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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside

Monday, August 3, 2015

License to Smoke More Tweets.

So I sent some more tweets to celebrities who are known to smoke pot. I did this trying to get my license to smoke to fire. The NZ Govt granted all my other things that I asked for. They can grant me my license to smoke. I haven't gotten a single thing from my phone call that has benefited me so far.

Hopefully I can get some help form the celebs. But they don't tend to care much about someone so little. I either need more money or a cheaper supply. My license when recognised should set me up with a weekly supply from my pharmacy for a very cheap price.

Can't wait till weed is legal in NZ. Until then I hope I can be the first to smoke legally in NZ. Enjoy these tweets. Hopefully they produce some fruit.

Oliver Stone ‏@DarcyLee78  2m2 minutes ago

@TheOliverStone Ill go now. Im tweeting a whole lot of celebrities to get my license to smoke active. Don't need much. Need weed. Too poor.
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 More ‏@DarcyLee78  4m4 minutes ago
@TheOliverStone SO yeah sorry to have annoyed you. I guess just read the webby I linked. Perhaps you can help me smoke weed. Need help.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5m5 minutes ago
@TheOliverStone Twitter can help me claim my license to smoke. Like I said. They did everything else I asked. I need this. At mo I am poor.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5m5 minutes ago
@TheOliverStone I need to claim my license to smoke so they can make it so I can buy it from a pharmacy. I earned it. I am soldier. Darcy.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  6m6 minutes ago
@TheOliverStone you can read more here: … I asked for a license to smoke as a reward. They granted all my other request
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  7m7 minutes ago
@TheOliverStone I rang back and asked for a reward. I asked for a license to smoke weed in New Zealand here where it is currently illegal
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  8m8 minutes ago
@TheOliverStone 2 days later after making this phone call the planes hit the buildings in america. I laid my life on the line gave it every
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  8m8 minutes ago
@TheOliverStone Hi there. Well. Basically my story. I rang a radio talkback show during prime time. Made a whole phone call about war.
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Justin Timberlake ‏@DarcyLee78  11m11 minutes ago
@jtimberlake Ok bye. have annoyed you enough. read the webby possibly. I need my license. Anything you can do to help appreciated. Needweed
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  12m12 minutes ago
@jtimberlake I smoke weed everyday. I'm not going to change. Need a supply. Can you help. Sorry to annoy you like this. I have a license.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  13m13 minutes ago
@jtimberlake If I could get a supply through my license to smoke it would be great. Need your help to get my license operating. Smoke weed.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  14m14 minutes ago
@jtimberlake You can read my whole story here: … I basically am just after enough to get by on and my license.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  15m15 minutes ago
@jtimberlake I guess you already know cause cry me a river was one of the songs that I featured in. Anyway can you help me smoke weed.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  16m16 minutes ago
@jtimberlake sorry to annoy you. But I need my license to smoke weed so I can get enough of it cheaply to smoke. Im in a famine at moment
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  17m17 minutes ago
@jtimberlake They gave me everything else that I asked for so I assume I have a license to smoke. I want to utilise it. I want to buy pharma
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  17m17 minutes ago
@jtimberlake 2 days later the planes hit the buildings in america. I asked for a license to smoke weed as reward. Can you help confirm.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  18m18 minutes ago
@jtimberlake My story goes rang a talkback radio station during prime time. Made a whole phone call about war laid my life one line. 2 days
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Whoopi Goldberg ‏@DarcyLee78  29m29 minutes ago
@WhoopiGoldberg So sorry to bug you. Ill go now. Anything you think to help would be cool. Help me claim my license which I asked for real
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  30m30 minutes ago
@WhoopiGoldberg I guess nobody is going to help but I gots to try. Need this license to be real to smoke consistently. Im in a weed famine
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  30m30 minutes ago
@WhoopiGoldberg I need your help to claim my license. I'm sure it's real. You can read my story here: … Need weed
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  31m31 minutes ago
@WhoopiGoldberg They did every single other thing that I asked. I starve for weed each week. With this license the govt could supply mecheap
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  32m32 minutes ago
@WhoopiGoldberg I asked for a license to smoke weed amongst other things here in New Zealand where it is illegal. Now need to confirm.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  33m33 minutes ago
@WhoopiGoldberg 2 days later after my call the planes hit the buildings in America. I rang back and asked for a reward. I asked for
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  34m34 minutes ago
@WhoopiGoldberg Hi Whoopi. My story. Rang a radio talkback show during prime time and made a phone call all about war laid my life on line
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Rihanna. ‏@DarcyLee78  37m37 minutes ago
@rihanna K by. Check my webby. Support my license. Help me smoke weed. Thanks Rihanna.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  38m38 minutes ago
@rihanna please help with my weed smoking. sorry to bother you. Americans have an abundance of weed. IN nz we have a lack cause of law.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  38m38 minutes ago
@rihanna I guess read my website if you don't know who I am as some do. Cannabis people take notice of me. I have a license to smoke in NZ.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  39m39 minutes ago
