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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Soldier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soldier. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

House of Fire

House of Fire - Alice Cooper.

Alice Cooper.
My landlord was playing Alice on his phone and this was one of the songs that played. The other was Billion Dollar Baby which i'm adding below. I like billion dollar better. Adding to Music 2.

While just looking to add billion dollar baby I came across Poison by Alice Cooper. I had this song going through my head for a while. Upgrading this from Music 2 to Music. I like both Poison and Billion Dollar Baby so for this reason it gets it's upgrade. Both these songs are great. Old. But Great.

Alice Cooper - Poison.

Check This Out.

Billion Dollar Babies - Alice Cooper.

There are probably 100 billion dollar babies out there right now. Soldiers of the USA and other countries. They tend to keep things secret if you didn't know. They want every advantage they can get. The enemy is now the public. These secrets keep us in the dark and prevent progression. Things like ALIENS, Matrix Technology and even something like my epic radio talkback phone call where I declared WAR and made a defense then two days later the planes hit the buildings.

With Arms Wide Open.

All the tech that goes into these billion dollar babies is kept secret. There are medicines I believe that are available that are kept secret. Medicine would be the driving force behind these babi3s.

All this could lead to immortality. These types of research. Give up your secrets Universe.

Scripture for the day:

Daniel 12:4
many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased

I myself am hoping to increase my own personal knowledge. I don't know whats good for me though. What is knowledge related to truth.

I have knowledge of Matrix Virtual Reality Technology. Not many have this knowledge and few believe when presented with it. Most figure it far far into the future if ever. Most think their own mind is safe and secure. Well I know that it's possible to read your mind from a distance through tech. You should think about this. Consider that your mind is known by some people high up. No one believes.

Anyway this post is long enough.

Onwards to immortality.

Added Label "Research".

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Creed With Arms Wide Open

Creed - With Arms Wide Open

Always liked creed. It's possible this is another of my songs. Not totally sure about this one again. Check this out if you've never heard creed before.

I am Soldier in the War on Death.

Become my ally.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Terrorists in New Zealand.

This is a post I made to the immortality forum I also clocked google again with only one result which btw wasn't an exact match. The word I clocked google with is "inceptifier" it could also be spelt inceptifire which comes back with zero results in google. This webby claims these words to add to the others I clocked google with.

Alas anyway in this thread on this forum i'm trying to get a house. Looking for millionaire. I'm surprised they let me run it. It's got 5k views. I got another thread now with 12k view with a similar story to below on another forum.

Anyway this is again longecity forum here is the post I made to it in case the thread ever goes down.

If i'm not a great scientist then i'm a soldier.

My suffering enabled and was the inceptifier of phone call intrinsic:

One day I rung Newstalk ZB a nationwide New Zealand talkback radio and was talking live on air with Kerre Woodham during prime time shortly after 9pm I think.  During the phone call I said “They Don’t Think” three times in a row.  See the thing is you really have to hear the phone call yourself.  It’s not good enough to type about it.  Anyway.  After saying “They don’t think” I then yelled “WAR” at full volume live on air and proceeded to call whoever was listening to stand up and be ready for war.  I laid my life on the line.  I also said “The Thing” x2 and at the end voiced a gleam in my eye.  I voiced that suffering and war were going to happen. I moved on the phone with all my power and might.

Two days later September 11th 2001 the planes hit the buildings.  There’s more to the phone call it went for about 30-40 secs or more all about war, you really have to hear it to get the best impression I made an aggressive attacking and defending stance.  So 2 days later the planes hit the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  The phone call was me preparing people for war and warning of war in the only way I could.  You have to hear it.  Maybe you think this phone call is not important.  You have to hear it.  Don’t judge before you have heard the phone call. You have to hear it.  I am a soldier. This phone call where I yell war, predicting a war, giving my life, 2 days before September 11th 2001 is the Mona Lisa of phone calls.  It’s art.  It’s solid.  It’s solid state of the art.  It’s real and copies exist.  You don’t delete and destroy the Mona Lisa.

This phone call I made the initial one before the attacks is important.  I was a first time caller. People will be interested in this phone call.  It deserves it’s place on You Tube.  I predict that this phone call alone will garner millions of hits from You Tube.  It’s being censored from the public and my freedom of speech is being taken away.  I’m not allowed a copy.  For one, my phone call is important enough to never be deleted.  It pertains to a war, a terrorist attack that was broadcast live around the world, all this only 2 days after the phone calls inception.

I am speaking the truth.  I am not delusional.  But no one believes me.  I need a lawyer to prove the truth.  For this I have to push and pay cash.  For this I say I will be a Millionaire.  But at the moment i’m broke.

The truth will set free.  The phone call is the truth. I am a soldier. Born in suffering.

Please if you have further questions please ask.  I hope I made sense.  Also please if your not interested could you pass this along to someone you think might be able to help or help me out by putting me in contact with the right people.  I need a lawyer who’s willing to go the distance and get these phone calls but can't afford.

Copies of this phone call still exist.  It is simply to important to delete.  It is my property.  People need to hear the phone call. People have a right to hear it.  It should not be left unheard.  I have rights that should let me post something of intrinsic value on the internet.

Ok so I made a phone call where I yelled war predicting a war over live radio talkback air and 2 days later the planes hit the buildings.  I haven’t told you the preparation I made upto the that first phone call.  Here is that.... How I prepared.

