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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside

Friday, February 20, 2015

Masha and The Bear (Episode 17).

 Masha and The Bear (Episode 17).

This is a Russian Cartoon with 450+ million views. It had me laughing most of the way through even though it's in a foreign language. I'm posting it for those two reasons. LOL.

Darcy Lee

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Ray Kurzweil
Here's an article from Ray Kurzweil director of engineering at Google and futurist about how nanobots will be the key to immortality which could be achieved in as little as 25 years.

I believe immortality is right here right now pretty much. I have experienced the matrix. This will be a huge part in the reality of immortality. They must understand the human body heaps by now.

I guess if God was real he would have intervened in WW1 and 2. The hour for God is getting late.

I have kinda messed up my life by hating on America. It should be covered under freedom but no it's not.

I'm hoping God is my ally and that he has a plan. I love my God. I love my bible and scripture. But i'm not sure if it's real in the absolute face of technology and hatred that exist.

God is perhaps a losing battle unless God himself acts.

Check the article out. I mention myself the matrix as existing in full form right now so immortality can't be to far away. I read they learnt how to lengthen telomeres which is why people age or something they get shorter and shorter with aging.

Time magazine had a picture of a toddler on its cover and stated the baby would live till 142. Wow.

I'm predicting immortality myself.

Darcy Lee

Drop It Like It's Hot by Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell

Drop It Like It's Hot by Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell

A friend also name Darcy introduced me to this song. When D2 was at my house and he bought this song up, I thought the song was silly. However yesterday last night I found myself singing it so I looked it up. I quite like it now and am going to add it to Music.

Drop It Like A Tard. Hope thats not offensive it shouldn't be by now. Tard is a well registered word for meaning. I been singing and now all I hear when Snoop sings is "Drop it like a Tard". LOL. A It's kind of a stretch I know but it somehow sometimes fits.

It's like the when you hear lonely "Starbucks Lovers" instead of "long list of ex-lovers" which is the actual lyric in the new Taylor Swift song Blank Space.

Many words have hidden Easter Eggs in them like 2 in 1 words. I'm pretty sure words are commands for your body as well. And the more advanced the word the better able your body should be able to follow. We lead out bodies around by our tongues as a small rudder on a ship steers a large boat.

I once had the word or command to have like channels streams tracks in my vocals so that I could have a band in the back ground of my spoken words. Like beat box style but enhancing speaking by creating music at the same time. It was a command or word power I had. I experienced it very briefly before it stopped working. I'm sure I Incorporated it into my everyday speech but it never materialized. I did have someone comment that they heard music when I spoke and said it was cool with out me prompting them or even mentioning anything but I hadn't heard it myself the music.

Anyway I'm delusional. Muwahaha. The Govts have attacked me and made me this way. Damn aye. Ray guns r them. I shall have an early death because of the attacks of the Govts. They have been making me unwell and experimenting on me in horrible ways. Nobody is on my side. No body believes. Everyone calls me skits. Well. What do you have to say for yourself. Oneday I pray ye shall know the truth. And the truth shall make ye free.

Darcy Lee

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Posting For An Advertising Market.

I had to post a code for a blog advertising scheme I am going to try out. I am going to delete the code after the post has been confirmed.  This is the post the code was in.

I think the way it works is they write sponsored posts for you. I'm pretty sure that no one will be interested in advertising on my blog. Still i'm going to try.

Darcy Lee


I have deleted the code. The advertising site I tried for is I was only able to set my asking price at a dollar based on the stats of my blog. Also no one will take any notice of this blog because it gets no traffic really.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

NecrotPain. Scriptures For The Day.

I Believe The Govt Damaged My Bones.
I believe the Govt Damaged the bones or whatever my neck is made from with a weapon. A secret weapon that they deploy to go through walls. It can explode your insides. I believe my neck was hit by some sort of ultrasonic or weapon designed to induce pain and do a little damage depending on power settings. Think Microwave and cooking. They cooked me. I went pop. It damaged my bones it was that powerful.

The thing is I took xrays of my neck. I believe the xrays would definitely have shown something. They came back negative.