@rihanna Any help you can offer would be great. I don't need much but weed is one of them. Smoker for life. So tweet me or ignore me.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  41m41 minutes ago
@rihanna so i'm sorry to bother you but it is possible to stand up against the govt. I have a license. I want to use it. It needs publicity.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  41m41 minutes ago
@rihanna Need publicity about the license. I'm basically hangin for weed 2-3 days of the week and am forced to smoke every 3 hour to conserv
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  42m42 minutes ago
@rihanna They did every single other thing that I asked so my license should be real. Read more of my story here: …
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  43m43 minutes ago
@rihanna Now either need to confirm license so I can get a hook up through a pharmacy or need money to support my habit. Pass the weed.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  44m44 minutes ago
@rihanna Did everything I could. 2 days later the planes hit the buildings. As a reward I asked for license to smoke weed in NZ its illegal
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  45m45 minutes ago
@rihanna Hi Rihanna. Long time ago I rang a radio talkback show during prime time. The whole call was about war. I laid my life on line
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Matthew Mcconaughey. ‏@DarcyLee78  50m50 minutes ago
@McConaughey So yeah license to smoke cannabis. Read the website I guess. It's a long read but youll be happy if u read then news breaks.
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More ‏@DarcyL
ee78  50m50 minutes ago
@McConaughey so sorry to annoy you. I move onto next celeb now. I'm hoping that I can get more action around the cannabis issue. suckstobeme
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  51m51 minutes ago
@McConaughey You can read more about my story here: … Basically need to make things more real. Need license confirmed.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  54m54 minutes ago
@McConaughey So you can help progress cannabis law in nz. YOu can help my life. I have tweeted many celebrities about my license. I earned.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  55m55 minutes ago
@McConaughey If my license is real as I asked then possibly It could cover growing my own. But I would rather buy it from a pharmacy nocost
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  56m56 minutes ago
@McConaughey They did everything else that I asked but they hate me now. Need help in either financing my weed or some happening about lice
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  57m57 minutes ago
@McConaughey I made a whole phone call about war laid my life on line 2 days b4 9/11 in america. Asked for reward. License to smoke in NZ.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  58m58 minutes ago
@McConaughey Hi Matthew. Need help in smoking weed. My story goes that I earned a license to smoke when I yelled war on radio 2 days b4 9/11
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Miley Cyrus. ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus thanks miley for reading. Hope I can smoke some weed soon legally. Support my license. Need support. Cannabis people unite.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus Sorry to annoy you. You can read more about me here: … that tells how I earned my license to smoke. always
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus But need to know exactly what my license covers. Like I said they did everything else I asked so I have a license. It's hidden
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus need to get my license to smoke more out in the open and ratified. You could help do this. If I could grow legally that would be
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus If I with my license to smoke would be allowed to grow one or two plants then sweet. But there has to be a lawful summary
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus I'll leave you alone now. But any thoughts wuld be welcome. I guess i'm the type to be ignored. Help progress weed in NZ.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus I will also be a celeb one day when the truth comes out. But until then I have to starve to support my weed habbit. need help
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus I've tweeted many pot smoking celebrities in hope of getting some help to be able to smoke the chronic as much as i like ndesire
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus My license to smoke needs to be recognised by the media perhaps. Perhaps you could just help finance my habit. I don't know.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus Today I would like your help. I need to get a source of cheap quality weed or else get enough money to afford it. Pharmacy
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus I looking for some publicity or financial aid to support my license to smoke. It's real. They did everything else i asked. Today
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus I earned this license as a soldier when I made a radio talkback call all about war 2 days before 9/11 in America. Darcy Lee
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@MileyCyrus Hello. I would like some help. I earned a reward. A license to smoke cannabis in New Zealand when it is still illegal. no money
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Paris Hilton. ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@ParisHilton I been tweeting many celebrities trying to get help to get some weed. I'm pretty sure none of them will help. Need weed. Darcy
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@ParisHilton Any help in getting my license to smoke some publicity? guess not to crazy for your blood. ill leave you alone now. ill move on
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@ParisHilton I will be a celeb one day to. But don't really want to. Would rather enjoy smoking good quality weed in my own home thanks.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@ParisHilton You can read more at … Please help I need some weed to smoke. I never have any or it's rubbish. Help pls
