and got 7600 gold after fees had gone out so 5600g profit.  Cool.  I did level the pet to 25 so that did make it worth a bit more but that didn't take long.

I talk about WOW because it has taken up alot of my time of the last few years.  It's what i've been doing.

I have been a member of this forum since August 2006 and have been a member to the other forums I post on for about the same time so that's around eight years.

Anyway thanks for reading.  I'm really after a house that someone who is extremely wealthy can buy me.  I'm using the internet to achieve this.  Again thanks for reading.


That's the end of that particular post.  Here is another shorter post I made to the same thread just before. Science rules.  THREAD:

My Suffering > (Greater Than) Price Of A House.

It's science based when I say I have earned a house through suffering.  This is science based.  Backed with real tangible evidence and scientific knowledge.

Those who say I should get out and work and get a job.  I have done the work.  It was condensed in suffering.   The most extreme.

So Science backs me when I say I need a house under certain conditions.  I have suffered for this house.  It has been earned.  I have earnt it.  It has been paid in full.  This is pure truth and science.


Where is my house?  PLS.

That's the end of both posts.  Another great wall of text with no images.  Enjoy reading.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, November 17, 2013


The CENSORSHIP of Darcy Lee and his phone call where he predicted a war, suffering and made a stand with the greatest urgency 2 days before the Twin Tower Terrorist attacks in America USA on New Zealand Nationwide talkback radio, the CENSORSHIP is pure evil.

This phone call still exists to this very day hidden and locked away safe somewhere inside a Government Department.  It's like a Mona Lisa.  It has been classified secret.  

I tell you this phone call is an important piece of information and knowledge.  Information and knowledge.  It is being kept from public view.  

I predict that this phone call could reach over 20 000 000 million views easily or more as a YOUTUBE VIDEO.  I really don't know but I know that it will be popular.  

This is important.  CENSORSHIP is wrong.  YOU MUST HELP ME.  

My phone call is an important piece of history.  I deserve the GLORY or not but it's the Mona Lisa this phone call to a talkback radio station that I speak of.  It needs to be in public view.  

PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE.  It still exists.  You don't destroy something precious, valuable, unique expensive etc.    OF COURSE IT EXISTS.  


The GOVT powers that be use CENSORSHIP against my voice and my property.  This phone call is my property to release onto YOUTUBE and the INTERNET in general for all to see.   

They CENSOR my free speech against constitutional law I believe.  It is more important that this phone call be released than for it to be kept a secret.  It will change history and many lives.  It is important.  

Please DEFEND my Right to Free Speech.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Virtual Reality.

So at the moment the Government has the technology to send full motion video directly into your head, eyes, mind. This is Virtual Reality. You can be fully awake while you are seeing these images, and they can be of any opaqueness. So opaque that you can barely notice they are there.

The images are inside you. The Government uses this technology in secret. Talking about it to a doctor gets you condemned as skitzophrenic.

Telling the truth to a doctor gets you condemned as skitzophrenic, drugged and locked up.

The Government use this technology to torture me every morning. Every night and every morning when I go to bed they play a high pitched frequency sound directly very incredibly loudly into my left ear.

They disguise there technology as tinnitus. It's definitely a machine. I leave my bed and the ringing stops. Instantly. As soon as I lie down again in my bed, bam, they start up again.

It's torture and no one believes me. The people behind it overwhelmingly approve of what is being done to me. They receive alot of pleasure from what they do using various torturous methods.

They think they are correct in there torture of me. They think they are righteous. They think they are above the law. They think the law will never touch them. I say give it 2000 years. People will know what they did to me. People will understand the torment and pain that Governments have inflicted upon me.

These people have been monitoring my thoughts and speech since I was a child. It was only confirmed to me when a very large chat screen opened up in my head just like you would see on a computer screen. It was then I realised about the technology and could then think back through my life.

The shame they put me through. The horror of their taunts. Their voices. They have the ability to broadcast there speech silently to me. They often taunt me with their mockery and they pretty much put their utmost effort into making sure I know that they are there and that they're not going away and there utmost effort to torture me.

I desperately need a house. I also need everyone not just a few to believe me about this technology. It is the future. People are training on this technology to torture people, to control others, to hurt and harm innocent people. If they did it to Jesus they will do it to you and me. (that sort of like a scripture i read).

