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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside
Showing posts with label Wrath of the Lich King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrath of the Lich King. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2016

Foreigner Urgent 1981

Foreigner Urgent 1981.

Heard this on the radio a while ago. I haven't had internet for just under 2 months. This is why I haven't been posting. I moved house. I got kicked out of my last house. I still have half my stuff there though at my old house. Been waiting for my brother to help me move.

At first it was only going to be temporary, that is moving out of my old house. They were going to make some repairs to it. But it turned into a major job that would take months. So I had to move out permanently. That was on the 29/5/2016 I moved out.

Currently i'm living in a Garage with cardboard insulation and no toilet. I have to go inside to use the toilet. I just got a new fibre internet connection on. It's flatrate. So nice. Currently it's clocked at 30mbs but I'm supposed to have a 100mbs connection so i'm going to ring them.

The house I moved to didn't have a copper connection so I couldn't get ADSL. It took just under two months to get all the work done to get a fibre install.

I'm happy now though.

I started playing World of Warcraft again as soon as I got the internet after a 10 month break.

Man Pet prices have tumbled and risen.

It's hard to speculate on the market and I've had trouble selling pets. I guess everyone who wants them now has the current lot.

Waiting on new pets to sell.

I'll post some photos of new and old house soon if I can.

Haven't posted much in the last 4 months on this website. Bit of a setback.

I now have over 400 music youtube videos posted to this website.


Added Label "Urgent" and "Fibre" and "Legion"

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

World of Warcraft Movie

World of Warcraft.
Here is the preview for the World of Warcraft Movie. It comes out in June.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

How To Make Gold In World Of Warcraft and Game Time Tokens.

These are just more random thoughts and ideas and will flit from one topic to the other.
Garrosh Hellscream.

I've been playing a bit of World of Warcraft recently. On this game across all my different characters I have about 300 days played. This is over a period of about 7 years. But saying that most of the time was racked up in the first 3 years. For example I only had about 6 days total played time on my main char for Mists of Pandaria. Although in the end I did have 6x level 90.

At the moment I have 2 Level 100s in Warlord of Draenor and also a level 97. My main is an Ally Resto Druid. The other 100 I have is a Horde Priest. My char at 97 is my mage. I actually started to level my mage before my priest but a friend in Real Life joined wow and started playing but he like horde so I ended up leveling my hordey.

Recently just gone live is the Gold for Time Feature. This should interest quite a few people. At the moment it seems to hover around 22000 gold for 30 days of time. Though this does fluctuate.

I actually have already bought 2x tokens. I paid 22600 gold each for both of them. I'm hoping you don't need active time to activate them. I know that you can buy the tokens with gold if you don't have any time but I don't know if you can activate tokens that you've already bought while you had time.

I should have enough gold for about 6 months worth of play at the moment. Also I should be able to make more gold in this time so I should be able to extend it a bit as well. I think I will prolly get bored before I spend all my gold though eventually I will work my way through it.
Buying a token to sell I think is as simple as pushing escape and opening the shop and going from there. I think u have to manually list them on the AH to sell but not totally sure. Also your guaranteed the gold that you get. So whatever it lists for is exactly what you get. So at them moment for US $20 you will get 22000 gold. Around 1200 gold a dollar.

I had about 170k just before the tokens went live. I bought a few heirlooms for gold which are also now live. So yeah I have about 120k gold left.

I've been buying bulk spirit dust in the hope that this will go up in price in the future. I did this with hypnotic dust which I paid like 1g each for and in the end I was selling for 25g each. The only thing was with hypno is that I didn't buy enough. I only had about 70-80 stacks of 20.

This time i'm prepared for the price rise. I have about 40k dusts on a few different char. Also i've been building up my spirit dust on different servers as well. Even if it goes up to like 5g thats still a huge profit considering for spirit dust i've been paying around 30 silver each dust.

Now I know the demand for spirit dust won't be as high as hypno because you don't need it for bags but there should still be a reasonable demand and a small but significant price increase as the material becomes rarer.

I suggest you invest in spirit dust as well. It's worth storing up. Don't pay anymore than 1g each for them. Just buy all the cheap stuff.