So it all started one-day when I was about 11 years old. The local radio station in Masterton New Zealand where I live was doing a live broadcast from Solway Park Hotel (as it was called then), which is Mastertons most flashy hotel. Our teacher grabbed three of us from school at 9.00am in the morning and took us to Solway Park Hotel. I was the first to go on the radio and somehow I thought that the dj was going to go round the three of us and ask us our names, anyway the dj asked me a question and I said my name, Darcy Lee. I never listened to the question to know what I should have said. Ok so afterwards the other kids were teasing me about it. The excuse I used was I was going to be around a terrorist attack and I was going to go back to the radio station to stop it. By saying my name I was storing power which I would claim later at the terrorist attack by returning to the radio with my name being a trigger in peoples subconscious. Sleepers. It was also like offering myself "Darcy Lee" with me stating "this is whats going to happen".  This was all in my mind.  I didn’t say anything out loud.

Ok so when I was 12 years old I went into this bird aviary that my dad had. I started to have this daydream with pictures. In the end the sum total of everything that I saw was that I was going to be around a terrorist attack which I couldn't stop but still had to try but that by being around the terrorist attack it would be greater than stopping it and was in effect stopping it. I still had to try and stop it, that was the sum but it said I wouldn't be able to, I would be around. From that day I practised everything I could about terrorists, and trying to stop an attack. Later at say about 15, 16 years old I discarded my daydream as just something but carried on about terrorists as to me it was the most likely thing that would affect the world. I practised trained alot. Things with the mind mostly, thoughts. Anything I could do with regards to war. I lived. I trained myself for war my own style since 12.

When I was about 19 I was walking home one night and had got to the point with chasing the terrorists that this was going to be the final run of things that I could do and that I had done everything I could do. A run is like refining and narrowing everything and being the best that you can be, becoming more skilled using information and patterns you have thoughts and feelings, I dunno a run. This was going to be my final run on terrorists as after this run there was nothing left to do. I'd been practising for years now. On my way home I got in a fight which basically opened total new areas in regards to the terrorists, a mountain of work, because of the fight. I had looked for the fight before though, ya know lurkers, in the style I use. Mind. Anyway I never completed my final run and new avenues got opened because of the fight. I now had more work regarding terrorists to be carried on with.  Anyone can get into a fight but this fight for some reason created work and new doors i never got to do a final.

About 2 months before 9/11, me aged 23, was at Westpac Stadium in Wellington NZ. I used to get these lines come up in my eyesight sometimes but they were always just random. This time a big jet flew overhead and the lines came up and started following it. They had never done anything like this before. Because of the lines I knew exactly what they meant by the way they were acting and the first thing I said to myself exactly is "What the fuck do they want those for" they being bad guys. I then spent 5 minutes trying to think of things that they would want them for but didn't even come up with something like an ordinary Hijacking. This still was quite a major run on aircraft.

A couple of times I measured within myself independent of everything else I was doing. Question: Event that will affect world that I can have a play in. Answer: Terrorist attack. Question: Where. Answer: America.

When I left school I left because and said "Screw this here they come". I made many preparations in total regarding a terrorist attack, always America. I did many things and trained alot.

So the ending is that 2 days before 9/11 I went on Newstalk ZB a nationwide NZ radio talk show.

I practised and trained for a terrorist attack.

Now you want to know the rest?  This will be where I lose you.

In February 1999 I got really sick and started to suffer.  The doctors have diagnosed me with Skitzophrenia.  This is a lie.  I can prove it.  It was a Government Machine, technology, with real life people behind it that made me sick.  I am held fast under law by this diagnosis.  I am laughed at and mocked and tortured for telling of technology and 911, simply no one believes me.

The first time I could actually believe in this tech was one day around 2008, what happened was a chat window opened up in my head as I was in bed.  Whatever I thought came up on the screen in text and I could also read what they were saying.  It was a chat window just like you would see on a computer monitor with 2 or 3 panes.  This is the first time I actually was able to know that this was technology and after that I was able to go back through my life and found where this machine had been used on me before.  The vision I had in my bird aviary was this machine.  The lines that came up in my eyesight was this machine.

These people showed me the machine.  And guess what.  I didn’t like it.  I hated it.  They said about this that no one had ever resisted the introduction to this machine technology before.  Everyone they had come across before loved  this technology.  Technology that can produce an image in the human minds eye can overlay any graphic image picture in the mind and also see what you see and hear what your hear and talk through you.

I let them know.  Around 2009 they started torturing me with this technology  I had said America Sucks a few times to them and thats about the only reasons they have for torturing me.  It’s a new torture.  They constantly tease me and mess around with my mind and nobody, not you, believes me.  Anyone who hears this story instantly is bought in by the governments propaganda about mental illness.  How can they possibly have this technology you say.

It took nearly 8 years from the time of September 11th 2001 until I was finally approached by people in my own house who I couldn’t see using tech to communicate with me I had tried profusely to get a copies of my phone call but was just ignored on all attempts.  I lived in absolute poverty.  The deal was never to not get a copies of my phone call but they persisted.  I tried from the beginning.  Here is a letter from Kerre Woodham I got.  Kerre is the host of the radio program who took my first original phone call where I yelled “WAR”.  You don’t destroy a piece of reality that is majestic, perfect and graceful. They shouldn’t have kept me poor.  They shouldn’t have denied me a copies of my phone call never ever.

The first email from Kerre reads:

Darcy, if you don't start taking your pills, I'm going to send the doctors round again. You're not well. No organisation keeps records for more than a year so even if you think you made the call, there will be no record of it. It's vanished into the ether. Google it, and you'll find out that's correct.

There is no record of any imagined call. Now take your pills and leave me alone or I'll get an outside agency to help you do so.

That was the first email.

The second email from Kerre reads

Right. That's it. You are now spam so I will never receive your emails again and I'm sending the doctors round. They'll be there in the morning.

This was all in attempts to get a copy of my phone call.

