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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jack Johnson Taylor

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson - Taylor I've listened to this on and off over the years. I'm pretty sure also that it's one of my songs. Came back to it again today so adding it now.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Never Ending Story

Never Ending Story.

Never Ending Story.
I have memories of watching this around at my Nana's house when I was a kid must been around 1985 or a little later. Now this was awesome stuff. You should definitely get your kids to watch this movie 80's gold.

Added Label "Never Ending"

Darcy Lee

Terminator Genisys 2015

Terminator - Genisys

I haven't seen this yet but because I know that as soon as I can I will see it i'm going to add it as the second movie to be reviewed by this website.

Arny is classic stuff. I went to the movies in 1991 and saw Terminator 2. I really enjoyed it. Also I saw Term 1 on VHS as like a really young kid. The part where he cuts into his wrist sent me behind the couch with my brother and cousin as we couldn't bare to watch it was scary.

Anyway enjoy the preview.

Darcy Lee

Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foot Krutch - Untraveled Road

Thousand Foot Krutch - I See Red

A friend introduced me to the top song which he had heard on the radio. I found "I See Red" by following links to other Thousand Foot Songs on You Tube. I'm enjoying the top song now more and have stopped listening to I See Red. I did like the lyrics though these ones here:

There's nothing left, but the sound of my heart
There's nothing left, but the strings on this guitar
Take it all, take the hurt and heartache
Help me start again

I like the way he sings that part and repeats it as well.

Not much been happening to me. My 22" monitor died so i'm using an old square 19". I started a campaign on indiegogo to raise money but those campaigns never work unless your incredibly professional. So yeah be a while before monitors replaced. Very sad.

Darcy Lee

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Buy My Suffering.

I posted this which is a fundraising site. I'm going to log it under forum posts and things like that. In this post I try and get people to donate and offer in return that they suffer a little and feel a sting caused by their donating. I also say that my suffering was an indicator of the end of all life in the future but this can be changed. LOL. Read it you want.

I have suffered. I have truly truly suffered. I believe I
have set world records in suffering. I'm pretty sure the suffering came from vertebrae in my neck. This pretty much gave me no place to lay my head for about 10 years of which I suffered to near maximum extreme pain.

I'm raising money for my own house to live a better higher life in what I now consider is a very evil world that many innocent people live in.

I am a trader. I guess that i'm looking for sponsorship from a brand that represents extremeness and endurance.

My suffering was record breaking. I hit the max my senses could handle for sustained periods never far from the top. Now if foxes have holes and birds have nests then I had no place to rest my head.

My suffering is record breaking. Someone has to hold the title of suffering most. There is Jesus. Well now there's me. I must be like a equal to Jesus. My flesh has been crucified to the extreme.

It says we share in Jesus suffering. Well you can share in mine. You can buy some of my suffering. A dollar or two will ease my suffering and create suffering for you thereby you are sharing in my suffering. If your not suffering you haven't given enough.

I think life as we know it went extinct sometime in the future and I felt it now. You can buy some peace for the future. My peace will create a better future as I shed abroad sentences profound and wise generated from a life time of suffering. I need to ascend to higher levels. A higher standard of living. By owning my own house is a solid base and higher level than I currently am. At 37 I haven't ascended very high. I have hit the bottom though or the top end of suffering which ever way you want to confuse it.

I can't really share in anyone's suffering but there have been none greater only equals. But now what do I have to trade. See i'm not thinking material possessions. I'm thinking there is still something to trade even once we have been stripped of everything we own. We still have our thoughts and our words.

By you reading this your future is changing. Even just a little.

I guess i'm looking for someone like NIKE to sponsor me. Nike sponsor athletes. Well consider me as extreme high end ultimate suffering and endurance, still living and escaped from it. ]

This is like ultimate endurance.

I guess I would be an embarrassment to whoever might consider sponsoring me. But they should basically believe in how much I have suffered.

I do know and am pretty sure that I hold records for suffering and one day it has potential to be proven in a very advanced technological future.

Share in my suffering. You can buy some of my suffering. Most have enough. But consider this suffering that I am offering a blessing.

I guess there are at the moment two things in proposal for raising money for my house. One is sharing in my suffering by donating. The other idea is earning a good sponsorship deal like Nike or someone because of my extreme endurance feat.