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@ParisHilton SOrry to annoy you. It's just that I never have enough weed to smoke even though I have a license. Publicize me and help weed
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@ParisHilton Never got a supply though. So i'm pretty sure I have a license to smoke but can't afford it. Need publicity to get lice acknowl
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@ParisHilton rang radio talkback yelled war laid my life on line as a good soldier does 2 days later planes hit buildings. asked for license
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@ParisHilton Can you help? probably not. I won a license to smoke weed after speaking on radiotalkback air about war 2 days before 9/11
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Willie Nelson. ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@willienelson Ok ill leave you alone now and move onto the next celebrity. Hopefully I can get some weed. I have none. It sucks. need weed.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@willienelson They have done everything else I have asked license should be true. You can read more on my website at …
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@willienelson I wonder if there is anything you can do to help me? I need public acknowledgement of my license greater than just the talkbak
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@willienelson I need the NZ govt to step up and honor my license to smoke and supply me with what I need. I won the license fair and square
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@willienelson I've been tweeting many celebrities trying to get some weed. I hang for it. I need it. It takes all my money and then some
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@willienelson If this got a little more publicity my license to smoke could be recognised by the media and then I could get a govt supply
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@willienelson Smoking weed in new zealand is illegal but i have a license to smoke. Thing is I don't really have enough money to supply
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@willienelson I rang back after the planes had hit and asked for a reward. I asked for a license to smoke weed here in New Zealand
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@willienelson Hi willie My story goes I rang a talkback radio show and spoke about war laid my life on the line 2 days later the planes hit
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Cameron Diaz. ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@CameronDiaz ill leave you alone now. I go sulk that i again got no weed and im straight and left with that horrible straight feeling.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@CameronDiaz I guess you don't use twitter much. O weel. I been tweeting many celebrities trying to get some weed. Help if you can pls.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@CameronDiaz I can't get enough weed. It sucks. I have a license where it's illegal. But have no cheap quality supply. Need publicitylicense
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@CameronDiaz So i won a license to smoke weed here in NZ where it's still illegal. But I didn't get a dealer with the deal. Need publicity.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@CameronDiaz Looking for help to get a supply of weed from somewhere to utilise my license to smoke that I won in New Zealand still illegal
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Add caption ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@DrewBarrymore ok ill leave now. sorry to bug. But just after more weed. can't get enough. always hanging. makes me poor. everything change
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@DrewBarrymore Just need acknowledgement of my license then I can get the govt to supply me through a pharmacy or something. be cheap as.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@DrewBarrymore the quality I get from backyard dealers is terrible as well. It's not very often I get good stuff. sorry to annoy you.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@DrewBarrymore I need a govt supply to go along with my license to smoke. My dealer is way to expensive i can't afford and doesnt have alway
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@DrewBarrymore after the planes hit the buildings I rang back and asked for a license to smoke. They granted all my other requests. Need sup
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@DrewBarrymore 1 min phone call all about war during prime time radio talkback then 2 days later the planes hit the buildings. Need help
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@DrewBarrymore I asked for a license to smoke weed here in New Zealand where it is illegal after making a 1 min phone call all about war
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@DrewBarrymore so to annoy you. I read you smoke weed. Well i crave it daily. I'm an addict. I need help getting my license to smoke heard
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Madonna. ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna Thanks for reading. SOrry for annoying. But I got to try and get some weed until i'm famous and got the dollars myself. Im hated.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna Ok moving onto next celebrity i've bugged you enough. Just asking for some attention to my license to smoke so I can get supplied.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna at the moment i pay about $20 bucks a gram. Need at least a gram a day. I jsut can't afford it. And the quality always varies
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna So help me with my license to smoke weed by making it more public and getting the govt to address it. Then they can supply me cheap
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna so far i've tweeted @Sethrogen @SnoopDogg @JohnMayer @ladygaga and now you all asking for help to get some weed. Respect thelicense
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna I guess being counted as a criminal and underclass and lowbie gets u ignored. This is important. I need my weed. Can you help
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna I have tweeted a few celebrities asking for help with my weed problem. Anyone of them can speak out and get my license known.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna at the moment even with my license to smoke they still force me to goto back yard dealers. You never know what your getting weedpls