If you want to know what I made all my gold in it was Pet Trading from server to server. I maxed out about 200k before it got boring and difficult. There's plenty of gold to be made in them pets at them moment simply because there's so many of them. But it is hard work.

Battle Pets.
So yeah if you want to make some gold invest in spirit dust on a longer term basis or in the shorter term buy some battle pets and trade from server to server where the economies are different. You can buy one pet on one server for 500g sell it for 2000-3000g on another server keep doing this and eventually you'll have alot of battle pets and heaps of gold.

But yeah it is hard work but this is how to make gold in World of Warcraft. Battle Pets are my recommendation on how to make gold. Best i've done is pay 6k for one pet and then sell it for 12k so around 5500g profit after AH fees. But you can't do this often. Most of the time it's 500g here 1000g there sometimes 2000g profit. But each sale is a profit.

I just spam trade on the server with all the different pets I have for sale. All of them have a markup on them but are still undercutting whatever is on AH. I only try and sell to raise gold on a server that there is a specific bargain on.

It takes a little to know and learn the prices, but once you do it's awesome you can definitely make a profit.

A Wow Battle Pet.
I started small. There was probably a pet that cost 500g on a server that I could sell for 2000g gold on my home main server. I remember also trading a bone spider for 2x pets and then selling those pets for like 350-400g. So in the beginning I was dealing in low end pets around 200-500g and trading in these. Eventually I learned the bargains. I priced everything on what I could get for it on my main server.

This works because there are so many servers with Auction House lists of pets on them. Your guaranteed to get a bargain on at least one server.

I guess it takes a bit of time to walk your fresh newly created level one char to the AH but once your setup there's plenty of gold to be made. I suggest you create a character in either Orgrimmar or Stormwind as this is easiest to do trades in. Goto the high population servers as these tend to have more pets and more bargains then take them to lower population and sell for a higher price.

I used /trade to try and sell my pets. You could use the Auction House and potentially get more gold but you might miss the bargain that you specifically came to buy.

If your using trade and trying to sell a pet to get a specific bargain on that server and your having no luck then perhaps try changing factions and advertising on the opposite side in trade as both horde and ally auction houses are linked now. This gives you two different audiences in trade to sell your pets, to raise capital for purchases of bargains on any one specific server.

So pets is how I made 200k in World of Warcraft. I made this over about 3 months of play I think.

This has been a guide on How To Make Gold in World Of Warcraft using pets, not a very good guide but it still clues you in to what many people have been missing out on.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor.

So been playing wow a bit.  Just hit 100 today actually on my Druid.  It was pretty cool.  But i've fallen way behind everyone else.  Spent 14k on a ring stupidly. Probably won't get my gold back but i'll try, might have to use it eventually.

I ended up buying a heap of spirit dust.  I'll sell it in like 2 years time when it's rare.  Wow should still exist by then and i'm sure if i'm still alive cause u never know but i'm sure i'll be playing wow.  I've heard of a death of a wow player which was a little sad.

I currently have about 200k gold but that is basically just one expensive mount or gearing a few characters off the Auction House.  You make about 10k Gold Leveling from 90-100 but your garrison costs a fair bit.  I made a little Gold out of enchanting about 20k but it took a bit of effort like sitting in front of the AH but I topped out at like 35 sales an hour after advertising in trade.

Next expansion hopefully i'll do better.  I failed in this one a fair bit.  I mean I only hit 100 today. That's nearly 2 weeks since release.  Sad Panda Again.

The xpac of World of Warcraft has been fun though I must say.  I'll try and play a bit more at 100 over next few days.  I've already run the normal dungeons at least once as a healer

SO yep. Exciting.

Darcy Lee

Monday, September 29, 2014

World of Warcraft - Seeking Donations to Play. Indiegogo.