The bible mentions me. LOL NOT. Just play along. But the saying goes had no place to lay my head. Luke 9:58 This is me. I fulfilled this part of scripture.

I had a house and pillow every night but there was no place to lay my head, I could find no rest from my suffering in my head area.

So the tech i've invented is suffering transference. The more you give and donate to me or others, as this tech has been secretly applied to indiegogo, the more it hurts. It could be a creeper. You give then bam before you know it your suffering cause you gave heaps. Suffering is not addictive.

There are good reasons to suffer. You believe the bible don't you in this modern day tech universe. I quote from the bible to prove my suffering transference technology and it's advantages that suffering bestows upon you.

Well 1 Peter 4:1 whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.

Not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, Romans 5:3

So by donating your producing endurance in yourself. You also get to boast about your particular suffering. You could be like La La to people.

The suffering generated upon donating to me has been tuned up and is more than other pages on indiegogo when donating to them.

ANother way you suffer is you look foolish by donating. But really this is your disguise. You've thrown everyone off guard got them thinking your foolish. Really your the smartest in the room. Now people lower their guard around you till eventually you spring delivering your payload of intellect and wisdom knocking everyone off their feet.

I guess a third idea is that life went extinct. See my suffering was so great it represented all life dying. By giving me money your changing the future of everyone on the planet starting with your own future. This should lead to life surviving into immortality and foreverness.

This is just a theory I play with. Extreme supreme suffering to be boasted about as enduranceafying.

What is suffering for? Like needless pointless suffering? Well I'm going to share mine and i'm offering it for sale via suffering transferance technology which requires you to donate to me or anyone and you in return suffer a little producing endurance and character within you.

Donate to me and suffer yourself.

My indiegogos never work so I guess i'm really just using this as a forum that maybe 20-30 people will see.

You could check out my website which gives further clues to my suffering.

I intend on spreading the wisdom and nature that comes from long intense suffering. I should generate some words or actions that should help someone some where. Your donations are helping spread the things I have learned from suffering which isn't really anything yet but so extreme was my suffering that it should produce some works.

Works from individual suffering.

Do you need to suffer? Donate.

Not all are guaranteed to suffer but many will by donating to me.

Want the planet to live in the future. My suffering produced by tech means that I and others suffer cause so that one day no one has to suffer. Got it. And that we make sure someone makes it what ever it is.

By donating you are donating to the future of the planet.

By sponsoring me you are sponsoring a symbol of extreme suffering.

I just need a house. I have suffered greatly. I hold the records. But noone is able as yet to acknowledge my records.

But believe anyway.

There should be no doubting that I have indeed suffered but as to how much should be the debate.

I say I have suffered enough to say that in the future all life died.

You can change this future by donating to me.

This is bible tech which is stupid really cause no one believes that hocus pocus.

But it's all so suffering tech. The Suffering I experienced in life has written this post.

Great suffering i have done.

What will it produce for me.

Will I just die?

No one perhaps can understand.

Wanna feel a sting? Donate to me.

I never make a cent out of these things.

Imagine suffering. I hit the max. Now the world is going to change because of that.

It has started here.

This is part of the work I am putting in.

No one believes or knows or understands how much I have suffered.

It's hard to describe suffering. I give you a warning about it. Everyone should be preparing to suffer.

You can't know about suffering until after you've been through it. You can have all the theory in the world.

I'm offering via your donations that you can have some of your own suffering. Most will feel a sting.

It will generate a memory.

You will remember.

This I also offer in trade.

I offer you the memory of this donation.

I hope I can sell you a memory.

So for your donation you get a memory. A sting. You save life in the future. You get some suffering which produces character and endurance and you in your suffering have something to boast about. I forget what else you get by donating to me but there are other perks.

I guess it quite a biggy to preserve life in the future. Think nothing of it.

Anyway please donate to me.

Suffer a little. You could pretend to be a soldier.

What will you do with your suffering? The possibilities are endless.

Donate to me and suffer and save the world.


That was the end

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Time Lapse 2014

Time Lapse 2014.

Time Lapse Poster
So now as a new feature to this blog I will be adding previews to good movies that I have seen. I watched this last night while the wow servers were on maintenance. I give it an 8 to 9 stars out of 10. It's a pretty good sci fiction time travel movie.

I highly recommend this. It should keep you guessing right until the end. This movie kept me locked in wanting to know what was going to happen next. Anyway definitely worth a watch. An adult film not for kids. I do like the twist at the end. I never saw it coming.

