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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2015

2 Corinthians 5:4 so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life

Scripture For The Day.

2 Corinthians 5:4 While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it's not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life.

I see this problem as a generation of life. Just how do we generate more life?

Immortality. Mortal Swallowed By Life.
I believe feeding people at the bottom end of society is one way of creating life upon the planet. There are plenty of starving people in the world.

Communication perhaps. One person figures something out and tells, communicates or demonstrates it to others.

I'm thinking of a discovery about the human body. Technology involving the human body. To swallow up death you would need alot of life.

I understand this description of life to be similar to power. The more life you have the smoother things are.

Just how much life is the human body capable of?

This is only really bible thinking. For it is truly an evil world where evil rules.

Perhaps to be set free we must each generate more life. Each work for our individual freedom.

I mean aren't we doing this already. There are evil scary people. Also many forces that we don't yet understand. Dark places without light.

So again just how do we generate more life.

I'm pretty sure more life in each of us can be passed on to others. Money needs to be spent on more important things. Priorties.

Food, medicines, shelter, clothing. For all. On a permanent basis. We need to fund the world.

This world will soon change.

If we don't dig in and set everyone up then we will never make it.

Everyone should be funded a bare minimum in life.

There can be major setbacks in life on the planet like earthquakes or natural disasters. As a people we should be trying to settle and make permanent peoples lives. People live on this planet 80 years on average. So people need a permanent house to live. People also need food and clothing.

If we get people sorted and living day to day we can generate more life eventually enough to swallow up death. There is more life in joy than misery. The more experience we have with living the more life also we can generate. I believe overall day to day each day the planet as a whole generates more life. But it can be speed up.

We need to reach critical mass to beat destroy and swallow up death in victory and life. What are some ways you yourself can think of to generate life? What is your definition of life exactly? Can it be generated.

So work at it. Work at generating more life for yourself. Being more alive.

With feeding the world. To me. It like food is energy. Energy creates life. Christ said work for food that doesn't perish. Spend energy from food that perishes on creating life. Food in equals movement + thought output. If we can continuously feed people that don't usually get feed we can generate more life.

What is really possible? How do we have enough life to vanquish death? How. I don't have very much life myself.

The rich need to lift the poor. Technology needs to lift everyone. The strong need to lift the weak.

Things are happening everyday.

So I believe that one day we will have enough life to swallow up the mortal. But things need to be done.

Mortal Swallowed up By Life. I believe.

Note* Added label "Joy".

Darcy Lee.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Grass Roots Philanthropy.

I'm making a stand. I'm using the words "Phone Call On YouTube" and various differentiation's of these words. Essentially I want to see my phone call to a talkback radio station during prime time where I talk all about "WAR" I give blood lay my life on the line then 2 days later the planes hit the buildings in America, I want to see this phone call on YouTube.

philanthropy. c.1600, from Late Latin philanthropia, from Greek philanthropia "kindliness, humanity, benevolence, love to mankind" (from gods, men, or things), from philanthropos (adj.) "loving mankind, useful to man," from phil- "loving" (see philo-) + anthropos "mankind" (see anthropo-).

That was the dictionary meaning of philanthropy. I plan to do this. Some more. I plan to help people with the money that I can possibly reap. First I will save myself and people I know.

This phone call must appear on YouTube. It will help millions of people.

I will setup a charity. I believe in feeding, clothing and housing  providing water and electricity for people for the long term. I will begin to impact these areas. I can use words to inspire and move people past failures into long term ventures and goals immediately, I can aid in the health of people.

I have truly Suffered.
I'm pretty sure solar power is the future. My charity/company will invest in solar power and look for alternatives to petrol and diesel and other forms of polluting power. Investment in this area, solar, is sure to pay off as polluting petrol and diesel driven cars are looking ripe for the taking off the road.

Petrol and diesel has reached it's peak.

What else can I achieve? Phone Call On YouTube.

This phone call alone will inspire you. It will go viral and many meme will be created. There will be a great many responses. I definitely will need some money to start and set myself. I believe I will start a new forum. This forum will take money to start and run but should generate a profit if enough people join. I haven't had much luck on other forums so starting my own one seems pretty logical. It should be the hip new place to hang out for 5 minutes or so at least until my phone call dies a horrible death by truth and love but it should generate much traffic and perhaps the forum will live on.

