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A.I. AWT Virtual Reality. 9/11 Extra Terrestrials. Free Speech.
First in Virtual Reality
Now Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging!!!

($746 Dollars earned)

This is a definate Back Corner Back Water Internet Site You Have Found Here.

It's like man save the world and nobody knows.

The powers that be (TPTB) aren't telling you the truth about September 11th 2001. Demand the truth. (Kinda boring).

They are lying. I think I make some sort of accusation that someone had knowledge of the September 911 terrorist attacks before they were going to happen. At least people with technology that has the ability to send text messages directly into your mind. Full motion video even as well. Super secret technology. A weapon. Virtual Reality. Advanced Weapons Technology Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. New Life.

September 11th 2001 is a lie. They are lying.

They are LYING.


(It could happen).

Also Please Give Money - To Me - HeHe. Yeah you could cede some dollars through paypal and your credit card.

My story is a super small story. Who knows if their lying or not. I don't. I'm stupid. But listen. Contribute if you can.

My Story Begins with me Yelling "WAR" Live on Air to a New Zealand Nation Wide Radio Talk Back show during Prime Time 2 days before September 11th 2001 the infamous 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Terrorist attacks.

This site is also about Virtual Reality. A new technology the Government possesses where the picture is in your head, in association with a computer which is Artificially Intelligent.

The government currently possess the technology to link your mind to a computer. They can read your mind while you are in bed, wirelessly, and full motion video text and images can be beamed directly into your mind. It comes up in your head in your eyesight. They also can interact with your dreams.


There are Extra Terrestrials around in the universe. The government would know the most. Just one more thing this blog is about.

FREE SPEECH? Then where is a copy of my phone call? Why are they hiding it? Because it's important. Osama Bin Laden is Dead. The 911 terrorist attacks will fade into the past as they have done already. My phone call will never see the freedom it deserves - with a general internet release. But don't say I didn't try, and facing the government which is a far superior force to me, then I always lose.

All I want is a copy of my phone call. That's all i'm saying. I'm living it. It's painful. Why can't I have a copy. WHY!! A copy of my phone call for general internet release. Thank you for listening if you got this far. As always leave a comment and donate some cash money if you can.

Virtual Reality Inside

Monday, November 22, 2010

Phone Call.

Give Me MY Phone call. What is the Fucking Problem?

Fascist Mind Control Slavery

I'm being tortured. What else can I say. I'm being tortured and no-one believes me. Everyday. For hours. By the government.

It first started 12 years ago when they lobotomized me with some machine while I was quietly living in my house not hurting anyone. Not a fly.

Now there back. They torture me because I supposedly hate America or something. Least I think thats the gist of it. They basically hate me so much they get great pleasure in seeing me suffer as much as humanly possible.

They cripple me financially. They do everything in there power to hurt me and make me suffer. They have me hooked up to a machine 7/24. Fascist Mind Control Slavery.

This is the government. Your government anywhere in the world.

They taunt me with there voices. Like listening to any stereo. And they taunt me with there images. One of the big things they do is scream "NO" at me when I ask for things like my phone call (See link at side 9/11) which is what attracted them this times and when I ask for money they scream "NO". Money is my phone call.

I said America sucks a few times and started hating on the people monitoring me and I end up a tortured slave, this is like 7 years after 9/11 and my phone call. 7 years of begging everyday for a copy of said phone call or some cash. 7 years. Let 7 years be marked and remembered as a fucking long long long fucking long fucking time to have no cash or a copy of my phone call and to be begging everyday for these things.

I want a copy of my phone call you fucking fascists monitoring me. Fuck off with your torture. I want you to goto jail. No one ever should be mind controlled. Fascists.

Give me my phone call. Fuck of with your fascist mind control slavery. Give Me My Phone Call.

If you believe people should be mind controlled tortured by the government do nothing. Read this and do nothing. That's what will happen to so many. Men, women, children, the unborn.

If you think otherwise like people should be free then leave a comment or do something.

If you want my torture to stop then donate some cash to me or time or something only you can think of. I really need a house.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tin Foil Hats.

Tin Foil Hats The jokes a bit old. It hides something though. People will just accept when the technology is finally released.

Everyone will say I knew all along.

I'm a pioneer. I must take the jibes and jaunts of people who haven't seen this technology demonstrated. The unbelievers. I must be locked up and goto Jail.

Hurts I must say. Getting beaten up. For telling the truth. Not one person will come to my defense.