Added Labels "Movies I have Seen" and "Movie Previews".

Darcy Lee

2CELLOS They Don't Care About Us Michael Jackson

2CELLOS - They Don't Care About Us - Michael Jackson

Stumbled upon this the other day. I like this particular song that is originally by Michael Jackson. It's not bad when it's done by 2Cellos.

2 Cellos.
The memory I have of this song is of the original Michael Jackson version. My flatmate was playing it full volume on my stereo and he said that my stereo did the song really well. It was actually about the only song the stereo did well. It was a technics speaker system with a pioneer amp. Cost me nearly $2000 dollars at the time. I was pretty disappointed in the speaker really. This is about 17 years ago. I guess stereo's have moved on since then.

I had some 12 inch subs that were in a box that were for my car i should've hooked them up and blasted them. I had like a $5000 dollar car audio system at one point. The thing is I never really had it at full volume. I never really tested it. I just listened to it at a mild volume so not going deaf. But i would love to blast it now if I still had it.

My current home stereo cost $430 dollars about 10 years ago. I've had that at full volume in my old flat but can't play it very loud in my current flat. I had problems with noise control when I was living in Fleet Street flat with one particular person renting the next door anyways.

Hate noise control.

Darcy Lee

2CELLOS - Wake Me Up - Avicii

I had another 2Cellos song that I was going to add but have forgotten which it was. I found this cover of an Avicii song so thought i'd add it only after one listen. I do like Avicii. 2Cellos are pretty cool to. They do some cool stuff.


A Little Less Conversation Elvis vs JXL

A Little Less Conversation (Elvis vs JXL).

Elvis "The King" Presley
Looked this up the other day so adding it. Got maybe a couple plays out of it. It's pretty cool for Elvis. Also looked up the Elvis song Return to Sender but not going to add it here to this blog. This is going in Music 2.

Hey Song Garry Glitter.

Garry Glitter
Hey Song Garry Glitter.

Found this through facebook. Pretty sure i've heard it before on TV or somewhere. I won't get many plays out of this so adding to music 2.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Nirvana Oh Me and Lake of Fire

Kurt Cobain
Nirvana - Live in New York - Oh Me.

Been listening and singing this to myself for a day or so. Here are the lyrics:

[Verse 1]
If I had to lose a mile
If I had to touch feelings
I would lose my soul
The way I do

[Verse 2]
I don't have to think
I only have to do it
The results are always perfect
But that's old news

[Verse 3]
Would you like to hear my voice
Sprinkled with emotion
Invented at your birth

I can't see the end of me
My whole expanse I cannot see
I formulate infinity
And store it deep inside of me

[Verse 1]

[Verse 2]

[Verse 3]


The lyric which I have been singing over and over is I formulate infinity and store it deep inside me.

I was using a different word for formulate though. I only learnt that word when I looked up the lyrics to post here. Now I shall sing it right.

Budz be like
I owned Nirvana Unplugged in New York when I was 16 like 21 years ago and we thrashed it Christmas 1994. This was the end of my innocence. We had a house that someone was housesitting to party at and I had my own car and a full licence. Seemed like the best time in the world at the time but looking back I would rather not enter the partying lifestyle of cannabis and tobacco. I was blind and poorly educated with a poor belief system.

I've never really had a problem with alcohol but cannabis has done the damage. I would recommend to all those Americans to be as old as possible before trying it. Try and out do your peers with how long before you try it. Not even once is good. It has definitely lowered my I.Q. I'm not to bright these days because of it. The damage is permanent as well. I'm not getting any better.

So don't go there. Less you want a lower I.Q and minimum wage to no employment at all and your always broke cause all your money goes on your weed addiction.

You really don't know what a beautiful thing you have such as the mind without drugs. It's peaceful and more resilient with less problems. Your brighter and have more energy you don't need to sleep so much. You have more time. Your friends will be different depending on whether you smoke or not.

I've spoken enough. Decide for yourselves. Think and choose wisely. Cannabis is surely a temptation for you in youth unless your of the nerd caliber who are immune to trying any drug. Become a nerd.

Nirvana - Live in New York - Lake of Fire.

Added this one cause it's a little religious and Christiany and wanted to add another from Nirvana Live in New York. I'd like to see some people goto hell. Is that right? Perhaps like Hitler. He probably got a place in hell.

