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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Make Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Make Money. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2015

Payout From Google Adsense.

Finally after like 9 years of operating my website I have managed to get a payout from Google Adsense. I managed after this time to reach the NZ $130 dollar mark. I mean like 9 years. I'm pretty sure this website has had Adsense this whole time so it really did take me that long.

Goggle Adsense.
It was a long time. Anyway with the money I purchased a 2 Terabyte Western Digital external Hard Disc Drive. I'm pretty sure that I will be able to hit the payout limit in about 3-4 years this time. I've already had a good month. I don't think I'm actually allowed to tell you how much I earned through Adsense exactly so I won't. But already It's been pretty good.

The money from the first payout was in my bank account on October 22 2015.

I'm going to update the money clock on the side of page to show the new earnings. I'm also going to add the Diablo 3 earnings from the past and any other earnings I make like other games I have played. This money clock is for all money I make through the internet.

Added Label "Money Clock".

So in terms of what i've made through the internet here goes:

$10   US Dollars for Ad on Website.  Source dried up.
$391 US Dollars from Diablo 3 Auction House, Source dried up.
$260 US Dollars Other Games. Can still make a little money from this source possibly but not much.
$85   US Dollars from Google Adsense.  Still able to make money from this source.

$746 US Dollars altogether and this is the total that's going on the clock. So my efforts from the internet have earned me this much in 9 years of trying. Not very successful really.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, July 16, 2015

400 Domain Names & Bill Gates Leo Getz

Leo Getz Lethal Weapon
I seem to have a fascination with the Lethal Weapon series. Anyway my take on "Anything you want Leo Getz" is "Anything he wants Bill Gates" pronouncing Gates as Getz.

I bring up Bill Gates because today I sent him an email business like in an attempt to make some money. I sent a list of about just over 400 domains that I have invented over the last 3 years. I'm hoping that Bill will show some interest in at least one of the domains and purchase it from me. I'm trawling with a fishing net hoping to catch some fish. With over 400 domains suggested one has to be ok surely and pay out some money? It has been 3 years works over the days.

Bill Gates
I don't know if i've mentioned it yet but my main monitor has stopped working. I'm having to use a much smaller screen at a lower resolution. Any money earned will go on a monitor.

Still no luck in raising money or donations for a house as if you would've guessed. I still pay rent.

People don't believe me that i'm a Billionaire Rockstar who's cut off from his money till something happens god knows what.

I have to try and earn money however I can. On that note this website is about to pay out after nearly 6 years. I have nearly hit the Google adsense payment threshold of $130 NZ dollars when they pay you out. YAY. I really hope i'm not breaking TOS by telling you that but I should be able to say just that.

The money earned is probably going on either a new monitor or an external 2TB Hard Disk Drive. I'll try and do the monitor first though. Hope old Bill Replies back to ole unimportant me.

As always you can contact Bill Gates at

Added Label "Business"

Darcy Lee

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Advertising and Sponsorship Of A House.

The following post I made to 3 different crowd funding sites. A crowd funding site is a place where people specifically go to give and receive money for different ideas and startups of emergencies anything really. If people have sympathy for you or your idea is good they will donate.

You can find my three pages here:

My last page which is on rockethub hasn't been approved yet but i'll add link if it does get approval. *EDIT* added link to rocket hub.

Anyhow here is the article seeking to get house sponsorship I wrote.

So my idea to make donations is to sell advertising on a house. I'm also looking at doing the same with a car. Basically you make a donation big enough and this earns you an advertising spot somewhere either on the inside or exterior or roof of my house or fences or perhaps billboards that could be erected.

Also I'm looking to earn $30k for a car here in NZ. Something like a Suzuki Grand Vitara 4wd 2 door. But I would drive anything if it was a car company who wanted me to support and drive their brand around. I could have your advertising on the car. I will pay for all petrol and maintenance on the car but you have to pay for the paint job and car itself. I will drive it everywhere and own it a long time. Your advertisement will be seen in many places round New Zealand on this car.

This could catch on. You could have professional paid people who drive round in special advertising cars. The sole goal of the car is to have the advertising on it and to be seen driving round in various places. More people could sell advertising on their cars perhaps to be seen.  A company could paint up a few 100 of peoples cars with their logo. Perhaps start a trading website where buyers and sellers of this type of advertisement could meet up. 

A Person could advertise with pictures of their car selling advertising space on their car stating where and how big. The people who want the adds could pay the person a fee for having the ad on the car plus the paint job itself. It could be something as simple as a bumper sticker. Match up bumper stickers of advertisements to cars for dollar bills. I'm sure people would be willing to donate space on their cars for advertising if they were being paid. It could also perhaps be a type of catalog of cars.