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna Perhaps with a word from you and enough interest I could turn my license to smoke into getting a supply for cheap off the govt
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna I earned this license to smoke by yelling war on talkback radio 2 days before world trade center. I need money to smoke weed. igot0
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@Madonna Hey Madonna how are you. My story goes I have a license to smoke weed here in New Zealand where its still illegal.but i cant afford
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John Mayer. ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@JohnMayer Your song is based off me. So can I pls have some weed. I am lacking in weed. I have no weed. I need some weed. Pls may i havesum
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@JohnMayer Can I pls have some money to finance my weed addiction. I spoke the words your body is a wonderland and ill use my hands andother
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@JohnMayer I'm tweeting various celebs to get some weed. I have no weed. Also ownership of the songs would be cool to. WEED WEED WEED WEED
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@JohnMayer But that's not so important. I need weed. I need to utilise my license to smoke. Hey i'm a big celebrity. I want to smoke weed.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@JohnMayer So i claim to have spoken the words first and you turned them into a song. YOur body is a wonderland one of the songs I featurein
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@JohnMayer I asked for songs to be created over radio talkback air out of things i spoke. Your song "Your body is a Wonderland" is one of
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  4h4 hours ago
@JohnMayer Hey John im looking to use my license to smoke weed that I won when I yelled war 2 days before sept 11th 2001. I have no money.
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Lady Gaga. ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga O yeah i love your music to.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga Ya just need some weed to go with my license to smoke. Help us out. I pay ya back oneday when it's in my means. ta lady ga
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga Ok i'm moving onto the next celeb asking for weed. going to cook tea first. sausages and chips. have this 3 times a week. me poor.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga I would like some really strong weed. Perhaps even what Americans call dabs. they look good and healthy. Help please Miss GAGA
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga This is me hustling. I'm not very good at it. I just seem to get ignored. I don't use any other drugs. Just weed. I gaveup tobacco
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga MOst of them prolly hustled to get there weed so never had any problems. Me im broke. I need help to utilize my license to smoke.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga i'm tweeting to lots of celebrities trying to get some weed. Perhaps they remember what it was like to hang before they had money,
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga i'm pretty sure they should respect my license to smoke. I mean they made the songs and did everything else. ATM i'm undercover.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga Can you help fund my weed habbit. I have everything but can't afford my weed habbit. I never arranged to get it cheaply from govt
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga You can read how I won my license to smoke here. … but thats not important. I need weed. That's important.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@ladygaga I have won a license to smoke weed in New Zealand where it is still illegal but the thing is I can't afford it. I smoke daily help
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Seth Rogen. ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@Sethrogen I need a constant supply of weed and i'm just not getting it. There is always downtime. ALso getting it what a hassle. LICENSED
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@Sethrogen You should see that me having no weed is a very bad crime and do whatever in your power to correct this situation. Buy me weed.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@Sethrogen I have no weed though. Weed should be about the love and not about the finances.It grows so should be free. IAMLICENSED
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  5h5 hours ago
@Sethrogen I won a license to smoke weed in New Zealand where it's still illegal. But I can't afford it and didn't arrange a pharmacy to buy
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Snoop Dogg. ‏@DarcyLee78  6h6 hours ago
@SnoopDogg Any chance you can hook us up with some weed? Need a good smoke. I guess you don't know what it's like not to have any. Try imag
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  6h6 hours ago
@SnoopDogg so I made a talkback phone call about war laid my life on line 2days planeshit now I want some weed This soldier wants his weed.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  6h6 hours ago
@SnoopDogg I complain all the time to my monitors about lack of weed but they just watch and do nothing. I haven't gotten a single dollars
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  6h6 hours ago
@SnoopDogg weed should be about the love not about the finances. If I got a license to smoke I should be able to blaze at home when i want 2
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  6h6 hours ago
@SnoopDogg So how am I going to get some good weed and use my license to smoke. Need celebrities helps. Don't make me suffer the withdrawls
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  6h6 hours ago
@SnoopDogg I'm wondering if you can help my weed habbit. I need to smoke everyday but can't afford. I will be rich oneday. But alas. Anyhelp
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  6h6 hours ago
@SnoopDogg Hey Snoop I won a licence to smoke weed in New Zealand where it's still illegal. The thing is i'm to poor and my dealer sucks.