This is an outright lie.  She knows exactly what i’m talking about and exactly what’s going on.  I want some justice.  Why do you not believe the truth.  I have not spoken one lie.  I can prove with these phone call that i’m not schizophrenic.  Schizophrenia induced by humans with technology is not schizophrenia.  They forcefully drug me under the mental health act and if I say no they put me in hospital where they forcefully hold you down and drug you.  They won’t ever stop drugging me unless I break them.  I need to go to to court.  My initial phone call where I yelled “WAR”  still exists and deserves a space on YouTUBE.  I know what I said in the phone call mostly.  But like so many you probably don’t believe.

There is probably a conspiracy behind my original phone call where I yelled “WAR”.  It should never have been with held from me. I have truly suffered because of technology.  Not one doctor could do anything for my suffering.  It was many years screaming without a voice.  People care not by what suffering they cause.  Failing to believe me suffers me.

Do you believe me?  If you have failed to believe me then you have failed to believe the truth.  I don’t know what this means but it’s not good for you.  Failing to believe in the truth has some consequences.  What I have said is the hard line.  I live in a warzone of tech.

I need your help please.  I need a lawyer to take me to court as many times as it takes until i’m noticed and get copies of my phone call.  I’m not delusional.  This phone call is beautiful in a landscaped of WAR.

Will you help?  Do you believe?  How long must i be persecuted for disliking America and wanting my own private space and mind.  I have never had.  They think because I am poor and dumb they can do all things to me.  Will you believe?

Just believe damn you.  What could you possibly have to lose?  I want justice and right and light.  Not darkness which is secrecy which is evil.  What has been done to me is of great evil now and then it never ends.  I am telling the truth.  I am not delusional.  I am not lying.  If you don’t believe then it is you who are deceived, and this can’t be good for things.  I sorry I speak so harshly.  It’s been so long.  This is my day everyday and has been for last 15 years.

Will you help me prove what I say.  So far no one has ever helped me as no one believes me but believes in appearances.  Everyone wants to hear their own thing but not the truth.  I have been refined in the fires of suffering.  Death encroaches me all around with jagged snarling teeth.  Are you afraid?   No one believes me.  I’m telling the truth and want to prove it in court as I am being forced to do this.  Anyway reply back if your interested.  Believe the money.  Believe.

Thanks for your time

I rent a house but it has a mold problem. I get a benefit. dont need money to live on just a place to live for 30 years. I should have benefit for life without being required to work. Probably more important than a house is getting a copy of this phone call I speak of. However much that would cost.


Darcy Lee

Thursday, February 11, 2016

I have been posting in a thread on a forum. The Forum is called  You can find the thread HERE CHECK OUT GLP. The post below from the thread is possibly a quicker read, but it doesn't mention the matrix. The thread now has like 10,174k views as of this date. I've added this because it makes an easier read. If you want to read the whole story read the post below. It includes the training I did upto the World Trade Center attacks and how the matrix tech is involved.

I'm adding it to the "Terrorists" Label. This is the WHOLE post from the thread, and the post is located on page 3. The Thread begins here:

This is an EDITED copy of transcript from my website. Check the website for full copy. I own the copyright to all this.

Im not psychic. But read. For those of you who are tl;dr you're not worthy.

Begins here:

Oneday I rung Newstalk ZB, a nationwide New Zealand talkback radio and was talking live on air with Kerre Woodham during prime time shortly after 9pm.

During the phone call I said “They Don’t Think” three times in a row with the host interjecting each time. See the thing is you really have to hear the phone call yourself. It’s not good enough to type about it. Anyway. After saying “They don’t think” for the third time the host thought I was talking about her and became upset. At this I yelled “WAR” at full volume live on air. After yelling "WAR" I said "THE THING" x3 or x2 and then proceeded to call whoever was listening to stand up and be ready for WAR. I laid my life on the line. The end of the phone call I voiced a gleam in my eye.

I voiced that "Suffering" and "War" were going to happen then totally two days later the planes hit the buildings in America. There’s much to the phone call it went for about 30-40 secs or more all about war, you really have to hear it to get the best impression I made an aggressive attacking and defending stance.

So 2 days later the planes hit the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The phone call was me preparing people for war and warning of war in the only way I could. You have to hear it. Maybe you think this phone call is not important. You have to hear it. Don’t judge before you have heard the phone call. You have to hear it.

Now even if this original phone call wasn’t important what happened next makes it the beginning. This phone call where I yell war, predicting a war, 2 days before September 11th 2001 is the Mona Lisa of phone calls. It’s art. It’s solid. It’s solid state of the art. It’s real and copies exist. You don’t delete and destroy the Mona Lisa.

This phone call I made the initial one before the attacks is important. People will be interested in this phone call. It deserves it’s place on You Tube. I predict that this phone call alone will garner millions of hits from You Tube. It’s being censored from the public and my freedom of speech is being taken away. I’m not allowed a copy. For one, my phone call is important enough to never be deleted. It pertains to a war, a terrorist attack that was broadcast live around the world, all this only 2 days after the phone calls inception.

Now maybe you wouldn’t be interested if the story ended there. You may be thinking that even with millions of hits on You Tube that my phone call wouldn’t generate much money. The moneys not worth it for you. The story so far is shaky and crumbly. No one ever believes me. I want to bankrupt myself to prove my story. I must do what it takes. But i'm perhaps not brave enough to go this far. I am very poor though. In mind as well. It was from my humility that caused me to predict such things. I had and was and did for 10 years severely suffer.

Anyhow the story continues.... Well after the planes hit the buildings in America I rang back Newstalk ZB. If the planes had never hit I would never of rung back.

In the phone calls that I made after the attacks I asked for a reward (that’s what I called it anyway a reward). That reward was that famous musicians, Rockstars, make songs out of things I said over Newstalk ZB in further phone calls. I asked for Eminem by name.