I'm a Philanthropist.
I'm a philanthropist. I'm waiting on my phone call on YouTube. This will be my freedom. I should be able to generate a life time of income for me and all my family and friends and even a few strangers. I believe this is what my phone call on YouTube will achieve.


Honestly this phone call must be on YouTube. Now. Immediately. As soon as is theoretically possible. I need your help because it is not happening.


Right now.

Help a fellow man on your journey that you have stumbled across.  Phone call on YouTube.

Leave a comment can be one of the best ways to help. It shows you've acknowledged what i've said. What about posting on twitter or facebook? There is plenty you can do.

Please help me make a stand "PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE"


My phone call is of a truth I say and believe. It has truth entwined through it supporting it's structure. You must hear for your self. Phone call on YouTube.

Darcy Lee

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Yelled War Live on Talkback Radio.
MY PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE is all i'm saying, this is the bottom line.  I guess i'm kind of saying America Sucks a little to. This has gone on long enough.
If it were any closer to being broken then it would break is not the truth. It's never going to break. Not by my effort will this happen.

My will to get my phone call on YouTube is immovable. It must be there. This is only fair and real. So i'm saying America Sucks simply because a piece of history is being defamed. My phone call I predict will earn 10 million hits in it's first week. Maybe not but it will get alot. It will gain momentum. No one can say how well it will do but I know that it is history. 

This Phone Call that I made that has been classified must appear on YouTube.

This is my answer to their arguments that they use. Any other opinion about this phone call is a lie. This phone call must appear on youtube.

History must be made whole and right. This phone call is missing. It's not right. It's totally wrong. This phone call must be on youtube.

My phone call is missing from YouTube. 
2 Days Later The Planes Hit The Buildings.

This phone call is a piece of the worlds history in the making. It is art. It is Warfare. 

You the reader must ask yourself and will yourself. This is important. 20 million Unique YouTube Hits says this is important.

Honestly even if it gets 20k in the first few months then still justice and right has been done. 

This phone call must be on YouTube.

I will not back down.

I speak these words "PHONE CALL ON YOUTUBE". I stand here, I will not fall. What can come against me?

It must be done.

This phone call must enter the public and be peer reviewed but also by the world not just the elite.

This is a fight against a secret elite.

Phone Call Was My Lifes Blood. Suffering.
Powers and Principalities. 

Phone call on YouTube.

This must happen.

It is truly important for the world.

Immense suffering is behind this. 



Darcy Lee

Friday, January 30, 2015

Real Life Humans With Superpowers.

Both these videos I found quite inspirational. They are Real Life Humans With Superpowers. I liked the vascularity of the marathon runner. His muscles were awesome. I'm going to grow some veins myself now through share will power and sitting on my bum not through hard work at all. Lol. The marathon runner ran 50 marathons in a row I think it said.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Scripture For The Day.

The scripture for today is:

Revelation 21:4 and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

And also the similar in style scripture:

Isaiah 25:8 he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people's disgrace from all the earth. The LORD has spoken.

Mansion In Heaven.
So God I have to ask. Will this be gradual or overnight? Is everyone going to live in space? Perhaps you already have mansions made up, these are in heaven. But this means the question where is heaven?.  It's taking a little bit of time as well. I can believe in mansions in heaven.

There is a matrix but it's human tech and not GOD. I have actually tried to trade home improvements and fashions of costumes and armor accessories within the matrix that is they can be only seen if you've got the classified rating.

Like clothes but you have to be using the matrix virtual reality. I believe i'm one of the first on the market. I don't actually have any designs or skills to make designs even with my mind. My mind is poor. But i'm sure being first on the market with the idea is important.

Once the tech is prevalent enough should be good business.

An idea I had today was to set up a site similar to YouTube but make it a solely educational website. Kind of like a video based Wikipedia for education.

The idea is this. There are millions of students going to school each day. If the teachers recorded a lecture or more than one on all the different subjects they teach over a period of a year. They might have like 5 lectures but if lots of teachers all added there work over the year if would equate to a lot of educational videos that students could use to learn how to do different things.