So yeah that's it. I have now tweeted 15 different celebrities. Nobody seems to notice yet oneday I will be just as big as anyone I have tweeted here tonight. I'm after some cash, a house, and some weed. If I can solve my weed issues that should free up some more money for food. Until then i'm eating sausages and chips 3 times a week as I have done for the last 6 months or so. My budget is the same every week it never changes. Sausages are all I can afford.

My diet is hurting me probably. I know that I could spend 3x as much money on food.

Anyway do what you can if you can help me. Repost my tweets perhaps. Donate to my website. There are things you can do. Thing is nobody believes me and I get written off as crazy.

Matrix, Songs, 9/11, Suffering, that's what i'm about.

Very hard long suffering. Record setting.

Yippie Kai Aye. This post was also the 100th for the year.

Added labels Celebrity, Weed, Marijuana and Cannabis,

Darcy Lee

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Joan Jett I Hate Myself For Loving You

Joan Jet

Joan Jett - I Hate Myself For Loving You

Didn't really appreciate this very much. Also listened to Bad Reputation and I Love Rock and Roll. None of them really appealed very much but adding this to say that I've been here. Wouldn't recommend this but adding it anyway.

Darcy Lee

Nicki Minaj Right Thru Me

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj - Right Thru Me

Adding this for the sample of Joe Satrianis Always with me always with you in the background. I got onto this song by hearing a sample of it in Songs in real life which is a comedian video that samples people saying the songs in real life situations as comedy. This song was sampled, the how do you part. I like that. Have only played this song once so far.

Here is Joe Satriani Always with me Always with you which I used to listen to 20 years ago when I was learning guitar. I never got very far at learning guitar but I dreamed of playing like this or at least writing my own songs with great skill. Have just listened to this and it's still good. Now going to listen to Nicki again. Added new label School.

Darcy Lee

Snoop Dogg ft Dr Dre The Next Episode

Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg ft. Dr Dre - The Next Episode

Like the Da Da Da Da and the background music but the swearing not so great. Still listened to this enough to add it. Watched a show featuring Snoop and Seth Rogen today.

Apparently weed being called chronic come from Snoop mishearing hydroponic as hydro-chronic. It went from there.

Smoke Weed Everyday.

Darcy Lee

Chamillionaire Ridin ft Krayzie Bone

Chamillionaire - Ridin ft Krayzie Bone

Again I have forgotten how I found this song. Haven't listened to it to much but adding it anyway cause there's enough to listen to.

Darcy Lee

Rihanna Umbrella

Rihanna - Umbrella Ft Jay-Z

I heard this once and hummed and harred. I new I would like it if I played it more but did I want to put the effort in. Anyway I managed to play it more than once and now am adding it to the collection.

The Kingsmen Louie Louie

The Kingsmen - Louie Louie

Can't remember how I got onto this song it's been a little while. I got a few plays out of it so adding it.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Queen Under Pressure

Queen - Under Pressure.

Had this pop up in my mind and I looked it up. I like it. Played it quite a few times but haven't listened to it for a couple days now.

It's a good message for the world to get people off the streets into houses.

Da Da Da - OK.


Here be the lyrics to this song:

Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man ask for
Under pressure that burns a building down
Band Queen with Freddy Mercury
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming, "Let me out!"
Tomorrow gets me higher
Pressure on people - people on streets

Chippin' around, kick my brains 'round the floor
These are the days - it never rains but it pours
People on streets - people on streets

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming, "Let me out!"
Tomorrow gets me higher, higher, higher...
Pressure on people - people on streets

Turned away from it all like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love but it's so slashed and torn
Why, why, why?


Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love, give love, give love, give love, give love, give love, give love, give love?..

'Cause love's such an old-fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure
Under pressure

Added to Music Category.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Yo Eminem

 Marshall Mathers
So i sent Marshall Mathers or Eminem some tweets to try and get the truth out about the songs of his which include my lyrics. Some of the songs of his which have my lyrics are Without Me, Toy Soldiers and Lose Yourself.