So I don't know how it goes yet but let's say if you donate $500 dollars as a minimum then you achieve the smallest size advertisement on the inside of the house. $50 will get you a text link somewhere on the inside of house. $1000 will get you an advertisement on the outside of the house or fence or roof of house. Alot of the factors are going to depend on the house I purchase. But I guarantee that I will spend $35,000 US dollars on the paintjob itself probably more. If you want a bigger advertisement then buy multiple blocks.

At the moment I can't guarantee the size of advertisements. I have to make enough money to purchase both the house and get it painted in all the advertisements. This won't be easy. If i fail to make enough money for the paint job I will try and get just a text link done. This really is just to raise funds for a house for myself. I will live in this house for the rest of my life unless I can upgrade or something. I'm hoping to build new though so it should last a long time. 

There was million dollar pixel homepage where the guy was selling pixel adds. I guess I'm selling ads but the pixels are on my house and car.

So you can donate towards an advertisement on a house or car. This is how i'm trying to raise my funds. If all goes well and we raise enough I should be able to get this done.

I once saw a house and the wallpapered interior was just hung up old newspapers that people could read. The wallpaper was newspapers. This house will be an advertisement for many companies if I make enough. A car would be a bonus. Also someone once sold an advertisement on their forehead as a tattoo. Well I'm selling advertisements on my house and car. Commercial sponsored advertising corporate business house living. You don't see many people living in sponsored houses. I'm hoping the advertising and sponsorship will cover the cost of everything.

Just to make it clear. I first need to raise enough funds to purchase a house as I don't as yet own my own house. If i don't make enough then I will just use any money earned for various endeavours in my life. Hopefully I can make enough to both purchase the house and get the paintjob done.

Thanks for reading 

Darcy Lee

That was exactly word for word what I put on the three sites. Also only 2 of the sites included what they call perks. These make it easy to get the people making the donations and the advertising sorted. I'm not sure if the 3rd site is going to be able to handle what i'm doing but i'll try anyway.

Added Label "Advertising".

I'll leave it here, this post is now long enough.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bitcoin Digital Currency.

Bitcoin.  This is basically new to me.  I only just heard about it but it was first introduced in 2009.  Bitcoin as this currency is called can be mined using your computer.  My computer only has the capability to earn about 9 cents a day, this doesn't even cover the electricity that it would use.

But you can buy asic (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) Miners which mine much faster than your ordinary video card but they cost a fair bit and you have to mine for a while before you make the cost of the card back.  If I ever have any money i'm thinking of investing.  If i'd known sooner I could have maybe made some money.

I would probably invest in a asic miner and probably not make my money back.  Lol.

I'm going to run it overnight tonight to see how much I make.  This is basically another way to make some money.  Bitcoins were at one stage selling for $1200 US dollars for one.

U can run the software and still use the computer for surfing just not 3d games.

Look into Bitcoin if you want to make some money and you have a fast video card already.  Look into to they sell the asic miners.

This is all.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Diablo 3 Auction House.

Diablo 3 Box Guest Passes and Notepad.
Recently i've been playing with the Diablo 3 Gold and Real Money Auction Houses.  I've been buying gear on the Gold Auction House and then re-listing it on the Real Money AH with mark-up to make a profit.

I started with $2.50 in my Paypal account and have worked my way upto currently having $55 US dollars in my paypal account with another $11 in sales due to clear overnight tonight, so really i've got $66 US.

Not only do I have $66 US dollars but I also have 10 legendaries all valued between $5-$15 US dollars listing value on the RMAH which are currently all listed and waiting for someone to purchase them.

All I did was research the markets and bought low and sold high using the price difference between the two different Auctions houses.  I buy gold off the gold AH for US $0.25 cents a million.

With the US $2.50 I had in my paypal account I  bought 10 million gold and then bought one item off the gold AH.  I sold that item at a profit and then once the money had cleared I had enough money to purchase enough gold to now buy 2 items from the Gold AH.  I just continued in this pattern of purchasing gold looking for bargains on the gold AH and re-listing them with mark up on the RMAH.

It's taken about 3 weeks to earn that money so it's not like you'll be able to earn enough to make a decent living but if you have some spare time like me then this is probably something you can do to earn some extra money.  The game has paid for itself so far.  But it is a dying game.  It's nearly a year old now and people will be moving away.  An expansion will revive things but that's probably a year or two away.

What the Diablo 3 AH Looks Like.
It's has been fun getting sales of things and watching the profits roll in.  It's getting harder now though as well.  There don't seem to be as many bargains as there once was.  I do wish that I had been doing this earlier.

One really good way of getting gear that will fetch a good price is to bid on items.  You basically need to be there when the auction closes but you can get gear this way alot cheaper than sometimes paying the buyout price.  Sometimes it's worth the wait to place a bid not to get the gear straight away .  You should place a bid at the max of what you think the item is worth and on how much of a mark-up you can place on it.