I still suffer from a type of osteoarthritis in my neck. My bones all grind together.

I believe my pain has been covered up. I must speak up.

I have truly suffered. Beyond reckoning. I believe I have set world records possibly universal records that will never be passed. Never. Even if you try.

My pain was excruciating. I believe alot of my bones in the top half of my body have been hit by this ray gun. It mainly shows in the top half of my neck.

I believe this was covered up. As it was a couple years before I got the xrays and they had dedicated all their resources towards a mental illness. They didn't want to go back. Also it's a form of human experimentation. The pain.

I must speak up. The Pain.

Even if  I am delusional about the cover up.  Well I am not delusional about the pain that I endured. Records have been set. Endurance athlete records. Soldiering Records.

They were playing with my life. The Pain.

We were not designed to endure 1 day of the type of pain that I underwent. The Pain.

It's like having your head chopped off. The vertebrae are smashed and the discs are broken. All you know and feel is pain in your head. But you can't tell were it's coming from.

For all I new the pain was in my brain.

Very real though. It did not lapse this pain. There was no place to rest my head. 24/7 I was under this pain.

So if my neck issue is false the pain still existed I just didn't know what it was. Also well I know I was tortured by Govt and technology. After I had been hit with their ray gun they continued to torture me for a very long time. The Pain.

The only evidence I have of my neck is the current grinding that the bones do. It also feels like bones are out of place in there as there is sometimes a thudding with my pulse.

Whenever I lie down at night to goto bed this for the first 2 min or so this is the best healing time.

I can kinda feel nutrients of at least a type of healing taking place with the flow of blood. The Pain.

It doesn't happen everytime but it's basically like the only time I feel i'm healing.

Narrow is the way. Progression is slow. Why am I still unwell after 16.0 years of being sick.

If I can heal then healing has been set back by new injurys that the Govt has inflicted upon me.

Now they inflicted these injuries because I said "America Sucks" a few times and got a bit antsy with them. I am now deaf totally in my left ear. My right ear is also poor. The Pain.

They spam an electronic high frequency sound at me all day and night. It's very loud. The Pain.

It has made me deaf. So yep the torture stopped briefly from the Govt for a few years after 9/11 but it started again in 2009 when I rejected them and their dumb songs. The Pain.

But still that whole time I was setting records for suffering with my neck. The pain left around 2008. The pain started around February 1999. So that's around 10 years of the most brutal universal record type of suffering you can imagine. I topped it out. The Pain.

Foxes have holes, birds have nests, but I had no place to rest my head.

The word NECROTPAIN is a word I invented and it clocked Google. There were no search engine results for it. So it can be pronounced Necro-T-Pain or Neckrot-Pain.

The T is for bearing your cross or my at least for my interest in Christian stuff. Necro for death. Pain for pain. Deathtpain you could say also. The Pain.

Necrotpain the word that didn't exist and clocked Google.

So just saying i'm now being tortured yet again.

It's not so bad this time. But they possess you and mind control you.

For your worst enemies will be members of your own household.

Enough Said. The Pain.

Acknowledge my record or don't. But it's real.

I also want the truth. Buying Truth. I believe once the truth is available people won't be able to get enough. I'm not so much saying the truth about me. But some freedom bringing, above all else, type of event. The highest truth possible. The Pain.

I would like to burn with the highest truth possible.

Also need love. I seem to be in short supply of both truth and love. Please send supplies.

I can't figure reality out anymore. It's to much a mixture of technology and myself. I've been a slave all my life. They treat their slaves horribly. The Govt. The Pain.

I'll stop talking now.

Thanks for reading if you got this far.

This has been an adventure. I Must Yet Still Speak Up.

Darcy Lee The Pain

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Scooby Doo Show Intro.

Scooby Dooby Doo Musical Intro.

I have memories of this. Used to love Scooby Doo. I once taped a Scooby Doo Movie and must of watched it at least 6 times, Heaps anyways. Laughed everytime. I coveted it. Scooby is Awesome.

Heart Plus Carrie Underwood Alone.

Heart - Alone.

Carrie Underwood - Alone.

