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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Mortgage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mortgage. Show all posts

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Grass Roots Philanthropy.

I'm making a stand. I'm using the words "Phone Call On YouTube" and various differentiation's of these words. Essentially I want to see my phone call to a talkback radio station during prime time where I talk all about "WAR" I give blood lay my life on the line then 2 days later the planes hit the buildings in America, I want to see this phone call on YouTube.

philanthropy. c.1600, from Late Latin philanthropia, from Greek philanthropia "kindliness, humanity, benevolence, love to mankind" (from gods, men, or things), from philanthropos (adj.) "loving mankind, useful to man," from phil- "loving" (see philo-) + anthropos "mankind" (see anthropo-).

That was the dictionary meaning of philanthropy. I plan to do this. Some more. I plan to help people with the money that I can possibly reap. First I will save myself and people I know.

This phone call must appear on YouTube. It will help millions of people.

I will setup a charity. I believe in feeding, clothing and housing  providing water and electricity for people for the long term. I will begin to impact these areas. I can use words to inspire and move people past failures into long term ventures and goals immediately, I can aid in the health of people.

I have truly Suffered.
I'm pretty sure solar power is the future. My charity/company will invest in solar power and look for alternatives to petrol and diesel and other forms of polluting power. Investment in this area, solar, is sure to pay off as polluting petrol and diesel driven cars are looking ripe for the taking off the road.

Petrol and diesel has reached it's peak.

What else can I achieve? Phone Call On YouTube.

This phone call alone will inspire you. It will go viral and many meme will be created. There will be a great many responses. I definitely will need some money to start and set myself. I believe I will start a new forum. This forum will take money to start and run but should generate a profit if enough people join. I haven't had much luck on other forums so starting my own one seems pretty logical. It should be the hip new place to hang out for 5 minutes or so at least until my phone call dies a horrible death by truth and love but it should generate much traffic and perhaps the forum will live on.

I'm a Philanthropist.
I'm a philanthropist. I'm waiting on my phone call on YouTube. This will be my freedom. I should be able to generate a life time of income for me and all my family and friends and even a few strangers. I believe this is what my phone call on YouTube will achieve.


Honestly this phone call must be on YouTube. Now. Immediately. As soon as is theoretically possible. I need your help because it is not happening.


Right now.

Help a fellow man on your journey that you have stumbled across.  Phone call on YouTube.

Leave a comment can be one of the best ways to help. It shows you've acknowledged what i've said. What about posting on twitter or facebook? There is plenty you can do.

Please help me make a stand "PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE"


My phone call is of a truth I say and believe. It has truth entwined through it supporting it's structure. You must hear for your self. Phone call on YouTube.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, June 5, 2014

"At The Bottom". Thread.

I posted this yesterday in my At The Bottom Thread on and am adding it now.  This actually came before in the thread than the post I made to this site just before down below.  So thread order was this post was yesterday the 3rd of June and the post below was written and appeared in the thread today the 4th of June.  This is an older post to the thread than the post made below.


1117 views as of todays date. This thread began on January 29th 2014.  Not much has happened.  I have moved and managed to find a new flat paying the same weekly rent as the old flat.  I am comfortable I guess but still poor.

By owning my own house mortgage free and just paying rates and insurances it should be half the cost of rent that I pay at the moment.  And if I have a granny flat that's able to be rented out then it will provide an additional $100-$150 in money as well.

This xtra income would immediately enable me to double my spending on food and give me a little savings as well. At the moment I'm pretty much a one meal a day guy unless it's payday then I have a little bit more to eat.

So this is my ultimate goal and plan to own my own house with a granny flat mortgage free.  This would set me up for life as I basically have a guaranteed income from the Govt for the remainder of my life and I never have to work.  I just need a little extra income to feed myself and save money for new computer, 60" TV and push bike etc etc and could do these things at just $40 bucks a week saving which is a couple grand a year but with a granny flat I would probably have even more to save.