If you plan of using Diablo 3 RMAH then stats to look for are Critical Strike Chance, Attack Speed and Critical Strike Damage.  Anything with one or two of these stats is worth alot of gold.  These stats also when combined with Vitality and one of the primary stats Dexterity, Strength or Intelligence make them item even more expensive.

With the money I have earned i'm going to purchase World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria and some game time and start playing that again.  That at least is my hope.  I also hope to make a lot more money from the Diablo 3 RMAH as I make better choices in gear selection and learn to price stuff more efficiently for sales.

If you own the game and you have some free time and a couple dollars in your paypal account then you should definitely look into trading on the AH for some spare dollars and a bit of entertainment.  You don't even have to play the actual game you can just trade pretty much like what I do.  If you persevere and do the maths you should make a profit.

 Darcy Lee

Friday, September 30, 2011

Few Things About Stuff.

I recently set up a few pages linking to this website from various other blogger sites. This provides links that even though the pages are page rank 0 they come from a pr 9 website. This provides some valuable links to this website earning rankings for keywords in google.

The sites I found were the easiest to use and actually let me in with no hassle are:

With these sites I could create an account easily just by filling out the form, click a link in my email and then login and post a link to my page. I didn't post much text on the pages if any at all. But a link should be enough.

So that's six new links to my website. It's not much but it's better than before. I really need to fill out the sites with some text and images and stuff but it's so hard writing the same stuff over and over just trying to change it a little. Kind of like what I do with this blog that is write about the same stuff all the time.

I'm upto $39 dollars earned under google adsense, only $61 dollars to go until a payout so probably another 5 years at current rate.

One thing that happened recently is that my You Tube account became monetized. That is my google ads get displayed next to my You Tube videos and I get a share of the revenue. I only have a few videos up and they don't get many views so not a great earner for me yet. You Tube took down my main video which had 25,000 hits and was getting more everyday. It was made using windows movie maker and was just text of my cell phone number but it was earning hits pretty fast in the end before it was taken down.

I'll make another video of my cell phone number when I get a new cell phone as the cell phone I have at them moment is telecom and they are taking down the network that it is on. I've actually lost the charger to my current cell phone when I moved house so my cell is kind of useless. Guess what, I can't actually afford a new cell either. Not that I used it much but it was handy for receiving text messages. A new phone is like $40 dollars but that's a cheap and nasty.

I almost feel brave enough to make a You Tube video of me speaking about VR saying that pictures in your head technology is real. Just speaking not actually appearing on camera. Also it would be short as I don't have much to say. Anyone got any ideas?

I'm very poor. If you want to give me money you can with your credit card you can by clicking the paypal link. Donations should probably be a minimum of a $one dollar probably because anything lower than that I won't actually get any money at all.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Make Money

I had a silly idea last night and thought about it for a little while and even sillier wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark about it, though I was actually more asking for a house and money directly, this was email number #150 or so sent to the PM's address.

The idea was to capsulate water and sell it. All my ideas are silly. If it was cheap enough it would go alright. Not really. People wouldn't be interested in capsulated water. It would be a cheap product to capsulate though, there's plenty of water. I thought you could maybe capsulate orange Juice or Coca-Cola or Milk or something as well. Unfortunately all my ideas are silly because I don't think to well.

So anyway if you the reader of this blog now starts selling pilled water and you make millions then you have to give some money my ways. Now if you want to make money using the internet then my first suggestion is to goto and setup an account which will give you a website that will look very similar or better than this one because your running it. After you've added a few articles and your blog has been running for a little while then start running google adsense on your page. Google adsense is where ads are displayed on your page from google and everytime someone clicks on one of the ads you earn say 5-70 cents US.

From here all you need to do is keep creating content so search engines will find you and bring traffic to your website and also create links on other websites for better search rankings and traffic. This way of making money should be a long term project. It takes time to start getting reasonable traffic for most people. There are a few other ways of making money with a website like this as well. You could ask for donations. A website is kind of like a writing a book in some sense maybe just to say.

To really find out ways to make money from the internet goto one or all of these websites. They have made far more money than me and are alot more dedicated and use many more means to make money, they have been charting their progress and you will be able to see mostly whats involved and have many resources listed.

Robs Million Dollar Experiment
Mikes Money Making Mission
Kumikos Cash Quest

As one last way you could try to make money from the internet you could email Bill Gates or some of the other celebrities and powerful people I have listed in these posts.

Click here for Bill Gates and other celebrity email contact addresses.



Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Bill Gates Email Address. Email Bill Gates.