I recently just put up a page on asking for money so that I can play World of Warcraft when the new expansion pack comes out Warlord of Draenor.  You can find the page here: Indiegogo Page

Below is the text included from my indiegogo page. Indiegogo is a site where you seek donations and people actually go there to give money.  I'm hoping for $1000 dollars.  Here is the text from the page:

As people may or probably may not know the new Expansion for World of Warcraft releases on the 13th of November 2014.  The new 9gb patch with major changes is about to hit probably in 2-3 weeks with a whole lot of new changes and is using up my 40gb cap as we speak.
I'm hoping to play this latest WOW xpac.  But it's a huge burden of my mum.  She pays for my subscription fees and will probably end up having to buy the new xpac from the shop (I collect the box) as well.  I've been trying for a house for a while on this site and this but haven't had any luck.  Now i'm going to try for something smaller.

I guess what i'm asking for in this DONATION PAGE is contributions towards World of Warcraft and myself playing.  I hope this is ok.  Perhaps not just WOW but general  day to day life operations.

Wow costs about $15 US or $19 NZ Dollars a month for the subscription.  The xpac I think will cost about $85 NZ Dollars to purchase.  When the xpac hits I'm hoping to be up and awake for about 48 hours or more in a row and be consistently playing for a couple weeks solid probably.  What this means is I need Food from the supermarket and also money for takeaways like Pizza, Kebabs, Mcdonalds, Indian, KFC.  I need as much up time as possible and  as least distractions as possible.  This means money.  Probably what will happen is I will remain poor though realistically.

 Of all things though it would be nice to have extra money for this game.  It would help me play.  I have about 300 days clocked up in this game over all my characters over about 5 years.  That's 300 days 7x24.  But I have done that time in like 1-12 hour stretches like I said over 5 years it's just the total time played added up from those 5 years.

Now i know it's illegal in NZ but I also like to smoke weed, it's the most expensive part of my life.  Please don't tell anyone like my MUM until I'm rich and famous and can support my own habbit.  Also don't tell the police.  Cause they suck.  I did ask for a licence to smoke as a reward, but it was only over NZ talkback radio and I can't confirm it.  This was only after making a phone call where I said "THEY DON'T THINK" three times in a row, then Yelled "WAR" declaring there was going to be one, then saying "THE THING" "THE THING", Then finally voicing a gleam in my eye.  2 Days later after that phone call the planes hit the buildings in America.  You can learn more from my website if your interested.

O yeah I trained myself for that Prophetic Phone call I made to the talkback radio where I yelled war.  I am a soldier.  Will you leave a soldiers request unanswered?
I'm not really a soldier though.  I'm just a weakling.  But I made a stand and defense during the phone call and it was perfectly spoken and timed and expressed.  LIke you have to hear it.

This is about my only claim to fame.  I believe the phone call is classified and most will say it doesn't exist but truly it's a Mona Lisa.  You don't destroy or delete a MONA.  It deserves it's place on  But alas no.  It remains in government hands classified with no one knowing. It took intense suffering to make that phone call.

I need around $1000 dollars to live the dream for a little while playing the new xpac of World of Warcraft.  This will purchase the game for me get me 6 months to a year game time and provide food and weed for the first 2 or more weeks of playing the wow xpac.  It will possibly purchase a couple of fresh new 90s as well to level on different servers.

Anyway that's me Please Help.  Send money so I can continue to play World of Warcraft and can play the expansion pack without troubles.

Enough donations for a house would help all this as well of course.  But finding someone wealthy enough and willing is a challenge.  I having trouble with even one donation.

Here are my Characters in WOW:

In World of Warcraft I have a 4 Level 90's a druid, pally, mage, on ally, and a 90 priest on horde, I also have 84 Hunter, 81 Dk, 80 Rogue, 57 Shaman all ally, also 52 Monk and 44 Warlock on horde.  I also have a level 60 Priest on a Player vs Player server that i'm going to use as my free character boost to 90 that you get with Warlords of Draenor the Xpac.

The level cap for the xpac is being upped to 100 so 10 new levels.  All these characters have been hand leveled.  It kinda sucks for the poor like me now you can pay $65 dollars and get your char leveled to 90.  It takes me like 6-8 days played time to go from 1-90 so that's quite a low hourly rate but I have fun I guess.  Again that's like adding all time played across many days altogether.  So yep anyhow anyways if you can donate some money to me please do.

Love is kind so the bible says.  Be kind. Donate to me.

Thanks again.