No one will ever employ me.  I haven't worked for 15 years now so this is why.  I have lots of time though. This time can be devoted to a social internet life.  I run a website and post on about 2-3 other large forums other than this one.  I

l play World of Warcraft but can only afford one more month of time at US $15 a month. This is all the money I have left over from earnings from the Diablo 3 Auction House when you could make money selling gear from that.  I made about $600 US over about 6 months.  I'm hoping my mum will pay for Warlords of Dranei the next World of Warcraft expansion due out in the next 6 months and like 3 months time that should be enough for me to of had enough.  I've been playing WOW since September 2007.  I stopped playing shortly after the cataclysm xpac and have only just recently a few months ago got Mists of Pandaria xpac when it was on sale for NZ $20 dollars.  I have got about 250 days played across all my characters.  I have a 90 Druid, 90 Mage, 90 Pally, 83 Hunter, 80 Rogue, 80 Death Knight, All ally, also, 90 Priest, 50 Monk, 44 Lock, all horde,  These char are all on the same server.  I am starting a shaman who is 19 at moment on a completely different server.  The shaman is going to be my free level 90 boost that you get with Warlords of Dranei.  I'm going to level him to level 60 so I get free profession boosts to 600.  I actually started to level the horde monk with this intention and then realised it would be a lot better to start a character on a new server so I could be rich on that server as well.  I am already quite rich on both horde and ally side on my current server.  Recently I have been trading in pets.  Made a little bit of gold out of them.  Best I did was trade two pets that cost me 2k for another pet that I sold and got 7600 gold after fees had gone out so 5600g profit.  Cool.  I did level the pet to 25 so that did make it worth a bit more but that didn't take long.

I talk about WOW because it has taken up alot of my time of the last few years.  It's what i've been doing.

I have been a member of this forum since August 2006 and have been a member to the other forums I post on for about the same time so that's around eight years.

Anyway thanks for reading.  I'm really after a house that someone who is extremely wealthy can buy me.  I'm using the internet to achieve this.  Again thanks for reading.


That's the end of that particular post.  Here is another shorter post I made to the same thread just before. Science rules.  THREAD:

My Suffering > (Greater Than) Price Of A House.

It's science based when I say I have earned a house through suffering.  This is science based.  Backed with real tangible evidence and scientific knowledge.

Those who say I should get out and work and get a job.  I have done the work.  It was condensed in suffering.   The most extreme.

So Science backs me when I say I need a house under certain conditions.  I have suffered for this house.  It has been earned.  I have earnt it.  It has been paid in full.  This is pure truth and science.


Where is my house?  PLS.

That's the end of both posts.  Another great wall of text with no images.  Enjoy reading.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy New Year Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and all that. I did the family thing for Christmas.

Not much new happening for me. This is my first post in a little while. It was Sunday December 5th, that was my last post. I guess i've sort of been playing World of Warcraft Cataclysm which came out Dec 7th 2010. I have a 85 Druid and 83 Mage. This time I was able to buy the game on Tuesday Dec 7th 2010 NZ time on that very morning and have it installed and ready to play for when the servers ticked over with Cataclysm which was 9pm NZ time but I can't remember exactly. So I was ready waiting with alot of other people to get my Azeroth flight license.

I've made so far since Dec 24 about 25k in Gold selling enchants on the Auction House. I'm making it selling mostly Wrath of Lick King enchants and a few new Cata ones as well. The best I did was 15 of one type of chant in an hour through advertising on trade. I was making a profit of about 30g on each one and sold 15 in an hour by running a small ad on trade. Advertising helps with the new stuff if people really want it and its at a good price. So I made 450G in an hour from one chant and i've made a lot more sometimes like yesterday the margin was 100g per chant and i sold a few without the advertising. People have made alot more but if I keep going I should do alright. I've got a total of about 75k Saved up at the moment. You have to keep fighting and checking the prices to see that you are still in first place listing on the auction house. Can be annoying with people camping the auction house and always undercutting you.