In defense of this technology. The ability to send full motion video text images, practically anything directly into your mind.

I'm a pioneer and trail blazer and prophet. I'm sorry that I have to yell and scream about this technology.

I'm sorry I can't yell loud enough. I'm sorry that I appear as nothing but Schizophrenic. But that's exactly how they condemn me and no-ones going to believe otherwise.

I mean this is important. Really important.

Please remember I TOLD YOU SO I don't care if you don't listen, just remember.


Giving Up Smoking.

I stopped smoking on the 20th of September 2010. This was the fourth time this year that I had tried to give up. The first time time I did 11 days. The second time I did 30 Days. And the third time 32 Days. This time i'm sitting on about 60 days. Also this means that i haven't smoked for 4 months total out of 2010.

60 days is ok. I mean i'm wondering a little right now what a cigarette would be like. But I can so far seem to handle not actually smoking one.

I imagine if I started again it would be ever so hard to stop yet once more and that 60 days would be wasted.

One thing I think about is that things will change. The longer I go without one I think the desire should go away and i'll become less interested. My thoughts about cigarettes will change. It's like counting the days until it's so far that it's real hard to count and counting doesn't matter so much i guess.

I'm always guessing.

Cya Later.

Government Cover Up.

The Government is covering up my phone call. So is the radio station. Someone has a copy.

I demand a copy of my phone call where I yelled war 2 days before September 11th 2001 live on nationwide New Zealand wide talkback radio.

I want a copy now for release to the general public but mostly You Tube.

Something like this phone call would go for a million hits easy.

Like I said the government is covering it up and denying me a copy to release.

They are lying. They are covering up the truth.

If something like this has to be hidden what does it mean for the truth about 9/11.

I demand my phone call be released to the public. Now. Immediately. Without delay.

So the public may review.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Beating A Lie. Darcy Lee

My doctor condemns me. Mainly because I told him of my "Ability" as he called it, to receive text messages, full motion video, and images from what I call a Government controlled technology source.

I must now forcefully against my will be drugged for the rest of my life because of my testimony.

I tell the absolute truth, and I get condemned for it by so called professionals.

They condemn me for telling the truth.

They condemn me for saying what is correct and right.

They condemn me for being honest.

It is a war. Now.

The future is the weapon I choose. There is no death.

If i'm telling the truth which i am and you condemn me for it, I believe the condemnation will eventually end up on the condemner when the truth comes out. They will be utterly destroyed.

So all I need is for the truth to come out. And then some. I need to endure to the end until I am redeemed for standing in the truth and telling the truth. Or do lies trump truth?

Again they condemn me for telling the truth. Telling about a technology that has the ability to send full motion video text images directly into your mind, into your brain.

Surely this one time the truth can outlast and beat a lie.

Couple of Wikipedia Links.

This talks a little about what i'm trying to communicate but not really. I haven't seen much of a simulated universe. Though I presume there is one. I've mostly just seen images and text and full motion video beamed directly into my head. A simulated universe would require a fast A.I computer. There is definately a computer involved. The wiki articles don't mention this technology, this type of Virtual Reality much, but it is currently fully operational.


The Government cover up the existence of this technology by using doctors and psychologists. If you mention this technology to anyone you will be CONDEMNED.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Phone Call.

Phone Call Recording of Where I yelled war on talk back radio 2 days before September 11th 2001 you have to hear the phone call but o that's right you can't Plus You Tube Equals Lots Of Money. Can You read that ok?

I am Being condemned by the government. I'm pretty sure i'm telling the truth. The government want to fight me. All I am asking for is a copy of my phone call and they bash me.

I have this ringing in my ear 24/7. It is not a medical condition. It's is a piece of technology creating the ringing sound. Reading and controlling me or absolutely doing I don't know i'm just speculating. The ringing sound is torture and often comes with alot of hate it's very loud and it never stops and nobody believes me.

The doctors condemn me and don't believe it is a piece of technology with people behind it operating the sound. How Could the govnerment possibly be doing this?

"IS IT LEGAL." That is one of the things that has been said to me.

I don't know. I don't want the ringing sound. It is not my friend it is an enemy. It controls my behavior.

All I am asking for is a copy of my phone call where I yelled war 2 days before September 11th 2001 and the government bash the living shit out of me.

I am being bashed. I am being tortured. I am being humiliated. I am being made depressed and angry and violent. They violate me. They rape me. They criminalize me.