Beware hell on earth. No Really.

Added Label "Infinity".

Darcy Lee

Robot Origami Robot Self-Folds Walks and Completes Tasks.

Robot Origami: Robot self-folds, walks, and completes tasks.

Saw this today on a news website. My opinion is that they have already shrunk similar tech to a nano scale. It can tap into your optic nerve and see what you see and upload pictures to your mind.

This video is interesting though. It's a very new video at the date of this post. It's only 6 days old.

Check it out it gives a good insight in what to expect of technology of the future. I think I was looking at smart cities when I stumbled across this. A smart city is a city that tracks movement everywhere. Should help with crime but not with privacy.

Privacy is definitely an issue. The Govt want to read your mind. Steal from you. The bible doesn't help. There was world war one and two. The bible didn't help people then.

There is still hope. But it looks like i'm to live a life of torture and doom.

Your mind is not your own.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I'd Love To Change The World Ten Years After

I'd Love To Change The World - Ten Years After

Made a forum post which I will include below and somebody posted this song in the thread. Adding it to Music 2 although it does have potential to reach Music category.

Dum de do. Here is the forum thread for you:

Thread is called : Altering or Changing The World.

A person is born.

They do something in the world that is part of them. People can react to it.

From here what do you think can be achieved. From here I mean this forum.

Can a post motivate and inspire people enough to make alterations to the world which better it in some small way.

What really needs to be said?

What is truth? What is Love? Just how important are these.

How do you make change happen.

Is there anything us sheep to the slaughter can do to keep living.

So from this post what can I achieve.

How much power do I have. You give me power when you post but you don't lose power perhaps.

This is my spirit or breath or lifeforce that is speaking to you.

Truth can set you free. But not without love.

Perhaps nobody knows the truth.

But lets build a light in the darkness. A structure built on solid rock foundations.

Choose what is more correct.

Choose the higher.

Perhaps i'll get 40-100 hits on this post and maybe one or two replies if that. What can we do together from here.

Everyday someone is posting. The world is growing larger.

Basically what is some of your substance - post some of your words here.

I'm looking to alter of change the world from this first post. But I need your help.

Think of it as dominoes. I am this post, the first one dropping. You are the rest of the dominoes that fall into place.

I guess it's to much to ask that the world can be changed for the positive from here this forum.

I haven't added anything new with this post.

It's upto you now.

That was the end of that thread on from me. You can find the thread HERE.

This is also the end of this post.

Darcy Lee

Monday, June 8, 2015

2 Thessalonians 2:8, Isaiah 11:4, Revelation 19:15 Darcy Lee

Scripture For The Day:

Isaiah 11:4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.

2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

Revelation 19:15 out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty

So I guess the theme here is destroying with breath and mouth. I been thinking that speech or words could be a weapon or even create peace.

We make choices. Alot of these choices are done in English. Well communication of words could help people. Technology and learning and knowledge is conveyed by words and communication.

It would be good I believe to see the wicked slain not in death but so they can no longer be wicked or they are being punished or they are now good or something.

There are a great multitude of evil wicked people in the world. 

It's definitely hard to see Jesus coming back to earth after dying and being supposedly resurrected and then ascending to heaven.

It's also hard to envision how the wicked can be slain with just breath. It would be a pure holy righteous love filled breath  I imagine. 

It could happen. So anyway ponder these scriptures. Perhaps you could slay some wickedness yourself in imitation of Jesus with the breath of your own mouth.

Words or perhaps breath here is presented as a weapon.

Use your breath as a weapon and do some slaying of your own. 

I been mediating on this scripture anyway trying to solve it. I can't think of much ways your breath could slay the wicked though. 

Guess we have to wait another 2000 years and see if this is true.

Anyway. Down with the Wicked. Down with Evil.

Think about breathing and breath. That's what I been doing. Monitor it perhaps. 

Yay Jesus you go you good thing. I hope your real. But the thing is the bible is pretty far fetched. But then agin so is life itself. 

I believe in good over evil.

I want to see good triumph totally and forever. 

Perhaps I will see this in my life with the advent of things that are happening

I'll leave it here. Breath

Added label "Wicked"

Darcy Lee

Enrique Iglesias Hero

Enrique Iglesias - Hero.

Enrique Iglesias
Listened to this again after listening to a Joe Jonas song that reminded me of it.