It would be a matter of getting as many teachers involved as possible. They teach every day. Teachers should definitely be adding footage and lots of it. Even if at the moment it's to Youtube. Also getting the students involved in making the video perhaps holds potentials as well.

I'm just saying that TEACHERS of students need to make more as many and heaps hours of footage of themselves teaching and post it in a useful way. Any and all footage should be posted as a teaching legacy. It would be the power of the multitude and mass of teacher if they all joined in in posting videos of their lectures. Instead of You Tube someone could set up an online university where perhaps only registered teachers could post. Power to the teachers and studernts. Creating a mass of videos should be for them. Footage for footage sake footage upon footage posted.

Comfortable and lasting. Better World Transportation.
Also another idea I had is based on experience. Basically there should be a minimum quality of footwear sold in stores. Like a shoe I bought from The Warehouse lasted about ill give it 6 trips into town and back before it had a huge hole worn right in the bottom of the shoe. Now i have a on special $50 dollar pair of shoes that are new balance branded where I have walked twice as many trips and they aren't showing any wear practically. The thing is the New Balance shoes were also millions of times more comfortable to walk in. Like they gave u a spring in your step.

This is like for transportation. If people have decent cheap shoes then they can walk twice as far and still be comfortable. And if they are doing a lot of walking then the shoe should be comfortable and long lasting. Not like The Warehouse shoe which was practically a waste of materials. The comfort level of The Warehouse shoe was very bad for walking.

It's really for people down on the poor end of the scale. People who don't have cars and have to walk everywhere. I guess also cheap peddle bikes can help. The Warehouse sell those as well. Thing is they probably lack quality for the price.

I know that petrol has fallen. But still for the poor people who have to walk it works for them to give them better longer lasting transportation in the terms of a better shoe to wear and eliminate a certain lower standard of shoe.

I guess I have gone off topic for the scripture of the day.

I'm pretty sure i'm immortal. If I die I will be resurrected. I have trouble believing in certain aspects of the bible. The work of god is to believe in the one he sent. I have no way to prove if Jesus was resurrected and came back to life after being crucified horribly to his death. I'm stuck there.

There are so many fallacies in the bible why can't I hold to them and see past. I keep coming back to the bible to be punished. Is there anything more constructive I can do with my time? Some how perhaps i'm a believer. But what draws me to the bible? I want the power of LOVE.

If one could solve whether there was a God or not this would greatly help the world. If you were able to communicate this information in a believable

way. But I bet that's an impossibility. The mystery of GOD will go on my whole entire life however long or short that is.

It is a mystery. There isn't proof. I can't prove that Jesus was resurrected. If I could prove that it would be power. We talked about power in my last post. I'll leave it here for now.

Darcy Lee

What is Love?

What is Love Haddaway.

Adding this to music 2. Looked up what is love and this is the video that they are pushing. There's also a couple of interesting psychological articles about what is love.

That article states that you can't command love.

Not sure if that is totally true.

You can build a fire perhaps. Giving you more than a base level of love. A deeper love. From the excess you spend it on gaining more. A hotter fire.

Love if you have it can't be turned off very much.

Guess i've never been in love. That sucks.

Im concentrating on loving GOD and his son JESUS. But if they don't exist then I am wasting my time utterly. Is it wrong to love Jesus. I can't seem to find any love there really. It's pretty cold hard place trying to get love outta Jesus, enough love to change the world so that there is no more suffering pain tears or death like the scripture says in the bible.

I'm to sick to love really. I find myself getting a little sicker these days again.

To me love is a cure. It's medicine and allows you to preform miracles.

I have yet to see a powerful love like those in the movies where it vanquishes bad guys and demons and defeats all enemies. I dream of this love.

I have idealised love for a long time. I probably haven't loved for along time. Not since I suffered.

I'm finding myself falling away from the bible. I do love everything it says about love. But there is no end to the proofs that are needed such as Jesus being resurrected. It's simply to hard to figure out given the tools I have.

I'm pretty sure i'm delusional in chasing The Holy Bible. I just find the new testament, proverbs psalms and isaiah all very interesting. I mean what if it's real. See I am just this dumb and gullible to fall for it. I like things like defeating evil bad guys and love and righteousness and justice. This is essentially what the bible is about. So this book just agrees with my ideals. It appeals to me. I have a taste for it.