There are beneficial uses for this technology i'm sure. Educational and healing potential. I'm sure there are many more uses than I can name and explain.

But the fact that it's kept secret when it should already be in the public domain. There should be knowledge of this technology, of Virtual Reality more in the general public.

While it's secret it's more dangerous. They don't want you to know about this technology. Make a choice and choose to know.

Virtual Reality. Worlds in your head. Images in your mind. A whole new universe.

Multiple new universes inside us. Thought transfer. I don't know what more to say. I'm boring.

Know in the technology. Know in the Virtual Reality.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Knowledge, God Doesn't Exist.

Does anybody see all the bad things that are everywhere? All the sickness, injury, disability, addiction, war, everything. I experience alot of the badness of the world everyday. I know that doctors and other people are working in the world to make it a better place but my experience is that the world is a really really bad place and it will be thousands and millions of years before things improve.

There are alot of big questions that exist that I nor anyone else in the entire world can answer. Maybe in millions of years they will be answered. I would've been incredibly happy with life itself except I drew the short straw. I was really really enjoying life but I fell, hard. The knowledge I had of marijuana when I started it was that it wasn't addictive and doesn't really cause any harm. Zillions of joints later and the most clouded mind you can imagine with something like a permanent headache I found out the truth. Marijuana has driven me to suicide something you won't hear about from anyone who endorses it. They say marijuana has never had a death from overdose. My death is the result of marijuana. Directly.

What I have learned in the world is that it is really easy to be wrong. The world is infinitely more complex than I am capable of. I was really innocent when I started smoking marijuana, brainwashed proberly as well thinking that it was cool and more essentially safe. Marijuana has controlled my life. Now I am nothing, nothing of the thoughts I had, nothing of the love, the joy, the happiness. With the world alot of people will look at this and revel in these facts. People actually adopt evil ya know.

Have you ever tried telling a god believing person that god doesn't exist. You couldn't of told me that when I believed in god. You were wrong and I was right. I would like to say now that I was wrong. God doesn't exist. Jesus never existed. The world for me just became a darker place. I have a hope in humanity but my time is done. I am now but a burden to thee, living on your government welfare never to further this world, a burden. The world is dangerous. I'm sick.

I guess I just really want to rail against people that believe in god. Gee i'm weak. What has happened to me shouldn't have happened. You governments as well. Your not innocent. It seems every action I take i'm wrong. How do I live with myself always being wrong. No-one has any power in this world other than the illusion I think. I must be one of the most least powerful. I think everyone in this entire world is blind. Like try telling someone who believes in god that god doesn't exist, that sorta blind. I'm blind myself of course. No-one has any power.

I would like to see justice in the world. I also think justice will never exist. Justice is just to much to ask for. So the ending of the world the word I choose is evil. Evil has won. Such a great evil it is never to be defeated. The base of the universe is evil. The very core of the universe is evil. Life is evil. This evil is so powerful, blinding, the only way to deal with it is not to acknowledge it, as long as your not affected all is well. Someone needs to take me out for what I say. Nuke the planet. Destroy the evil.

Knowledge about marijuana could have saved me and I wouldn't suffer as I do. How come no-one can answer any of the questions, why no knowledge. Why does it take time. Why didn't I have knowledge. It's dangerous for you and everyone to live without knowledge as I have proved by not having correct knowledge about the drug marijuana.

Do you have knowledge that god is real or doesn't exist? If only one side is right then the other side is wrong. I'm complaining about just how dumb everyone is. No i'm not saying i'm smart. Knowledge could save us. What do you think? Again i'll say everyone is dumb. Someone should take me out because I suffer so much and am so poor.

Evil has won. When you can tell the paraplegic to get up out of chair and walk and he does then you don't have to nuke the world anymore. When my headaches go away. Evil has won. As a thought maybe i've been mind controlled by the governments and it wasn't the marijuana. Aha. I knew it. Knowledge could say that. Is it true knowledge? WE ARE DUMB.

To finish - God doesn't exist. I've had the living water thats written in the bible mentioned in previous posts so I know god doesn't exist. Just wanted to mention the keywords living water. And again LIVING WATER GOD DOESN'T EXIST.

Knowledge. Aha.


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