I have listened to it before but haven't adding it according to a quick google search. Wasn't sure whether to add to Music 1 or 2 so adding to Music 2. It nearly made 1. But I think a song should have more lasting appeal. This one is kinda old proberly won't get many more plays.

I like the theme though and it's melody. It keeps me entertained.

Darcy Lee

Bob Dylan The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol

Bob Dylan - The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol.

Thought i'd add this to Music 2. Found it today after trying to find a song made out of headlines. I still can't find the song i'm after. I'm thinking it's by r.e.m but I can't remember and it's possible i've already added it to this site.

I also found the song below while attempting to search for the headline song again while writing this post. I've only played it once. It's not the song I wanted but while playing it I kept thinking of the line no you can't take my breath away from the song Hero by Enrique Iglesias.

Joe Jonas - The Headline Song

Darcy Lee

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Beloved Deliver Me

The Beloved - Deliver Me.

Also found the version by Sara Brightman added below.

Deliver Me - Sara Brightman.

Added these songs after discussing them in a post about 9/11 and how I quoted this song.

Darcy Lee

Vanessa Carlton A Thousand Miles.

Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles.

Adding this because it's always been a great song and again I searched in Google and i'm pretty sure that I haven't added "A Thousand Miles" song yet to this blog. I listened to this song after discovering the song below.

Vanessa Carlton - Ordinary Day.

Like this song but haven't listened to it much. Probably will move on pretty quickly. The song above, A Thousand Miles was awesome back in the day. I actually thought it was one of my songs as I spoke some of the lyrics over the radio in my phone calls after 9/11. I guess I was just copying it and I had heard it previously. It is possible that it is one of mine because I asked for the release dates of the songs to be messed up a little and some of them were to be set datewise before 9/11 happened even though they came out afterwards.
Vanessa Carlton

I did copy at least two songs that I know of in my phone calls. So if I copied 2 songs then I could've copied this one. One day I will do a list of every song.

The two songs I copied that I know of are "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who and "Deliver Me" by Sara Brightman.

I just listened to Deliver Me right now and i'm going to add it to Music 2. I have heard a New Zealand bands version that I am familiar with, Sara version is kinda different.

So in summary adding these two songs to Music 2 because I briefly touched on them and this lead to adding Deliver Me in a separate post also.

I really can't call "A Thousand Miles" and whether it's one of mine or not. Only when the truth comes out will we find out.

Darcy Lee

Lisa Loeb - Stay (I Missed You).

Lisa Loeb - Stay

Lisa Loeb
Adding this to music to. Only listened to it a couple times. Got onto it again by watching the movie Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Had heard it on the radio before. It's not bad but not something I would listen to heaps.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Advertising and Sponsorship Of A House.

The following post I made to 3 different crowd funding sites. A crowd funding site is a place where people specifically go to give and receive money for different ideas and startups of emergencies anything really. If people have sympathy for you or your idea is good they will donate.

You can find my three pages here:

My last page which is on rockethub hasn't been approved yet but i'll add link if it does get approval. *EDIT* added link to rocket hub.

Anyhow here is the article seeking to get house sponsorship I wrote.

So my idea to make donations is to sell advertising on a house. I'm also looking at doing the same with a car. Basically you make a donation big enough and this earns you an advertising spot somewhere either on the inside or exterior or roof of my house or fences or perhaps billboards that could be erected.

Also I'm looking to earn $30k for a car here in NZ. Something like a Suzuki Grand Vitara 4wd 2 door. But I would drive anything if it was a car company who wanted me to support and drive their brand around. I could have your advertising on the car. I will pay for all petrol and maintenance on the car but you have to pay for the paint job and car itself. I will drive it everywhere and own it a long time. Your advertisement will be seen in many places round New Zealand on this car.

This could catch on. You could have professional paid people who drive round in special advertising cars. The sole goal of the car is to have the advertising on it and to be seen driving round in various places. More people could sell advertising on their cars perhaps to be seen.  A company could paint up a few 100 of peoples cars with their logo. Perhaps start a trading website where buyers and sellers of this type of advertisement could meet up. 

A Person could advertise with pictures of their car selling advertising space on their car stating where and how big. The people who want the adds could pay the person a fee for having the ad on the car plus the paint job itself. It could be something as simple as a bumper sticker. Match up bumper stickers of advertisements to cars for dollar bills. I'm sure people would be willing to donate space on their cars for advertising if they were being paid. It could also perhaps be a type of catalog of cars.