Darcy Lee

That's it.  Goto the page and have a look.  You can of course donate directly from the page this text is on by clicking the paypal button.  You now know my story.

Much Love.


Friday, June 20, 2014

World Of Warcraft. Battlepets. Pokemon.

Moon Moon Wow Pokemon Battlepet.
World of Warcraft.  For the last month and a half i've been playing World of Warcraft.  It's been fun but I seem not to be playing it so much now.  I've been trading in pets and fighting the pokemon for abit for the last couple weeks.  I've made a bit of gold and meet some people.

My first mistake was that you can't learn a level 25 pet unless you've already trained a pet to level 25.  I found this out by making the mistake of buying up heaps like 10 level 25 pets for between 1.5k gold and 2.5k gold thinking I could resell them for heaps more but actually I paid the price that they pretty much go for.  What it did give me was pets to sell on other servers to buy other pets to resell to make money.

There is a quick way to level pets to 25 if you want to Google it.  You basically need 3 mechanicals levelled to about 5-6. Then you head to Karazhan and fight the level 17 eye things.  Get three green quality or better. Then you head to outlands and fight the buzzards or birds that are in the wastelands not far from Shattrath, theres heaps of them and they respawn real fast.  Next you head to the shrine in pandaland and take on the eternal striders there. Once you've captured an eternal strider then it's easy to get them to 25 after a few fights with other eternal striders.

Pierre Wow  Pokemon Battlepet.
One pet I recommend that can be cheap on some servers is an Anubisath Idol.  It can really help in taking on the trainers.  There is actually a 3k reward when you complete the battle pet quests which comes in your mail box. Also you will be able to level 2-3 pets to level 25 by doing all the quests.  So this adds 1-2k  to what the pet is worth depending on the pet.  And once a day you will be able to level a pet to 25 by battling the trainers.
Anyway this is what I have found out about World of Warcraft.  It's been fun levelling pets but I think I will only play one more month closer to when Warlords of Draenor comes out just to tidy things up. I'm also hoping to get a level 30 char to 60 by with the remainder of my time which is about 14 days.  I'm definitely going to try and play Warlords of Draenor.  It will be fun.   

Anyway you should level your pets and beat the trainers it can be a good way to make gold.  This unfortunately has been my equivalent of work.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy New Year Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and all that. I did the family thing for Christmas.

Not much new happening for me. This is my first post in a little while. It was Sunday December 5th, that was my last post. I guess i've sort of been playing World of Warcraft Cataclysm which came out Dec 7th 2010. I have a 85 Druid and 83 Mage. This time I was able to buy the game on Tuesday Dec 7th 2010 NZ time on that very morning and have it installed and ready to play for when the servers ticked over with Cataclysm which was 9pm NZ time but I can't remember exactly. So I was ready waiting with alot of other people to get my Azeroth flight license.

I've made so far since Dec 24 about 25k in Gold selling enchants on the Auction House. I'm making it selling mostly Wrath of Lick King enchants and a few new Cata ones as well. The best I did was 15 of one type of chant in an hour through advertising on trade. I was making a profit of about 30g on each one and sold 15 in an hour by running a small ad on trade. Advertising helps with the new stuff if people really want it and its at a good price. So I made 450G in an hour from one chant and i've made a lot more sometimes like yesterday the margin was 100g per chant and i sold a few without the advertising. People have made alot more but if I keep going I should do alright. I've got a total of about 75k Saved up at the moment. You have to keep fighting and checking the prices to see that you are still in first place listing on the auction house. Can be annoying with people camping the auction house and always undercutting you.

The XP that you need to go up each level is as follows:

80 - 81 : 1686300 XP

81 - 82 : 2121500 XP

82 - 83 : 4004000 XP

83 - 84 : 5203400 XP

84 - 85 : 9165100 XP

So if your still 80 you can see it will take a while. In the Guild that i'm in we had a druid who got the server first class achievement. He was the second 85 on the server. Also in my guild we had someone get server first archaeology. It took about 25 hours for the first person to go from 80-85. It took me about 4 days but I can't remember exactly.

I managed to stay up for 36 hours when Cataclysm first came out and played non stop virtually only breaking for meals and coffees and stuff. Though leveling was slow for me compared to alot of other people. I've got some experience and will know better for the next expansion pack perhaps 85-90.