The XP that you need to go up each level is as follows:

80 - 81 : 1686300 XP

81 - 82 : 2121500 XP

82 - 83 : 4004000 XP

83 - 84 : 5203400 XP

84 - 85 : 9165100 XP

So if your still 80 you can see it will take a while. In the Guild that i'm in we had a druid who got the server first class achievement. He was the second 85 on the server. Also in my guild we had someone get server first archaeology. It took about 25 hours for the first person to go from 80-85. It took me about 4 days but I can't remember exactly.

I managed to stay up for 36 hours when Cataclysm first came out and played non stop virtually only breaking for meals and coffees and stuff. Though leveling was slow for me compared to alot of other people. I've got some experience and will know better for the next expansion pack perhaps 85-90.

So thats pretty much what i've been doing since my last post. Non stop World of Warcraft. I do do other things like Warcraft is getting old now.

This website is still about making money. Not that it makes any money. I'm trying to enterprise through the internet and hope that something I do works and makes me a little money.

It's kinda cool watching posts build up on this website. Not that I get many hits from old posts. My Pet Rock Shop gets heaps more hits than this website and i've put virtually no effort into it and this website fails and gets less hits with me putting all my effort into it. Sad Panda.

In the 15 days of this month so far my Pet RocK Shop has gotten 117 hits and has gotten only 49. Yes Sad Panda. The site I post to gets half as many hits as the site I never post to. So. I've been trying for about 5 years now to even make a dollar through the internet. I made $10 US once by selling an advertisement but so far that's about it. I have made $20 or so through Google Adsense where the ads i display on my page if they get clicked I earn $0.20 cents or something crazy for each click. It's kind of a running joke 5 years and zero dollars from punters pretty much.

Do you want to donate. I guess not. No-one does. All the money goes to the skilled bloggers who have important things to say or something to teach.

Heres some interesting facts:

My Dad is a builder/carpenter, my brother is a plumber. One dream I have is for them to build me a house. But the cheapest land in my town goes for about $80,000 and I have nothing. I rent. The biggest mortgage I could possibly obtain is only about 60k in total on my income. I need about $200,000 thousand total. So if I had $140,000 which the only possible means I could come up with such money is by donation through internet or alternatively win lotto but without actually buying tickets cause i don't buy tickets. If I had $140,000 I could then get a brand new house anyway just dreaming here really.

If you donate me a dollar I will spend it on my day to day operating running costs of living.

I will do my best to account for every dollar. You will end my 5 years losing streak at asking and trying to earn money through the internet.

I'm not much of a personality. If I was I could post with humor and skill and earn your also hard won/worked for dollars.

So life goes on I fail at trying to make extra cash to spend and stay above water.

Good luck with your endeavours

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hi Everyone. Bank Mortgage Loan Money. Randam.

2008. I'm thinking substance abuse right now. Like i'm in pain. It's really hurt. Have to solve the problem of not smoking any more. You know smoking. Substance Abuse.

There's not much left. It's really hurt. Gone to far. So what do i do? Gone. Horrific. So substance abuse is bad. Actually i'm just thinking some people suck. I'm thinking you shouldn't go there with substances.

There's no firm foundation for me. Living is continuous pain not rich in color or healthy. Have traveled so far from home. So the end.

Would you like to buy me some land? For a house. I'll borrow money against the land and build. Or just buy me a new house. New one. With land as well already. I can have a mortgage but only about $100 ZN dollars per week..... so the largest sum of money on mortgage from the bank borrowed against the land the is $100 per week I can afford will get me is what the house will be worth plus the land you bought.

I said because I don't know how much the house I build will be worth. How much can I borrow from the NZ bank paying $100 per week over 30 years. My Englandlish is bad sorry. I am from another Country New Zealand. We use ZN dollars.

Groovy internet communication accross the world to randum people. Your are randam. Would you like to buy me some land?

From Darcy.

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