Firstly I should proberly tell you who Bill Gates is. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world. He has more than 50 billion US dollars. The only reason I can think of to send emails to Bill Gates is to try and something money. Thats about my limit. His email address is
here -

He has a dedicated team of people checking the emails. Maybe you just want to say hi? I don't imagine he actually reads much of it himself. He gets something like 4 million emails a day. I've sent a couple of emails myself, can I have some money sort of thing. Anyhow if you would like to send Bill Gates an email asking for money click the link on the side of my blog or in this post.

If you wanted you could email the President of the United States of America, Mr George Bush. Make a complaint or something. Maybe you could ask for money as well. I've sent a couple of emails to this address as well, can I have some money sort of thing again. I also asked Mr Bush if I could take a tank for a drive off road as well, didn't get any reply to that though either. You can email Mr Bush here - Comments@Whitehouse.Govt.

I've sent about 105 emails at last count to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark. Asking for money. I got a reply from one email saying they are not going to ban smoking when I asked them to ban smoking. No money though. Thats about all the activity from that address. Still a physical letter is ok about smoking. At least you know things will be actioned if there important enough when I write. You can contact Helen Clark here - Pm@Ministers.Govt.Nz.

I sent 2 emails to the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. This time I was asking what they got me for my birthday. I got two replys back from this address. The first one was saying my email had been forwarded to the approriate department and the second one then said that they didn't send out congratulatory letters until someone reached 65 years old. Very kind of the Canadians for those two letters, I mean you know something happening at Stephen Harpers address. You can contact the Prime Minister of Canada
here -

I'm hoping I can discover more addresses of people to send emails to as a collection. Send an email to someone if you want just because it's still kind of new technology. Well not really but sort of new I mean contacting powerful people easily.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

10 Reasons You Could Donate Money To Me.

I'll try right now and come up with ten reasons why someone should donate money to me.

Reason Number 1: Coming up with 10 plausible serious reasons why you should donate money to me is hard and takes effort but still is sorta fun delusioning oneself that many will donate. I can't think of any serious reasons so far .

Reason Number 2: I'm not very talented or hardworking and have lived a very hard life because of illness. My illness makes me non talented and unable to work very hard.

Reason Number 3: I'm poor and have never had lots of money. Every dollar I earn is most welcome and improves my life in little ways. I'm right on the line with everything.

Reason Number 4: House prices in New Zealand are really really expensive. I really need a house so I never have to move again and am settled and live in comfortable safe familiar surroundings. Every day is hard for me. Every dollar is closer to a house in some way.

Reason Number 5: If your really rich you should donate because your really rich and somehow came across this site and because your really rich and i'm jealous.

Reason Number 6: Because so far every reason is rubbish.

Reason Number 7: You should donate to me because what your reading here is my only way of earning any money there is no other way.

Reason Number 8: I'm not clever or witty so can't get you to donate because of these things.

Reason Number 9:
I'm not funny either.

Reason Number 10:
Because I only earn $244.50 NZ dollars every week and thats it.

Reason Number 11: Because i'm a newbie.

So thats ten reasons. I'll hopefully do some more reasons over time, I should do lots of things asking for money. I don't really see this as begging or anything just a way to better my life.

I just got a webcam for $15 NZ dollars so i'll do a video of myself in the next while and post it here.

Reason Number 12: My thoughts are silly thoughts that all aspire to money but alas are silly thoughts.

Yay me for today:

From Darcy.

Heres a picture of a house. (Dreams of mine).

Reason Number 13: My dreams are of a house. Your money gets me closer.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I Totally Want To Make Money.

I'm moving to slow at the moment and not doing enough. I want to make money. I've just managed to give myself more to do now by beginning this blog, i'm thinking more about how I will improve this site and make it different from my other one. I'm hoping I will spend more time developing everything, I mean I will spend more time but how much time. How much time you spend can be equated to how much money you can make.

I wanted to make this blog entry about how I want to make money and am hopeful of making money. You can make money with a blog, but to earn the same amount of money as a full time job you'd have to spend full time hours on it. My current theory involves putting in a little time each day. I don't work and other people who are working proberly put more time in than me on their blogs. I'm asking for donations on this blog but I haven't managed to get one donation in all the time i've been asking on my other site. I've never had much traffic though. Ok donate to me because I don't know why you should yet and i've never had one donation from Paypal in all my efforts.

This site looks nicer than my other one maybe that will help. The photo is a hardrive video camera to make my blog look prettier and it's something i'm after to make movies with because You Tube will start paying people for their movies soon. It will work something like 20000 views will equal $100 dollars.

On the top of my list that I need money for is a house followed by a scooter followed by a hardrive video camera. I'm looking for ways to make lots of money like everyone. Yeah I want a house. Dream.

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