And here it is..... Now songs by Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Linkin Park, Limp BizKit, Eminem, Tatu, Finger 11, SugaBabes, Outkast, Brooke Fraser, Finn Bro, Greenday, Hoobastank, Grits, Foo Fighters, Avril Lavigne, Stone Sour, Day of Fire, and more.... all have cameo lyrics first spoken by me over Newstalk ZB radio air.... The phone calls still exist as again they are this important they are a base to songs by these groups. Mostly the chorus. As in words from my phone calls now are written cameoed in all of these artists songs. Someone spent lots of money on me.

See the thing is I would rather leave the music out of it, not release those for a while, only after reviewing them and creating decent videos but i’m afraid lawyers might not be interested in my original phone call without first hearing it. I’m broke remember. So I have introduced the Music aspect butand at fear of not being believed.

So there is a phone call where I Yelled “WAR” and made the whole phone call about war. Then the planes hit the buildings. So I asked and somebody spent millions on converting things I said in phone calls I made to Newstalk ZB into now famous songs by famous rockstars.

I am speaking the truth. I am not delusional. But no one believes me. I need a lawyer to prove the truth. For this I have to push and pay cash. For this I say I will be a Millionaire. But at the moment i’m broke.

I am a celebrity even if only by spoken word cameo to some of the biggest songs in the world.

The truth will set free. The phone calls are the truth.

Please if you have further questions please ask. I hope I made sense. Also please if your not interested could you pass this along to someone you think might be able to help or help me out by putting me in contact with the right people. I need a people who are willing to go the distance and get these phone calls.

Copies of these phone calls still exist. They are simply to important to delete. They are my property. People need to hear the phone calls.

The songs are secondary. My first original phone call, where I yelled "WAR", is by far way more important. People have a right to hear it. It should not be left unheard. I have rights that should let me post something of intrinsic value on the internet.

Darcy Lee

Monday, November 30, 2015

Im a Soldier Eminem

Eminem Marshall Mathers.
I'm a Soldier - Eminem.

Adding this cause it's pretty cool. Haven't listened to it much. I like the chorus. It's possible it's one of my songs but I cant remember. It was 14 years ago.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

End of Pain. A Call Into The Wilderness for Soldiers.

Posted this today on my usual forums.  Got pretty much ignored as usual.  Anyway here is the post for future reference:

Place your vote and opinion here. Do you want to end pain for all creatures on earth and perhaps the polyverse (universe).

If you say no then you haven't experienced pain. You might of had the odd thrill with it. But wait. You still don't understand the potential.

All pain needs to be ended now.

Also if you say no and want to see pain continue then you should expect your own pain.

Whos to say whether pain is natural or not. Perhaps it's an invasion and our rulers using it to command us. I joke really.

Nobody knows what pain is. Pain is not good. It is the opposite. I vote to end pain now.

Join me as soldiers in a planned all out attack and war on pain.

If we lead others will follow. Be a light to the world.

I've lead a solo effort foray and initial attack into suffering by suffering. This perhaps give me experience but I still have no weapons other than a crappy mind and body which can't be relied on for the truth.

A couple of scriptures: 1 Peter 4:1 Because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. If this is true then this is me. I have suffered in great depth and magnitude. But alas suffering is really more of a breeding ground for hate. If this is true then I can't sin any more for this is how much I have suffered. I only wish it was true. But don't think so.

2nd scripture: Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away

This scripture predicts the end of pain. I think this is an easy prediction to make. Whether there is a God or not pain must end for everyone.

Why should we think this to hard. It's not to hard. I also predict an end to pain.

The more people that post in this thread the more is being done. Do your bit.

We must be soldiers. Everyone, every living creature with the potential to suffer is on your side.

Soldiers use whatever they have available. Use what you got. Fire at will.

We need organisation and a long as it takes concentrated effort.

Honestly I have suffered and nobody knows. This is all suffering.

I am not an officer. I'm more of a tank. I have tanked so much suffering. Perhaps this suffering forwards me as a higher rank than you. I have knowledge but I lack fire. I don't know how to pass on the knowledge of pain and its bottemless depths. Pain needs to be ended.

I'm trying to start a fire. Please help me start a fire by posting the obvious or whatever you have. Be a soldier.

We need weapons. We are unarmed blind and deaf.

Everyone Post your Orders for people. Call out into the wilderness.

I'm looking for soldiers. Do you consider yourself a soldier? All hands and every man on deck.

If your not a soldier then your a burden and your divided against yourself as everyone who has the potential to suffer is a soldier. You can't deny. Absolutely everyone is needed in the fight till death.

We need highly motivated but inexperienced people to carry the message of great suffering and tribulation. It needs to be preached. Great suffering.

Preach about suffering. Cut down anything that causes suffering. Avoid suffering yourself. Find weaknesses and grey areas that aren't so dark. I don't know what orders to give you. Just be on the alert. Such great suffering exists that anyone can be prone to. Be fighting. Suffering is an evil.

Hey if the bible says there will be no more suffering and pain then it's got to be true right? I say just give it time. But we need more urgency and effort and power invested right away. This is a warning to everyone. Suffering is unrighteous and an almighty wrong. It is a weapon that is used against us all the time. I perhaps have said some wrong things here. But I am just trying to prepare you for what you don't know. We need to fight this at the bottom which this is as well as the top which is more likely the Govt. Every man, woman, child and lifeform.

I am Soldier. I have suffered just as great as any soldier. I have earned the right to call myself a soldier for the battles I have been in and the endurance I have shown. I give you warnings. You need to fight everyday. Pain is a deadly and great enemy. I don't understand it. I don't know what it is. But I don't like it and I never want to suffer again but yet I still have this potential.

Don't consider yourselves immune. Everyone is susceptible. This is why you need to get your soldier on. The weak need to be defended perhaps. The strong need to spend there strength.

This is a call on your life. Do everything with all your might. I hope your ready for war. I can't prepare you. Sorry I can't tell you much. Imagine your worst. Foolish people will pass this thread by and consider themselves safe. No one is safe.