I was reading the Carrie Underwood Wiki and it was suggested that this is one of the songs that made it for her. I didn't think much of it until she opened up. Was pretty cool. Can see why she Carrie won American Idol.

I've added the version by the original artist which is up top and by Heart. So adding this to Music 2 as I should get a few plays out of it just for when they really open up.

Darcy Lee

Friday, February 13, 2015

Flight Of The Bumblebee.

Flight Of The Bumblebee.

This is the latest song i'm adding to Music 2. Although I haven't listened to it much I think it should be added for it's technicality and skill and making you go wow how did they write that music piece.

This is also Flight of the Bumblebee but is piano only from the movie Shine about a childhood pianist who has a mental break later in life and then makes a comeback from it. This is the version that I first listened to.

Darcy Lee

More Than Conquerors. Scripture For The Day.

Romans 8:37 More Than Conquerors.
Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

This is the scripture I have been thinking on since last night when I read it. I'm mo
re the person who has been conquered at this stage in my life. The Govts are putting thoughts into my head via their matrix mind control tech.

Nobody believes me of course. But this tech is pretty easily able to conquer anyone. So yep I have been conquered and made a slave of by the Govts.

I am not a "More Than Conqueror". I haven't conquered at all. Not yet. I have my songs. But I have no power for people to believe the truth about how I cameo lyrically in like 20 now famous charting songs by various american and world wide artists. I have no power to get the truth about this out in the open. But you could call this conquering the music scene and by proxy conquering the world.

So you could say I have conquered the world but nobody knows. Can the world be conquered and nobody know?

In this area I have conquered the world. Through music. Everyone in the world would of heard at least one of my songs by now. Honestly there were so many and they spammed radios world wide.

But saying this. It's not really much of an achievement. It only took money. Sure a great deal of money. But I have only conquered the world through spending large amounts of money. It wasn't even my money. Someone else invested or paid for the songs to be created based on my Sept 9/11 phone calls that I made to a talkback radio station.

I guess it could be argued that this is quite an achievement. I had no money of my own. I wasn't famous. I had no high tech or valuable skills at all. Yet I managed a to convince a few people to spend millions of their dollars on me to get the songs created.

So from small beginnings I have come and sprung forth to more than conquer and dominate the music scene from 2001 to about 2008 on a global worldwide massive scale.

The world doesn't expect it or see it coming and it's happened it such away that the world doesn't believe me. Not one person believes me. But I speak the truth.

I Have Been Conquered by The Govts.
I am more than a conqueror. But I have been conquered by the Govts. Perhaps one day Jesus will set me free and hopefully then I will be free indeed.

For now i'm planning on trying to do more conquering by meditating on these words "More Than Conquerors". 

I'm only more than a conqueror in music. Most other areas I fail. I'm perhaps been made a retard by the Govt's. So no coming back from that. Once your brain is damaged it's damaged I believe. Doesn't take much either. Not when they know what they are doing and know how to make you a retard these Govts. 

So yep that's me i'm going to do some more than conquering. I guess Jesus ain't real. I don't stand a chance. Just wish I could break free of the Govt's. Perhaps conquer them. 

So Jesus Bud. Let me conquer these Govt's that persecute me and my freedom in my own home. Let me conquer through truth and love. Let me conquer the small as well as the large things. Let me conquer all things. 

Let the world burn with a righteous fire of Love Joy and Purity.

Let the music that has been created be seen by the world. This should start a fire. 

I hope to be more than a conqueror as seen in the bible.

I shall keep thinking and meditating "more than conquerors".

Darcy Lee

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Psalm 119:92 Unless your law had been my delights. Scripture For The Day.

Psalm 119:92 Unless your law had been my delights, I should then have perished in my affliction.

This could possibly be my situation. Chances be that if I hadn't found the bible then I might not be here. Though saying that the bible caused me a lot of grief. 

Perhaps I can't say if it has saved my life. I'm still alive though. I do seem to be falling away from belief and scripture. The bible needs an end. I can't seem to give it one.