I keep asking them for a copy of my phone call where I yelled war 2 days before Septermber 11th 2001 live on talkback radio but they treat me violently and cut me down. And leave me no one to talk to and no one who believes me.

The doctors call me insane. I say I am telling the truth 100 percent. A christian said it was demons and angels and god.

The government torture me everyday.

They fight me. They like it. It is there passion. I ask them for a copy of my phone call.

Please somebody. I want a copy of my phone call now.

Please Somebody. The government is hurting me.

Please Someone. I want a copy of my phone call.

This is my reply to the bashing I am getting from the government. My reply is give me a copy of my phone call. Cease Your Violence.

Dear Government

Give me a copy of my phone call now. Liars. Terrorists. Murderers. Slavers. Torturers.

Right now.

Give me a copy.

Only the terrorists or the guilty would cover up my phone call.

Give me a copy of my phone call now. Prove your innocence. Or are you going to keep pushing the lies, covering up my phone call is a lie and a crime. Give me a copy of my phone call now. Or stand condemned.

Thank you for your time Government.

Darcy Lee

Monday, October 18, 2010

Guy Starts Huge Dance Party

Guy starts a big dance party on the hill at Sasquatch 2009 during Santogold

Beware The Virtual Reality Technology.

Imagery in your head. Pictures in your mind. I have a ringing in my ear all the time. Beware The ring in your ear.

I Can Finacially Support Myself and Not Have To Work and Be Wealthy. DENIED.

I can financially support myself. I can be financially independent. I can own a house. I have worked very hard for these things. I have earned them. I don't deserve my current conditions. My slavery. The suffering. The humiliation. The torment.

I made a phone call to a talkback radio show two days before September 11th 2001, 2 days before the terrorist attacks in America. In this phone call I yelled war and set up a whole lot of things regarding war. Yes I set up a whole lot of things regarding war and an attack and suffering. All in a phone call. 2 days before the terrorist attacks in 9/11 America. This phone call is purposely being with held from me. I am not being allowed to make money with this phone call.If I had a copy i would STRAIGHT AWAY put a copy on YOU TUBE. This would be enough.

I need a copy of this phone call so I can make some money. And i'm not being allowed to. Please help me make some money. If this phone call was to be posted on YOU TUBE I could make a million dollars. This is all I am interested in is making enough money to live of for the rest of my life. I have earned it.

Your guess is as good as mine as to how long i'm going to live i'm only 32 but i've been pretty unwell so expecting a shorter than average life. I had someone I knew die not so long ago at the age of 34 from heart attack or something. Scary. You could go at anytime. The reason i'm saying is that it's been 9 years since the attacks and i've lived in poverty the whole time. I could of been living in a very nice house with a very nice established income for the last nine years. Again i'm expecting a short life with all the drugs they have been feeding me and the general all round treatment i currently receive. I'm poor very poor. I'm not even begging here. I simply want a copy of my phone call to make some money with. The people who have a copy can be contacted by leaving a message on this website. So here I am. Leaving a message. They simply Ignore WHATEVER I say.

I want my property. And I plan to post this audio sample on You Tube. With me yelling "WAR" and claiming there was going to be one. They know how important it is the people who have a copy.

They know that I can make money with the recording. Anyway everyone hates. If you don't hate me leave a comment.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 11

September 11 was a historic moment in time. Millions of people from all over the world watched as a second plane hit the second tower live on television.

Then the world watched as people jumped to there deaths and then finally the collapse of both the 110 story towers.

I watched it live on television myself. It was pretty much like a movie. Full of action.

Many conspiracies have sprung up regarding the events surrounding that day. Security has been tightened at airports and many anti terrorist agency taskforces have been set up. Billions of dollars have been spent.

None of this has much to do with me. I made this whole entire phonecall live on a New Zealand nationwide talkback radio show where I yelled war and called people to war. This was all 2 days before the terrorists did their thing on September 11th 2001.

New Zealand was ready. I made sure. You have to hear the phone call. I think you would like it. The phone call.

It smashes the terrorists. But for some reason the government won't let me have a copy of the phone call. Anyway this makes me sad and angry. I need to get a copy.

Mostly because i can make some money and get like a million hits on YOU TUBE. Maybe also attract some mainstream media attention. Get a little famous.

I'm pretty sure if I have the choice I don't wouldn't want to be like super famous not that I really have to worry about that. But even a little fame could be challenging.