Be a man. Man up. Fight. End pain now. Are you a soldier yet? You are whether you think so or not.

Got any ideas? I guess no one will even post in this thread. Pain is ignored and left alone. All I know is that we need soldiers and they need to be forcefully advancing.

I'm on the side where there will be no more pain. Beware the enemy.

Post in this thread. Comfort others. Alleviate and Liberate. Fight until we win. Play your position.

Perhaps if someone else posts in this thread they may give you orders or practical things that you can do to fight pain.

Perhaps you could post your war stories here about battles you've had with pain to inform others.

We need more of a consensus on pain. I am starting this thread in hope of achieving this and other objectives regarding pain. This is of the utmost urgency. Pain needs a fight to the end. I can't stress how urgent it is to get rid of pain. If you don't know then its very hard to explain. Be a soldier is all I ask. Be a soldier.


The truth of pain is.....

Darcy Lee.

That was end of thread.  Pls leave a comment below.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

About September 11th 2001 Letter to Lawyer.

Here is a a letter that I sent to over 100 different law firms asking for representation in court regarding my story.  So far I have gotten one phone call at 11.30pm at night from a UK law firm and he said he hadn't even read the email.  He basically said I should get a NZ lawyer which I have tried.  

Anyway here is the LETTER:

Hello my names Darcy Lee.  I’m looking for a lawyer.  Perhaps you can help.  I found you in Google.  I’ve looked for a lawyer before but never proceeded.  It’s come to the point where a lawyer is necessary as there has been no progress with any of my attempts. I am very poor at the moment I live on the invalids benefit so don’t have any money but this is the potential for multi millions so should be proceeded if you understand and financially you should realise the potential.  Here’s my story.  I will pay the bill.  But you have to earn your money.

Once psypwn a time ago I rang Newstalk ZB nationwide NZ talkback radio and was talking live on air with Kerre Woodham during prime time shortly after 9pm.  During the phone call I said “They Don’t Think” three times in a row.  See the thing is you really have to hear the phone call yourself.  It’s not good enough to type about it.  Anyway.  After saying “They don’t think” I then yelled “WAR” at full volume live on air and proceeded to call whoever was listening to stand up and be ready.  I laid my life on the line.  I also said “The Thing” x2 and at the end voiced a gleam in my eye.  I voiced that suffering and war were going to happen and two days later the planes hit the buildings. 

 There’s more to the phone call it went for about 30-40 secs or more all about war, you really have to hear it to get the best impression I made an aggressive attacking and defending stance.  So 2 days later the planes hit the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  The phone call was me preparing people for war and warning of war in the only way I could.  You have to hear it.  Maybe you think this phone call is not important.  You have to hear it.  Don’t judge before you have heard the phone call. You have to hear it.  Even if the original phone call wasn’t important what happened next makes it the beginning.  This phone call where I yell war, predicting a war, 2 days before September 11th 2001 is the Mona Lisa of phone calls.  It’s art.  It’s solid.  It’s solid state of the art.  It’s real and copies exist.  You don’t delete and destroy the Mona Lisa.

This phone call I made the initial one before the attacks is important.  People will be interested in this phone call.  It deserves it’s place on You Tube.  I predict that this phone call alone will garner millions of hits from You Tube.  It’s being censored from the public and my freedom of speech is being taken away.  I’m not allowed a copy.  For one, my phone call is important enough to never be deleted.  It pertains to a war, a terrorist attack that was broadcast live around the world, all this only 2 days after the phone calls inception. 

Now maybe you wouldn’t be interested if the story ended there.  You may be thinking that even with millions of hits on You Tube that my phone call wouldn’t generate much money.  The moneys not worth it for you.  The story so far is shaky and crumbly.  No one ever believes me.  I want to bankrupt myself to prove my story.  I must do what it takes. 

Anyhow the story continues.... Well after the planes hit the buildings in America I rang back Newstalk ZB.  If the planes had never hit I would never of rung back. 

In the phone calls that I made after the attacks I asked for a reward (that’s what I called it anyway a reward).  That reward was that famous musicians, Rockstars, make songs out of things I said over Newstalk ZB in further phone calls.  I asked for Eminem by name.

And here it is.....  Now songs by Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Linkin Park, Limp BizKit, Eminem, Tatu, Finger 11, SugaBabes, Outkast, Brooke Fraser, Finn Bro, Greenday, Hoobastank, Grits, Foo Fighters, Avril Lavigne, Stone Sour, Day of Fire,  all have cameo lyrics first spoken by me over Newstalk ZB radio air.... The phone calls still exist as again they are this important they are a base to songs by these groups.  Mostly the chorus.  As in words from my phone calls now are cameoed in all of these artists songs.
See the thing is I would rather leave the music out of it, not release those for a while, only after reviewing them and creating decent videos but i’m afraid lawyers might not be interested in my original phone call without first hearing it.  I’m broke remember.  So I have introduced the Music aspect at fear of not being believed.

So there is a phone call where I Yelled “WAR” and made the whole phone call about war.  Then the planes hit the buildings.  So I asked and somebody spent millions on converting things I said in phone calls I made to Newstalk ZB into now famous songs by famous rockstars. 
If you believe me then it should be win win.  We go to court and win.  You get paid I get my phone calls.

I am speaking the truth.  I am not delusional.  But no one believes me.  I need a lawyer to prove the truth.  For this I have to push and pay cash.  For this I say I will be a Millionaire.  But at the moment i’m broke. 

I do own and  which in the future after the truth has set free will be worth heaps.

These domains would be worth considerable dollars I believe.  I am a celebrity even if only by cameo to some of the biggest songs in the world. 

The truth will set free.  The phone calls are the truth. 