Here are the tweets: ‏@DarcyLee78  27m27 minutes ago
@Eminem I prophecy immortality and heaven and the matrix. We must live WARTIMES. We ARE in WARTIMES. Living it. I am #WARCHILD
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  28m28 minutes ago
@Eminem I would consider myself a lover of money. I can't confirm God for you sorry. I can confirm immortality and heaven. Man shall create.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  30m30 minutes ago
@Eminem I like just after a sess of weed when you haven't had any for a while. I speak and am creative. It's quite a rush.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  31m31 minutes ago
@Eminem I need food to heal. Food is medicine. Feed the world. Feed me. I need better shelter. I need weed. Weed is medicine. Pain relax.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  34m34 minutes ago
@Eminem You are actively choosing evil when good is an option if you choose from here not to acknowledge me. me then getting money someho
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  35m35 minutes ago
@Eminem I am on goods side whether you like it or not. I hate evil. Evil hates me. It is evil to not give me any money from this point on.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  37m37 minutes ago
@Eminem I have a lot of sins. But they have all been forgiven. Evil says I have a ringing in my left ear now deaf 24/7 via govts of world.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  38m38 minutes ago
@Eminem The truth will set you free. You will know the truth. I've always been about good vs evil. I've decided that i'm evil want to begood
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  40m40 minutes ago
@Eminem Confused. So much. I know money will help. I still need to heal after 17 years. I'm pretty sure it's in my spine by neck. The truth.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  41m41 minutes ago
@Eminem Can you explain something else apart from good vs evil? I don't know anything else. There are probably hard things. I dont know conf
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  43m43 minutes ago
@Eminem Do you prefer darkness and evil? Thats what there is at moment. I would advise your to chose the light. Which is the truth. GvE
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem @taylorswift13 @NICKIMINAJ @katyperry can all go on twitter get and attract media attention why is it my tweets can be ignored.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem When are you going to listen. Use your words and acquit yourself. Acknowledge some of hard truth I speak. Not the bible but the song
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem Threats of mind control now carried out. This tech is military. They need to see what civilians can create. We are peaceful people
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem I guess it's me that fails when it comes to the matrix. But honestly I just truly hate evil and that is what they did to me everyday
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem the bible is the only weapon that the people have and at the moment it fails to do anything. Must exhaust it. 2000 years its been.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem So i plan to get people to read the bible. Why because I have enjoyed it myself and it's basically the only alt to a matrix govt.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem I guess the matrix tech is the new standard. We can now share our thoughts. I would like my suffering and taste of death to be share
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem i would like to create a more coherent belief system around the world but we need people to study and be quiet in the mean time
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem 1 billion christians. 1 billion muslims. 1 billion hindus. or so. whatever. they all believe differently. I would like to create
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem I would like to get to a place where we can eliminate the bible altogether or acknowledge it as truth. I would like to press on forw
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem by people reading the bible and discussing it will hopefully create new truths about it. I would like to get to a place where.....
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem I won't call the bible true and infallible as it is open to mens interpretation. What I am hoping to do with my power and readingbib
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem I will compare the bible to a tolkien epic it's a hard read but some will get it. If you like righteousness and love and truth u get
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem With my power I will get people to read the bible who have never read it before. I will direct them to the new testament red letter
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem Matthew 12:37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. With my power i will get people to
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem Release the tech to the world through twitter. By your words you shall be acquitted or condemned. If you ignore then that your words
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem You have a weapon. Enough power to alter significantly the world forever. Would you choose to continue as we are? Is that not evil?
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem Drop the BOMB.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem LOVE TRUTH. Speak the truth in love. Choose to end suffering in the world with your power of words. From this you can do much withme
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  1h1 hour ago
@Eminem I'm giving you an opportunity to alleviate suffering in the world. If you don't then the suffering will come down on your own head.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Without me. Toy Soldiers and Lose Yourself. I feature in all of them. My name is Darcy Lee. . Marshall pls tru
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem How many tweets do I have to sent you to be set free and have the truth acknowledged. I've sent many emails. Tweeted. Forums. Yet NO
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Joy and abundant life. Will go from there. My friends need money. My family needs money. Most of them are just as poor as me. Setfre
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem This is now on your head. Look I have done everything in my power. I have been nothing but hated from the beginning. I want money.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem They do nothing about suffering. They do nothing about. They do nothing about suffering. They could but hey chose to carry a lie.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Again they are bastards. They haven't suffered. If they new they would tell the truth. This is the measure. Suffering needs to end.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem It's not like I was asking for heaps or anything. They fail to know and understand. They totally don't know. They fail. SUffering
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem My suffering covers my bill and any bill I will ever have. I have unlimited riches of suffering. So tell the truth Marshall
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Now i'm crazy. But i don't care. I want some damn money. Right damn now. I have earned it. The suffering the nz govt has inflicted
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem They shall perish in their unbelief along with many.
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Darcy Lee Himself ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem They operate in the dark. They use peoples unbelief to hide. Nobody believes me and my words. Yet I tell you they also have unbelief
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem So this suffering that will be caused by you further continuing the lie about the songs that I feature in. There is a price.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Who will hold you accountable? At the moment there is no accountability. I tell you one day. All should beware. All are accountable
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem You will be held accountable for the suffering of many unless you acknowledge at least what I say about your songs is real. My words