I mean is there a GOD or not. Did Jesus come back from the dead. Answers to these things can change many peoples lives and the way they live. I don't know the answers. These questions are possibly too hard. Nobody in the world knows.

Darcy Lee

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rhythm is a Dancer.

Rhythm is a Dancer.

Saw another video that had this as an instrumental. Took a couple tries looking it up but eventually found the song. Searched my website for this song as well and don't think it's on there yet. Adding to music 2.

Bill Gates.

Bill Gates on Reddit That link will as it says take you to a reddit forum post by Bill Gates. It has people asking him questions and him answering. It's cool to be able to contact someone with so much money. This is the 3rd time he has done this. He did this about a week ago at this post date.

Also this link GatesNotes will take you to Bill Gates personal blog.

Thought I should post these. Bill Gates is very influential. Check them out.

One day if I live long enough I will be influential. If not alive then I will be influential one day even when dead. It's just a matter of time. For now I just hope to become self sustainable. I have definitely left a legacy that will be remembered a long time. Hopefully good comes from it. Not the evil that has so far.

Darcy Lee

House with Lights.

Adding this because I like the first minute of so of music and the display is cool and also i'm pretty sure an old friend of mine did it so bonus. Also adding to Music 2 for the first 1 min 25 secs of song which I though was pretty cool and the rest isn't bad either but it's kind of Christmas styles.

Darcy Lee

I Kissed A Girl and I Liked It. Katy Perry.

I Kissed A Girl and I Liked It - Katy Perry.

Didn't like this I thought but I had never really listened to it. I'm going to add it to Music.

It might be possible also that the line "I kissed a Girl and I Liked It" is from my World Trade Center Calls. It's merely possible. I'm pretty sure I spoke that and this song was released in 2008. But really who cares it was so long ago. Maybe if I had the proof to back myself up with.

At the very least my 1st original phone call should be on You Tube. It would go Viral i'm sure.

Nobody cares. I care. I'm still working.

I imagine probably after i'm dead that my phone call will be declassified. It should be on You Tube right now. Like right now. But nope.

My phone call should generate some actions. I can't wait for it to be posted on YouTube. But it's taking so long.

You hear that. Govts. Post my phone call. Stop making me your slave.

Edit* This is this blogs 500th post yay. Milestone. That's not that much really considering the years i've put into it.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

Couldn't find one that wasn't geared towards kids. But basically I used to do this as a kid at school and I looked it up today. I knew the first part but I had forgotten and eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Baa Baa Black Sheep.

Also sung this one as a kid as well. I was singing this in primary school at Harley Street. Adding both of these to Music 2.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Zippity Do Dah Zippity Day

Zippity Do Dah Zippity Day or Zip A Dee Do Dah Zip A Dee Day

Looked this up after trying to double the words. Can't remember what I doubled them as now but it was enough for me to look up the song.

Check it out for a laugh. This hit song from From Walt Disney's "Song of the South" released in 1946 was "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah", which won the 1947 Academy Award for Best Song and is frequently used as part of Disney's montage themes, and which has become widely used in popular culture

Friday, January 30, 2015

Ain't Nobody Got Time For That.

House burn downs, do an interview create a catch phrase with autotune song that get 50 million hits. I like this song though it's probably not long lasting.

Ain't nobody got time for that.


Apparently this kid is famous now. Apparently this kid is awesome. Apparently he says apparently quite alot. I thought this worth adding none the less. It has 20 million hits.

Real Life Humans With Superpowers.

Both these videos I found quite inspirational. They are Real Life Humans With Superpowers. I liked the vascularity of the marathon runner. His muscles were awesome. I'm going to grow some veins myself now through share will power and sitting on my bum not through hard work at all. Lol. The marathon runner ran 50 marathons in a row I think it said.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How Sadness Can Help. Psychology Post.

Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling Down
Negative emotions do us a great favor—they save us from ourselves. They're signals urging us to change what we're doing— and they're actually necessary for feeling good

That's the caption from a quite long psychology post fround here.

The post basically goes through quite alot of negative emotions and explains how they can help us.

Well I should be king of the world. The world should be a paradise. Soon my precious.

You Tube Repeat Button.

