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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Bad Post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bad Post. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Haven't posted much text in a while.  Been posting music videos.  Something i'm very happy about is that Google Blogger offer text message login protection.  I've recently added that.  I was worried if anyone found my password they would be able to hack my account and delete all my posts which would really suck.  I do feel safer now.  If anyone tries to log in from a different computer they need to have my cell phone as it will ask for a confirmation code which is sent by text.

One thing that's happened to me is that I have been given 90 days tenancy termination notice and have until May the 10th 2014 to move out and find a new house.  This simply sucks majorly.

I mean in theory I should have my own fully paid for house by now after Sept 11th 2001 and what happened there.  If I could simply post that phone call on You Tube bam probably 30 million hits and it would certainly generate a house as well as a little fame.  But alas the Governments of USA and NZ conspire to torture and keep me poor so that nobody will listen.

I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  This website has failed to generate a house.  Again if this website had my phone call from 2 days before Sept 11th 2001 embedded in it and links from Youtube to here this site would become popular and pick up many other sites linking to it as well as many hits in general.

I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  The USA and NZ GOVTS owe me a house.  They also owe me a copy of the phone call I made 2 days before the 911 terrorist attacks in America.

It is going to be near impossible to find a one bedroom flat to live in.  I should be settled already and not living this daily tortured existence that I live.  I should have at least a little money and a house of my own. This should of occurred along time ago.  Why do evil men and women get away with such things.  No one even believes my story.  This is one reason why.  They use the cover of darkness to conceal there deeds. They keep me locked up in a dark place as well.  They don't let me think.  They distort my mind.  They are indeed evil.  They have proven themselves as such.  They have no interest in good.

I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  I should own my own house by now.  I have earned it. It is evil that I must suffer again.  I have suffered for so long and so hard. Not one person understands the suffering that I have endured at the hands of other people in high positions.  I have earned a house.  I WANT MY OWN HOUSE AND I WANT IT NOW.

I am very angry.  But this anger is useless.  I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  I am owed a house for my work. I am not being recognised.  The NZ and USA GOVTS are bullies.  They do whatever they want to whoever they want.  They do whatever they want.  They keep me and my phone call which would set me free under wraps.  I should have my very own house by now. Instead everyone ignores me.

This is very evil what is happening to me.  It is done by men.  These men and women make the active decision to torture me daily and deny me food and a house. There is no God to protect us from these Hitler type people who think that they are right in there own eyes to torture and maim and kill.

I WANT MY OWN HOUSE.  Right now.  Today.  I want a copy of my phone call to post on YOUTUBE. This is evil.  This is highly very evil.  This is totally evil.  This is wrong and evil.  This is bad.  This is evil.

Everybody just thinks i'm schizophrenic.  Technology and men did this to me not anything I did myself.  This evil that has befallen me is from the USA and NZ Govts with men behind it driving it.

This is evil.  I WANT MY OWN HOUSE. Today. Right now.  This is evil.  I really need a place to live. I have earned my own house.  I need a house of my own.  I have earned it through work. I have suffered more than anyone living I imagine if this is possible not counting Jesus if he's still alive.

This is evil what has happened to me.  I want justice.  Please help. But you won't.  All I WANT IS MY OWN HOUSE.

Give me a house USA AND NZ GOVTS.  I deserve it.  Why torture innocence.  You know you are evil in your ways, your secrets are dirty dirty dirty.





Friday, May 24, 2013

My Life Information.

Hey all.  (I'm talking to myself no one reads this).

I been playing a little bit of Diablo 3.  I'm back up to $105 US dollars in my Paypal account but haven't had any sales for a couple nights now which is sad.  My inventory isn't the greatest I guess.  I am planning to expand with my brother lending me his D3 account so i'll be able to list twice as many items for sale, as most know there is a 10 item limit on the D3 Auction House.  This means i'll probably spend between $10 and $15 dollars on acquiring new stuff to sell for profit so will knock my Paypal balance a little.

My phone bill is in a little bit better shape so i'm going to try and save for a 24" monitor.  At the rate i'm achieving at the moment it's going to be a fair while.  Another thing is that the ads on this page have been doing alright.  I'm nearing the payout threshold for them but it's probably still a year away.  It seems that the ad's pay more now than they used to back in the day.  I'm also getting more traffic so that helps I guess.

I only actually got my new power supply on Monday after my old one died the bang.  One of the cables is to short so needs to be lengthened otherwise it seems fine so far.  Today I got my ram back that I send for warranty.  Again so far it seems ok and there have been no system crashes.  The original ram started to crash my machine after the first few hours.  It's been like 6-7 hours now without incident.  Yay.  Finally a stable computer.  I had the chance to buy an am2+ motherboard for $55 dollars but it sold before I finally decided I wanted it.  Very sad.  I have a quad core processor that would be faster than what I have at the moment it just needs a MB.