So thats pretty much what i've been doing since my last post. Non stop World of Warcraft. I do do other things like Warcraft is getting old now.

This website is still about making money. Not that it makes any money. I'm trying to enterprise through the internet and hope that something I do works and makes me a little money.

It's kinda cool watching posts build up on this website. Not that I get many hits from old posts. My Pet Rock Shop gets heaps more hits than this website and i've put virtually no effort into it and this website fails and gets less hits with me putting all my effort into it. Sad Panda.

In the 15 days of this month so far my Pet RocK Shop has gotten 117 hits and has gotten only 49. Yes Sad Panda. The site I post to gets half as many hits as the site I never post to. So. I've been trying for about 5 years now to even make a dollar through the internet. I made $10 US once by selling an advertisement but so far that's about it. I have made $20 or so through Google Adsense where the ads i display on my page if they get clicked I earn $0.20 cents or something crazy for each click. It's kind of a running joke 5 years and zero dollars from punters pretty much.

Do you want to donate. I guess not. No-one does. All the money goes to the skilled bloggers who have important things to say or something to teach.

Heres some interesting facts:

My Dad is a builder/carpenter, my brother is a plumber. One dream I have is for them to build me a house. But the cheapest land in my town goes for about $80,000 and I have nothing. I rent. The biggest mortgage I could possibly obtain is only about 60k in total on my income. I need about $200,000 thousand total. So if I had $140,000 which the only possible means I could come up with such money is by donation through internet or alternatively win lotto but without actually buying tickets cause i don't buy tickets. If I had $140,000 I could then get a brand new house anyway just dreaming here really.

If you donate me a dollar I will spend it on my day to day operating running costs of living.

I will do my best to account for every dollar. You will end my 5 years losing streak at asking and trying to earn money through the internet.

I'm not much of a personality. If I was I could post with humor and skill and earn your also hard won/worked for dollars.

So life goes on I fail at trying to make extra cash to spend and stay above water.

Good luck with your endeavours

Darcy Lee

Sunday, December 5, 2010

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. December 7th 2010.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is the third expansion set for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) World of Warcraft, following the last expansion Wrath of the Lich King. It was officially announced at Blizzcon on August 21, 2009, although details were discovered earlier. After many rumors and much speculation, Blizzard officially announced the release date of December 7, 2010.

Before Cataclysm was announced as the official title of the expansion, it was known internally as World of Warcraft: Worldbreaker.

Shortly after the announcement of the release date, on October 5, Blizzard implemented the overhaul of the game's playing systems (Patch '4.0.1'), including new class builds, profession changes, stat removal, and overall gear overhauls.


The central plot of the expansion is the return of the evil dragon aspect Deathwing the Destroyer (originally Neltharion, the Earth-Warder). Last seen in Warcraft II, Deathwing has spent that time healing himself, and plotting his fiery return from the elemental plane of Deepholm. His return tears through the dimensional barrier within Azeroth, causing a sweeping cataclysm that reshapes much of the world's surface. In the midst of the world-wide disaster comes renewed conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, which is now under the rule of the warrior Garrosh Hellscream.

In the wake of Deathwing's rise, Azeroth has been transformed: previously lush jungle areas have been reduced to burning waste, while once-desert environments have undergone a similar-but-inverse change into fresh green growth. Likewise, the Alliance has pushed into the Barrens and destroyed Camp Taurajo, while the Barrens itself has been split in two by a massive volcanic fissure.

Environmental Redesign

One of the primary features of Cataclysm is the redesign of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor areas introduced with the launch of World of Warcraft in 2004; while the previous game design didn't allow for the use of flying mounts in 'old-world' areas, those areas have been completely redesigned with flight in mind for Cataclysm.

Major changes are being brought to these zones. Each faction will have a smoother leveling process, as all old quests are scrapped and replaced with new ones that will incorporate updated gameplay and mechanics that have been changed or redesigned since the game's release.

Along with the redesign of each zone, each race will have its own respective starting area, where players will do a series of quests in a chain that will bring them up to level 5-6, before sending them out of the small area, and into the rest of the world.