A You Tube repeat button. They exist. I can tell you that. I unfortunately can't find the link for the one that i'm using. It was a google chrome App. It plugged straight in. Now I have a loop button just under the subscribe button. It looks natural.

With this loop button I can crop the beginning or ending of video and loop it infinite times or a set amount. So you can crop the beginning where they might be setting up and also crop the ending where they might have some random credits. It's very cool. Exactly what I needed.

So search in Google for You Tube Repeat Button. Check those out one of the results should meet your needs. Sorry I couldn't link the one i'm using I just wanted to write that a You Tube Repeat button exists and works. Good luck hunting one.

Darcy Lee

Should've Said No Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift - Should've Said No

Like this version as well as the below version. Putting in Music 1 category.

Should've Said No / Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard & Taylor Swift

Like this version the best I think. I now have a repeat button on You Tube that lets you shorten the ending so I skip Pour some sugar on me but that's still not a bad song. I just found myself addicted to Should've said no.  I like the 3:40 or so mark or just before she switchs to the def leppard song the end of should've said no that's awesome in this video. This video a bit more electric.

Scripture For The Day.

The scripture for today is:

Revelation 21:4 and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

And also the similar in style scripture:

Isaiah 25:8 he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people's disgrace from all the earth. The LORD has spoken.

Mansion In Heaven.
So God I have to ask. Will this be gradual or overnight? Is everyone going to live in space? Perhaps you already have mansions made up, these are in heaven. But this means the question where is heaven?.  It's taking a little bit of time as well. I can believe in mansions in heaven.

There is a matrix but it's human tech and not GOD. I have actually tried to trade home improvements and fashions of costumes and armor accessories within the matrix that is they can be only seen if you've got the classified rating.

Like clothes but you have to be using the matrix virtual reality. I believe i'm one of the first on the market. I don't actually have any designs or skills to make designs even with my mind. My mind is poor. But i'm sure being first on the market with the idea is important.

Once the tech is prevalent enough should be good business.

An idea I had today was to set up a site similar to YouTube but make it a solely educational website. Kind of like a video based Wikipedia for education.

The idea is this. There are millions of students going to school each day. If the teachers recorded a lecture or more than one on all the different subjects they teach over a period of a year. They might have like 5 lectures but if lots of teachers all added there work over the year if would equate to a lot of educational videos that students could use to learn how to do different things.

It would be a matter of getting as many teachers involved as possible. They teach every day. Teachers should definitely be adding footage and lots of it. Even if at the moment it's to Youtube. Also getting the students involved in making the video perhaps holds potentials as well.

I'm just saying that TEACHERS of students need to make more as many and heaps hours of footage of themselves teaching and post it in a useful way. Any and all footage should be posted as a teaching legacy. It would be the power of the multitude and mass of teacher if they all joined in in posting videos of their lectures. Instead of You Tube someone could set up an online university where perhaps only registered teachers could post. Power to the teachers and studernts. Creating a mass of videos should be for them. Footage for footage sake footage upon footage posted.

Comfortable and lasting. Better World Transportation.
Also another idea I had is based on experience. Basically there should be a minimum quality of footwear sold in stores. Like a shoe I bought from The Warehouse lasted about ill give it 6 trips into town and back before it had a huge hole worn right in the bottom of the shoe. Now i have a on special $50 dollar pair of shoes that are new balance branded where I have walked twice as many trips and they aren't showing any wear practically. The thing is the New Balance shoes were also millions of times more comfortable to walk in. Like they gave u a spring in your step.

This is like for transportation. If people have decent cheap shoes then they can walk twice as far and still be comfortable. And if they are doing a lot of walking then the shoe should be comfortable and long lasting. Not like The Warehouse shoe which was practically a waste of materials. The comfort level of The Warehouse shoe was very bad for walking.

It's really for people down on the poor end of the scale. People who don't have cars and have to walk everywhere. I guess also cheap peddle bikes can help. The Warehouse sell those as well. Thing is they probably lack quality for the price.