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem My story needs to be told to prevent suffering. If you fail from here to announce me. I put this suffering on your head Marshal.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem the govt is to serve the people not enslave. the world is enslaved. Look you can create more slaves and keep them in the dark. orfre
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. They try
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem For my friends eternal life
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem I prophecy eternal suffering for my enemies that will not bow down.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem why carry on the lies. Lies are harmful. There one day won't be anymore darkness. They will then suffer for there works and deeds.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem come on you know the truth. tell the world. You have the power. Set the world on fire. When are you going to tell the world or ru li
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem They tortured me for 10 years solid. Hard. Record setting. Yet they didn't leave an external mark other than looking like menthealth
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem They are not alleviating suffering. They are creating more for their pleasure. It's for pleasure that I suffer and suffered.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem at the moment every single person in the world has ignored. Not one. Everyone has fallen short of my glory if you wanna call it that
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem When are you going to give me my money and phone call and acknowledge what I say about matrix and your songs and 9/11
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem It's time to tell the world. Not when they are ready which is never. Suffering. Thell The world now. You have the power and freedom.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem I mostly want money. Also I want my original phone call, the one all about war 2 days before 9/11 under my name on You Tube.  20mil+
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem THere's a huge conspiracy waiting to be told about world trade center. when are you going to tell the masses about this conspiracy.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem How did I make my Sept 11th phone call. I was put there by VR Matrix Tech. They can speak through you and you don't even know it.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Yo Em. There's the Matrix. There's the world trade center songs heaps of them that have been created. There's my origainal suffering
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem but nobody believes the bible these days. So why should i quote it. Well nobody believes me either. Yet i tell the truth.bibrealnow?
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Hebrews 12:8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. They are bastards.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem shouldn't it be about the suffering? they don't know. I know. They are bastards according to the bible. they have not suffered.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem share this info with the world. They are steeling from everyone. nobody is safe. it's the future. Imagine the crimes that can besolv
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem im talking about the american and nz govts. They have the ability to read peoples minds and see what they see and hear what theyhear
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem They hide so much knowledge from people to control them and manipulate and steel and kill and destroy.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Will you ignore every single tweet that I have sent you? I want money. The world needs freedom. They won't even tell us about aliens
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Free the slaves.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem You can free me. You can free the world. Obama voted against because he didn't want to be impeached so a voice says. V2k. Agent DAR
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem They don't know about suffering. Why don't they alleviate it then. They had so much oportunity. they continue to this day to inflict
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem You yourself know nothing about suffering do you? I broke records. had no place to rest my head. My record will never be broken.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Will you continue to carry on the lie? It is now a lie. It has always been a lie. I tried with all my might to get some money. Nadda
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem A few words from you and I will be set free to a all new hell. But at least the world will be much more free with knowledge. Lies?
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem It will appear on your consciousness. They drug me because of the testimony about he songs and matrix tech that i give. this is on u
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem VR matrix tech. why does nobody believe a mental health paitient. Look im not sick enough to be drugged by them with powerful drugs
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem the tech they use could alleviate alot of sickness and suffering. they fail to alleviate the suffering because they don't know.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem So they drug me. They starve me. I live in lice cockroach ant bird mold infested dwelling. Need money. It's been 17 years sincebegun
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem I spoke those words first and asked for you by name over radio talkback air to create songs out of things i spoke. Someone paid you
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me cause we need a little controversy cause it would be so empty without me
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem I feature in @linkinpark @alienantfarm @brookefraser I don't even care anymore I don't remember i'm fading pretty fast man. Mony pls
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Could you please acknowledge one or two of my tweets as real. Your prolly the most powerful artist that I feature in. One word fromU
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem They say i'm a billionaire. But I got no dollars. You smoke weed man? You addicted to weed? I got a licence to smoke and no dollars.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Can I have some money? I only need about 200k dollars to buy a house with and a $500 NZ dollar a week income It's not like i needlot
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  2h2 hours ago
@Eminem Yo Marshall. Could you tell the peoples that I feature in your lyrics because of world trade center. wtc was 14 years ago. money.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@Eminem You have to acknowledge these tweets as 100% truth. I still haven't lied but imagine how I look without your conversation. YO EM.
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@Eminem i'm still healing. i got xrays and stuff. that was covered up looks like to. i went twice and got my neck done. yet that seems it
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@Eminem They don't know about the suffering. They don't know about the suffering. Listen to me. They inflict it yet they know nothing about
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@Eminem I bet they bribe you with the Virtual reality Tech they submit me to every night. Why not bring this out into the open as well?
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@Eminem You possibly underestimate my suffering? My suffering covers anything i've ever done and explains it all. They left me there to suff
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@Eminem Hey like what else can I do. I feature in just as many hits as the next rock star yet i'm unknown. Hasn't it been long enough? truly
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@Eminem I'm being drugged because of my testimony that my words were converted into your lyrics by you for World Trade Center OSAMA
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@Eminem Yo marshall you know your sleeping pill addiction? Well i'm being drugged with mind altering drugs and there aint that much wrong
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More ‏@DarcyLee78  3h3 hours ago
@Eminem Well ben long time now. When you going come out of the closet that the lyrics from Lose Yourself, Without Me, Toy Soldiers are mine