Each zone will also have its own storyline, through a series of quests, as to keep the player interested in doing side quests. Each of the zones that are faction specific, however, will cater only to those of the faction that controls that zone. Neutral, or 'contested' zones, will feature a PvP (Player-Versus-Player) based quest line, making the player compete against the opposing faction (Horde against Alliance, and vice versa) to achieve the desired goal of their faction. This feature makes usage of phasing, which was first seen in The Burning Crusade expansion.

New features

  • Level cap raised from 80 to 85
  • Players will be able to use flying mounts in old-world Azeroth zones (flying mounts were previously restricted to Northrend and Outland because of design limitations)
  • Redesigned and updated zones within Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms
  • New towns and around 3500 new quests
  • Redesigned low and mid-level quests to accompany updated zones
  • Seven new dungeons: Blackrock Caverns, Throne of the Tides, the Stonecore, the Vortex Pinnacle, the Lost City of the Tol'vir, the Halls of Origination, and Grim Batol, all available in regular and heroic modes at level 85
  • Three new raids: The Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent and Throne of the Four Winds, plus the Tol Barad Prison raid dungeon after PvP zone completion (more raids planned to be released with later patches)
  • Two previously released dungeons—Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep—will be re-vamped with an added Heroic Mode for level 85 players
  • New battlegrounds and a new world-PVP zone, Tol-Barad (similar to the Wintergrasp world-PvP zone introduced in Wrath of the Lich King)
  • A new secondary skill: Archaeology
  • An overhaul of the Glyph system with three types of Glyphs: Prime, Major, and Minor. In addition, Glyphs are taught as a spell and can now be switched around without the purchase of additional glyphs. However, you will need a new material called "Vanishing Powder" to replace existing Glyphs with new ones.
  • A rated battleground system, along with associated new rewards
  • Newly accessible zones including Uldum, Deepholm, the Sunken City of Vash'jir, the Twilight Highlands and Mount Hyjal (previously only featured as a time travel destination within the Caverns of Time)
  • Two new playable races, Goblins and Worgen
  • Addition of new race/class combinations (Tauren can now be Paladins, Gnomes can now be Priests, Undead can now be Hunters, etc.)
  • Introduction of new stats such as Mastery, which will enhance certain abilities (both active and passive) depending on the player's class and talent specialization
  • Changes to class mechanics, including abolishing the use of ammunition and stand-alone warlock soul shards, consolidation of totems and buffs, the addition of holy power for paladins, an eclipse mechanic for Druids, Rage normalization, changes to the rune system, the change from mana to focus for hunters, and racial bonuses
  • Warlocks and Hunters now attain a combat pet at level 1 without needing to do a quest. Warlocks get an imp, Hunters get a pet based on their race (Dwarves get a bear, Humans get a wolf, Undead get a spider, etc.)
  • Revamp of the stat system, removing such stats as mana per 5 seconds (MP5), armor penetration and defense rating and integrating them in other ways such as talents or the new mastery stat.
  • Major changes to the cities of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, with minor adjustments to others
  • New starting areas for Trolls and Gnomes at levels 1-5
  • Player talent trees have been reworked to a 31 point tree and players will have a total of 41 talent points at level 85. Consequently, the talent trees are being "trimmed", and will look (superficially) much like the talent trees players had available on WoW's launch. Although it seems counterintuitive, Blizzard actually says this will give players more options, as the talents they are trimming felt mandatory previously. Instead of the old method of one talent point per level (after level 10) players get one point at level 10, then a point every odd level (e.g. 11, 13, 15....) afterwards.
  • Unlike the current talent system where a player learns his or her first talent point at level 10 and is able to place that point and any subsequent point wherever he or she chooses, in Cataclysm, at level 10 a player must choose a talent specialization (spec) and only spend points in that "tree" until they have reached 31 points. Once 31 points have been spent, he or she is able to use the rest of his or her attained points in any of the 3 trees. When the player chooses a specialization at 10, they will gain one major active skill that sets that spec apart from the others, and 2-3 passive skills that support that particular tree. This was done in order to make players feel as though they are actually specialized in a specific talent tree as soon as they are able to choose one, rather than at higher levels where enough points have been placed into the tree of their choosing to make that feel like their specialization.
  • Experimental support for DirectX 11 through the command line.
  • New raid and PvP currency systems

In addition, Cataclysm is planned to utilize the revamped community platform which is being integrated with other Blizzard games such as StarCraft II and Diablo III.