Not sure but believing in the bible it probably only leads to death like every other pursuit on the planet at moment. I like to think if there is anything to be found in the bible I can hopefully find it and be equipped by it.

This is a war on death I am waging. I haven't mentioned it in a while. I would like to live forever. I believe every problem has a solution leading to a paradise awaiting.

I believe we are all eternal now. There will be a resurrection. Nobody actually dies. But some are punished upon resurrection. All our lives will be open before everyone. There will be no secret thing.

I had more ideas but I have forgotten them.

So i guess I can say that being taught of Hollywood I am looking for love through the bible.

I am looking for power. For the kingdom of heaven according to the bible is not a matter of talk but of power. At the moment I have very little power. I am all talk no power.

How do u get power?

God apparently has unlimited power. Love is the power I crave. Because that's the strongest power there is. These also are just more words and talk. I don't know what to do,

We do some strange things when were sick.

So bible if your real i'm waiting on you and God to help me. If your not real then no problem I had fun with you even though you make me very angry for pushing something as truth when in fact it isn't. Bible you confuse so many people. O bible what is your truth.

I shall never see through you to perhaps something better. Bible are you the best there is.

Bible your certainly poor in many areas. You cause much great distress in my life. Why can't I rid myself of you. Not that I want to be rid of you. But I want to know that truth and thus have some peace. I want to be able to present what I have found to others so they can share. At the moment I cant do this as I have nothing.

I want to know the truth.

Now iv'e said enough.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Why ordinary people need to understand power

Eric Liu: Why ordinary people need to understand power.  Thats the title of the video above.  I watched it all. Having power is something that my psychologist said I didn't have when I told him about the songs I have words in.  He said I need power. I need power to get my phone call out into the public.
There perhaps needs to be a demand for it, my phone call.  I don't know how to create a demand.  I didn't give myself enough power at the beginning and was treated horribly after that.  I guess that I have to keep telling my story on this website and on forums.  The thing is all my threads die a very horrible death.  Nobody listens.  If I used power better I would've been able to get financial support from my initial phone call.  But I kinda blew that off.

I reckon if I'd thought about it I could've got 4 billion dollars on the spot.  The thing is I wasn't like I am today.  I was still suffering hard core and with this I think I would've made poorer decisions.  It's possible that waiting has been safer.  But not this long.  Not as long as it's been.  I'd be in much better condition if I was rich possibly from food to gym equipment to housing to entertainment.  The bible says to beware the deceit of wealth.  It's hard to imagine life being rich.  How can rich be bad?  I possibly might use some drugs or something?  This could be a very real trap.  Money is kind of power.  The bible says you either love money or God and that you can't serve two masters.

Between money and God, God would be the better master.  It would be far better to be in Love with God than to be in Love with money.  But what am I?  I can't ask myself this question.  I chase money very hard.  I long and want money to be rich.  I just want to be comfortable.  I don't really know God but I know money. I can't ask myself this question because I don't know the answer.  It's like God are you even real.

I have a lot of questions with very little power to answer them and make endings and solutions.  We are working in the dark.  Some still shine brighter than others even in this dark.  Jesus said "I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life ".

I don't know how you or I can follow Jesus.  Perhaps he is just a myth and Legend.  I grew up with Jesus.  I went to a thing called Boys Brigade, it was a Christian organisation for boys.  That's possibly where I learned most of my scripture.  I never had a bible at home.  But today it's very hard to see the light of life and I possibly walk in darkness.  It's very hard to believe in Jesus in todays world as a grown up after examining the bible again.  I must say I do like some of the teachings. Many of the teachings.

I have found myself practising stuff from the bible as I grew.  I liked it and used to rely on it, the bible.  I have truly suffered now.  If you can share in Christs suffering I have done that, I have truly suffered.  Now I hope to share in his, Christs glory.  I guess my end will be death like everyone else.  Medically i'm not in the best condition.  I'm poor medically as well as financially.  But I hope I got 30 years left.  I should see some marvellous things in the next 30 years.  Technology will be amazing.  They are working hard everyday.