It's been nine years since the attacks. I'm still not prepared to give up and I will get a copy. It would mean no more needing to ask for money on this website.

That would be great. Having a house with no mortgage. This is what getting a copy of the phone call means. I sincerely believe that a majority of people will be very interested in this phone call. I yelled WAR and called people to action in a very cool way.

Anyway thats all from me. Same stuff again.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Virtual Reality. Extra Terrestrials. Artificial Intelligence.

Virtual Reality. Pictures in your head. New Government Technology. Technology that exists today. The ability to immerse yourself inside a world, inside your head.

Virtual Reality exists today in this form. They are experimenting in this area and have had notable success. Now if you tell anyone about this technology then you are called schizophrenic.

This is how secret the technology is. Things like video recordings computer generated images other peoples thoughts can be sent direct to your mind.

This is the future of entertainment. Of education. Of pornography. Of the internet. Of anything that uses or has need of a screen. A laptop, cellphone, Tv.

It will probably be a long time before the technology to do this is available to the public. And it will be kept secret for a long time. The technology has the ability to govern.

What do you think of this. Leave a comment. Am I just delusional and making this up. I honestly tell you i'm doing my best to tell the truth as I know it.

The technology is definitely very real. There is a school where people train on this technology.

What are some other uses and purposes for this technology giving me the benefit of the doubt and saying it's real that you the reader can think of. It's basically the matrix reloaded.

There is a problem with ram and not having enough but that won't last long as computers get faster and faster. It kept coming up asking for more ram.

Yes i've had experience with the technology. First hand. I don't know how it operates just that it can all be done wirelessly. A picture in your head.

The picture is a little grainy but fine quality. I am just an amateur and have been told as such. I believe my rating is a lot lower than that though.

This is what to expect in the very near future. The ability to send even text messages direct to your mind has existed for over 10 years.

Lapsing into something else, but something someone said makes me wonder if the government has knowledge of Extra Terrestrials and is not telling us. Now me writing about it here is not going to change anything. But what do you think. Leave a comment about this as well.

Extra Terrestrials definitely exist in in the universe. How advanced and how intelligent is another question. How much knowledge the government has about this/them (the extra terrestrials) is also another question. I think they know more than they are telling from some inside information.

We are not alone.

Artificial intelligence ties in with the virtual reality. It has the ability to think. To reply to questions. All with pictures in your head.

I can describe it as dreaming as they have some power over this to. Imagine dreaming. But being awake.

Anyway enough from me.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Link Exchange

Would u be interested in a link exchange with this site? I'm offering a one for one link exchange to your site.

It would help us both potentially. If your interested and have an offer then click the contact link in the right hand column with your deal.

This site doesn't get enough hits to start selling advertising on it, yet. I need to get some backlinks to this page to improve it's page rank so that i'm found in google more.

I've been trying for four years to do this. No success. Complete fail. Anyway send your offers.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Your comments.

What are your comments? What does FREE SPEECH mean?

Virtual Reality.

Virtual Reality is real. The ability to post an image in your head. Directly into your mind. The image can be anything from following a skateboarder to a helicopter to a naked chick. Anything you can see on a computer screen or filmed by a video camera can be shown in your head. Not to mention the worlds of A.I.

The government currently has this technology. I don't know how it works just that it works. Virtual Reality. Coming Soon.

Darcy Lee


Free Speech is important I believe. I wonder what the impact of Artificial Intelligence will be on free speech. A machine that talks to you. I don't exactly know what free speech is.

What rights do I have as a human? I'm trying to imply that I don't have free speech at all. It's just another thing. My phone call has been censored for nine years now. In the phone call I yelled "WAR" 2 days before September 11th 2001 live during prime time on nation wide talk back NZ radio. People would have an interest in this phone call. Even if they didn't I still cry in the name of. Free Speech or what ever gets a copy of my phone call.

What do you do if your speech is being censored by the government? My speech is being censored taken down not allowed to see the light of day. I don't have free speech.

There are other rights I don't have as well. I have no privacy. What should I do? I want free speech. I want to post my phone call on You Tube. I want free speech. If I don't have free speech then you don't either.

They are censoring my voice. They are denying me free speech and there is no one.


Government who has a copy of my phone call please give me a copy now in accordance with my right to free speech. Please stop censoring my rights and my ability to post material on You Tube.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Keeping Me Poor.