Many of these changes have already been put into place as of Patch 4.0.1, which added all the new systems (new talents, glyph system, spell changes, resource changes, pets at level 1, removal of stats from items and from the game, mastery, and others). In addition, the changes to old zones were made in patch 4.0.3a, which was released to live servers on November 23, 2010.

A previously-announced feature, called Path of the Titans, was subsequently removed from the initial Cataclysm launch for unknown reasons. Path of the Titans was to be an 'alternate' method of character advancement after the level 85 cap had been reached; while keeping the level cap in place, the Path system would have allowed a player to continue enhancing their existing skills and talents.

So thats that another 2-3 days at the time of this post before release. All of that comes from wikipedia. I'm just using this as page filler. Google never actually picks this stuff up or at least I never get any hits from it, also to remind me when cataclysm came out. I been playing World of Warcraft for about three years now. Got about 200 days of slash played time. Thats 200 days total time added up from over about 3 years. So in 3 years i've spent 200 days of that time sitting in a chair playing World of Warcraft.

You can see more about Cataclysm at this WowWiki page.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

World of Warcraft. Wrath Of The LIch King. 14/11/08

Blizzard has officially announced the Release Date for the next expansion pack "Wrath of the Lich King" in the World of Warcraft series. The date has been set as November 13th for America and Novemeber 14th for Australia and New Zealand 2008.


Some of the features announced at BlizzCon 2007 include:

  • Level cap raised to 80
  • Battle with the Lich King at the Frozen Throne
  • One new playable class: Death Knight
  • A new continent: Northrend
  • The creation of a new profession: Inscription
  • Profession level cap raised to 450
  • New items, quests, dungeons, creatures, spells and weapons
  • Siege weapons and destructible buildings (for PvP)
  • New character-customization options, including new hairstyles and dances
  • A non-instanced Battleground
  • Improved Graphics Engine (applied to shaders, flame effects, water appearance and detailed shadows)
  • New factions including the Speartusk and the Taunka, a racial cousin to the Tauren

Subsequent features announced or confirmed by Blizzard include:

  • Achievements for both the expansion and existing content
  • New non-inventory storage for Mounts, Vanity Pets, and battleground, arena, and raiding tokens.
  • Built-in threat meter
  • New Calendar feature
  • Ability to link professions via chat


Several new instances will be included in the expansion pack. Another instance will appear in the Caverns of Time, set during the human campaign of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, in which Prince Arthas massacred the townspeople of Stratholme because they were infected by the plague. Many new 5-man, 10-man, and 25-man dungeons will be located in Northrend, including:

  • Utgarde Keep - An instance in the Howling Fjord filled with the Vrykul, a Viking-like race devoted to serving the Lich King. It has two wings - Utgarde Keep, and Utgarde Pinnacle.
  • Azjol-Nerub - The contested capital of the Nerubian race of spider-people.
  • Icecrown Citadel - Players will battle Arthas the Lich King, the ruler of the Undead Scourge.
  • Naxxramas - An updated version of the original Naxxramas, redesigned to cater for 10 and 25 man content.

Blizzard has also confirmed a new instance hub called the Nexus, home of the Blue Dragonflight, which will contain at least three instances. The first, a low 70s instance set in Ice Caverns, the second a high level instance seeing the player and their group face enemies on floating rings, and a final raid instance against the Blue Dragon Aspect Malygos, which takes place in a rift in the sky. It has also been confirmed that all raid instances included with the expansion will be both 10-man and 25-man versions. It has been stated that the quality of loot in 10 and 25 man versions will differ (i.e. 10 man version will be Tier 7, 25 man would be Tier 8)

Hero class

At BlizzCon 2007, Blizzard also announced the debut of Hero classes, a long awaited feature to World of Warcraft. Hero classes will consist of classes from Warcraft III that were too strong to play from level one or could not fit a primary class role. Currently, Blizzard has confirmed only one Hero class: the Death Knight. In an interview with one developer, he said that for the time being there is only one hero class, though more will be introduced in future expansions.