That's it. Just a few I suppose.

He'll just choose to ignore me with no repercussions. That's the way the world operates. I really need the food as medicine to put on some weight and stop losing it. My diet is terrible. Also better housing. A car for winter instead of a scooter and the petrol to go with it. Other bits and pieces. No one even acknowledges my suffering. It was like being upon the cross everyday for 10 years. And now it's started again in the form of the Govt again.

They create laws to oppress. Mind control, a high frequency sound in your left ear is acceptable. Or is it. Are they rogue. Are they breaking the law. I believe they are. They need to be punished,

The unbelief in this one is huge. No one believes me. Not a soul. I'm called crazy and drugged for speaking truth. They made me sick and then drug me and hold me under mental health act.


The Govt's of the world know about this.

Darcy Lee

Friday, July 17, 2015

Numa Numa

Numa Numa

Don't know how this escaped being added. I searched and couldn't find it on my website. I remember listening to it ages ago now and I thought of it today.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

400 Domain Names & Bill Gates Leo Getz

Leo Getz Lethal Weapon
I seem to have a fascination with the Lethal Weapon series. Anyway my take on "Anything you want Leo Getz" is "Anything he wants Bill Gates" pronouncing Gates as Getz.

I bring up Bill Gates because today I sent him an email business like in an attempt to make some money. I sent a list of about just over 400 domains that I have invented over the last 3 years. I'm hoping that Bill will show some interest in at least one of the domains and purchase it from me. I'm trawling with a fishing net hoping to catch some fish. With over 400 domains suggested one has to be ok surely and pay out some money? It has been 3 years works over the days.

Bill Gates
I don't know if i've mentioned it yet but my main monitor has stopped working. I'm having to use a much smaller screen at a lower resolution. Any money earned will go on a monitor.

Still no luck in raising money or donations for a house as if you would've guessed. I still pay rent.

People don't believe me that i'm a Billionaire Rockstar who's cut off from his money till something happens god knows what.

I have to try and earn money however I can. On that note this website is about to pay out after nearly 6 years. I have nearly hit the Google adsense payment threshold of $130 NZ dollars when they pay you out. YAY. I really hope i'm not breaking TOS by telling you that but I should be able to say just that.

The money earned is probably going on either a new monitor or an external 2TB Hard Disk Drive. I'll try and do the monitor first though. Hope old Bill Replies back to ole unimportant me.

As always you can contact Bill Gates at

Added Label "Business"

Darcy Lee

Don't Be Cruel Elvis Presley

Elvis "The King" Presley
Don't Be Cruel - Elvis Presley.

This is like the 3rd Elvis song i've added to this website. I didn't get heaps of plays out of this but I enjoyed it enough to add it to this website. Enjoy if you love Elvis.

I didn't really think i'd like any Elvis songs but there ya have it I now have 3 on this website.

Darcy Lee

Jack Johnson Taylor

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson - Taylor I've listened to this on and off over the years. I'm pretty sure also that it's one of my songs. Came back to it again today so adding it now.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Never Ending Story

Never Ending Story.

Never Ending Story.
I have memories of watching this around at my Nana's house when I was a kid must been around 1985 or a little later. Now this was awesome stuff. You should definitely get your kids to watch this movie 80's gold.

Added Label "Never Ending"

Darcy Lee

Terminator Genisys 2015

Terminator - Genisys

I haven't seen this yet but because I know that as soon as I can I will see it i'm going to add it as the second movie to be reviewed by this website.

Arny is classic stuff. I went to the movies in 1991 and saw Terminator 2. I really enjoyed it. Also I saw Term 1 on VHS as like a really young kid. The part where he cuts into his wrist sent me behind the couch with my brother and cousin as we couldn't bare to watch it was scary.

Anyway enjoy the preview.

Darcy Lee

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