Nearly 9 years since September 11th 2001. I have tried quite hard to get a copy of my phone call and am still trying. I made a phone call where I yelled "WAR" two days before September 11th 2001 live on air on New Zealand wide Talkback radio. The whole phone conversation was about WAR and a call to arms.

I'm guessing but one of the reasons the phone call is being withheld from me is because it will be popular. I plan to post a copy on You Tube as soon as possible. Someone somewhere has a copy and they are denying me access. If I must persist in obtaining access then I am.

The phone conversation is the beginning of a conspiracy. Involving TECHNOLOGY and PEOPLE. This is the second reason that I'm not allowed a copy.

The third reason is that the people that have my phone call. Hate me.

There's probably a 5th and 6th reason and fourth. The New Zealand Government has the power to give me a copy and they ignore me.

Another reason could be the media involvement in the case. They don't want lots of attention. I don't want attention either. I do want to spend some money on a brand new house. I don't have any money but if I had a copy of my phone call this could change. Maybe they are trying to keep me poor out of enjoyment and narcissism. It seems obvious that it's more than just a side effect of withholding a copy of my phone conversation.

There are many things to think about. From the response on this website it seems that there is little interest in my phone conversation. I do believe that even should this phone conversation not be popular and of interest that it deserves a spot on the internet, on you tube, on this webpage. It rightly should have it's place. People are preventing free speech by not allowing this phone call that I have created to be viewed by the general public around the world.

I really must bring up something which I believe is and that is called free speech. People are not allowing me to speak. They are denying me my voice. My personal freedoms are being encroached upon. There is noone to stand up for me. This phone call must be available for public use.

If my human rights can be taken from me don't believe yours are safe.

There is noone to defend you. When they take your voice away. Free speech or whatever you want to call it the ability to say something and not be censored or lied or have altered.

I don't know much about free speech but i believe it should count as I want to say something. I want my phone call to be heard no matter how small the audience through internet exposure or whatever media transference. I want my phone call to be available on YOU TUBE. Free Speech.

Thank You For Your Time

Darcy Lee

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Headset That Reads Your Mind

They are way ahead of this they can read your mind from a distance.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leave a Comment. Ways You Can Help Websites.

So maybe your poor and can't actually donate any money to this website. In 4 years I haven't had one rich person land on this blog. I haven't gotten one donation. Not one rich person. Lol.

Well if your poor you could maybe leave a comment. Write about I don't know. Write about being poor.

I get spammed in the comments system, people leaving lots of links to porn sites and others, where this blog is hosted need to fix this.

Anyway I don't actually know how to convince you to leave a comment but if your the talkative type then that would help.

You could apply this to any website. Leave a comment. If your contributing your helping a website along. You Tube gets millions of comments. Heaps of hate and fighting though.

Another way you can help websites is by clicking links on there page. A website makes dollars from you clicking ads. Feel free to click some ads on some of your favourite pages. By doing this you are donating cold hard cash to the website owner. You can donate money.

That's a couple of ways you can help websites if your poor and can't donate any money through your credit card using the PayPal link like on this page hint.

Ways You Can Help Websites:

1. Leave a comment.
2. Donate with your credit card.
3. Click an ad on the page.

Someone Giving Away There Money To Everyone.

I searched for the term "Giving away money" in google while looking to donate 50 cents to someone and discovered the site

From the site:

I am rich. Filthy stinking rich. I have a beachfront home in Malibu, an apartment in New York and a country estate in England. I travel first class and dine in the finest restaurants. I appear to have everything but in reality I’m miserable. My life is shallow, empty, soulless, and lonely. I’ll explain more over the coming weeks but all you need to know for now is that I’m giving away my fortune. I can’t stand it anymore, its got to go. All you have to do is tell me how much you want and what you're going to do with it. I can’t guarantee I’ll give money to everyone, but if I think you deserve a share then I’ll help wherever I can.

Thats all from the website. So basically you can write Barry with your story and he might give you some money. I tried posting on the website and it said spam detected post deleted. So emailing him is probably the way to go. His address is

Check out the website. There is a lot of competition so I doubt many people will see much money. You'd have to have a pretty good story.

Darcy Lee

Friday, August 20, 2010

How Google Adsense Works. Donate a Click.