We humans are fragile aren't we.  Here one minute gone the next.  I hope I have deep roots and foundations to see me through situations that may come about.  This has kinda been the type of power that I use in this post.  I rely on the bible stories a lot for my power.  But they could be quite false.  I have no way to prove or disprove them.  It's what I love though.  I will keep searching scriptures for answers to everyday problems where solutions are needed.  I like referring to scripture.  But it could be just nonsense.  Why do I use it when there is not end to it.  It goes on and on.  I hope to oneday solve the age old question "Is there a GOD".  Will I ever answer this question.  I guess to solve it is to meet him.

I still find the bible a good read.  I also like reading commentary and blogs about scripture and listening to sermons.  I guess this post is long enough.  I need more power to solve things is this the answer?  Where will this power come from?

911 Phone call on YOUTUBE is a small the goal.  Death is the final enemy.  Fight death.  Defeat Death.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Laura Story Blessings.

Laura Story - Blessings

This is kind of a sad song I find.  It's very Christian and Jesus.  I did get a few listens out of it though.

It's obviously very hard to believe in Jesus with so many people saying no.  The world pushes Jesus away.

I'm kind of ashamed of my belief in Jesus in the fact that I don't really believe in him.  There's a scripture saying.....  Luke 9:26   Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.  And also..... Matthew 10:33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.

I kinda love Jesus words but I can't see after 2000 years and the way technology is that Jesus is going to have an impact in the future.  It's possible there will always be believers in Jesus through the entire history.  I find it ever so hard to believe in Jesus and find that he's mostly a myth.  He probably did indeed suffer though so that's a pretty hard thing to do.  He deserves his church.  Isn't it hard to believe in his resurrection from the dead?  This is like a key point of Christianity.  Yet I find myself not believing.

The bible is just so hard to believe in.  Jesus is just as hard but I like what he says.  There is no evidence for his RES or his miracles.  I do like the fact that people gather once a week even if they are praising Jesus and worshipping.  At least there being social and making friends and communicating ideas and efficiencies. Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.  The gathering is vital.  It's generally wholesome even if a little crazy from it's base.  I believe it does nothing but good unless they are strict and unlike children possibly.  Just the people interacting and talking and there can be quite alot of people.

John 8:32 The Truth Shall Make You Free.  If I was to know the truth about Jesus Christ and the bible I would have a heavy burden lifted off my shoulders.  It is a puzzle I have tried to solve for a long time.  I think I am at the point of not believing.  It is endless and neverending.  Maybe if I knew what I know now back when I was like 10 years old or something I could solve it with the endless energy I had back then and the much greater mind capacity.  But now I find I am much to dumb and deceived.  I would dearly love to know the truth.

I find I don't want to goto church.  It's to early in the morning for me and their beliefs are different from mine. The bible says not to forsake the gathering. I guess as a non believer this doesn't apply to me. It's unfortunate that I don't know the truth. I am definitely not free.

I need a demonstration of Spirit and Power.  Never seen one.  Who wouldn't believe these days.  So much lacking in todays Christianity.  How can they be happy with what they have even though they are taught to be content with what they have.  I'm pretty sure they don't have Jesus either or the truth.

Perhaps I love money?  Maybe this is my fault?  I need money I find.  To buy food and pay bills.  I also find there is always a shortage of money.  I could always use more money.  I do desire to be rich.  But this is because the opportunity has been within reach.  I would of had many other things to occupy myself the last few years if money wasn't in reach.  But I always seem to be just grasping at it and it's always out of reach never to land.  I hope one day to be wealthy.  But it's taken it's toll.  I don't need much.  Hebrews 13:5   Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have,

I would like a demonstration of spirit and power.  I certainly can't demonstrate such a thing.  I have never seen a demonstration. Nobody is able I guess and this frustrates me a hell of alot.

Christians need to go hard and solve some of these issues.  If they know God why can't others like myself. But I don't really see Christians as knowing God either.  God is hidden.  We are in darkness and people perish from a lack of knowledge.

This has been alot to add to this video but owell.  This is where i'm at with Christianity.

Darcy Lee

Friday, April 18, 2014

Why Don't Christians Have Powers?