Please if you have further questions please ask.  I hope I made sense.  Also please if your not interested could you pass this along to someone you think might be able to help or help me out by putting me in contact with the right people.  I need a lawyer who’s willing to go the distance and get these phone calls.

Copies of these phone calls still exist.  They are simply to important to delete.  They are my property.  People need to hear the phone calls.  I am willing to pay money to get them as they will earn far in excess of whatever I could possibly spend on lawyers fees.  I am willing to bankrupt myself.  If they didn’t want people to hear my phone calls then they shouldn’t have made the songs. 
The songs are secondary.  My first original phone call, where I yelled war, is by far way more important.  People have a right to hear it.  It should not be left unheard.  I have rights that should let me post something of intrinsic value on the internet. 

Ok so I made a phone call where I yelled war predicting a war over live radio talkback air and 2 days later the planes hit the buildings.  I haven’t told you the preparation I made upto the that first phone call.  Here is that.... How I prepared.

So it all started one-day when I was about 11 years old. The local radio station in Masterton New Zealand where I live was doing a live broadcast from Solway Park Hotel (as it was called then), which is Mastertons most flashy hotel. Our teacher grabbed three of us from school at 9.00am in the morning and took us to Solway Park Hotel. I was the first to go on the radio and somehow I thought that the dj was going to go round the three of us and ask us our names, anyway the dj asked me a question and I said my name, Darcy Lee. I never listened to the question to know what I should have said. Ok so afterwards the other kids were teasing me about it. The excuse I used was I was going to be around a terrorist attack and I was going to go back to the radio station to stop it. By saying my name I was storing power which I would claim later at the terrorist attack by returning to the radio with my name being a trigger in peoples subconscious. Sleepers. It was also like offering myself "Darcy Lee" with me stating "this is whats going to happen".  This was all in my mind.  I didn’t say anything out loud.

Ok so when I was 12 years old I went into this bird aviary that my dad had. I started to have this daydream with pictures. In the end the sum total of everything that I saw was that I was going to be around a terrorist attack which I couldn't stop but still had to try but that by being around the terrorist attack it would be greater than stopping it and was in effect stopping it. I still had to try and stop it, that was the sum but it said I wouldn't be able to, I would be around. From that day I practised everything I could about terrorists, and trying to stop an attack. Later at say about 15, 16 years old I discarded my daydream as just something but carried on about terrorists as to me it was the most likely thing that would affect the world. I practised trained alot. Things with the mind mostly, thoughts. Anything I could do with regards to war. I lived. I trained myself for war my own style since 12.

When I was about 19 I was walking home one night and had got to the point with chasing the terrorists that this was going to be the final run of things that I could do and that I had done everything I could do. A run is like refining and narrowing everything and being the best that you can be, becoming more skilled using information and patterns you have thoughts and feelings, I dunno a run. This was going to be my final run on terrorists as after this run there was nothing left to do. I'd been practising for years now. On my way home I got in a fight which basically opened total new areas in regards to the terrorists, a mountain of work, because of the fight. I had looked for the fight before though, ya know lurkers, in the style I use. Mind. Anyway I never completed my final run and new avenues got opened because of the fight. I now had more work regarding terrorists to be carried on with.  Anyone can get into a fight but this fight for some reason created work and new doors i never got to do a final.

About 2 months before 9/11, me aged 23, was at Westpac Stadium in Wellington NZ. I used to get these lines come up in my eyesight sometimes but they were always just random. This time a big jet flew overhead and the lines came up and started following it. They had never done anything like this before. Because of the lines I knew exactly what they meant by the way they were acting and the first thing I said to myself exactly is "What the fuck do they want those for" they being bad guys. I then spent 5 minutes trying to think of things that they would want them for but didn't even come up with something like an ordinary Hijacking. This still was quite a major run on aircraft.
A couple of times I measured within myself independent of everything else I was doing. Question: Event that will affect world that I can have a play in. Answer: Terrorist attack. Question: Where. Answer: America.

When I left school I left because and said "Screw this here they come". I made many preparations in total regarding a terrorist attack, always America. I did many things and trained alot.
So the ending is that 2 days before 9/11 I went on Newstalk ZB a nationwide NZ radio talk show and said They Don't Think 3 times then yelled WAR at full volume made some attacks/stand against the terrorists and then 2 days later the planes hit the buildings.
I practised and trained for a terrorist attack.

Now you want to know the rest?  This will be where I lose you. 
In February 1999 I got really sick and started to suffer.  The doctors have diagnosed me with Skitzophrenia.  This is a lie.  I can prove it.  It was a Government Machine, technology, with real life people behind it that made me sick.  I am held fast under law by this diagnosis.  I am laughed at and mocked and tortured for telling of technology and songs and 911, simply no one believes me.
The first time I could actually believe in this tech was one day around 2008, what happened was a chat window opened up in my head as I was in bed.  Whatever I thought came up on the screen in text and I could also read what they were saying.  It was a chat window just like you would see on a computer monitor with 2 or 3 panes.  This is the first time I actually was able to know that this was technology and after that I was able to go back through my life and found where this machine had been used on me before.  The vision I had in my bird aviary was this machine.  The lines that came up in my eyesight was this machine.
These people showed me the machine.  And guess what.  I didn’t like it.  I hated it.  They said about this that no one had ever resisted the introduction to this machine technology before.  Everyone they had come across before loved  this technology.  Technology that can produce an image in the human minds eye can overlay any graphic image picture in the mind and also see what you see and hear what your hear and talk through you.  I had been tortured and raped by it.
I let them know.  They after about 3 months or 2009 they started torturing me with this technology and because of the songs.  I had said America Sucks a few times to them and thats about the only reasons they have for torturing me.  It’s a new torture.  They constantly tease me and mess around with my mind and nobody, not you, believes me.  Anyone who hears this story instantly is bought in by the governments propaganda about mental illness.  How can they possibly have this technology you say. 