I know that petrol has fallen. But still for the poor people who have to walk it works for them to give them better longer lasting transportation in the terms of a better shoe to wear and eliminate a certain lower standard of shoe.

I guess I have gone off topic for the scripture of the day.

I'm pretty sure i'm immortal. If I die I will be resurrected. I have trouble believing in certain aspects of the bible. The work of god is to believe in the one he sent. I have no way to prove if Jesus was resurrected and came back to life after being crucified horribly to his death. I'm stuck there.

There are so many fallacies in the bible why can't I hold to them and see past. I keep coming back to the bible to be punished. Is there anything more constructive I can do with my time? Some how perhaps i'm a believer. But what draws me to the bible? I want the power of LOVE.

If one could solve whether there was a God or not this would greatly help the world. If you were able to communicate this information in a believable

way. But I bet that's an impossibility. The mystery of GOD will go on my whole entire life however long or short that is.

It is a mystery. There isn't proof. I can't prove that Jesus was resurrected. If I could prove that it would be power. We talked about power in my last post. I'll leave it here for now.

Darcy Lee

What is Love?

What is Love Haddaway.

Adding this to music 2. Looked up what is love and this is the video that they are pushing. There's also a couple of interesting psychological articles about what is love.

That article states that you can't command love.

Not sure if that is totally true.

You can build a fire perhaps. Giving you more than a base level of love. A deeper love. From the excess you spend it on gaining more. A hotter fire.

Love if you have it can't be turned off very much.

Guess i've never been in love. That sucks.

Im concentrating on loving GOD and his son JESUS. But if they don't exist then I am wasting my time utterly. Is it wrong to love Jesus. I can't seem to find any love there really. It's pretty cold hard place trying to get love outta Jesus, enough love to change the world so that there is no more suffering pain tears or death like the scripture says in the bible.

I'm to sick to love really. I find myself getting a little sicker these days again.

To me love is a cure. It's medicine and allows you to preform miracles.

I have yet to see a powerful love like those in the movies where it vanquishes bad guys and demons and defeats all enemies. I dream of this love.

I have idealised love for a long time. I probably haven't loved for along time. Not since I suffered.

I'm finding myself falling away from the bible. I do love everything it says about love. But there is no end to the proofs that are needed such as Jesus being resurrected. It's simply to hard to figure out given the tools I have.

I'm pretty sure i'm delusional in chasing The Holy Bible. I just find the new testament, proverbs psalms and isaiah all very interesting. I mean what if it's real. See I am just this dumb and gullible to fall for it. I like things like defeating evil bad guys and love and righteousness and justice. This is essentially what the bible is about. So this book just agrees with my ideals. It appeals to me. I have a taste for it.

Not sure but believing in the bible it probably only leads to death like every other pursuit on the planet at moment. I like to think if there is anything to be found in the bible I can hopefully find it and be equipped by it.

This is a war on death I am waging. I haven't mentioned it in a while. I would like to live forever. I believe every problem has a solution leading to a paradise awaiting.

I believe we are all eternal now. There will be a resurrection. Nobody actually dies. But some are punished upon resurrection. All our lives will be open before everyone. There will be no secret thing.

I had more ideas but I have forgotten them.

So i guess I can say that being taught of Hollywood I am looking for love through the bible.

I am looking for power. For the kingdom of heaven according to the bible is not a matter of talk but of power. At the moment I have very little power. I am all talk no power.

How do u get power?

God apparently has unlimited power. Love is the power I crave. Because that's the strongest power there is. These also are just more words and talk. I don't know what to do,

We do some strange things when were sick.

So bible if your real i'm waiting on you and God to help me. If your not real then no problem I had fun with you even though you make me very angry for pushing something as truth when in fact it isn't. Bible you confuse so many people. O bible what is your truth.

I shall never see through you to perhaps something better. Bible are you the best there is.

Bible your certainly poor in many areas. You cause much great distress in my life. Why can't I rid myself of you. Not that I want to be rid of you. But I want to know that truth and thus have some peace. I want to be able to present what I have found to others so they can share. At the moment I cant do this as I have nothing.

I want to know the truth.

Now iv'e said enough.

Darcy Lee

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