What else has been happening um.  I made a couple more pages on and , these are websites where with a page you ask for donations.  Some people have made a lot of money to start their project or fund whatever or maybe a sickness or something, some have made over 10k or even 100k.  I haven't gotten any donations but I did get one comment that's about it.  On my page I said that my suffering was probably in the top 5% of all time suffering.  I reckon it could be up there in about the top 2% of all time suffering without to much of a stretch.  I guess people just don't see my page buried in amongst all the others or they don't believe me.

What else has been happening er.  I had some new neighbours move into the flat next door to me.  O.  The landlords who had the house on the market because they were getting divorced - well the husband bought out the wife so I don't have to move.  This is great news.  I need stability.  I don't want to be moving around all the time and also there were about 5 open homes which was really annoying with people coming through all the time.  I would still love to own my own home one day with all the benefits that it comes with like cheaper living costs like rent.

Anyhow i'll leave it here for now.  I haven't been doing much at all as usual.    

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Moving In One Week.

I sit staring at the screen wondering how I can get more traffic. Not very exciting staring at the screen and not knowing what to do. An idea is to post more. More words, more traffic more people might have a use for your site.

I haven't posted very much over the years but at least i've kept the site alive. I don't know what to post about. That has to be a problem.

One thing I did recently was buy a digital camera for taking photos. It's a 12 mega pixel Panasonic lumix DMC S1. I don't need it. And I doubt i'll use it much. It was such an impulse buy. It cost $140 NZ Dollars plus they don't come with an SD Card so you have to buy that to and that was another $30 dollars for a 4 GB card. I like shopping though. Having money is fun. But making wrong purchase choices can be just not fun. I like the flash on the camera which lights everything up right before taking the photo and it takes good quality photos not like a video camera which doesn't have a flash. The photos here are exactly the camera I bought.

So writing more posts. Well I bought the camera with the thoughts of using it for this website. But me being stupid I have nothing to take photo's of. I'm very silly.

Writing more posts i'm thinking will be hard. I need some variety in the topics of what i'm posting about. I have a kind of writers block.

I have exactly one week until I'm moving house. Not looking forward to moving. It should be ok. I will be poorer. But I hopefully can cover all the bills.

Anyway as usual donate and leave a comment.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

FAQ, Plans and Goals.

These are the days leading upto the move from my current house of 5 years 8 months to a new house.

I lose alot of ease of access to shops like fish and chips, supermarket, kfc, service station. These are all just across the road at the moment. My new house is alot further away. My new house is nicer though. It's about the same size as my current house but the interior is nicer and there is a fire place to keep warm and save using the electrical bill.

I have a flat tyre on my 50cc scooter at the moment. The rear needs pretty much a whole new tyre. It's pretty bald. Now it's flat. And there wouldn't be much point fixing it without replacing it. I don't use the scooter much at the moment but in the future it's going to be a lifeline. I hope I have good luck with the bike. I would much prefer a car but they are so much more expensive and really you need to be working to afford the running costs.

So scooter = pack mule for groceries in future, i'll need the scooter which has a compartment on it plus probably a school bag to carry all of my groceries. Joy and fun.

Nothing else exciting has been happening to me.

I'm jealous of people with educations. They can get awesome jobs. I can't even get supermarket work. They're also smart and do smart stuff. I ain't so bright.

I would like to get some sort of polytech education in computers if i'm ever able and i'm going to return to the work force. That would give me a foot in the door. But it's a long hard struggle from here where I am living in hell.

That's just one road. Rockstar is another road. No.

It's been nearly 10 months since i've had a cigarette. That's one thing. A good accomplishment.

I need some goals and plans for this web page. I dream all the time and so far the plan being is to get a freehold house and live off my government benefit while making an income preferably from home on the Internet that doesn't get my benefit docked ie under $100 dollars and having maximum free time and money to do stuff or just being outright rich.

The plan since the beginning and inception of this website has always been to earn money through donations and advertising. So far this hasn't worked. I've earned a total of $36 dollars so far in advertising. With donations and people giving me money i've earned zero dollars.

I'm planning on hopefully never working again. But maybe i'll have to work part time if I ever want to get any where financially. The internet is practically my only hope at the moment of making enough money for a house and the hope is pretty grim. This is turning out like a FAQ post.

So my goal and plan is to get a freehold house by making lots of money through the internet. This is more like a dream than a goal or plan I guess as my chances aren't very good. I've been trying for 5 years in a relatively lazy style and I haven't gotten anywhere. I don't have any catch or hook at the moment.

I do just have words. There's Virtual Reality Pictures in your head technology happening around the world right at this moment. And also somewhere exists a phone call of me yelling war 2 days before the 9/11 terrorist attacks in America live on talkback radio. The phone call I could post on You Tube and then have a copy of it selling for $5-10 dollars on Itunes. These are a couple of the things i've been going on about. So I believe I can make some money with these topics.

Thats it from me for now.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Virtual Reality and How It Exists Right Now.

So I came across a few blogspot websites. They were pretty good. Averaging like 100 posts a year some of them for the last 5 years. I guess that's something i'm working on and that's posting more. I do find I have very little to write about. One of the websites was which is now on over 6 million page views and the website is under 1 year old.