Death Knight

The Death Knight is the first announced Hero class for World of Warcraft. Death Knights, according to Blizzard developers, will be able to fulfill the tank and DPS roles sufficiently. Death Knights can use plate armor and new rune weapons like Runeswords and Runeaxes, but they cannot use shields. According to an interview, a Death Knight's summoned pets will be more similar to a Priest's Shadowfiend, a Mage's Water Elemental, or a Druid's Treants in that they are pets with a set duration. In the current beta stage death knights that have put a specific number of talent points into the Unholy Tree are granted full control over their ghoul like a hunter's or a warlock's pet (the ghoul is still set duration). The Death Knight will also be gaining the use of a new item called Sigil's which will be similar to a Shamans Totem slot, paladin's libram or a druids Idol.

Players who purchase Wrath of the Lich King will not be able to create a first-level Death Knight. Instead, players will be able to create one level 55 Death Knight on each realm if they have a character on any realm whose level is 55 or greater. Players who already meet this requirement will be able to create Death Knights at launch; others will be able to create one as they level to 55 on their other characters. Newly created Death Knights will begin with a full arsenal of spells and abilities. Both the Alliance and Horde factions will have access to the class, and may be of any race.

Instead of relying on rage, energy, or mana, the Death Knight will use a new resource system: runes, which will be displayed under the player portrait. The Death Knight has two of each rune available for use and after they are used they enter a ten second "cooldown" period before they can be used again. Currently each tree has talents that help speed up the cooldown on a certain set (blood, frost, unholy) of runes. With specific talents the Death Knight can also turn their runes into Death Runes which can be used as any of the three separate runes.

The Death Knight will also require an additional resource called Runic Power to cast some of their more powerful spells. Runic Power works similar to a warriors Rage in that it slowly builds up during combat (unlike warriors the Death Knight must cast spells requiring runes to gain runic power) and will decay over time when out of combat.


The profession of Inscription is similar to the profession of Enchanting. However, Inscription permanently enhances the attributes of players' spells and abilities. For example, an "Inscriber" could take the Fireball spell, and give it the ability to knockback or daze an enemy. Inscribers will accomplish this by creating Glyphs that other players can put into their glyph spots (reached by opening up the talent tree and clicking on Glyphs. Glyphs can range from increasing the duration of Sap, reducing the cool down for Sprint, increasing the critical strike chance of Eviscerate etc. (all examples are for the rogue class)

Graphical improvements

Blizzard has announced that they will be revamping World of Warcraft's graphics engine to some degree with the release of the new expansion. For example, the developers are experimenting with a new shader to use in areas containing ice, also the fire effects and shadows in the game will be improved to seem more realistic.

Release of content patch

On August 25, 2008, Blizzard Poster Eyonix announced a release of a content patch which includes many of the new features in the expansion. This is similar to the way patch 2.0 was applied before The Burning Crusade.

With the release of Wrath of the Lich King approaching, we wanted to provide you with some important information. In preparation for the expansion, we will be issuing a new content patch in the coming weeks. Much like the patch made available shortly before The Burning Crusade's release, this content patch is designed to bridge current game content with that of the expansion and will contain some exciting changes and additions. We have outlined some of the larger features scheduled to release with the patch below:

  • New class spells and talents
  • Stormwind Harbor
  • Barbershops in capital cities
  • Zeppelin towers outside of Orgrimmar and Tirisfal Glades
  • Two brand-new Arenas featuring challenging new layouts, terrain hazards, and moving obstacles
  • Guild calendar
  • Hunter pet skill revamp
  • New profession: Inscription
As mentioned above, this is not a comprehensive list, just some of the major highlights. We’ll post the full patch notes as soon as they’re available. Regarding Inscription, please note that all Burning Crusade players will be able to select Inscription as one of their two professions and level up to a skill level of 375 with it. Upon the release of Wrath of the Lich King, players who purchase and install the expansion will be able to continue leveling in Inscription and the other professions beyond 375.
That was all copied from

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