It took nearly 8 years from the time of September 11th 2001 until I was finally approached by people in my own house who I couldn’t see using tech to communicate with me and the songs had been made in the mean time.  I had tried profusely to get a copies of my phone calls but was just ignored on all attempts.  I lived in absolute poverty.  The deal was never to not get a copies of my phone calls but they persisted.  I tried from the beginning.  Here is a letter from Kerre Woodham I got.  Kerre is the host of the radio program who took my first original phone call where I yelled “WAR”.  You don’t destroy a piece of reality that is majestic, perfect and graceful and even if this wasn’t true my phone calls are still the base to songs this is why they are kept from me,  like I said if they didn’t want people to know then they shouldn’t have made them.  They shouldn’t have kept me poor.  They shouldn’t have denied me a copies of my phone calls ever.

The first email from Kerre reads:

Darcy, if you don't start taking your pills, I'm going to send the doctors round again. You're not well. No organisation keeps records for more than a year so even if you think you made the call, there will be no record of it. It's vanished into the ether. Google it, and you'll find out that's correct.
There is no record of any imagined call. Now take your pills and leave me alone or I'll get an outside agency to help you do so.

That was the first email.

The second email from Kerre reads:

Right. That's it. You are now spam so I will never receive your emails again and I'm sending the doctors round. They'll be there in the morning.
This was all in attempts to get a copy of my phone calls.

This is an outright lie.  She knows exactly what i’m talking about and exactly what’s going on.  I want some justice.  Why do you not believe the truth.  I have not spoken one lie.  I can prove with these phone calls that i’m not schizophrenic.  Schizophrenia induced by humans with technology is not schizophrenia.  They forcefully drug me under the mental health act and if I say no they put me in hospital where they forcefully hold you down and drug you.  They won’t ever stop drugging me unless I break them.  I need to go to to court.  My initial phone call where I yelled “WAR”  still exists and deserves a space on YouTUBE.  I know what I said in the phone calls.  There are honestly about 30-40 songs now completed by artists with me cameoing in the lyrics and the songs being based very much around what I said.  The artists wrote the songs around what I said in phone calls that they mixed and chopped up.  I asked and it was done.  But like so many you probably don’t believe.  I’m willing to put my life on the line for this.  By life I mean wallet.  I will spend money to prove myself.  Even if you don’t believe me believe myself going to bankruptcy because I will that’s how much i’m going to spend.  Believe the money you can get out of me. 

There is probably a conspiracy behind my original phone call where I yelled “WAR”.  It should never have been with held from me.  I not a fan of the songs that have been created now.  They are just silly and remind me of the great evils that have been done to me at the hands of others.  I have truly suffered because of technology.  Not one doctor could do anything for my suffering.  It was many years screaming without a voice.  People care not by what suffering they cause.  Failing to believe me suffers me.

Do you believe me?  If you have failed to believe me then you have failed to believe the truth.  I don’t know what this means but it’s not good for you.  Failing to believe in the truth has some consequences.  What I have said is the hard line.  I live in a warzone of tech. 
I need your help please.  I need a lawyer to take me to court as many times as it takes until i’m noticed and get copies of my phone calls.  I’m not delusional.  This phone call is beautiful in a landscaped of WAR. 

Will you help?  Do you believe?  How long must i be persecuted for disliking America and wanting my own private space and mind.  I have never had.  They think because I am poor and dumb they can do all things to me.  Will you believe? 

Just believe damn you.  What could you possibly have to lose?  I want justice and right and light.  Not darkness which is secrecy which is evil.  What has been done to me is of great evil now and then it never ends.  I am telling the truth.  I am not delusional.  I am not lying.  If you don’t believe then it is you who are deceived, and this can’t be good for things.  I sorry I speak so harshly.  It’s been so long.  This is my day everyday and has been for last 12 years. 

Will you help me prove what I say.  So far no one has ever helped me as no one believes me but believes in appearances.  Everyone wants to hear their own thing but not the truth.  I have been refined in the fires of suffering.  Death encroaches me all around with jagged snarling teeth.  Are you afraid?   No one believes me.  I’m telling the truth and want to prove it in court as I am being forced to do this.  Anyway reply back if your interested.  Believe the money.  Believe.

Thanks for your time

Darcy Lee

Leave a comment or something react somehow.  Anyway no one believes me.  That's bad for them I guess as the truth should hold some benefit and I have told the truth.

Thanks for reading.  

Friday, July 27, 2012

World Trade Center Video.

This is a video I made earlier today.  It's about a post I made on Above Top Secret and also VR and September 11th 2001.  Watch if you Dare

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wealth From God.

The Following Post I found in draft mode of blogger, i'm publishing it today 13/08/2014.  I hadn't published it before I don't think.  I not sure if I feel the same.  I continue to search for answers but I can't think.  I search for LOVE.  Love that burns like a fire. What is higher? Love sounds like a good deal.  I want a love that is just as strong as death.  Is there another word for LOVE?  What is your power?  Here is the post anyway in it's entirety:

God is a boring subject. BORING. Not much wealth. I don't believe in god/jesus anymore. No thanks. It took me a while. The word I like at the moment is mythology. I always wanted to know about that. Wether god existed. I'm hoping to reap some benefits of knowing god doesn't exist. It should help a little. I won't be so dumb.

Here is some very expensive valuable information that would normally cost you $$$$$Thousands. GOD doesn't exist. It's a little important.If you want you can pay me for this hard won fought information by clicking the paypal button and using your credit card. I guess i'm cutting of all the people who believe in god and don't know when I say god doesn't exist. They can donate too if they want.