So I don't know how it goes yet but let's say if you donate $500 dollars as a minimum then you achieve the smallest size advertisement on the inside of the house. $50 will get you a text link somewhere on the inside of house. $1000 will get you an advertisement on the outside of the house or fence or roof of house. Alot of the factors are going to depend on the house I purchase. But I guarantee that I will spend $35,000 US dollars on the paintjob itself probably more. If you want a bigger advertisement then buy multiple blocks.

At the moment I can't guarantee the size of advertisements. I have to make enough money to purchase both the house and get it painted in all the advertisements. This won't be easy. If i fail to make enough money for the paint job I will try and get just a text link done. This really is just to raise funds for a house for myself. I will live in this house for the rest of my life unless I can upgrade or something. I'm hoping to build new though so it should last a long time. 

There was million dollar pixel homepage where the guy was selling pixel adds. I guess I'm selling ads but the pixels are on my house and car.

So you can donate towards an advertisement on a house or car. This is how i'm trying to raise my funds. If all goes well and we raise enough I should be able to get this done.

I once saw a house and the wallpapered interior was just hung up old newspapers that people could read. The wallpaper was newspapers. This house will be an advertisement for many companies if I make enough. A car would be a bonus. Also someone once sold an advertisement on their forehead as a tattoo. Well I'm selling advertisements on my house and car. Commercial sponsored advertising corporate business house living. You don't see many people living in sponsored houses. I'm hoping the advertising and sponsorship will cover the cost of everything.

Just to make it clear. I first need to raise enough funds to purchase a house as I don't as yet own my own house. If i don't make enough then I will just use any money earned for various endeavours in my life. Hopefully I can make enough to both purchase the house and get the paintjob done.

Thanks for reading 

Darcy Lee

That was exactly word for word what I put on the three sites. Also only 2 of the sites included what they call perks. These make it easy to get the people making the donations and the advertising sorted. I'm not sure if the 3rd site is going to be able to handle what i'm doing but i'll try anyway.

Added Label "Advertising".

I'll leave it here, this post is now long enough.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, May 28, 2015

2 Corinthians 5:4 so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life

Scripture For The Day.

2 Corinthians 5:4 While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it's not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life.

I see this problem as a generation of life. Just how do we generate more life?

Immortality. Mortal Swallowed By Life.
I believe feeding people at the bottom end of society is one way of creating life upon the planet. There are plenty of starving people in the world.

Communication perhaps. One person figures something out and tells, communicates or demonstrates it to others.

I'm thinking of a discovery about the human body. Technology involving the human body. To swallow up death you would need alot of life.

I understand this description of life to be similar to power. The more life you have the smoother things are.

Just how much life is the human body capable of?

This is only really bible thinking. For it is truly an evil world where evil rules.

Perhaps to be set free we must each generate more life. Each work for our individual freedom.

I mean aren't we doing this already. There are evil scary people. Also many forces that we don't yet understand. Dark places without light.

So again just how do we generate more life.

I'm pretty sure more life in each of us can be passed on to others. Money needs to be spent on more important things. Priorties.

Food, medicines, shelter, clothing. For all. On a permanent basis. We need to fund the world.

This world will soon change.

If we don't dig in and set everyone up then we will never make it.

Everyone should be funded a bare minimum in life.

There can be major setbacks in life on the planet like earthquakes or natural disasters. As a people we should be trying to settle and make permanent peoples lives. People live on this planet 80 years on average. So people need a permanent house to live. People also need food and clothing.

If we get people sorted and living day to day we can generate more life eventually enough to swallow up death. There is more life in joy than misery. The more experience we have with living the more life also we can generate. I believe overall day to day each day the planet as a whole generates more life. But it can be speed up.

We need to reach critical mass to beat destroy and swallow up death in victory and life. What are some ways you yourself can think of to generate life? What is your definition of life exactly? Can it be generated.

So work at it. Work at generating more life for yourself. Being more alive.

With feeding the world. To me. It like food is energy. Energy creates life. Christ said work for food that doesn't perish. Spend energy from food that perishes on creating life. Food in equals movement + thought output. If we can continuously feed people that don't usually get feed we can generate more life.

What is really possible? How do we have enough life to vanquish death? How. I don't have very much life myself.