After having no donations in nearly 5 years with a presence on the net it's quite disheartening. I still don't get many hits, though what happened a couple of days ago was pretty amazing. I got 55 unique visitors to my pet rock shop in about 12 hours. I just actually bought a domain for it to. On average the pet rock site gets more hits per day than Just for the search term Pet Rocks For Sale. It cost $20.19 NZ Dollars using my visa debit card. (You really should get a visa debit card if you want to spend money on the internet.) It's cool. I have 3 domains now.

So i'm thinking that because I haven't got one donation that google adsense might be the way forward. Google adsense are the ads that you see decorating this page. For every ad someone clicks I might earn 1 cent to 50 cents. Thats pretty much how they work. You click an ad and I get some money. Traffic makes them work. At the moment i've only earnt $20 US from them in 4 years but thats doing better than the donations i've gotton. So with that logic google ads are definately the way forward.

Unfortunately you don't get paid out until $100 US dollars is reached. Your not allowed to say click me about the ads or anything like that and i'm trying not to. Thoughs here is a thing for all websites maybe if you don't want to donate or are at least to poor then you should click an ad on there website cause you now know that it will make them money. This applies to any website and any brand of ads. Your pretty much guaranteed that by clicking an ad on any website that you will be making that website money.

So with your new knowledge if you feel upto it click some ads on your favourite website you will be donating to their cause. I'm not saying click ads on this website that would get me in trouble but your best website or new or unique websites remember to earn them some money sometimes. If your poor this is a good way to donate to people who you feel worthy. Remember you do have the power to donate even with out money. Donate a click.

Monday, August 16, 2010


So what to write about. I'm not getting many hits still. No one reads what I say. I would like to make some money by what I write here. I'm not sure how.

I want to sell my autograph for like $100 US but no one would be interested. I'm not working and find I sometimes feel motivated to write here but usually have nothing to talk about that I haven't said already. There are a couple of reasons why my autograph might go up in value especially if it's limited edition and before everyone knows your famous.

The first reason is that I single handidly defeated, well not defeated but at least harrassed Osama Bin Laden and his terrorists by ringing a NZ talk back radio show and yelling war 2 days before September 11th 2001. I am working on getting a copy of the call but thing are progressing slowly. I have to wait. I am very angry about this and believe this totally unfair in all regards.

Well the second reason my autograph could go up in value is the reward I asked for yelling war 2 days before 9/11. I asked that famous musicians make songs out of things I said in further phone calls to the radio. The whole chorus to Without Me by Eminem (I asked for Eminem by name) is me speaking over air live on talkback radio. Also The whole chorus to Numb By Linkin Park. Again I said the chorus word for word over air talkback radio many months or even years before the song was released. Also In The Middle by Suga Babes. Me Again.

So I have a mental illness? I remember what I said. Word for Word. And I remember asking. And I remember exactly what I said. What I said now appears in these 3 songs. What more can I say. Are you saying I didn't ring the talkback station. Or are you saying that I said something different. I know what I said. I know what I asked for.

This is why I will be famous. So you have the opportunity to purchase my autograph before the truth comes out and I really become famous and no longer need money.

I'm a sad story yes I know. Here's me almost begging by selling my autograph. Which is worth nothing in my current place. Anyway if you want to make a donation to me click the paypal button and use your credit or eftpos debit card. $0.50 cents I think should be the minimum and I get $0.18 cents actual profit as paypal take $0.32 cents. Though if you gave me $0.60 cents they still take only $0.32 cents. I'm not sure how much they take for larger amounts.

I feel this post has been pretty silly. I didn't know what else to write about. It's because no one believes me. It makes me unwell when people don't believe me. This being said the recordings I made were pretty terrible and it's a miracle that songs were made. Though they have turned out ok, the songs.

I'm really keen on some money. If none believes me then it's really there loss. Though it's mine too as I stay poor. I haven't found one person who believes me yet. Another song. Bleed it Out by Linkin Park. Thats me again. I did that. On radio.

Enough said. There's other songs. Please donate to me. Any donation over $100 US Dollars gets a free autograph.

While i'm still poor and noone believes. Put your money towards me and say you believe. Invest in me. Stand for the truth.

I wrote to the lawyers and they asked that I list all the bands I was associated with so they didn't have a conflict of interest. The only thing is after that they want money. Perhaps you could fund me a lawyer to really discover the truth. I bet.

Sorry for boring you noone ever believes me and calls me all sorts of horrible names so I hate mentioning it now, its evil. Thank you for listening.

Darcy Lee

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