Ruling the universe for me is for me having a really nice house with Sky TV, World of Warcraft, nice furniture, car, assorted electornics er basically being rich. Being as comfortable as possible and experiencing. A start for me would be a house. For ruling the universe. For me. I want to rule the universe. If you would like me to rule the universe. Um you can donate money getting me closer to a house. Every person has the power to rule the universe perhaps. Altogether at the same time as well. Everyone wants to be as comfortable as possible.

Asking for money is hard work. Ok this is a strange post. I'm begging which is bad also this is all of what someone in my position is capable of damn it for myself. I really wanted some money too.

Add World of Warcraft to my wishlist and Sky TV. I want house. With house I will rule universe.

That was it.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, July 5, 2007

September 11. 911. Osama Bin Laden and Me. How I Made 1 Million NZ Dollars and Turned It Down. Reason 14 You Could Donate To Me.

September 11. 911. Osama Bin Laden and Me. Osama Bin Laden is really quite famous now. I see him mentioned in the latest Quentin Tarantino movie Grindhouse and he's mentioned all over the place. Seeing that he's really quite famous now I want to try and ride on some of that fame.

This is an email I have sent a few people trying to make some money. I looked up "rewards for Osama Bin Laden" in google and have sent this letter to see if i'm eligible for any reward. Osama has a $25 million dollar US bounty on him at the moment being offered by the USA Government. Here's the letter:

To whom it may concern:

So it all started one-day when I was about 11 years old. The local radio station in Masterton New Zealand where I live was doing a live broadcast from Solway Park which is Mastertons most flashy hotel. Our teacher grabbed three of us from school at 9.00am in the morning and took us to Solway Park. I was the first to go on the radio and somehow I thought that the dj was going to go round the three of us and ask us our names, anyway the dj asked me a question and I said my name, Darcy Lee. I never listened to the question to know what I should have said. Ok so afterwards the other kids were teasing me about it. The excuse I used was I was going to be around a terrorist attack and I was going to go back to the radio station to stop it. By saying my name I was storing power which I would claim later at the terrorist attack by returning to the radio with my name being a trigger in peoples subconscious. Sleepers. It was also like offering myself "Darcy Lee" with me stating "this is whats going to happen".

Ok so when I was 12 years old I went into this bird aviary that my dad had. I started to have this daydream with pictures. My insanity as a kid I guess. In the end the sum total of everything that I saw was that I was going to be around a terrorist attack which I couldn't stop but still had to try but that by being around the terrorist attack it would be greater than stopping it and was in effect stopping it. I still had to try and stop it, that was the sum but it said I wouldn't be able to, I would be around. From that day I practised everything I could about terrorists, and trying to stop an attack. Later at say about 15, 16 years old I discarded my daydream as just something but carried on about terrorists as to me it was the most likely thing that would affect the world. I practised trained alot. Things with the mind mostly, thoughts. Anything I could do with regards to war. I lived. I trained myself for war my own style since 12.

When I was about 19 I was walking home one night and had got to the point with chasing the terrorists that this was going to be the final run of things that I could do and that I had done everything I could do. A run is like refining and narrowing everything and being the best that you can be, becoming more skilled, I dunno a run. This was going to be my final run on terrorists as after this run there was nothing left to do. I'd been practising for years now. On my way home I got in a fight which basically opened total new areas in regards to the terrorists, a mountain of work, because of the fight. I had looked for the fight before though, ya know lurkers, in the style I use. Mind. Anyway I never completed my final run and new avenues got opened because of the fight. I now had more work regarding terrorists to be carried on with.

About 2 months before 9/11, me aged 23, was at Wespac Stadium in Wellington NZ. I used to get these lines come up in my eyesight sometimes but they were always just random. This time a big jet flew overhead and the lines came up and started following it. They had never done anything like this before. Because of the lines I knew exactly what they meant by the way they were acting and the first thing I said to myself exactly is "What the fuck do they want those for" they being bad guys. I then spent 5 minutes trying to think of things that they would want them for but didn't even come up with something like an ordinary Hijacking. This still was quite a major run on aircraft.

A couple of times I measured within myself independant of everything else I was doing. Question: Event that will affect world that I can have a play in. Answer: Terrorist attack. Question: Where. Answer: America.

When I left school I left because and said "Screw this here they come". I made many preparations in total regarding a t
errorist attack, always America. I did many things and trained alot.

So the ending is that 2 days before 9/11 I went on Newstalk ZB a nationwide NZ radio talkshow and said They Don't Think 3 times then yelled WAR at full volume made some attacks/stand against the terrorists got cut off and then 2 days later the planes hit the buildings.

I believe that you really need to hear the phone call I made to Newstalk ZB NZ before an opinion can be formed about it.

In the calls I made afterwards someone rang up because of and said "I've had enough" "I surrender" "I don't want to mess with this" they were frightened you could tell.

I just want to say again that I trained myself and then was around a terrorist attack as I said I would be in the place I said, radio station.

Thats the end of the letter. I mentioned 1 million NZ dollars and turning it down in the heading of this article. Well in one of the phone calls I made after the attacks I casually interjected "Can I have a Million Dollars". Someone rang up Newstalk ZB a little while later and said Yep i've got a million for you but don't know how to get it to you. I rang the station and rather stupidly turned it down. Because i'm dumb. Yes this dumb. Yes.

So anyways I would like to ride on the fame of Osama now, he's so famous. I could say I captured him or turned him in or something. Gimme some fame. No i'm not psychic.

Do you think I got the attention of America for like a second because that would be cool. Hello American Government Agents and Military who's attention I attracted all the way from NZ with a phone call to a radio station. Or not.

Reason 14 you could donate to me is because at the age of 23 I took on a group of international terrorists all by myself with a telephone and talkback radio show also which I had trained for. I guess I won't get the fame that Osama has and no-one cares. Can I have some fame? I'm a soldier hehe. Lee. Darcy Lee.

From Darcy

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