The rich need to lift the poor. Technology needs to lift everyone. The strong need to lift the weak.

Things are happening everyday.

So I believe that one day we will have enough life to swallow up the mortal. But things need to be done.

Mortal Swallowed up By Life. I believe.

Note* Added label "Joy".

Darcy Lee.

Justin Bieber Energy Lies

The song here is most probably all lies as I couldn't find one single thing about this song in google.....    It's entitled Energy by Justin Bieber.....    I really don't think this song is by him though. I think it's all
label fraud.

The best parts about this song are how the beginning and ending kind of match I like the beginning and ending of this song yup. I'm adding it to Music.

Also added new labels "Lies" and "Fraud"


Darcy Lee

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Incubus Pardon Me

Incubus - Pardon Me..... While I Burst Into Flames.

Incubus - I Wish You Were Here.

I searched in Google to see if I had add these two songs to my blog already and Google didn't turn up any results so I hope I haven't posted these already. I like them.

Adding to Music. I am sure I remember posting these but it's been so long. Honestly Google didn't find anything. Happy to post again.

Darcy Lee

Spy Hunter

All About Spy Hunter The Game.

The Spy Hunter Theme Song.

Just a quick post before bed here. Going in both Music 2 for theme song and movies for the short about the classic coin op game that got ported to computer Spy Hunter.

I can't remember what computer I used to play this on but i'm pretty sure I had this game. One thing I remember is the trucks to get new weapons were real hard to get on and i rarely got them if I even got that far to get a truck out. I also remembered the music as being real cool and that's why I looked up this game.

I'm pretty sure it was a hard game on the port I played. I don't remember ever playing the arcade version myself.

This has been a memory. Also added the label "Spy".

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Candlebox - Cover Me.

Candlebox - You.

Candlebox - Far Behind.

I was driving home the other day in a friends car and the song Cover Me came on. I knew I had heard it before from my teenage years but I couldn't name the band. I found it through the magic of the internet. I then got quite a few plays out of it.

Candlebox Album Cover
I used to listen to the Candlebox song Far Behind and sing along to that back in my teenage years, that's what got me into them. That song didn't appeal so much this time. But You and Cover me were excellent. A friend bought the album I think. Far Behind was on a compilation tape or something. Something like Now that's what I call Music and he bought the album based off Far Behind. I'm adding these three songs to the category of Music.

I just want to add some of the lyrics from the song You:

And you lonely people
Keep on passin' time away
Yes you lonely people keep on passin'
Pass away

And I'll cry for you, As I die for you
Pain in my heart it is real
And I'll tell you now how I feel inside
Feel in my heart, It's for you

Here is a scripture to go with those lyrics:

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. And also....

1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.

I remember "pretending" to lay down my life for my friends at college as a teenager shortly after I started smoking. It caught me by surprise as I had to lay it down before I was ready. I was going to anyway I just wasn't ready when I did.  This was just in word though. I don't have anywhere near that kind of love now.

I do wonder now that I have suffered hugely what does this count towards. Was this laying my life on the line. I really can't wait for the prophesy of no pain no tears no death no mourning. It's going to happen just going to be some suffering before it does. I wonder if anyone will lay down there life for me. Were in a fight. Life is a fight. There's plenty of evil.

It looks like at the moment technology like mind control is stronger than the bible. I guess the bible was always a long shot. There's no evidence for a God. The bible isn't good enough alone.

Do the Governments of the world have their own Christian advisers? Are there secret christians with powers. I never seen anyone with powers. The Govts would know all about people. The bible asks us to lay down our lives. I don't know if i'm capable of that anymore. I no longer ever want to suffer. I'm not prepared to suffer anymore. This post has gone bananas.

Anyway I'm looking for people with No Greater LOVE.

These people are the best. This type of love and people must be rare and not often seen. What sort of love do you possess? Do you have no greater love? Do you lay down your life for others?

Jesus laid down his life for me the bible says. I guess it didn't work. I did inherit some of the earth but i'm kinda dead and tortured so badly. The following scripture after John 15:13 is

John 15:14 You are my friends if you do what I command.

So we are his friends if we obey his commands which I don't know what they are. But if we are his friends he has given his life for us. This should be valuable if true. So who has no greater love amongst you.

Romans 8:17 co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

So that's it for this post. Added one new labels, Lyrics and On The Line.

Darcy Lee

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