This is another post I made to  The post is called  "How Come Christians Can't Do Spiritual Powers Miracles Signs Like Jesus Christ."  At the time of this post the thread has 36 posts and four flags.  This has been quite a popular thread for me.  Most of my threads die out before 20 posts.  But saying that I didn't get many flags of stars. Flags u get from other users for starting the thread.  They give the thread a flag if they like it and think it's important.  Stars u get for individual posts pretty much the same as flags but for everyone not just the thread starter.  Anyones post can be rated by stars.  Anyway here is the topic:

Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

The main power here is curing sick people. I would like to see people curing people. I think there is a lot of truth lacking. How sick can a person be and get well with someone placing their hands on them. It's not working. Priests go to hospitals to talk to the sick but the sick don't get better.

What are your suggestions for why it's not working? Maybe everyone is a sinner and there isn't even a single true believer alive yet. Perhaps we are waiting for the first believer.

If one person learned how to do it learned the truth he could teach others. But at the moment the world is stuck. The power is not working.

Lets take a head count? Who here can place there hands on someone and heal them? Is it such a bad thing to practice? Prayer seems to have failed as well.

If death is the enemy death is kicking ass. Will knowledge defeat death? What is your answer. I would take a Christian anyday over someone who doesn't even want to fight death and is happy to just die. Christians are at least active in the battle against death. They see death as an enemy. This is correct.

Immortality is definitely something to desire. A pain free struggle free tear free existence would be wonderful and that's exactly how I imagine Eternal Life.

But I also imagine Eternal Life with powers. Like the ability to walk on water or feed 5000 from a couple loaves of bread. Turn water into wine. And also to do greater things than these.

What is your definition of talking in new tongues?

Could there be a science to the laying on of hands? Perhaps the power is a responsibility. What is the key to unlocking the mystery of curing the sick by the laying of on hands. I know it's practised but it doesn't work at the moment.

I'm not sure I believe in Demons but I know that many people get pleasure out of doing evil to others and live as friends of death. There is plenty and much evil in the world. People can be very evil and I simply don't know what the answer is.

I'm sorry for boring you. I live in a fantasy world where we should all have powers and there shouldn't be any death or evil. I would like to see powers established in this world.

I guess so many have tried and failed and so many say it's impossible that there's not much point in thinking about it. My hope wains.

What do you think. Lots of people claim to have powers of some type but generally they don't and they are liars or delusional or small in mind.

What does a well built house consist of? Is it just enough to get to 80 and then die. This is a mystery. It's pretty difficult to get to 80 years of age. If your sick your generally suffering. I would like to see this suffering become a thing of the the past.

Even in the huge church gatherings where there's like 20k people no one actually gets healed. We all copy each other. Perhaps this is the problem. We copy someone who doesn't know what they are doing.

How does the laying on of hands actually work? Does it require words or prayer? Give your instructions on how to lay your hands on someone and heal them.

I mean how hard can it be. You put your hands on someone and hey presto. Yep nope. Guess it doesn't work.

I guess I have to move my beliefs about Jesus beliefs into the either to hard or don't believe basket. It's kind of like a myth or legend the bible so hard to believe. I'm pretty sure Jesus existed and that he was crucified and died a horrible death. But the resurrection is pretty tough to believe in.

Jesus is the owner of the church.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Jesus Christ has had 2000 years and hasn't produced many results. Who believes in the above scripture. Perhaps you can explain your belief in it.

Many people call on the name of Jesus Christ. I would like to see results.

I mean the church is massive. It has heaps of different branches and millions of members. But it's not working. People go every Sunday but no power is produced.

I guess I don't believe in Jesus. I'm sorry that I don't. I can believe in powers which means I can believe Jesus had them. But I have no powers myself.

I desire immortality and heaven. There is no evidence for Jesus other than people with no power.

If you do the things that Jesus did then you would be famous instantly. Knowledge of the lord would fill the whole earth.

Show me the Love. I don't sense any love. It's so very hard to see love in this darkness. Do you have any love for me?

What are your opinions. How far away are we from having powers? I guess science and tech will be the answer.

What abilities do you have? If you had powers the Govt would snaffle you right quick.

Am I dreaming about powers? What sort of power is love?

Sorry again for boring you.

Answer yourself.


That's the end.  You can find the thread here and read the replies.  I post under the name Leeda.  If you go to ATS and click my name it will show you all the threads I have authored over the last few years.

Thanks for reading

Darcy Lee

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