The main stream media are picking up on it to. It's all about a Dad and how he dresses up in a different costume each morning and waves at the bus his son is travelling on to school. It has 170 days of different constumes.

So the thing is with my website... I'm not nearly even close to being smart. My writing style is not very flash or there's not much humor. I'm damaged. I'm broken. I'm Tormented.

I've been unwell since I was like 20. It's only now that I feel sometimes ok. But i'm still a little crazy. I make bad decisions.

This website hasn't progressed much since I started it. I'm still writing about the same stuff. Stuff like please provide me money through paypal with your credit card. Mostly stuff like that. I'm still poor. I'm going to be on a government benefit for the rest of my life. So i'm going to remain poor. I'm a little richer than I was 9 months ago after giving up smoking. That provides me with a little extra money each week.

Asking for money hasn't worked. A few websites have had success asking for money. A few more have had success with running ads on there page and have made some money that way. I haven't had any success whatsoever.

With the wave at your bus website it's also a blogger website. So it can be done on blogger. You can become famous and can make a little money. It just depends what your blog is about.

So my topics aren't that interesting. My Virtual Reality posts are telling of a secret technology that most normal people haven't experienced and don't know exist. I guess by the nature of me i'm not going to get very far telling of the technology. All i'm saying is that it exists right now the ability to send pictures, movies, computer graphics directly into your mind. A computer brain interface.

I don't know how it's done. I don't know anything about the technology behind it. All I know is that it can be done and is being done right now.

So this is a boring topic. Because at the moment no body knows and it's probably experimental and bringing it to the masses is a whole different ball game. Pictures in your head is a fringe topic. September 11th and my phone call that I talk about all the time are another thing this blog is about. Another quite fringe topic especially the way i'm presenting it.

So this blog is about fringe topics. Topics not yet in the mainstream. Unknown stuff and things. Maybe oneday this blog will take off but I don't see it happening at the moment.

I guess the things I can say about Virtual Reality and Virtual Reality Technology are so very limited as is my experience about it. One of the most important things I guess is that it exists.

Virtual Reality and the ability to send pictures directly into your mind... in your head, in your eyesight. It exists right now. What else can I say. You should be demanding to be plugged in maybe??? It is the future. So why not the future right now. Virtual Reality. Only a small percentage of people in the world know about Virtual Reality. I guess this is so far ahead of everyone that no one will believe me. Virtual Reality the games are going to be fun if it ever sees the light of day in the next 30 years. How far ahead am I?

What are your opinions. Please leave a comment.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Living Water in a Store Near You Soon. And Reason Number 12 You Could Donate To Me.

It's hard to write a post in a blog everyday for me. I just keep putting it off and then it doesn't get done. I'm still quite new to blogging and no-ones really read or are reading my posts. This doesn't really help, it's not a big motivator when you know no-ones going to really read what you write.

Still. I'm hoping that as I write more and more posts it will become easier. I'll actually start to post more over time is the plan. It's like a fitness and strength thing. If you turn yourself into the gym 3 times a week you get stronger so if I turn in three posts during a week i'll get stronger over time. Buff.

My last couple of posts have been about living water. Nothing exciting here except I found a scripture saying that Jesus of the bible will give someone living water and they will have everlasting life. Obviously the living water I had was the very one mentioned in the bible god and Jesus being real and all. Yay I have everlasting life because the bible tells me (*Cough* Jesus never existed).

God's a boring subject because it can never go anywhere. It interested me for a while but after actually reading the bible in my own time i'm going to be moving away from that forever. I'm sorry I got involved. With my living water now what i'm going to do is find out the secret formula that made it taste living and reproduce it and then take over the worlds softdrink market easily overtaking coke and pepsi because of the incredible taste.

It will be a multi billion dollar industry but no I can't actually reproduce it, it was just a hallucination but I have mentioned it because christians believe in god and it might amuse them and they might actually believe in it but no again the reason they won't believe in it is because god doesn't exist overall. It would make a nice softdrink if I could reproduce it though.

Living water softdrink could be the future. The bible was my ticket to immortality, to bad it's not real. If I can recreate what made it taste living and then sell it. Half the world believes in god thats just crazy. This is kind of an attempt to convert people from believing in god. I believe believing in something false is dangerous.

Watch out in stores for living water which will make me billions as a softdrink. This can be my new angle seeing that god and Jesus don't exist and I don't have everlasting life much to my disappointment and I have to find some other use for my living water strange sensation illusion. I discovered living water to make a new softdrink to make billions of dollars. Nope i'm just being stupid, like god my living water was just an illusion. Obviously. It was one off and can't be reproduced. A living water softdrink would be cool though.

If your Christian I rule the universe. God said by giving me living water. I'll let you off though and tell you that gods not real so no need to fear me.

I'm so pitiful that I have living water hallucinations and talk about it in my blog - this can be reason number 12 you could donate to me.

This wasn't a very well written blog entry. I have tried. I'm trying to make money but alas. Still you can donate to me if you want.

I hope I can I improve from this post. How hard can it be because this post is so bad.


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